Has Anyone Ever Found A Successful Room to Rent Online?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by malloryor on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 and has 35 replies.
So I've been trying to find a roommate on various sites like Roomster and Roommates.com and even craiglist and it seems like there are nothing but bots on these websites...that or people that arent serious about finding a roommate.

I'm wondering has anyone has success with these sites? Anyone know of any good RELIABLE sites to visit? Most of my friends are living at home rent free, so unfortunately I cant go snag a place with some friends.
Posted by seraph
Everyone loves a successful room. Successful rooms work twice as hard as other rooms. They're dedicated and have an excellent work ethic.

Not what I'm really talking about. I am talking about actual credible sites that can help you find roommates and housing in a big city. NOT how to be a good roommate.
Posted by seraph
Posted by malloryor
Posted by seraph
Everyone loves a successful room. Successful rooms work twice as hard as other rooms. They're dedicated and have an excellent work ethic.

Not what I'm really talking about. I am talking about actual credible sites that can help you find roommates and housing in a big city. NOT how to be a good roommate.

Successful rooms often have good roommates. It's one of the 7 Habits of Highly Successful Rooms.

I know a lot of rooms, and the happiest ones have good roommates.
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You dont get me, but thanks.
Posted by starlover
Posted by malloryor
Posted by seraph
Everyone loves a successful room. Successful rooms work twice as hard as other rooms. They're dedicated and have an excellent work ethic.

Not what I'm really talking about. I am talking about actual credible sites that can help you find roommates and housing in a big city. NOT how to be a good roommate.

I understand what you mean

Are you in the States?
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I am in the states, I need to change my location hahaha smile but yes, I am and by a major city and everyone I contact either never responds or a bot automation responds and it ends up being some agent looking for a clever way to find their next sale. Sigh.

I have 2 weeks and although I am confident God will sort it all out, its still a bit nerve wracking and I'm trying my best to be proactive on this search.
Sure did. 5 years later, still here
Posted by littlemegabytes
You should be able to tell within a few minutes if something is "off" or if you won't vibe together. If everything seems fine, still search public records and make sure they aren't a felon or somethin. Even doing a background check before moving in with them would be wise.

No, I dont mean roommates. I mean I'm having trouble finding actual credible listings. Craigslist, roomster, roommates and all the sites in between have a lot of fake profiles and spam. So I will contact someone about their post about how they are renting out a room, just for them ALL to send me the same generic, cookie cutter, automated reply.
Posted by DMV
Sure did. 5 years later, still here

What website did you use? I am in DC and so I assume you are too by your username?
Posted by blessyou
ive rented plenty of rooms on cragislist. the ones over 1K are the nicest though.

Yeah, recent college grad, non engineering...im not ready for 1k just yet lmao
Posted by starlover
Is this any help?


Thanks Starlover, I havent heard of half of these so maybe this will offer me something promising. I mean, I know this is possible, I hear about people moving out and finding roommates all the time, but like another poster said, I am discovering sites like roomster are fake, craigslist is just a big ol pot of "you never know what you're gonna get."
Posted by littlemegabytes
Posted by blessyou
Posted by littlemegabytes
Roomster is fake, I am pretty sure. They send me lots of spam. Years ago, I have had good luck with roommates using Craigslist. However, I also live in a college town where a huge percentage of the rentals/furniture/etc that is being advertised on there is by college students, so I think it is generally pretty safe. Just a bunch of kids trying to live/sell their stuff. I have heard horror stories and about it being really creepy in other places sometimes though. I am still friendly with the girls I roomed with, they were pretty cool.

If something looks appealing to you, go meet up with them WITH a friend accompanying you and check out the house/apartment and ask them any questions or concerns you might have.

roomster is fake. facts. i tried it and it's weird how these fake sites are so well known smh

Yea, I remember getting some weird emails about "We found you a match!" years later and I do not even remember signing up for roomster. I tried to click on it, and it tried to force me to pay for some kind of service in order to view my roommate matches lol. Like what kind of website is gonna charge to find a roommate? Seemed sketch.
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Yeah I paid for the 3 day trial because roomster connects you to the users facebook pages and unlocks sms text messaging. It was just $ 5 bucks so I'm not too hurt about it but I won't be extending it any further than that because like I said either you get no replies or you get automated replies all telling you to sign up for roomster (even though that's how I found them to begin with).
Posted by K_1018
I found a few on Craigslist when I was in school. I suggest posting your own ad. In that ad, you should put what you're looking to spend, whether you want utilities included in that price, where you want to be located and a little bit about yourself and situation. I did that and had no problems.

Yeah I was debating on whether I wanted to do that or not because I figured I would get a lot of creepers emailing me but that may be the way to go...I would imagine people interested in finding an actual roommate will probably go here first for craigslist.
Posted by seraph
Posted by malloryor
Posted by seraph
Posted by malloryor
Posted by seraph
Everyone loves a successful room. Successful rooms work twice as hard as other rooms. They're dedicated and have an excellent work ethic.

Not what I'm really talking about. I am talking about actual credible sites that can help you find roommates and housing in a big city. NOT how to be a good roommate.

Successful rooms often have good roommates. It's one of the 7 Habits of Highly Successful Rooms.

I know a lot of rooms, and the happiest ones have good roommates.

You dont get me, but thanks.

Happily, I got you successfully. But sadly, what I didn't get was an adverb, despite waiting for one eagerly. Really and truly.
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You're concerned with grammar but missed the basis of the question?

You then write "Successful rooms work twice as hard as other rooms," when a room is inanimate, a location, and therefore unable to act upon the verb "work."

I didn't wake up for your smug attitude, take it somewhere else.
Posted by K_1018
Posted by malloryor
Posted by K_1018
I found a few on Craigslist when I was in school. I suggest posting your own ad. In that ad, you should put what you're looking to spend, whether you want utilities included in that price, where you want to be located and a little bit about yourself and situation. I did that and had no problems.

Yeah I was debating on whether I wanted to do that or not because I figured I would get a lot of creepers emailing me but that may be the way to go...I would imagine people interested in finding an actual roommate will probably go here first for craigslist.

Definitely! I mean I got a few creepy emails from guys like, " I sleep on the couch naked, hope you don't mind", but those are the ones you ignore. lol it's way easier than searching and responding to ads and not knowing if the room is still available or if it's a scam. You can just be straight forward about what you can afford and if people like what you have to say, they'll respond.
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Ewww, that's so pathetic. I don't understand how anyone can think that is acceptable or an attractive thing to say to someone. Anyway, thank you so much, this was really useful advice. I mean, it is definitely worth a shot! smile
Posted by seraph
Posted by malloryor
You're concerned with grammar but missed the basis of the question?

I saw it, but it wasn't much fun. I can't love all bases (or basisisises.) Winking

Posted by malloryor

You then write "Successful rooms work twice as hard as other rooms," when a room is inanimate, a location, and therefore unable to act upon the verb "work."

User Submitted Image
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I'm glad I could make you feel good about yourself
@seraph basis is a prinicipal, an idea. Bases is plural but last time I checked I asked one question, with one meaning. But please carry on with your false sense of superiority, it's clear you need an online forum to gain what little emotional security you have.
Posted by malloryor
Posted by K_1018
I found a few on Craigslist when I was in school. I suggest posting your own ad. In that ad, you should put what you're looking to spend, whether you want utilities included in that price, where you want to be located and a little bit about yourself and situation. I did that and had no problems.

Yeah I was debating on whether I wanted to do that or not because I figured I would get a lot of creepers emailing me but that may be the way to go...I would imagine people interested in finding an actual roommate will probably go here first for craigslist.
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I'd use Craigslist. And if needed, go old school and print out a flyer and post it at a community college

I'd use Craigslist and make them call me.

I'm about to do the same thing.

Ive been lurking this thread so hard. If you do find anything please let others know.and good luck
Posted by Mohini
Posted by malloryor
Posted by K_1018
I found a few on Craigslist when I was in school. I suggest posting your own ad. In that ad, you should put what you're looking to spend, whether you want utilities included in that price, where you want to be located and a little bit about yourself and situation. I did that and had no problems.

Yeah I was debating on whether I wanted to do that or not because I figured I would get a lot of creepers emailing me but that may be the way to go...I would imagine people interested in finding an actual roommate will probably go here first for craigslist.

I'd use Craigslist. And if needed, go old school and print out a flyer and post it at a community college

I'd use Craigslist and make them call me.

I'm about to do the same thing.

Ive been lurking this thread so hard. If you do find anything please let others know.and good luck

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Oh please PM me if you find any good sites and I will do the same for you. I think I have a few things up my sleeve thanks to a few replies on here and my friend found a place in nyc in 2 weeks time! He has a load of info. I will post back when the dust settles haha.
Posted by malloryor
Posted by Mohini
Posted by malloryor
Posted by K_1018
I found a few on Craigslist when I was in school. I suggest posting your own ad. In that ad, you should put what you're looking to spend, whether you want utilities included in that price, where you want to be located and a little bit about yourself and situation. I did that and had no problems.

Yeah I was debating on whether I wanted to do that or not because I figured I would get a lot of creepers emailing me but that may be the way to go...I would imagine people interested in finding an actual roommate will probably go here first for craigslist.

I'd use Craigslist. And if needed, go old school and print out a flyer and post it at a community college

I'd use Craigslist and make them call me.

I'm about to do the same thing.

Ive been lurking this thread so hard. If you do find anything please let others know.and good luck

Oh please PM me if you find any good sites and I will do the same for you. I think I have a few things up my sleeve thanks to a few replies on here and my friend found a place in nyc in 2 weeks time! He has a load of info. I will post back when the dust settles haha.
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Sound like a big move!!! Ahh! Congrats! I will do so. Im a sticker for Craigslist because they email and you can call them, I get s feeling off their voice and talking.

Be careful! And have fun
Posted by seraph
Posted by malloryor
@seraph basis is a prinicipal, an idea. Bases is plural but last time I checked I asked one question, with one meaning. But please carry on with your false sense of superiority, it's clear you need an online forum to gain what little emotional security you have.

For your enlightenment and edification:


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Craigslist. But you have to be mindful of the fakes, freaks and fishers.

maybe that site will give you some leads.
Posted by malloryor
Posted by DMV
Sure did. 5 years later, still here

What website did you use? I am in DC and so I assume you are too by your username?
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I lived Right around DC for a loooong time. I used to use CL but recently found success with Zillow. I also did that for a living so I know what to look out for but the best thing to do is try to call the roommate/landlord ASAP and get a feel for it.
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by malloryor
Posted by DMV
Sure did. 5 years later, still here

What website did you use? I am in DC and so I assume you are too by your username?

I lived Right around DC for a loooong time. I used to use CL but recently found success with Zillow. I also did that for a living so I know what to look out for but the best thing to do is try to call the roommate/landlord ASAP and get a feel for it.
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Oh yeah, forgot about Zillow & Trulia!
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by malloryor
Posted by DMV
Sure did. 5 years later, still here

What website did you use? I am in DC and so I assume you are too by your username?

I lived Right around DC for a loooong time. I used to use CL but recently found success with Zillow. I also did that for a living so I know what to look out for but the best thing to do is try to call the roommate/landlord ASAP and get a feel for it.
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Wait, Zillow offers listings for ROOMS? I thought it was just a site for finding apartments or homes. I'm not ready for either on my own just yet (though I wish).
Posted by justagirl

maybe that site will give you some leads.

I'll try it thanks smile
Posted by gengbenghiskhan
yep. be sure to interview them well though. The one time I was careless about screening, I ended up with a schizophrenic shut-in who wanted to stab me to death with a butter knife for allegedly eating her onion dip (umm...gross).

That's terrifying *eek*

I had someone on cl just offer me free housing in exhange for sex. They were blocked with a swiftness.
Posted by malloryor
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by malloryor
Posted by DMV
Sure did. 5 years later, still here

What website did you use? I am in DC and so I assume you are too by your username?

I lived Right around DC for a loooong time. I used to use CL but recently found success with Zillow. I also did that for a living so I know what to look out for but the best thing to do is try to call the roommate/landlord ASAP and get a feel for it.

Wait, Zillow offers listings for ROOMS? I thought it was just a site for finding apartments or homes. I'm not ready for either on my own just yet (though I wish).
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Yes, I rented a room in a townhouse and shared the house with 2 others. There may be an option for room rentals or roommates I can't rember🤔
Posted by malloryor
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by malloryor
Posted by DMV
Sure did. 5 years later, still here

What website did you use? I am in DC and so I assume you are too by your username?

I lived Right around DC for a loooong time. I used to use CL but recently found success with Zillow. I also did that for a living so I know what to look out for but the best thing to do is try to call the roommate/landlord ASAP and get a feel for it.

Wait, Zillow offers listings for ROOMS? I thought it was just a site for finding apartments or homes. I'm not ready for either on my own just yet (though I wish).
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Yes, I rented a room in a townhouse and shared the house with 2 others. There may be an option for room rentals or roommates I can't remberðŸ˜'

So I found two great places to rent, wondering if you all can give me some advice on which one I should go with. (And no I don't know either's sign)

Place #1 Mom and Daughter: Not in the nicest area but not the worst area, not by the greatest of shopping centers.

Rent is X50.XX
All utilities included, except washer and dryer, which I would have to go to the laudromat down the street. Parking is on a side street.

Both mom and daughter seem super sweet. They hugged me after we had a nice hour and a half conversation, they were just so super nice and sweet. I felt a really kind vibe from them and the daughter is close to my age so I feel like we could potentially develop a friendship.

Place #2 Single Mom, 2 kids

Rent is: $ 50 less than Place #2

All utilities included, including washer and dryer

The home is a 3 level townhome, and I would have the entire basement to myself. My own bathroom. And the home is in a very nice and safe neighborhood. There's a golf course in the neighborhood, tennis courts and a country club with a beautiful lake with walking trails. The lady seems nice but she is very quiet and not as friendly and outgoing as the other place. But I gather that is because she is an introvert.

So what do you all think?

Posted by starlover
Posted by malloryor

So I found two great places to rent, wondering if you all can give me some advice on which one I should go with. (And no I don't know either's sign)

Place #1 Mom and Daughter: Not in the nicest area but not the worst area, not by the greatest of shopping centers.

Rent is X50.XX
All utilities included, except washer and dryer, which I would have to go to the laudromat down the street. Parking is on a side street.

Both mom and daughter seem super sweet. They hugged me after we had a nice hour and a half conversation, they were just so super nice and sweet. I felt a really kind vibe from them and the daughter is close to my age so I feel like we could potentially develop a friendship.

Place #2 Single Mom, 2 kids

Rent is: $ 50 less than Place #2

All utilities included, including washer and dryer

The home is a 3 level townhome, and I would have the entire basement to myself. My own bathroom. And the home is in a very nice and safe neighborhood. There's a golf course in the neighborhood, tennis courts and a country club with a beautiful lake with walking trails. The lady seems nice but she is very quiet and not as friendly and outgoing as the other place. But I gather that is because she is an introvert.

So what do you all think?

Great to hear you have found these

Which does your gut tell you is best?

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Thanks. I'm having a hard time hearing it. My initial gut tells me to go with the Mother and Daughter but this underlying thought keeps popping up that says "be careful because they can team up against you," and the funny thing is that this thought popped into my head as a subtle thought when I had only spoken with the mother on the phone.

The second place, I only feel bias because it saves me $ 50 bucks and is in a super nice neighborhood.
@Starlover but idk if that is moreso my fear speaking because I am leery of stepping into a situation where I am one and they are two. Does that make sense?
Posted by starlover
Posted by malloryor
@Starlover but idk if that is moreso my fear speaking because I am leery of stepping into a situation where I am one and they are two. Does that make sense?

Yes it does

Look for a third and ask the others to give you some time?
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Unfortunately my lease is up at the end of the week and in 2 weeks, after 40 or so leads only 2 replied that were credible. I ended up choosing the one with the cheaper rent in the better neighborhood. Broke my heart to have to tell the other ladies no because I think we could of gotten along great.
Posted by starlover
Posted by malloryor
Posted by starlover
Posted by malloryor
@Starlover but idk if that is moreso my fear speaking because I am leery of stepping into a situation where I am one and they are two. Does that make sense?

Yes it does

Look for a third and ask the others to give you some time?

Unfortunately my lease is up at the end of the week and in 2 weeks, after 40 or so leads only 2 replied that were credible. I ended up choosing the one with the cheaper rent in the better neighborhood. Broke my heart to have to tell the other ladies no because I think we could of gotten along great.

How long do you have to stay there?

You may be okay there smile
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My current place until Sunday but I am moving into my new place Saturday and it will be month to month.
Posted by starlover
The second option...yeah? I just read through...sounds lovely...whole basement to yourself and good area to live in

Maybe you could babysit the children sometimes and earn some extra cash

Let us know how you get on

Yes that's what I thought. Logistically it is better because it is in a safe, super swanky neighborhood, I could go running on the walking trails or do some yoga by the lake. It's by shopping centers so I can definitely pick up a waitress gig somewhere. I just feel sad, I just left my meeting at work and both my supervisors think I will be staying on for the full year but I can no longer work on this intern salary. So that is another post I am sure you will see on here lol but until then, I feel blessed despite the stress. And will just go in faith that all will be okay. Thanks for all the comforting words and I will keep you posted. smile