Horrible Parents Face Backlash

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by LillyPetal on Monday, May 1, 2017 and has 37 replies.
Has anyone heard of the YouTuber, DaddyOFive?

So, apparently there was a YouTube channel where a father and mother of five film their children as the parents "prank" them. I'm unclear on whether or not the man is the biological father of all five, but the woman is a step-mother to two of the children - two red-heads, who seem to be subject to the brunt of the "pranks."

Now, it's obvious to me that these adults aren't fit to be parents. They are subjecting their children to emotional, mental, and physical abuse for the sake of views and money. It's downright evil. I'm not sure how long the channel has been active, but DaddyOFive (as the man calls himself) and his wife, MommyOFive, have recently faced major media backlash in light of a video they uploaded where they sprayed invisible ink on the carpet and then proceeded to flip out and curse at the terrified children, accusing them of doing. Only after the prolonged torment, they reveal to the sobbing children that they've been pranked.

It's utterly sickening. The "parents" went on Insider and issued an "apology" and denied the children were being abused. They even went as far as to say that it was all "scripted." You judge for yourself. Does it look like those children are acting?

The videos are dark and hard to watch because they are using proper abuse tactics against the children. They subject them to emotional manipulation, gaslighting, abuse, threats, physical harm...one of the frequent victims, the 8 year-old Cody, is clearly disliked by his step-mother who refers to him as "crazy Ginger snap" - ridiculing the red hair he no doubt got from his mother (the ex of that woman's husband.) Cody has been reported to have been diagnosed with ODD and, in one of the videos, his school wrote his parents saying Cody has been engaging in self-harm. He has also engaged in fecal smearing which is a symptom of PTSD and psychological abuse.

Apparently, they live in Maryland where Child Protective Services is a joke (per the comments of the people who live there.) Watching what those children are subjected to - it's the stuff of nightmare. There is a gofundme that is raising money as the biological mother fights to gain custody of Cody and Emma (Cody's biological sister who is also red-headed and targeted with "pranks.") On numerous occasions, the little girl is seen sobbing and screaming about how she wants "to go home." In one video, the father was accused by critics trying to prove his abuse of editing out the little girl's cries that she wished to kill herself. People all over YouTube are sending the videos to CPS in Maryland, demanding that they act.

The police say that they no longer have access to the incriminsting videos because the original account, DaddyOFive, has either deleted them of made them private. So, viewers have taken to uploading what they were able to download before the "parents" took them down.

Here is the "apology" video:

There are several videos of viewers exposing the parents to being liars. Here is a video that shows the father teaming up with the eldest, his sadist-in-training, and tormenting an 8 year old child:

It's time those children are removed from that abusive household!
Posted by GetMisted
It's so sick and evil. How are they pranks?! It's incredible that they aren't facing legal charges. Why is it that the police don't just demand they release all video footage to them? I think other YouTubers are doing a good job of keeping the story alive, so why not just watch the reuploads?

In this video, a popular YouTuber, Philip DeFranco reveals an aspect to the situation where there are allegations of the father has a history of being controlling of his ex wives and abusing their children, and illegally took Cody and Emma from their mother.

The two of the parents come off as sociopathic.

Posted by Dastardly
This is so disturbing. I don't even know what to say.
The fact that the parents never show empathy as the children cry and scream in pain is very telling. Never an ounce of concern or empathy - he literally eggs them on

Apparently, "corporal punishment" is allowed in Maryland, so CPS might not take this evidence as incriminating.

Thing is, if it's indeed "faked," then why did DaddyOFive remove the videos?
A good explanation of what is going on without graphic images:

sociopaths should not be allowed to be parents of children


the young boy often looked like he was about to emotionally exploded. he needs to be removed from this disturbingly sick household ASAP
Posted by Dastardly

Good News:


Emma and Cody are free!!!! I am crying for them!!

Posted by xXxQueenliciaXxX
I've been subscribed to Phillip DeFranco for over ten years now so I saw this story before it really blew up on YouTube. It sickens me to my core how poorly they treat their children, especially the young boy.

I don't get how CPS investigated before and found nothing wrong. You can clearly see he's being abused both physically and mentally. It's so fucked up.
It really is. That child consistently had bruises on his arms. Disgusting excuses for human beings!!! He lost custody of Emma and Cody, and those two children are safe from their evil b itch, stepmother! JUSTICE!
Posted by iCloud9
the young boy often looked like he was about to emotionally exploded. he needs to be removed from this disturbingly sick household ASAP
I feel stress just watching what he's been through, I can't imagine how he and she, at 8 and 11 years old, feel not being safe in their own home.

All of that awareness on YouTube and online has helped - the biological mother currently has custody of Emma and Cody!!!!! They have been removed from the household!!!
Posted by LillyPetal

This chick is annoying as fuck though. She sounds like she has some of her own personal issues, just from hearing the tones and how borderline crazy she gets talking about this.
I much prefer watching videos like this vs the rabid bitch host who feels she has to commentate the whole video clip she's talking about.

Vile people

Not prone to violence but could quite happily punch their lights right out

Poor kids

Posted by MyStarsShine
Vile people

Not prone to violence but could quite happily punch their lights right out

Poor kids

I think that's not violence so much as a need for

justice... I'm with you on that.
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by MyStarsShine
Vile people

Not prone to violence but could quite happily punch their lights right out

Poor kids

I think that's not violence so much as a need for

justice... I'm with you on that.
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Please feel free to join in Monty

I have put my neck on the line more than once speaking out for children.....Christ knows they need support. A few years back i saw a man driving with a little girl, around 3yrs standing up in the car...face almost touching the windscreen. I flagged him down and asked him did he realize if he had to brake suddenly what would happen to the girl. He just grunted at me and looked very angry. I asked him *will you please put the seat belt on her*. He did, but i wonder whether he bothered after that


People say *we have no right to judge anyone*. Feck that, if there are children being treated badly, i will judge you. I will judge the woman i saw who left her baby and 2year old in a car on a hot day whilst she spent too much time in the supermarket. I waited for her and gave her a piece of my mind...stupid ignorant idiot. I will go after anyone that neglects their kids

I will judge people who get pissed and stoned around their children when they are meant to be looking after them and may need in an emergency have to take them to hospital whilst not sober, therefore putting their lives in danger because of their own irresponsibility

If i saw someone beating their child, i would intervene, every single time

Don't have children if you can't be an adult

*rant over*
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
Why weren't the other 3 kids removed? Surely these people shouldn't be parenting anyone.
Apparently, the evil wench of a stepmother is the biological mother of the other three. (Yes, so the "father" was allowing three children that weren't his ABSOLUTELY TORMENT his own children!) It's utterly SICK how that woman clearly poisoned that bastard, Mike, against his own children.

The ex of that witch is in the process of trying to gain custody of the three boy who are his sons.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Vile people

Not prone to violence but could quite happily punch their lights right out

Poor kids

I'll be right beside you. I HOPE to God they are locked up. So many inmates are against child-abusers because they were abused themselves. That narcissistic sicko will learn what it feels to be terrified and tormented and never able to rest, psychologically, for constant fear of what was going to happen to him. ?
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by LillyPetal

This chick is annoying as fuck though. She sounds like she has some of her own personal issues, just from hearing the tones and how borderline crazy she gets talking about this.
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Maybe she was also mistreated?

Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by LillyPetal

This chick is annoying as fuck though. She sounds like she has some of her own personal issues, just from hearing the tones and how borderline crazy she gets talking about this.
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Meh, it's a matter of style . She does have issues, and she'll be the first to admit it. She is a childhood abuse survivor and she has a chronic illness. She has been one of the dedicated YouTubers who joined forces with the others and kept this story alive. This story and fighting against child abuse is something she is passionate about. It's the format of her videos and I think she did an excellent job with it with the actual abuse footage (there are too many people who don't recognize what exactly what is wrong with what was going on.) She highlighted the psychological abuse tactics, too, which I think is important. These videos (I don't know about hers in particular) served as an important in eventually getting those two children, Emma and Cody, OUT of that hell hole.

Too many FANS (can you believe it, FANS!) of those abusive, negligent "parents" were even starting smear campaigns on YouTube to discredit the abuse claims. But she has remained steadfast against that - and I respect that.

I would be rabid, too, if I had been following this case for as closely and as long as she has because it's utterly maddening. But, yeah, YouTube is ripe with videos for varying style s and tastes, and the variety is (in most cases) good because it allows for a disagreement on style s.

PSA: There is still a gofundme account for Emma and Cody as the custody battle isn't over, but only just starting. They are calling it an "Emergency Custody," and that's not permanent.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by MyStarsShine
Vile people

Not prone to violence but could quite happily punch their lights right out

Poor kids

I think that's not violence so much as a need for

justice... I'm with you on that.
Please feel free to join in Monty

I have put my neck on the line more than once speaking out for children.....Christ knows they need support. A few years back i saw a man driving with a little girl, around 3yrs standing up in the car...face almost touching the windscreen. I flagged him down and asked him did he realize if he had to brake suddenly what would happen to the girl. He just grunted at me and looked very angry. I asked him *will you please put the seat belt on her*. He did, but i wonder whether he bothered after that


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I HATE IT when people behave as though children are property, and when they are called on their abusive and negligent BS, they act as though they have a right to mistreat their children. F u ck Maryland and their law on "corporal punishment." You absolutely did the right thing! It is our responsibility to protect children and to speak up when something isn't right!

That school FAILED that child COMPLETELY! There were instances where Cody refused to pack up because he didn't want to go home. The school just called his abusive father to complain about it. There needs to be more training on how to identify signs of abuse and what to do about it!!!!

Posted by MyStarsShine
People say *we have no right to judge anyone*. Feck that, if there are children being treated badly, i will judge you. I will judge the woman i saw who left her baby and 2year old in a car on a hot day whilst she spent too much time in the supermarket. I waited for her and gave her a piece of my mind...stupid ignorant idiot. I will go after anyone that neglects their kids

I will judge people who get pissed and stoned around their children when they are meant to be looking after them and may need in an emergency have to take them to hospital whilst not sober, therefore putting their lives in danger because of their own irresponsibility

If i saw someone beating their child, i would intervene, every single time

Don't have children if you can't be an adult

*rant over*

Isn't there a law now where you have the legal right to smash a car window if a child or animal is locked inside?
Posted by Dastardly
Posted by rockyroadicecream
I much prefer watching videos like this vs the rabid bitch host who feels she has to commentate the whole video clip she's talking about.

At 1:05 "I don't know who the fuck that nigga Cody is"


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And they also had approximately 760,000 subscribers, not just 700,000. Personally, I see this report as from someone who just jumped on the bandwagon to report on a topic that was popular (as opposed to being their from the beginning and following it closely.)
Posted by LillyPetal
Posted by MyStarsShine
Vile people

Not prone to violence but could quite happily punch their lights right out

Poor kids

I'll be right beside you. I HOPE to God they are locked up. So many inmates are against child-abusers because they were abused themselves. That narcissistic sicko will learn what it feels to be terrified and tormented and never able to rest, psychologically, for constant fear of what was going to happen to him. ?
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Amen to that Lilly

You will be a wonderful (((mum)))

Posted by Nevermore
I'm really glad that the two children are taken away and send it to their biological, I'm more hoping of other kids to return their father.

Those "parents" should NEVER have children or animals in their life! >Sad Fucking disgusting pigs who doesn't deserve it at all. >Sad
Amen to that Nevermore

It makes me fume how anyone is allowed to have a child. The red tape one has to go through to get a mortgage, a loan, a job etc and yet no means testing for parenthood. People are (in some cultures) more prepared for marriage than being parents

Crazy stuff

Posted by Nevermore
Posted by LillyPetal
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by LillyPetal

This chick is annoying as fuck though. She sounds like she has some of her own personal issues, just from hearing the tones and how borderline crazy she gets talking about this.
Meh, it's a matter of style . She does have issues, and she'll be the first to admit it. She is a childhood abuse survivor and she has a chronic illness. She has been one of the dedicated YouTubers who joined forces with the others and kept this story alive. This story and fighting against child abuse is something she is passionate about. It's the format of her videos and I think she did an excellent job with it with the actual abuse footage (there are too many people who don't recognize what exactly what is wrong with what was going on.) She highlighted the psychological abuse tactics, too, which I think is important. These videos (I don't know about hers in particular) served as an important in eventually getting those two children, Emma and Cody, OUT of that hell hole.

Too many FANS (can you believe it, FANS!) of those abusive, negligent "parents" were even starting smear campaigns on YouTube to discredit the abuse claims. But she has remained steadfast against that - and I respect that.

I would be rabid, too, if I had been following this case for as closely and as long as she has because it's utterly maddening. But, yeah, YouTube is ripe with videos for varying style s and tastes, and the variety is (in most cases) good because it allows for a disagreement on style s.

PSA: There is still a gofundme account for Emma and Cody as the custody battle isn't over, but only just starting. They are calling it an "Emergency Custody," and that's not permanent.
Those "fans" are the children around 10 - 14 years old who "supported" these.
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What do you mean? Are you saying the fan base is between the age groups of 10 - 14 year-olds?
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
Posted by LillyPetal
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
Why weren't the other 3 kids removed? Surely these people shouldn't be parenting anyone.
Apparently, the evil wench of a stepmother is the biological mother of the other three. (Yes, so the "father" was allowing three children that weren't his ABSOLUTELY TORMENT his own children!) It's utterly SICK how that woman clearly poisoned that bastard, Mike, against his own children.

The ex of that witch is in the process of trying to gain custody of the three boy who are his sons.

Her kids are gonna bear the brunt now the other two are gone. People like the parents need a target.

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Here's to hoping the biological father gets custody, and they can start a YouTube channel of themselves behind bars. ?

Posted by Nevermore
Posted by LillyPetal
Posted by Nevermore
Posted by LillyPetal
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by LillyPetal

This chick is annoying as fuck though. She sounds like she has some of her own personal issues, just from hearing the tones and how borderline crazy she gets talking about this.
Meh, it's a matter of style . She does have issues, and she'll be the first to admit it. She is a childhood abuse survivor and she has a chronic illness. She has been one of the dedicated YouTubers who joined forces with the others and kept this story alive. This story and fighting against child abuse is something she is passionate about. It's the format of her videos and I think she did an excellent job with it with the actual abuse footage (there are too many people who don't recognize what exactly what is wrong with what was going on.) She highlighted the psychological abuse tactics, too, which I think is important. These videos (I don't know about hers in particular) served as an important in eventually getting those two children, Emma and Cody, OUT of that hell hole.

Too many FANS (can you believe it, FANS!) of those abusive, negligent "parents" were even starting smear campaigns on YouTube to discredit the abuse claims. But she has remained steadfast against that - and I respect that.

I would be rabid, too, if I had been following this case for as closely and as long as she has because it's utterly maddening. But, yeah, YouTube is ripe with videos for varying style s and tastes, and the variety is (in most cases) good because it allows for a disagreement on style s.

PSA: There is still a gofundme account for Emma and Cody as the custody battle isn't over, but only just starting. They are calling it an "Emergency Custody," and that's not permanent.
Those "fans" are the children around 10 - 14 years old who "supported" these.
What do you mean? Are you saying the fan base is between the age groups of 10 - 14 year-olds?
I've been reading it somewhere (mainly on Reddit) that it got to know that those age group of fans that are "supporting it"..It's more scary to know that those kids are watching it and supported (that will learned to abuse others for their entertaining as well). Reminds me of that Onision with those group of teens "supporting" this sociopath.
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It would be interesting to know the demographic of their fans with a detailed statistic. There was a video where the "father" was opening fan mail, and the letters mostly did seem to come from adult fans, one guy even making him a POP! figurine of himself - talking about how Emma (the little girl) is "awesome."

I don't know where Reddit got its source, but I wouldn't be surprised if most fans of that damned channel turned out to be sexual perverts, but it's popular to blame the situation on the younger generation.

But, yes, the parents of the children watching need to have a serious sitting down and the parents need to STEP UP and explain just how wrong those videos are.
Posted by LillyPetal
Posted by iCloud9
the young boy often looked like he was about to emotionally exploded. he needs to be removed from this disturbingly sick household ASAP
I feel stress just watching what he's been through, I can't imagine how he and she, at 8 and 11 years old, feel not being safe in their own home.

All of that awareness on YouTube and online has helped - the biological mother currently has custody of Emma and Cody!!!!! They have been removed from the household!!!
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thx for the update. very glad to hear that coby and emma are now with their biological mother. not sure whether those 2 sociopaths are simply low IQ dumb or just too full of themselves feeling invincilbe that they didn't anticipate such a day coming with those incriminating videos on youtube. probably both lol
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by LillyPetal

This chick is annoying as fuck though. She sounds like she has some of her own personal issues, just from hearing the tones and how borderline crazy she gets talking about this.

Maybe she was also mistreated?

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That's the vibe I'm getting from her reactions to all this. I get being upset, but she's a little too crazy about it for "normal" upset.
Posted by LillyPetal
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by LillyPetal

This chick is annoying as fuck though. She sounds like she has some of her own personal issues, just from hearing the tones and how borderline crazy she gets talking about this.
Meh, it's a matter of style . She does have issues, and she'll be the first to admit it. She is a childhood abuse survivor and she has a chronic illness. She has been one of the dedicated YouTubers who joined forces with the others and kept this story alive. This story and fighting against child abuse is something she is passionate about. It's the format of her videos and I think she did an excellent job with it with the actual abuse footage (there are too many people who don't recognize what exactly what is wrong with what was going on.) She highlighted the psychological abuse tactics, too, which I think is important. These videos (I don't know about hers in particular) served as an important in eventually getting those two children, Emma and Cody, OUT of that hell hole.

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You silly bleeding heart child, DeFranco is also a child of abuse and he was the first to report it and he didn't sound as insane as this chick did. Props to her for helping getting attention to this situation, but she's getting off on this a little too much, tbh.

If her style is targeting the concept of "nails on a chalkboard" when she won't shut the hell up through the entire video, then she's hit the nail on the head.

Posted by iCloud9
Posted by LillyPetal
Posted by iCloud9
the young boy often looked like he was about to emotionally exploded. he needs to be removed from this disturbingly sick household ASAP
I feel stress just watching what he's been through, I can't imagine how he and she, at 8 and 11 years old, feel not being safe in their own home.

All of that awareness on YouTube and online has helped - the biological mother currently has custody of Emma and Cody!!!!! They have been removed from the household!!!
thx for the update. very glad to hear that coby and emma are now with their biological mother. not sure whether those 2 sociopaths are simply low IQ dumb or just too full of themselves feeling invincilbe that they didn't anticipate such a day coming with those incriminating videos on youtube. probably both lol
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...Coby? Really? Do you even read, bro?
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by iCloud9
Posted by LillyPetal
Posted by iCloud9
the young boy often looked like he was about to emotionally exploded. he needs to be removed from this disturbingly sick household ASAP
I feel stress just watching what he's been through, I can't imagine how he and she, at 8 and 11 years old, feel not being safe in their own home.

All of that awareness on YouTube and online has helped - the biological mother currently has custody of Emma and Cody!!!!! They have been removed from the household!!!
thx for the update. very glad to hear that coby and emma are now with their biological mother. not sure whether those 2 sociopaths are simply low IQ dumb or just too full of themselves feeling invincilbe that they didn't anticipate such a day coming with those incriminating videos on youtube. probably both lol
...Coby? Really? Do you even read, bro?
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i only had a few mins to read what's in front of me and post. accuracy is for my job not for dxp lol

Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by LillyPetal
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by LillyPetal

This chick is annoying as fuck though. She sounds like she has some of her own personal issues, just from hearing the tones and how borderline crazy she gets talking about this.
Meh, it's a matter of style . She does have issues, and she'll be the first to admit it. She is a childhood abuse survivor and she has a chronic illness. She has been one of the dedicated YouTubers who joined forces with the others and kept this story alive. This story and fighting against child abuse is something she is passionate about. It's the format of her videos and I think she did an excellent job with it with the actual abuse footage (there are too many people who don't recognize what exactly what is wrong with what was going on.) She highlighted the psychological abuse tactics, too, which I think is important. These videos (I don't know about hers in particular) served as an important in eventually getting those two children, Emma and Cody, OUT of that hell hole.

You silly bleeding heart child, DeFranco is also a child of abuse and he was the first to report it and he didn't sound as insane as this chick did. Props to her for helping getting attention to this situation, but she's getting off on this a little too much, tbh.

If her style is targeting the concept of "nails on a chalkboard" when she won't shut the hell up through the entire video, then she's hit the nail on the head.

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People are different. DeFranco has his personality and she has hers. I'm not into deciding what the standard is and then expecting everyone to fit that mold. I much prefer trying to understand people for how they appear/are. It's her style , and if you don't like it, the beauty is that there are other channels. It's really not a big deal. *shrug*
Posted by LovingSeraphina
Why is this all being done ON YOUTUBE..why not just go to the police and let them do it? It seems like this is actually getting the parents MORE views etc.
The internet is a powerful thing. It began on that platform, so it makes sense for it to finish there. The police weren't helpful at the start (citing corporal punishment laws in Maryland), but as the online community continued to fight, change happened.