Posted by seraphMy saviour, thank you x
Let it be, but quit giving it attention.
It isn't real. It has no substantial reality. Show me your "anxiety." You can't. If I look inside you, I won't find it.
Look at where it comes from. What will you find? Nothing. It's a blank. All of the meaning it has, is assigned to it by you and nothing external to you.
If it comes from your mind and feelings, then it is under your own power, and it will dissipate. It can't own you, by virtue of its nature (unreality.) Mind and feelings aren't stable by nature. Step back from them for a moment and just accept that right now you're only *having* anxiety. It is not what you *are*. In a while it will no longer be there.
Just let it be for now. Accept it and don't run from it. You'll see it dissipate. And once it does, you'll see how transitory it is. It can come – everything can come and express itself through you. But nothing much can actually stay.
Posted by HelyeAqua Sun Leo Moon
You a cancer?
Posted by seraphdamn. you should be a hypnotherapist.
Let it be, but quit giving it attention.
It isn't real. It has no substantial reality. Show me your "anxiety." You can't. If I look inside you, I won't find it.
Look at where it comes from. What will you find? Nothing. It's a blank. All of the meaning it has, is assigned to it by you and nothing external to you.
If it comes from your mind and feelings, then it is under your own power, and it will dissipate. It can't own you, by virtue of its nature (unreality.) Mind and feelings aren't stable by nature. Step back from them for a moment and just accept that right now you're only *having* anxiety. It is not what you *are*. In a while it will no longer be there.
Just let it be for now. Accept it and don't run from it. You'll see it dissipate. And once it does, you'll see how transitory it is. It can come – everything can come and express itself through you. But nothing much can actually stay.
Posted by fugu2Right!!!Posted by seraphdamn. you should be a hypnotherapist.
Let it be, but quit giving it attention.
It isn't real. It has no substantial reality. Show me your "anxiety." You can't. If I look inside you, I won't find it.
Look at where it comes from. What will you find? Nothing. It's a blank. All of the meaning it has, is assigned to it by you and nothing external to you.
If it comes from your mind and feelings, then it is under your own power, and it will dissipate. It can't own you, by virtue of its nature (unreality.) Mind and feelings aren't stable by nature. Step back from them for a moment and just accept that right now you're only *having* anxiety. It is not what you *are*. In a while it will no longer be there.
Just let it be for now. Accept it and don't run from it. You'll see it dissipate. And once it does, you'll see how transitory it is. It can come – everything can come and express itself through you. But nothing much can actually to expand
Posted by ImpulsvI think anxiety is more of a weird stomach feeling but it does start with your heart feeling like it dropped into your stomach and then you have an awful indescribable sensation, did you stumble across something that upset you?
Is this anxiety
I've felt my heart drop like I'm not getting it pumped n chest hurt
Like I'm
I've had it twice n drove to hospital but as soon as I got there it calmed down so drove back home
Posted by bumboklattI do I go through phases so I'll go months and months smoking it nearly everyday then not at all. I'm in the phase where I don't and only smoked once somewhere in March this year, so I've only smoked once this year! I hate pills
@apogeelunar do you smoke weed?
whatever you do dont take pills or drink alcohol whatever anyone says DONT do it
Posted by SassyKiwiThis is what helped me when anxiety had no reason or cause.
I used to have bad general anxiety but it turned out I had too much oxygen in me that caused me to feel more suffocated. I just breathe out longer than I breathe in. It helps get back to balance. Basically:
1. Breathe in for 6 seconds
2. Hold it
3. Breathe out for 8 seconds
4. Hold it
5. Repeat as necessary until your calm as the everglades
Get that fucking carbon dioxide out of your system
Posted by SassyKiwithank you, ill be sure to use this next time i feel uneasy for no reason x
I used to have bad general anxiety but it turned out I had too much oxygen in me that caused me to feel more suffocated. I just breathe out longer than I breathe in. It helps get back to balance. Basically:
1. Breathe in for 6 seconds
2. Hold it
3. Breathe out for 8 seconds
4. Hold it
5. Repeat as necessary until your calm as the everglades
Get that fucking carbon dioxide out of your system
Posted by bumboklattIm going to america soon and Im going to smoke lots Im so nervous/excited I feel like it's going to feel how a high feels when you first smoke weed INTENSE I cant wait.Posted by apogeelunarPosted by bumboklattI do I go through phases so I'll go months and months smoking it nearly everyday then not at all. I'm in the phase where I don't and only smoked once somewhere in March this year, so I've only smoked once this year! I hate pills
@apogeelunar do you smoke weed?
whatever you do dont take pills or drink alcohol whatever anyone says DONT do itI took too many pills once and I'm traumatised by the throwing up/sickly experience so refuse to do pills... My body literally rejects alcohol it's insane I will throw up from a little taste of it but I've been drunk/tipsy like 4x and it's the only times I've ever had alcohol. I'm actually such a good girl oh my god!
yeah dont stress thats pretty good you have reactions to the drugs
Weed is good but once it stops becoming effective then its no use
You just need a good friend and to be active.
What is it that makes you anxious the most?click to expand
Posted by seraphOnly person who have no idea what anxiety is can write such a bull!
Let it be, but quit giving it attention.
It isn't real. It has no substantial reality. Show me your "anxiety." You can't. If I look inside you, I won't find it.
Look at where it comes from. What will you find? Nothing. It's a blank. All of the meaning it has, is assigned to it by you and nothing external to you.
If it comes from your mind and feelings, then it is under your own power, and it will dissipate. It can't own you, by virtue of its nature (unreality.) Mind and feelings aren't stable by nature. Step back from them for a moment and just accept that right now you're only *having* anxiety. It is not what you *are*. In a while it will no longer be there.
Just let it be for now. Accept it and don't run from it. You'll see it dissipate. And once it does, you'll see how transitory it is. It can come – everything can come and express itself through you. But nothing much can actually stay.
Posted by Impulsv
Is this anxiety
I've felt my heart drop like I'm not getting it pumped n chest hurt
Like I'm
I've had it twice n drove to hospital but as soon as I got there it calmed down so drove back home
Posted by seraphYes there is valerian root and st.john wart and Bach rescue. However it isn't going to treat anxiety that makes OP ask for help. Those remedies calming and good. However simple nervousness is not an anxiety. If it can be treated with those remedies is great!Posted by GemitatiIf it's clinical they can see a doctor for it.Posted by seraphOnly person who have no idea what anxiety is can write such a bull!
Let it be, but quit giving it attention.
It isn't real. It has no substantial reality. Show me your "anxiety." You can't. If I look inside you, I won't find it.
Look at where it comes from. What will you find? Nothing. It's a blank. All of the meaning it has, is assigned to it by you and nothing external to you.
If it comes from your mind and feelings, then it is under your own power, and it will dissipate. It can't own you, by virtue of its nature (unreality.) Mind and feelings aren't stable by nature. Step back from them for a moment and just accept that right now you're only *having* anxiety. It is not what you *are*. In a while it will no longer be there.
Just let it be for now. Accept it and don't run from it. You'll see it dissipate. And once it does, you'll see how transitory it is. It can come – everything can come and express itself through you. But nothing much can actually stay.
Have you ever had one? I don't think so...
They asked for a potential remedy that didn't include medication (or anything medically adjunct to it.)
To wit:Posted by apogeelunarIf the issue isn't something clinical or completely debilitating, then inquiring into the nature of "anxiety" – as a transitory experience (which is what it is, as are all mental and emotional formations of that nature) – can pay dividends. Moreover, a sustained inquiry into it (that is, when it's not happening) can be even more beneficial.
I feel extremely uneasy for really no reason at all and was wondering if anyone has any techniques they can share to make that feeling disappear. I have lots of emails to write and send but can hardly think straight feeling this uneasy. Any suggestions?
Perhaps suggestions that doesn't advice me to take any meds, I don't like pills.
The suggestion that was asked for might not be for everyone, but they got what they asked for in the OP. The rest is up to to expand
Posted by seraphNever heard of those. thanks will tryPosted by GemitatiIf you're looking to actually take something herbal and gentle for it in addition to the self-inquiry, then those will help, along with, say, Gotu Kola and Bacopa.
Yes there is valerian root and st.john wart and Bach rescue. However it isn't going to treat anxiety that makes OP ask for help. Those remedies calming and good. However simple nervousness is not an anxiety. If it can be treated with those remedies is great!
As for actual results, only you (and the OP) can determine that for to expand