Posted by LetltB
I KNOW when my son has a test/essay coming up without him telling me, I KNOW when he's had a tiff with his girlfriend before he tells me, I KNOW his body language with upcoming perfromances he's preparing for...I could go on. How did these parents not know SOMETHING was off????
Posted by TMV
My first question was, why didn't anyone stop him? How the hell did he get away with pulling off a slice n' dice on twenty different people?
It's one kid with a knife. Where were the football players to dive tackle his ass or something.
Posted by Damnata
See, I used to think of it like that. My Dad knows me inside out too..but there's an increasing number of parents who are out of touch with their kids. It's even worse with the younger generation because they spend most of the time in front of a computer so you cannot pick up on their body language anymore..they all look like in a state of trance.
Posted by TMV
My first question was, why didn't anyone stop him? How the hell did he get away with pulling off a slice n' dice on twenty different people?
It's one kid with a knife. Where were the football players to dive tackle his ass or something.
Posted by P-Angel
I thought about that too, initially ... but, then I read where this happened before the bell rang in the morning ..... and we all know that it's a clusterfuck of people rushing their lockers all at the same second.
In the hall, where all the lockers are .... it could easily happen, because there would be so many people right next to him.
I believe it's half social media, in where people cannot FEEL the true presence of others, and the other half is how people can't handle being told their wrong and will spout "don't judge me" ....
Pretty much, that ^^^^^ spells oblivion to real life
Posted by P-Angel
I thought about that too, initially ... but, then I read where this happened before the bell rang in the morning ..... and we all know that it's a clusterfuck of people rushing their lockers all at the same second.
In the hall, where all the lockers are .... it could easily happen, because there would be so many people right next to him.
I believe it's half social media, in where people cannot FEEL the true presence of others, and the other half is how people can't handle being told their wrong and will spout "don't judge me" ....
Pretty much, that ^^^^^ spells oblivion to real life
Posted by aquapiscescusp
children??s desensitization to violence is rampant :: this should be factored in
Posted by geminicandIe
Yeah, who knows what kind of creepy environment is inside, behind the curtains?
That Newton School shooter was a "good kid" too, from good family.
Posted by LetltBPosted by aquapiscescusp
children??s desensitization to violence is rampant :: this should be factored in
It's a shame parents don't take the time to teach the difference. ESPECIALLY since the experts have been pointing that fact out for over a decade regarding video games and the digital to expand
Posted by P-AngelPosted by LetltBPosted by aquapiscescusp
children??s desensitization to violence is rampant :: this should be factored in
It's a shame parents don't take the time to teach the difference. ESPECIALLY since the experts have been pointing that fact out for over a decade regarding video games and the digital world...
... and movies.
click to expand
Posted by DonAmanMaratPosted by LetltB
This is an update to the Pennsylvania high school stabbings. In another article this kid's parents reaction was total shock. I'm not buying that..
It is easy to speak from high horse when you have NO idea what goes on in their household....
As a parent you can give your child a happy home, provide em training in music and sports. You have the ability to choose where you wanna make a living and where your child will got to school (hopefully IT IS a good enough school to support their academic performance)
As for making em into good people? Parents CAN NOT do this....A child behaviour at home differs from how they behave at school. Child can be an ANGEL at home (without the swearing, stealing and violence) but could be a TOTAL devil at school. Sadly all too parents go by what see at home and hardly dig deeper to find out what going on OUTSIDE home in this economy its getting tougher with both parents working 2 jobs and kids coming home to a to expand
Posted by P-Angel
Oh look who's here
Posted by GetMistedPosted by P-Angel
" ... Hribal is remorseful but didn't appear to appreciate the gravity of his actions."
I pulled that from an article I was reading.
Something is making people walk around like zombies, and not realizing their actions.
maybe believing fb is real life
That's what scares me about some users on dxp.
But yes, I agree. The world is becoming to virtual, or to expand
Posted by DonAmanMaratPosted by LetltB
This is an update to the Pennsylvania high school stabbings. In another article this kid's parents reaction was total shock. I'm not buying that..
It is easy to speak from high horse when you have NO idea what goes on in their household....
As a parent you can give your child a happy home, provide em training in music and sports. You have the ability to choose where you wanna make a living and where your child will got to school (hopefully IT IS a good enough school to support their academic performance)
As for making em into good people? Parents CAN NOT do this....A child behaviour at home differs from how they behave at school. Child can be an ANGEL at home (without the swearing, stealing and violence) but could be a TOTAL devil at school. Sadly all too parents go by what see at home and hardly dig deeper to find out what going on OUTSIDE home in this economy its getting tougher with both parents working 2 jobs and kids coming home to a to expand
Posted by DonAmanMaratMy question is what PROVOKES these clowns in the first place...if its "BULLYING" is it not easy for school to detect a walking disaster waiting to happen?
Posted by aquapiscescusp
If a parent is in tune with their child, they will know what is going on at school --also. A child's behavior at home does not differ that drastically if they have a stable environment. Plus, there is teacher/school feedback?
A nanny? LOL yeah ok
Posted by GetMistedPosted by LetltBPosted by aquapiscescusp
children??s desensitization to violence is rampant :: this should be factored in
It's a shame parents don't take the time to teach the difference. ESPECIALLY since the experts have been pointing that fact out for over a decade regarding video games and the digital world...
My parents never point it out. I have yet to go on a killing to expand
Posted by LetltBPosted by aquapiscescusp
If a parent is in tune with their child, they will know what is going on at school --also. A child's behavior at home does not differ that drastically if they have a stable environment. Plus, there is teacher/school feedback?
A nanny? LOL yeah ok
Absolutely correct. I'm gonna have to climb back onto that high horse to say, from day one I have been in complete touch with all of my kid's teachers either in person, phone or many times by e-mail.
They hold nothing back from the parents and actually LOVE that parents are concerned enough to communicate with them...(climbs back off nelly)click to expand
Posted by GetMistedPosted by aquapiscescuspPosted by GetMistedPosted by LetltBPosted by aquapiscescusp
children??s desensitization to violence is rampant :: this should be factored in
It's a shame parents don't take the time to teach the difference. ESPECIALLY since the experts have been pointing that fact out for over a decade regarding video games and the digital world...
My parents never point it out. I have yet to go on a killing rampage.
yet, being the operative word
What are you trying to say?click to expand
Posted by GetMistedPosted by aquapiscescuspPosted by GetMistedPosted by aquapiscescuspPosted by GetMistedPosted by LetltBPosted by aquapiscescusp
children??s desensitization to violence is rampant :: this should be factored in
It's a shame parents don't take the time to teach the difference. ESPECIALLY since the experts have been pointing that fact out for over a decade regarding video games and the digital world...
My parents never point it out. I have yet to go on a killing rampage.
yet, being the operative word
What are you trying to say?
Stuck in traffic again?click to expand
Posted by Scenic
I didn't read anything but the first post to this but maybe I can contribute a little. The area this occurred is close to where I live. There's a guy in one of my classes who's father is the chief of police for Murrysville. He said his father told him the kid was being bullied. Bullying is a common issue among young people and sure, parents can usually see some signs that their kid might be bullied. However, parents can do very little to stop bullying and most parents probably don't even try to do much. So, sure, the parents could probably tell something was off, but they would probably think he's going through some tough times rather than he's going to stab a bunch of people.
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