If the headline "DXP User outed as serial killer" appeared...

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by _Dazed on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 and has 34 replies.
Which user would you expect it to be about?
Posted by Alameda

Is there something that you need to tell us, Dazed?
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Posted by Skeleton

Did you copied from Reddit? Tongue
Posted by TheRabbit

Nelson gonna be mixing motor oil into some paint so it doesn't dry, brushing it on handrailings near steps outside, then hiding in the bushes near the water fountains so when women get paint on their hands and go to try and wash it off, he can jump the fuck out and chloroform them so he can turn them into Hentai cosplay slaves.
Chloroform really isn't the best option to subdue your prey. It actually takes a while for it to work.
I would say @Neno2, but I honestly think he is harmless. Besides, you can't stare people into dying.
Posted by _Dazed

Which user would you expect it to be about?
Posted by Black-Mamba
Posted by nikkistar

I would say @Neno2, but I honestly think he is harmless. Besides, you can't stare people into dying.

But you can bore them to death
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I have Ted Bundies birthday- Let me LIVE!

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Posted by TheRabbit
Posted by Phantom_Dangus
Posted by TheRabbit

Nelson gonna be mixing motor oil into some paint so it doesn't dry, brushing it on handrailings near steps outside, then hiding in the bushes near the water fountains so when women get paint on their hands and go to try and wash it off, he can jump the fuck out and chloroform them so he can turn them into Hentai cosplay slaves.

Do _you_ have something you want to tell us?

I probably shouldn't let my moon talk?

IDK my dogs got a hold of a squirrel this morning and I was too late getting out there to break it up, so I had to watch the poor little thing die in front of me, which made me sad. So I'm in a little bit of a dark place right now ☹
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sorry and day`m - squirrels are usually pretty quick

Posted by TheRabbit
Posted by tctaap
Posted by TheRabbit
Posted by Phantom_Dangus
Posted by TheRabbit

Nelson gonna be mixing motor oil into some paint so it doesn't dry, brushing it on handrailings near steps outside, then hiding in the bushes near the water fountains so when women get paint on their hands and go to try and wash it off, he can jump the fuck out and chloroform them so he can turn them into Hentai cosplay slaves.

Do _you_ have something you want to tell us?

I probably shouldn't let my moon talk?

IDK my dogs got a hold of a squirrel this morning and I was too late getting out there to break it up, so I had to watch the poor little thing die in front of me, which made me sad. So I'm in a little bit of a dark place right now ☹

sorry and day`m - squirrels are usually pretty quick

Well, the tree rats can't climb the vinyl privacy fence, and there's only one way in or out via one small gap under the fence. The dogs acted like a team and cut it off and cornered it.

It really was a suicide mission on the squirrels part, though. It wasn't worth the measly bird seed in the feeders. If I knew it was that hungry I would have put some sunflower seeds outside the fenced area for it.
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the squirrel was most likely not that hungry - remember their goal is to store for the winter and will take every chance to find and store and birdseed is gold - it will happen again so you might want to find a permanent solution

That guy always going on about incels

I’m pretty sure he’s already a rapist/serial killer

No joke.
Posted by dilettante
Posted by Black-Mamba


I never seen a more creepy guy

lmao ya & why is he all of the sudden creeping on @lostinmymind11 ?
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I stuck up for him when he was being bullied. There's nothing wrong with him. People just don't understand him due to the way he speaks...he's from the Netherlands I do believe...there's not necessarily a language barrier but more a writing/typing barrier. He's harmless.
Posted by Black-Mamba

Who can you see as a woman serial killer?

I can SEE Limm doing some WEIRD shit if she gets with a weirdo man especially

Virgos are weirdos

Yeah because I'm the extremely lonely, depressed, race obsessed, doesn't realize her personality is complete shit and that's why no one will ever want her one. If anyone would be a serial killer...it definitely be you...ten fold! You have some serious deep seated fucking issuessssss 😬😬😬

Next time have the balls enough to tag my ass.
Posted by _Dazed

Chloroform really isn't the best option to subdue your prey. It actually takes a while for it to work.

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Posted by Neno2
Posted by nikkistar

I would say @Neno2, but I honestly think he is harmless. Besides, you can't stare people into dying.

I am too attractive to be a serial killer👍

Besides, the majority of dxp girls like me,including you,so not creepy too
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Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by dilettante
Posted by Black-Mamba


I never seen a more creepy guy

lmao ya & why is he all of the sudden creeping on @lostinmymind11 ?

I stuck up for him when he was being bullied. There's nothing wrong with him. People just don't understand him due to the way he speaks...he's from the Netherlands I do believe...there's not necessarily a language barrier but more a writing/typing barrier. He's harmless.
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Kind Virgo lady. I love your humour and the comments you make have me dying laughing 🤣😂
Posted by _EU_

Rabbit, he seems to move around quite a bit. He frequents bars.
....and hè has a Scorpio Moon 😳😈
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by dilettante
Posted by Black-Mamba


I never seen a more creepy guy

lmao ya & why is he all of the sudden creeping on @lostinmymind11 ?

I stuck up for him when he was being bullied. There's nothing wrong with him. People just don't understand him due to the way he speaks...he's from the Netherlands I do believe...there's not necessarily a language barrier but more a writing/typing barrier. He's harmless.

Kind Virgo lady. I love your humour and the comments you make have me dying laughing 🤣😂
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Lol...thank you...I try 🙂
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by dilettante
Posted by Black-Mamba


I never seen a more creepy guy

lmao ya & why is he all of the sudden creeping on @lostinmymind11 ?

I stuck up for him when he was being bullied. There's nothing wrong with him. People just don't understand him due to the way he speaks...he's from the Netherlands I do believe...there's not necessarily a language barrier but more a writing/typing barrier. He's harmless.

Kind Virgo lady. I love your humour and the comments you make have me dying laughing 🤣😂

Lol...thank you...I try 🙂
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I like the combo of Virgo/Scorp placements, it always seems to produce a sardonic humour 😈👹

Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by dilettante
Posted by Black-Mamba


I never seen a more creepy guy

lmao ya & why is he all of the sudden creeping on @lostinmymind11 ?

I stuck up for him when he was being bullied. There's nothing wrong with him. People just don't understand him due to the way he speaks...he's from the Netherlands I do believe...there's not necessarily a language barrier but more a writing/typing barrier. He's harmless.

Kind Virgo lady. I love your humour and the comments you make have me dying laughing 🤣😂

Lol...thank you...I try 🙂

I like the combo of Virgo/Scorp placements, it always seems to produce a sardonic humour 😈👹
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Then the leo bits make it all come alive 😂
Posted by shakedown
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by dilettante
Posted by Black-Mamba


I never seen a more creepy guy

lmao ya & why is he all of the sudden creeping on @lostinmymind11 ?

I stuck up for him when he was being bullied. There's nothing wrong with him. People just don't understand him due to the way he speaks...he's from the Netherlands I do believe...there's not necessarily a language barrier but more a writing/typing barrier. He's harmless.

Much respect for sticking to your individuality.
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Thank you...I appreciate that!
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by dilettante
Posted by Black-Mamba


I never seen a more creepy guy

lmao ya & why is he all of the sudden creeping on @lostinmymind11 ?

I stuck up for him when he was being bullied. There's nothing wrong with him. People just don't understand him due to the way he speaks...he's from the Netherlands I do believe...there's not necessarily a language barrier but more a writing/typing barrier. He's harmless.

Kind Virgo lady. I love your humour and the comments you make have me dying laughing 🤣😂

Lol...thank you...I try 🙂

I like the combo of Virgo/Scorp placements, it always seems to produce a sardonic humour 😈👹

Then the leo bits make it all come alive 😂
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Yes! Iooked up the meaning for sardonic and got “grimly mocking” lol 😈
Posted by Neno2
Posted by nikkistar

I would say @Neno2, but I honestly think he is harmless. Besides, you can't stare people into dying.

I am too attractive to be a serial killer👍

Besides, the majority of dxp girls like me,including you,so not creepy too
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Girls said the same thing about Ted Bundy.
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Posted by nikkistar
Posted by Neno2
Posted by nikkistar

I would say @Neno2, but I honestly think he is harmless. Besides, you can't stare people into dying.

I am too attractive to be a serial killer👍

Besides, the majority of dxp girls like me,including you,so not creepy too

Girls said the same thing about Ted Bundy.
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Posted by dilettante

My first guess!

Though after 3 sec thinking I’ve changed my mind that kittens will be a victim...😂😂😂
Posted by Phantom_Dangus

No one who posts. It's the creepers watching us quietly.
Exactly! Those who let it out - we are fine...

It’s those nice ones we need to look after...🧟‍♀️
Posted by TheRabbit

so I can move on to something more hardcore.
Pumpkin ale.
Probably a Gem. Devil
Posted by TheRabbit
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by TheRabbit

so I can move on to something more hardcore.

Pumpkin ale.

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Ok, Legend born in November.
Posted by La_Mariposa
Posted by TheRabbit

Nelson gonna be mixing motor oil into some paint so it doesn't dry, brushing it on handrailings near steps outside, then hiding in the bushes near the water fountains so when women get paint on their hands and go to try and wash it off, he can jump the fuck out and chloroform them so he can turn them into Hentai cosplay slaves.

I love your imagination. ☺️
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@TheRabbit doesn't have imagination. He has cable TV and watched CSI and added the hentai part.

He's too drunk to come up with ideas like that on his own.
Posted by TheRabbit
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by La_Mariposa
Posted by TheRabbit

Nelson gonna be mixing motor oil into some paint so it doesn't dry, brushing it on handrailings near steps outside, then hiding in the bushes near the water fountains so when women get paint on their hands and go to try and wash it off, he can jump the fuck out and chloroform them so he can turn them into Hentai cosplay slaves.

I love your imagination. ☺️

@TheRabbit doesn't have imagination. He has cable TV and watched CSI and added the hentai part.

He's too drunk to come up with ideas like that on his own.

LOL it's funny cuz it's true.

It was literally like the one episode I ever watched.
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I know it's true. I watched that episode lol
Posted by TheRabbit
Posted by Silverado
Posted by TheRabbit

I mean ffs I was upset my dogs killed a squirrel 😒

I understand how you feel, years ago when my Weimaraner killed multiple cats, we had to build the fences even higher. Every creature that came through that yard didn't survive. 😬

We take things like squirrels for granted. The way we're Ike Turner-ing this planet, they might not be around in the future. It's just needless death.
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LOL @ Ike Turner-ing