Johannes Schneider Color Horoscope 📊

This interpretation of the positions of the planets at the time of your birth is based on the Astro-Color-System® developed by Johannes Schneider; in addition to the ten typical planets, this system also includes the two minor planets Chiron and Vesta. In...

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by AerialView on Monday, January 22, 2018 and has 86 replies.
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Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pinkbird03
Here you go

User Submitted Image
How’d ya do that?? 😁 thank you!!
What's your moon sign?

Scorpio. I don’t know what any of this means but it looks bad!!!!!

It means your ruled by your crazy, jealous and a little bit psycho moon lol

lol yep, fml lol
This explains some things 😂

An excuse for being crazy!! Lol

Haha! That’s not what meant. You need a water sign I swear smile someone who will understand you.
I’ve dated a lot of water signs. No one is good for me!! Single for life! Lol although a Scorpio was best. But he’s probably the only guy I actually broke up with that was 100% my decision!!
Lol not single for life! Never give up Big Grin

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The aqua has Pluto as his top one and it’s in Scorpio too. My number 2 is Pluto which is also Scorpio. Come on guys. It’s fate, right 😁

Edit: Maybe this is why we manipulate each other with sooo many games! I think this might explain a lot.
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pinkbird03
Here you go

User Submitted Image
How’d ya do that?? 😁 thank you!!
What's your moon sign?

Scorpio. I don’t know what any of this means but it looks bad!!!!!

It means your ruled by your crazy, jealous and a little bit psycho moon lol

lol yep, fml lol
This explains some things 😂

An excuse for being crazy!! Lol

Haha! That’s not what meant. You need a water sign I swear smile someone who will understand you.
I’ve dated a lot of water signs. No one is good for me!! Single for life! Lol although a Scorpio was best. But he’s probably the only guy I actually broke up with that was 100% my decision!!
Lol not single for life! Never give up Big Grin

The aqua has Pluto as his top one and it’s in Scorpio too. My number 2 is Pluto which is also Scorpio. Come on guys. It’s fate, right 😁

Edit: Maybe this is why we manipulate each other with sooo many games! I think this might explain a lot.
Lol. Not good
click to expand

Lol nope it’s a struggle for power. But it’s bizarre. Very very bizarre

Posted by RooSagicorn
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Hmmmm Mars? And it is in the 12th house lol
Doesn't always mean that way. I'm guessing you have a strong or even a stellium 1st house.

Well I think you are the only person with Mars on top here. With that, the list is now complete lol.
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by AerialView
Posted by RooSagicorn
User Submitted Image

Hmmmm Mars? And it is in the 12th house lol
Doesn't always mean that way. I'm guessing you have a strong or even a stellium 1st house.

Well I think you are the only person with Mars on top here. With that, the list is now complete lol.
Lol. Yes I have a first house stellium Moon, Venus, Mercury & Saturn. Mars is actually very, very close to the 12th house/1st house line. Why did you say that about the first house?
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Cause by default 1st house is Aries house.
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
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Sun Sagittarius 8°05'28 direct

Moon Cancer 29°05'48 direct

Mercury Sagittarius 28°59'59 direct

Venus Scorpio 25°24'19 direct

Mars Leo 10°35'23 direct

Jupiter Cancer 3°57'20 retrograde

Saturn Virgo 0°26'02 direct

Uranus Scorpio 13°41'24 direct

Neptune Sagittarius 15°34'14 direct

Pluto Libra 15°59'14 direct

True Node Libra 13°31'32 retrograde

Vesta Scorpio 0°23'39 direct

Chiron Taurus
@Seleukos I found your Miss MoonLaughing
Why? I don't get it?
Check Seleukos chart 😑 I'm gon to bed.
I just saw it but he has a moon in Sag, so he is very fiery lol

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Lmao both your pics are expired.
Yet again, I'm intense. Is this why I don't have friends? Sad

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Posted by sultrykitty
Yet again, I'm intense. Is this why I don't have friends? Sad

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Nothing wrong with yours. The sun is shining bright lol.
Posted by AerialView
Posted by sultrykitty
Yet again, I'm intense. Is this why I don't have friends? Sad

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User Submitted Image

Nothing wrong with yours. The sun is shining bright lol.
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Meh--headstrong and stubborn lol.

Posted by oxSunQueenxo
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You're not "intense" ? 😜
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
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Sun Sagittarius 8°05'28 direct

Moon Cancer 29°05'48 direct

Mercury Sagittarius 28°59'59 direct

Venus Scorpio 25°24'19 direct

Mars Leo 10°35'23 direct

Jupiter Cancer 3°57'20 retrograde

Saturn Virgo 0°26'02 direct

Uranus Scorpio 13°41'24 direct

Neptune Sagittarius 15°34'14 direct

Pluto Libra 15°59'14 direct

True Node Libra 13°31'32 retrograde

Vesta Scorpio 0°23'39 direct

Chiron Taurus
@Seleukos I found your Miss MoonLaughing
Why? I don't get it?
Check Seleukos chart 😑 I'm gon to bed.
I just saw it but he has a moon in Sag, so he is very fiery lol

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User Submitted Image

Lmao both your pics are expired.
click to expand
Just like the relationship! 😂😂😂😂😂
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
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Sun Sagittarius 8°05'28 direct

Moon Cancer 29°05'48 direct

Mercury Sagittarius 28°59'59 direct

Venus Scorpio 25°24'19 direct

Mars Leo 10°35'23 direct

Jupiter Cancer 3°57'20 retrograde

Saturn Virgo 0°26'02 direct

Uranus Scorpio 13°41'24 direct

Neptune Sagittarius 15°34'14 direct

Pluto Libra 15°59'14 direct

True Node Libra 13°31'32 retrograde

Vesta Scorpio 0°23'39 direct

Chiron Taurus
@Seleukos I found your Miss MoonLaughing
Why? I don't get it?
Check Seleukos chart 😑 I'm gon to bed.
click to expand
How was your sleep? A full 8 hours?
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
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Sun Sagittarius 8°05'28 direct

Moon Cancer 29°05'48 direct

Mercury Sagittarius 28°59'59 direct

Venus Scorpio 25°24'19 direct

Mars Leo 10°35'23 direct

Jupiter Cancer 3°57'20 retrograde

Saturn Virgo 0°26'02 direct

Uranus Scorpio 13°41'24 direct

Neptune Sagittarius 15°34'14 direct

Pluto Libra 15°59'14 direct

True Node Libra 13°31'32 retrograde

Vesta Scorpio 0°23'39 direct

Chiron Taurus
@Seleukos I found your Miss MoonLaughing
Why? I don't get it?
Check Seleukos chart 😑 I'm gon to bed.
How was your sleep? A full 8 hours?
click to expand
Nope. Four hours max 😯
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
User Submitted Image

Sun Sagittarius 8°05'28 direct

Moon Cancer 29°05'48 direct

Mercury Sagittarius 28°59'59 direct

Venus Scorpio 25°24'19 direct

Mars Leo 10°35'23 direct

Jupiter Cancer 3°57'20 retrograde

Saturn Virgo 0°26'02 direct

Uranus Scorpio 13°41'24 direct

Neptune Sagittarius 15°34'14 direct

Pluto Libra 15°59'14 direct

True Node Libra 13°31'32 retrograde

Vesta Scorpio 0°23'39 direct

Chiron Taurus
@Seleukos I found your Miss MoonLaughing
Why? I don't get it?
Check Seleukos chart 😑 I'm gon to bed.
How was your sleep? A full 8 hours?
Nope. Four hours max 😯
click to expand
Wow! That's not enough 😕
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88
User Submitted Image

Sun Sagittarius 8°05'28 direct

Moon Cancer 29°05'48 direct

Mercury Sagittarius 28°59'59 direct

Venus Scorpio 25°24'19 direct

Mars Leo 10°35'23 direct

Jupiter Cancer 3°57'20 retrograde

Saturn Virgo 0°26'02 direct

Uranus Scorpio 13°41'24 direct

Neptune Sagittarius 15°34'14 direct

Pluto Libra 15°59'14 direct

True Node Libra 13°31'32 retrograde

Vesta Scorpio 0°23'39 direct

Chiron Taurus
@Seleukos I found your Miss MoonLaughing
Why? I don't get it?
Check Seleukos chart 😑 I'm gon to bed.
How was your sleep? A full 8 hours?
Nope. Four hours max 😯
Wow! That's not enough 😕
click to expand
I know 😂😂 but I got bills to pay so 😂😂
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pinkbird03
Here you go

User Submitted Image
How’d ya do that?? 😁 thank you!!
What's your moon sign?

Scorpio. I don’t know what any of this means but it looks bad!!!!!

It means your ruled by your crazy, jealous and a little bit psycho moon lol

lol yep, fml lol
This explains some things 😂

An excuse for being crazy!! Lol

Haha! That’s not what meant. You need a water sign I swear smile someone who will understand you.
I’ve dated a lot of water signs. No one is good for me!! Single for life! Lol although a Scorpio was best. But he’s probably the only guy I actually broke up with that was 100% my decision!!
Lol not single for life! Never give up Big Grin

The aqua has Pluto as his top one and it’s in Scorpio too. My number 2 is Pluto which is also Scorpio. Come on guys. It’s fate, right 😁

Edit: Maybe this is why we manipulate each other with sooo many games! I think this might explain a lot.

Scorpio Pluto's are interesting to research lol what houses are they in? Good or bad aspects to them? I've been analyzing those for me and Cap since we also both have Scorp Pluto so his Pluto falls in my 7th house and I have Mars in Scorpio in my 7th house lol so we have bad planets in 7th house in general and both are in Scorpio to make it even worse lol and 7th house is about partnership so...doesn't sound too good lol
click to expand

I don’t know anything about houses and aspects, but tell me about your experience and how things are. How long have you been with this guy?

I read that Pluto in Scorpio likes control and will use manipulation to get what he/she wants. This is 110% True for my aqua and me. The fact that it is both in our top on the bar graph makes a lot of sense in what in going on in our relationship right now. We aren’t talking right now. Stopped at the end of December. And hardly spoke in December. But there hasn’t gone a day since November without some sort of Snapchat game or “manipulation technique” that has been used by either one of us. It’s been a very consistent thing and we’ve both been very involved in this indirect way of communication.

The honest truth: I think at this point it’s definitely not about our relationship. It’s about controlling the other person so we don’t fully move on. Crazy, right?

Posted by JustOneDay
If both Uranus and Neptune are 16.0 are the exact same power? Or is Uranus stronger since it's in front of Neptune?
Posted by HaziiFlo
User Submitted Image

I thought it would of said Uranus 😒

What is vesta?
Read the thread's subtitle 😑
Posted by HaziiFlo
Posted by AerialView
Posted by HaziiFlo
User Submitted Image

I thought it would of said Uranus 😒

What is vesta?
Read the thread's subtitle 😑
“Basically what’s mine is mine or I kill you”

Is my color personality 😂

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With that weak lucky Jupiter, don't risk too much.

And gambling isn't recommended.
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Planetary positions

planet sign degree motion

Sun Aquarius 8°56'06 direct

Moon Gemini 22°24'27 direct

Mercury Aquarius 26°53'42 direct

Venus Pisces 16°56'56 direct

Mars Sagittarius 14°00'52 direct

Jupiter Aries 23°04'58 direct

Saturn Sagittarius 28°35'06 direct

Uranus Sagittarius 29°15'23 direct

Neptune Capricorn 8°49'47 direct

Pluto Scorpio 12°30'30 direct

True Node Pisces 24°10'11 retrograde

Vesta Cancer 29°28'12 direct

Chiron Gemini 23°41'34 retrograde

Ascendant Aries 12°50'32

Medium Coeli Capricorn 10°27'59

Major aspects

Sun Semisextile Neptune 0°06

Moon Trine Mercury 4°29

Moon Sextile Jupiter 0°41

Moon Conjunction Chiron 1°17

Mercury Sextile Saturn 1°41

Mercury Sextile Uranus 2°22

Mercury Quincunx Vesta 2°34

Mercury Trine Chiron 3°12

Venus Square Mars 2°56

Mars Semisextile Pluto 1°30

Jupiter Sextile Chiron 0°37

Saturn Conjunction Uranus 0°40

Saturn Quincunx Vesta 0°53

Uranus Quincunx Vesta 0°13

Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).

Posted by HaziiFlo
Posted by Aerazo
User Submitted Image

Planetary positions

planet sign degree motion

Sun Aquarius 8°56'06 direct

Moon Gemini 22°24'27 direct

Mercury Aquarius 26°53'42 direct

Venus Pisces 16°56'56 direct

Mars Sagittarius 14°00'52 direct

Jupiter Aries 23°04'58 direct

Saturn Sagittarius 28°35'06 direct

Uranus Sagittarius 29°15'23 direct

Neptune Capricorn 8°49'47 direct

Pluto Scorpio 12°30'30 direct

True Node Pisces 24°10'11 retrograde

Vesta Cancer 29°28'12 direct

Chiron Gemini 23°41'34 retrograde

Ascendant Aries 12°50'32

Medium Coeli Capricorn 10°27'59

Major aspects

Sun Semisextile Neptune 0°06

Moon Trine Mercury 4°29

Moon Sextile Jupiter 0°41

Moon Conjunction Chiron 1°17

Mercury Sextile Saturn 1°41

Mercury Sextile Uranus 2°22

Mercury Quincunx Vesta 2°34

Mercury Trine Chiron 3°12

Venus Square Mars 2°56

Mars Semisextile Pluto 1°30

Jupiter Sextile Chiron 0°37

Saturn Conjunction Uranus 0°40

Saturn Quincunx Vesta 0°53

Uranus Quincunx Vesta 0°13

Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).

I’m jealous lol wtf.. and here I’m dealing with the god of death. I’ll trade ya?
click to expand
If you could explain what all this means?

I just know the mars in Sag is why my sexual drive is so high 😂

Posted by HaziiFlo
Posted by Aerazo
Posted by HaziiFlo
Posted by Aerazo
User Submitted Image

Planetary positions

planet sign degree motion

Sun Aquarius 8°56'06 direct

Moon Gemini 22°24'27 direct

Mercury Aquarius 26°53'42 direct

Venus Pisces 16°56'56 direct

Mars Sagittarius 14°00'52 direct

Jupiter Aries 23°04'58 direct

Saturn Sagittarius 28°35'06 direct

Uranus Sagittarius 29°15'23 direct

Neptune Capricorn 8°49'47 direct

Pluto Scorpio 12°30'30 direct

True Node Pisces 24°10'11 retrograde

Vesta Cancer 29°28'12 direct

Chiron Gemini 23°41'34 retrograde

Ascendant Aries 12°50'32

Medium Coeli Capricorn 10°27'59

Major aspects

Sun Semisextile Neptune 0°06

Moon Trine Mercury 4°29

Moon Sextile Jupiter 0°41

Moon Conjunction Chiron 1°17

Mercury Sextile Saturn 1°41

Mercury Sextile Uranus 2°22

Mercury Quincunx Vesta 2°34

Mercury Trine Chiron 3°12

Venus Square Mars 2°56

Mars Semisextile Pluto 1°30

Jupiter Sextile Chiron 0°37

Saturn Conjunction Uranus 0°40

Saturn Quincunx Vesta 0°53

Uranus Quincunx Vesta 0°13

Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).

I’m jealous lol wtf.. and here I’m dealing with the god of death. I’ll trade ya?
If you could explain what all this means?

I just know the mars in Sag is why my sexual drive is so high 😂

The most dom planets in your chart. So while you get to be happy go lucky, I get to deal with constant trials and rebirths in my life. 😒
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then I guess all these challenges and burdens since i was very young have made me lucky 🙂 honestly, I can't complain.

You can always take the bad and turn it into power. 💪
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pinkbird03
Here you go

User Submitted Image
How’d ya do that?? 😁 thank you!!
What's your moon sign?

Scorpio. I don’t know what any of this means but it looks bad!!!!!

It means your ruled by your crazy, jealous and a little bit psycho moon lol

lol yep, fml lol
This explains some things 😂

An excuse for being crazy!! Lol

Haha! That’s not what meant. You need a water sign I swear smile someone who will understand you.
I’ve dated a lot of water signs. No one is good for me!! Single for life! Lol although a Scorpio was best. But he’s probably the only guy I actually broke up with that was 100% my decision!!
Lol not single for life! Never give up Big Grin

The aqua has Pluto as his top one and it’s in Scorpio too. My number 2 is Pluto which is also Scorpio. Come on guys. It’s fate, right 😁

Edit: Maybe this is why we manipulate each other with sooo many games! I think this might explain a lot.

Scorpio Pluto's are interesting to research lol what houses are they in? Good or bad aspects to them? I've been analyzing those for me and Cap since we also both have Scorp Pluto so his Pluto falls in my 7th house and I have Mars in Scorpio in my 7th house lol so we have bad planets in 7th house in general and both are in Scorpio to make it even worse lol and 7th house is about partnership so...doesn't sound too good lol

I don’t know anything about houses and aspects, but tell me about your experience and how things are. How long have you been with this guy?

I read that Pluto in Scorpio likes control and will use manipulation to get what he/she wants. This is 110% True for my aqua and me. The fact that it is both in our top on the bar graph makes a lot of sense in what in going on in our relationship right now. We aren’t talking right now. Stopped at the end of December. And hardly spoke in December. But there hasn’t gone a day since November without some sort of Snapchat game or “manipulation technique” that has been used by either one of us. It’s been a very consistent thing and we’ve both been very involved in this indirect way of communication.

The honest truth: I think at this point it’s definitely not about our relationship. It’s about controlling the other person so we don’t fully move on. Crazy, right?

No, we're not together, this is that LDR thing of mine...well at least I couldn't accept it as relationship until we meet, although he did talk like we're actually together so at this point I'm not sure how much we were on the same page about that matter. We did some micro manipulation on one another, but nothing really over the line and yup, we also haven't talked since New Year so I pretty much consider things completely done. I'm conflicted between sending him mail about how I feel for him and completely blocking him. I feel like that cause I see no future for us after all this time but on the other hand still having some traces of hope about it....and then I get angry cause if he can get this long without reaching out to me why should I do it and show that I can't? lol weird shit...

And when it comes to houses Pluto in 8th is his home house, cause 8th house is ruled by Scorp and considering you have your Pluto in Scorp it makes it very powerful. I can very much feel it what it says in description about it. When it comes to Pluto in 7th...well it doesn't sound very good. I'll c/p description what it says here and even from this distance relationship it already felt a lot like this what it says in first few sentences. In text I'm the house person and he's the Pluto person since his Pluto falls in my 7th house so check this if you want:

When your Pluto is in your partner's 7th house your partner finds you secretive, elusive, intense and mysterious. The Pluto person may become obsessed with the house person. The house person may look up to or respect the Pluto person's fearlessness, or how they wield their personal power.

Negatively, the Pluto person may try to control the house person or who the house person associates. They might be dominating, controlling, possessive, jealous or vindictive.

The Pluto person may also have strong ideas on what a relationship should be and how one should act in one.

If this is a romantic relationship, then this relationship has the potential to deeply impact and transform the both of you. Marriage may be an ultimate goal or partnering in some form.

Positively the Pluto person will enable the house person to present themselves much more powerfully, to set proper boundaries with others, and exude more personal power.

If married, and the two of you decide on divorce, there may be many power struggles, and vindictive behaviors brought out, and you most likely will not remain friends. Again much depends on how mature both are, and whether or not either one has issues with power, to begin with.
click to expand

Eek yeah that does sound bad. But why haven’t you talked since New Years? Did something happen? I don’t think you should say anything to him right now. Read up on the no contact rule. I think it’s good. I’m sort of trying it. Trying to stick to it anyways.

User Submitted Image

Just call me Ms Chiron...
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pinkbird03
Here you go

User Submitted Image
How’d ya do that?? 😁 thank you!!
What's your moon sign?

Scorpio. I don’t know what any of this means but it looks bad!!!!!

It means your ruled by your crazy, jealous and a little bit psycho moon lol

lol yep, fml lol
This explains some things 😂

An excuse for being crazy!! Lol

Haha! That’s not what meant. You need a water sign I swear smile someone who will understand you.
I’ve dated a lot of water signs. No one is good for me!! Single for life! Lol although a Scorpio was best. But he’s probably the only guy I actually broke up with that was 100% my decision!!
Lol not single for life! Never give up Big Grin

The aqua has Pluto as his top one and it’s in Scorpio too. My number 2 is Pluto which is also Scorpio. Come on guys. It’s fate, right 😁

Edit: Maybe this is why we manipulate each other with sooo many games! I think this might explain a lot.

Scorpio Pluto's are interesting to research lol what houses are they in? Good or bad aspects to them? I've been analyzing those for me and Cap since we also both have Scorp Pluto so his Pluto falls in my 7th house and I have Mars in Scorpio in my 7th house lol so we have bad planets in 7th house in general and both are in Scorpio to make it even worse lol and 7th house is about partnership so...doesn't sound too good lol

I don’t know anything about houses and aspects, but tell me about your experience and how things are. How long have you been with this guy?

I read that Pluto in Scorpio likes control and will use manipulation to get what he/she wants. This is 110% True for my aqua and me. The fact that it is both in our top on the bar graph makes a lot of sense in what in going on in our relationship right now. We aren’t talking right now. Stopped at the end of December. And hardly spoke in December. But there hasn’t gone a day since November without some sort of Snapchat game or “manipulation technique” that has been used by either one of us. It’s been a very consistent thing and we’ve both been very involved in this indirect way of communication.

The honest truth: I think at this point it’s definitely not about our relationship. It’s about controlling the other person so we don’t fully move on. Crazy, right?

No, we're not together, this is that LDR thing of mine...well at least I couldn't accept it as relationship until we meet, although he did talk like we're actually together so at this point I'm not sure how much we were on the same page about that matter. We did some micro manipulation on one another, but nothing really over the line and yup, we also haven't talked since New Year so I pretty much consider things completely done. I'm conflicted between sending him mail about how I feel for him and completely blocking him. I feel like that cause I see no future for us after all this time but on the other hand still having some traces of hope about it....and then I get angry cause if he can get this long without reaching out to me why should I do it and show that I can't? lol weird shit...

And when it comes to houses Pluto in 8th is his home house, cause 8th house is ruled by Scorp and considering you have your Pluto in Scorp it makes it very powerful. I can very much feel it what it says in description about it. When it comes to Pluto in 7th...well it doesn't sound very good. I'll c/p description what it says here and even from this distance relationship it already felt a lot like this what it says in first few sentences. In text I'm the house person and he's the Pluto person since his Pluto falls in my 7th house so check this if you want:

When your Pluto is in your partner's 7th house your partner finds you secretive, elusive, intense and mysterious. The Pluto person may become obsessed with the house person. The house person may look up to or respect the Pluto person's fearlessness, or how they wield their personal power.

Negatively, the Pluto person may try to control the house person or who the house person associates. They might be dominating, controlling, possessive, jealous or vindictive.

The Pluto person may also have strong ideas on what a relationship should be and how one should act in one.

If this is a romantic relationship, then this relationship has the potential to deeply impact and transform the both of you. Marriage may be an ultimate goal or partnering in some form.

Positively the Pluto person will enable the house person to present themselves much more powerfully, to set proper boundaries with others, and exude more personal power.

If married, and the two of you decide on divorce, there may be many power struggles, and vindictive behaviors brought out, and you most likely will not remain friends. Again much depends on how mature both are, and whether or not either one has issues with power, to begin with.

Eek yeah that does sound bad. But why haven’t you talked since New Years? Did something happen? I don’t think you should say anything to him right now. Read up on the no contact rule. I think it’s good. I’m sort of trying it. Trying to stick to it anyways.

Idk really...we congratulated New Year to each other that night, when I got back from trip I sent him a photo I took there about something regarding his country and he never read that message or replied to it so I didn't initiate anything else either. I made a topic about should I let him know how I feel about him cause reading through our conversations lately I realized I wasn't as open as I thought and thought about getting opinions on it. Still, I didn't send it yet, didn't write it yet actually, just can't decide yet to do that or completely disappear...
click to expand

He’s probably waiting for you to say hi. That might be all you need to say.

Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pinkbird03
Here you go

User Submitted Image
How’d ya do that?? 😁 thank you!!
What's your moon sign?

Scorpio. I don’t know what any of this means but it looks bad!!!!!

It means your ruled by your crazy, jealous and a little bit psycho moon lol

lol yep, fml lol
This explains some things 😂

An excuse for being crazy!! Lol

Haha! That’s not what meant. You need a water sign I swear smile someone who will understand you.
I’ve dated a lot of water signs. No one is good for me!! Single for life! Lol although a Scorpio was best. But he’s probably the only guy I actually broke up with that was 100% my decision!!
Lol not single for life! Never give up Big Grin

The aqua has Pluto as his top one and it’s in Scorpio too. My number 2 is Pluto which is also Scorpio. Come on guys. It’s fate, right 😁

Edit: Maybe this is why we manipulate each other with sooo many games! I think this might explain a lot.

Scorpio Pluto's are interesting to research lol what houses are they in? Good or bad aspects to them? I've been analyzing those for me and Cap since we also both have Scorp Pluto so his Pluto falls in my 7th house and I have Mars in Scorpio in my 7th house lol so we have bad planets in 7th house in general and both are in Scorpio to make it even worse lol and 7th house is about partnership so...doesn't sound too good lol

I don’t know anything about houses and aspects, but tell me about your experience and how things are. How long have you been with this guy?

I read that Pluto in Scorpio likes control and will use manipulation to get what he/she wants. This is 110% True for my aqua and me. The fact that it is both in our top on the bar graph makes a lot of sense in what in going on in our relationship right now. We aren’t talking right now. Stopped at the end of December. And hardly spoke in December. But there hasn’t gone a day since November without some sort of Snapchat game or “manipulation technique” that has been used by either one of us. It’s been a very consistent thing and we’ve both been very involved in this indirect way of communication.

The honest truth: I think at this point it’s definitely not about our relationship. It’s about controlling the other person so we don’t fully move on. Crazy, right?

No, we're not together, this is that LDR thing of mine...well at least I couldn't accept it as relationship until we meet, although he did talk like we're actually together so at this point I'm not sure how much we were on the same page about that matter. We did some micro manipulation on one another, but nothing really over the line and yup, we also haven't talked since New Year so I pretty much consider things completely done. I'm conflicted between sending him mail about how I feel for him and completely blocking him. I feel like that cause I see no future for us after all this time but on the other hand still having some traces of hope about it....and then I get angry cause if he can get this long without reaching out to me why should I do it and show that I can't? lol weird shit...

And when it comes to houses Pluto in 8th is his home house, cause 8th house is ruled by Scorp and considering you have your Pluto in Scorp it makes it very powerful. I can very much feel it what it says in description about it. When it comes to Pluto in 7th...well it doesn't sound very good. I'll c/p description what it says here and even from this distance relationship it already felt a lot like this what it says in first few sentences. In text I'm the house person and he's the Pluto person since his Pluto falls in my 7th house so check this if you want:

When your Pluto is in your partner's 7th house your partner finds you secretive, elusive, intense and mysterious. The Pluto person may become obsessed with the house person. The house person may look up to or respect the Pluto person's fearlessness, or how they wield their personal power.

Negatively, the Pluto person may try to control the house person or who the house person associates. They might be dominating, controlling, possessive, jealous or vindictive.

The Pluto person may also have strong ideas on what a relationship should be and how one should act in one.

If this is a romantic relationship, then this relationship has the potential to deeply impact and transform the both of you. Marriage may be an ultimate goal or partnering in some form.

Positively the Pluto person will enable the house person to present themselves much more powerfully, to set proper boundaries with others, and exude more personal power.

If married, and the two of you decide on divorce, there may be many power struggles, and vindictive behaviors brought out, and you most likely will not remain friends. Again much depends on how mature both are, and whether or not either one has issues with power, to begin with.

Eek yeah that does sound bad. But why haven’t you talked since New Years? Did something happen? I don’t think you should say anything to him right now. Read up on the no contact rule. I think it’s good. I’m sort of trying it. Trying to stick to it anyways.

Idk really...we congratulated New Year to each other that night, when I got back from trip I sent him a photo I took there about something regarding his country and he never read that message or replied to it so I didn't initiate anything else either. I made a topic about should I let him know how I feel about him cause reading through our conversations lately I realized I wasn't as open as I thought and thought about getting opinions on it. Still, I didn't send it yet, didn't write it yet actually, just can't decide yet to do that or completely disappear...

He’s probably waiting for you to say hi. That might be all you need to say.

I feel really weird sending someone message before I got reply to my previous message. To me that's quite clingy lol I have a feeling he didn't open message cause he thinks photo is something provocative actually lol but in fact it's just a building of one company from his country lol

click to expand

Everyone loves to receive a double text! It’s a great feeling! Besides he’s never going to respond to the last text you sent. That would be awkward after almost a month. Move forward 🙂

Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pinkbird03
Here you go

User Submitted Image
How’d ya do that?? 😁 thank you!!
What's your moon sign?

Scorpio. I don’t know what any of this means but it looks bad!!!!!

It means your ruled by your crazy, jealous and a little bit psycho moon lol

lol yep, fml lol
This explains some things 😂

An excuse for being crazy!! Lol

Haha! That’s not what meant. You need a water sign I swear smile someone who will understand you.
I’ve dated a lot of water signs. No one is good for me!! Single for life! Lol although a Scorpio was best. But he’s probably the only guy I actually broke up with that was 100% my decision!!
Lol not single for life! Never give up Big Grin

The aqua has Pluto as his top one and it’s in Scorpio too. My number 2 is Pluto which is also Scorpio. Come on guys. It’s fate, right 😁

Edit: Maybe this is why we manipulate each other with sooo many games! I think this might explain a lot.

Scorpio Pluto's are interesting to research lol what houses are they in? Good or bad aspects to them? I've been analyzing those for me and Cap since we also both have Scorp Pluto so his Pluto falls in my 7th house and I have Mars in Scorpio in my 7th house lol so we have bad planets in 7th house in general and both are in Scorpio to make it even worse lol and 7th house is about partnership so...doesn't sound too good lol

I don’t know anything about houses and aspects, but tell me about your experience and how things are. How long have you been with this guy?

I read that Pluto in Scorpio likes control and will use manipulation to get what he/she wants. This is 110% True for my aqua and me. The fact that it is both in our top on the bar graph makes a lot of sense in what in going on in our relationship right now. We aren’t talking right now. Stopped at the end of December. And hardly spoke in December. But there hasn’t gone a day since November without some sort of Snapchat game or “manipulation technique” that has been used by either one of us. It’s been a very consistent thing and we’ve both been very involved in this indirect way of communication.

The honest truth: I think at this point it’s definitely not about our relationship. It’s about controlling the other person so we don’t fully move on. Crazy, right?

No, we're not together, this is that LDR thing of mine...well at least I couldn't accept it as relationship until we meet, although he did talk like we're actually together so at this point I'm not sure how much we were on the same page about that matter. We did some micro manipulation on one another, but nothing really over the line and yup, we also haven't talked since New Year so I pretty much consider things completely done. I'm conflicted between sending him mail about how I feel for him and completely blocking him. I feel like that cause I see no future for us after all this time but on the other hand still having some traces of hope about it....and then I get angry cause if he can get this long without reaching out to me why should I do it and show that I can't? lol weird shit...

And when it comes to houses Pluto in 8th is his home house, cause 8th house is ruled by Scorp and considering you have your Pluto in Scorp it makes it very powerful. I can very much feel it what it says in description about it. When it comes to Pluto in 7th...well it doesn't sound very good. I'll c/p description what it says here and even from this distance relationship it already felt a lot like this what it says in first few sentences. In text I'm the house person and he's the Pluto person since his Pluto falls in my 7th house so check this if you want:

When your Pluto is in your partner's 7th house your partner finds you secretive, elusive, intense and mysterious. The Pluto person may become obsessed with the house person. The house person may look up to or respect the Pluto person's fearlessness, or how they wield their personal power.

Negatively, the Pluto person may try to control the house person or who the house person associates. They might be dominating, controlling, possessive, jealous or vindictive.

The Pluto person may also have strong ideas on what a relationship should be and how one should act in one.

If this is a romantic relationship, then this relationship has the potential to deeply impact and transform the both of you. Marriage may be an ultimate goal or partnering in some form.

Positively the Pluto person will enable the house person to present themselves much more powerfully, to set proper boundaries with others, and exude more personal power.

If married, and the two of you decide on divorce, there may be many power struggles, and vindictive behaviors brought out, and you most likely will not remain friends. Again much depends on how mature both are, and whether or not either one has issues with power, to begin with.

Eek yeah that does sound bad. But why haven’t you talked since New Years? Did something happen? I don’t think you should say anything to him right now. Read up on the no contact rule. I think it’s good. I’m sort of trying it. Trying to stick to it anyways.

Idk really...we congratulated New Year to each other that night, when I got back from trip I sent him a photo I took there about something regarding his country and he never read that message or replied to it so I didn't initiate anything else either. I made a topic about should I let him know how I feel about him cause reading through our conversations lately I realized I wasn't as open as I thought and thought about getting opinions on it. Still, I didn't send it yet, didn't write it yet actually, just can't decide yet to do that or completely disappear...

He’s probably waiting for you to say hi. That might be all you need to say.

I feel really weird sending someone message before I got reply to my previous message. To me that's quite clingy lol I have a feeling he didn't open message cause he thinks photo is something provocative actually lol but in fact it's just a building of one company from his country lol

Everyone loves to receive a double text! It’s a great feeling! Besides he’s never going to respond to the last text you sent. That would be awkward after almost a month. Move forward 🙂

I'll make that mail about feelings and send it so whatever happens after that...I'm fine with it I guess. That's my last attempt of putting effort to that thing smile

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Good luck!!!!!!!
Posted by Jules-ll
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Just call me Ms Chiron...
Miss Healer...

What is the name of that site that does the points. I can't remember.

Where I got negative 10.
Posted by saggurl88

What is the name of that site that does the points. I can't remember.

Where I got negative 10.

Any insight on mine?Big Grin
Posted by JustOneDay
Posted by AerialView
Posted by JustOneDay
If both Uranus and Neptune are 16.0 are the exact same power? Or is Uranus stronger since it's in front of Neptune?
Why do you laugh? Im serious
click to expand
It’s him being annoying again? 😂
Posted by JustOneDay
Posted by AerialView
Posted by JustOneDay
If both Uranus and Neptune are 16.0 are the exact same power? Or is Uranus stronger since it's in front of Neptune?
Why do you laugh? Im serious
click to expand
I'm serious too 😂
Posted by pisceswoman123

Any insight on mine?Big Grin
Pm 😍
Posted by AerialView
Posted by saggurl88

What is the name of that site that does the points. I can't remember.

Where I got negative 10.
click to expand
Thank you.

Posted by JustOneDay
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by JustOneDay
Posted by AerialView
Posted by JustOneDay
If both Uranus and Neptune are 16.0 are the exact same power? Or is Uranus stronger since it's in front of Neptune?
Why do you laugh? Im serious
It’s him being annoying again? 😂
Lol please control him 😂 Only you can tame him lol
click to expand
😂 I will try my best
Posted by ~mystic_fish
User Submitted Image

Very Uranian//Aquarian Dominant @ #1

Very Neptunian with 9-10 Major Aspects! Neptune is also *ANGULAR* and part of a "KITE" pattern ..