Mainstream sex habits vs awesome sex - salty survey

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by RamOfPeace on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 and has 14 replies.
Do you have sex with a certain checklist in your mind? Do you try to adhere to some stupid social norm in terms of sex? Are you strictly vanilla, because you've been told that kinky sex is "for the mentally ill"? Do you feel firty or wrong for having certain sexual fantasies? Are you unhappy with your body/worried that your butt/boobs/dick size/excess body fat will turn a potential sex partner off? Can you relax during sex, empty your mind, and truly enjoy it in the moment? Do you objectify the opposite gender? Do you rank body types? Do you go for looks over the sexual chemistry? Do you feel guilty after one night stands? Do you automatically inpose expectations in your mind on your potential sex partner? Do you hoard sexual partners? Do you get bitter over sex or being left for better sex/connection?

If you answered "yes" to at least half of these, then why aren't you fixing your own misery?

Do you have sex with a certain checklist in your mind?

-No. But I do reflect on whether or not I'm happy.

Do you try to adhere to some stupid social norm in terms of sex?

- Your question is leading, but my answer is 'No.'

Are you strictly vanilla, because you've been told that kinky sex is "for the mentally ill"?

-I was concerned at first for wanting kinky sex because I didn't know how my Sea-Goat would react and how he would judge me. All of those concerns basically went out the window after our first real talk about it.

Do you feel firty or wrong for having certain sexual fantasies?

-No. I don't feel wrong. But I've learned that I can be really sick in the head.

Are you unhappy with your body/worried that your butt/boobs/dick size/excess body fat will turn a potential sex partner off?

-I had my concerns, but my Sea-Goat, without even realizing it, turned all of my "flaws," everything I've always criticized about myself, and highlights them as to why he thinks I'm sexy. It's crazy - even down to a scar I have that wasn't too noticeable - he noticed it one night, and told me "You know what I love? I love this..." And he kissed it. I was stunned he noticed it let alone thought it was beautiful. I'm so blessed.

Can you relax during sex, empty your mind, and truly enjoy it in the moment?

- Depends. I don't always have sex for that connection. Sometimes, my Sea-Goat gives me sex for the sole purposes of relaxing me. In those moments when I'm stressed, and he approaches me sexually for me, it takes a while for me to shut off my Pisces moon head.

Do you objectify the opposite gender?

- Absolutely. It's fun. But I don't let that affect that I treat people with respect.

Do you rank body types?

- No. it's utterly boring to me. I'd rather dissect what is sexy and detail what is not, instead of just putting a random number in something. Where is the dialogue in that? Where is the contemplation?

Do you go for looks over the sexual chemistry?

-It's fun to flirt with hot guys, but people drain me, so most of the time I am not in the mood. I noticed my Sea-Goat was sexy and strange long before he even finished walking across the lobby toward me.

Do you feel guilty after one night stands?

-I didn't go all the way, but when I did engage in sexual acts, I felt destructive - like, I literally put myself in a position to be raped. It's not even about guilt. I was feeling numb and had a sick urge to separate from myself.

Do you automatically inpose expectations in your mind on your potential sex partner?

-No. I don't. I was more curious about the boring things: "Is he a good person? Is he intelligent? Can he deal with me? Will he hurt me on purpose? Will he dance?" That sort of thing.

Do you hoard sexual partners?

-No. I have only ever been penetrated by one penis, the man I am with now. The Scorpio whom I've "experimented" with - I was cold and cruel to them to force them to leave me alone once I was finished with them. I am perfectly content not ever seeing them again. But maybe I wish I wasn't so cruel to them - just very slightly wish that.

Do you get bitter over sex or being left for better sex/connection?

-No. my sex life is currently whole, wholesome, warm, kinky, rough, exciting, passionate, secure,'s everything I want it to be, and I guard it.

If you answered "yes" to at least half of these, then why aren't you fixing your own misery?

Posted by tiziani
Do you feel firty or wrong for having certain sexual fantasies?

Yes. It can make it more potent.

Interesting viewpoint. Taboo sex acts would loose their appeal if the masses started embracing them. Kinda like bj's in the 80s and anal in the 90s....

One of my favorite sexual experiences was when he joined me in the shower and held the shower head spray against me. Came so hard pressed between the cold shower walls and his warm chest. Getting flushed just thinking of it....mmmmm
The questions are as leading as the topic title...

They imply only one accepted answer which is quite ironic when it comes to open mindness.

I could argue "Yes" on the majority of them and still see no misery that befalls me.

Posted by GetMisted
wut is sex
Are you strictly vanilla, because you've been told that kinky sex is "for the mentally ill"?

It's fairly trendy these days.

Another year and it'll be passe.

Posted by Damnata
The questions are as leading as the topic title...

They imply only one accepted answer which is quite ironic when it comes to open mindness.

I could argue "Yes" on the majority of them and still see no misery that befalls me.

I got the same feeling that the questions were leading, but I tried my best to work with them, except the one that was abrasivly so.
I have one yes.... "Do you feel dirty or wrong for having certain sexual fantasies?"

More than just fantasies... Fantasies that come true and giving in to some unusual situations, requests, and just letting things happen. Men are so beautifully subserviant and will do whatever it takes for very little in return. Just juicy.

Posted by Vageenka
I just kind of let what happens, happen.

I'm too scared to speak up ?

But my Mars in Leo does like to take control when the timing is right. Nothing hotter than having someone lay back and you pleasuring them and hearing those hot quiet groans and whispers of admiration

Too much groaning makes me mad sometimes and my own anger makes me O.

Do you have sex with a certain checklist in your mind? - Nope.

Do you try to adhere to some stupid social norm in terms of sex? - Nope.

Are you strictly vanilla, because you've been told that kinky sex is "for the mentally ill"? - Nope. I got past the whole "kinky sex is wrong" BS more than a decade ago.

Do you feel firty or wrong for having certain sexual fantasies? For the sexual fantasies that I have, nope.

Are you unhappy with your body/worried that your butt/boobs/dick size/excess body fat will turn a potential sex partner off?

- If a person is turned off by my body shape and size, then it tells me a lot about the person. Status : Hero to zero (in my head).

Eh, sometimes I might impose expectations..never had a one night stand so can't say exactly how I would feel, prob would feel some guilt .. sometimes my mind isn't fully relaxed ... my bad, Pisces moon la la land
No stigma.. No slut shaming... Im down for almost anything unless i am seriously repulsed by it ie: Incest pedophilia and beastiality. If a man doesnt like my body he can fuck off, there are many more that will love it.
Posted by VivaciousScorpio
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by tiziani
Do you feel firty or wrong for having certain sexual fantasies?

Yes. It can make it more potent.

Interesting viewpoint. Taboo sex acts would loose their appeal if the masses started embracing them. Kinda like bj's in the 80s and anal in the 90s....

Coz men hate bjs and never want to do anal now...

click to expand
That's not what I've implied. They are commonplace now, no longer taboo.