Posted by PotHeadVirgo24
I'm a bottomless pit when I'm high, so just about everything on that list except waffles and popsicles. Them damn hot pockets are just amazing. Along with pizza.....mostly my retarded affection for Dominos.
Posted by JenLove
Everything!!!....seriously lol I guess if I had to choose though I would say tacos from Chipotle because they're the best tacos ever and the chicken kickers from Dominoes! Both of those things at the same time and some more weed and your life is complete lol
Posted by PotHeadVirgo24
Is this true Firebird?
Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by PotHeadVirgo24
Is this true Firebird?
No, Pothead, I am NOT patronizing you or anyone else.
That's another line of elle's BS that she uses to project a false impression of me.
Go ahead, read my Zimmerman thread. Try and find munchies anywhere in there.
You won't find a shred of me talking about munchies.
So.... why would ellessque think I was patronizing you or anyone else????
Because she doesn't like me and because she doesn't want anyone else to like me.
You know what I am sayin'?
It's like she has a compulsive possession obsession popularity contest in which
you don't know you were playin' until after you joined her side. - Sheesh,
She would like for you and everyone else to hate my guts and will accuse me
of everything under the sun.
Her biggest flaw is that she misinterprets what I (anyone) say and twist it
into something entirely false then promote it like it was the next big New York
Times best seller. Some people buy it, others don't.
She told me she doesn't get along with others then told the world I said that to her.
slight of hand magic trick in her own self deceptive magic show.
She told that lie about me in a thread, now flagged as sure as you are reading these
Now... How would you feel if that happened to you then everyone hated your guts
because someone had issues with you that are all imagined.
Trust me when I say it, if she imagines that you are a threat to her, she will
turn on you.
I'm just a man expressing myself the best way I know how.
I swear I have no idea how all this started. but I first took note of her attitude
towards me at the time Hurricane Sandy hit.
IF you and anyone else don't believe me, keep an eye on her. Watch what she does
pay close attention to how words get taken out of context twisted and re-defined
to mean something altogether different to imply something negative.
Don't just take her word for it. Check with whomever when you see to clarify.
It'll make sense then if it doesn't now.
I hope that answers your question and Jenlove and anyone else's doubts, as well.
Anyway, thanks for your to expand
Posted by ellessque
you do realize he's patronizing you guys, right?
Posted by MrFirebird
IF you and anyone else don't believe me, keep an eye on her.
Watch what she does pay close attention to how words get taken out of context twisted and re-defined
to mean something altogether different to imply something negative.
Don't just take her word for it. Check with whomever when you see to clarify.
It'll make sense then if it doesn't now.