Posted by venusianbullPosted by wgamador2Posted by Sizzurp
Hunting/trapping and fishing for meat are perfectly acceptable and natural in my book. I take serious issue with SPORT hunters because I think they are lower than dirt and have zero respect for the natural order. Additionally, the way animals are "kept" in the US is disgusting. Chickens for example, are kept immobile in cages that are barely larger than the chicken itself and turned into "egg machines." That's revolting but it does force one to question our ever-expanding population.
I applaud McDonald's for firing those farmers who were containing pigs in tiny cages. I would become CEO of McDonald's just to change the way animals are treated. Most farmers complain that its expensive to make these facilities more humane. There shouldn't be a price to being HUMAN. I hope I never end up in hell. I would miss animals there.
I think i posted the article a few pages back in here.
I wish animal suffering didn't affect me so much. I love animals. Insects too.
So i watched a program about an expedition to New Guinea and there is this crater that is basically closed off from human contact, it was explored and they found "the biggest rat on Earth", when they found it, the rat WAS NOT AFRAID of the humans and just chilled with them, just like your family pet is chillin' with you right now.
It showed no fear, never showed any aggression. It was a nice moment to witness this animal who had no idea how horrible human beings can be to it. When I die, I want to go there, to that place.
The thought of that rats sack dragging the ground sends a shiver through to expand
Posted by venusianbull
COOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!! I am not afraid of rats, snakes, insects or arachnids. I find them fascinating.
Posted by Sizzurp
You're making the elephant out to be a highwayman. Elephants are long-remembered creatures and if people decide to erect a village in an elephant migratory path, they will suffer the consequences. Thus, it's not a simple manner of "one has to do what one has to do," rather its an issue of human of expansion/ENCROACHMENT. I'm not trolling you but the "pioneer" mindset is dead and people really NEED to stop being so tunnel-visioned.
I recently read an article about a biologist who specialized in Polar Bear behavior. He was mortally stalked briefly but he did NOT engage the bear in any mortal affect. The biologist realized that the bears would be hibernating soon and were seeking any form of nourishment, including human flesh. This relevant, particular case has nothing to do with "one must do what one must do," but realizing that YOU, the HUMAN are the invader and will not be seen as a superior creature but rather subject to the law of fang and claw: Can I kill and devour you? or will you kill and devour me?
Posted by SizzurpPosted by wgamador2Posted by Sizzurp
I think that either way the destruction of the elephant is fucked up.
But regardless wether a village was built in an elephant path, we cannot change that, so what i was saying is that for me the only time I would be "okay" with the killing of any wild animal is if he posed a threat to human life.
I totally agree, if you were to build a village, shit, do your research before you build. Find out what other species will you have to live with, etc.
I know what you mean dude. I watched a documentary recently and I was pretty angry afterwards. I'm not entirely sure what to do about it other than post rants on a random forum
Collect your friends empty beer cans and turn them in and take that money and send it to the ASPCA or other Anti-cruelty to animal organizations in which you can actually get a report on how the money is being spent.
Volunteer at an animal shelter where you can be kind to animals rescued from abuse.
When you have a party, put out a jar for donations. Then write a check to the ASPCA but take a photo of it first and at the next get together show everyone the copy of the check and they will all feel good that they helped.
Surround yourself with great people and you will figure a way to help.
Besides that, there is nothing else we can do.
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