One million dollars

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by aquapiscescusp on Monday, January 13, 2014 and has 51 replies.
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Would you walk away from your current relationship for that amount of money?
LOL real paper money
A woman is worth way more than a milion $ 'cause you can cash in on her ass by pimping her out!
Aww, that's a terrible thing to say. I'm so conflicted right now Sad
Could you expand the question to include the single folks? I mean, I could easily say the money and walk out on my non existent relationship now but that just sounds too easy
Posted by djbuck1
Ah. "Fiat" money!
Hmmm. `Not in a relationship, so I can't play.
But timing is everything. I doubt if anyone in a happy relationship would walk for money. And I doubt if a Pisces would even hear the question. Others, while they would stay, might look wistfully at that pile of money. Winking

Let's wait for her to revise the question so we can play!! Big Grin
haha OK for those not in a relationship, imagine yourself in ONE or think of a past one?
We can't say walk away from a job??_ that's probably a given.
Ooh I love money, so Hell Yeah. I was having a little prayer just this morning about something that I really want & I made a bargain with God. Thing I want > Relationship. I have Capricorn mercury so security in life is more important than love or other fluffy little things. Give me that money bag & I'll drop him like a bag of dirty gym socks.
I hate all my past relationships so obviously I'd choose the money. Maybe if you were to pose the question as.. A 0% possibility of never finding a stable, healthy relationship in the future or true love if you choose the money!
Oops I meant a 0% possibility of EVER...
Posted by WaterCup
Ooh I love money, so Hell Yeah. I was having a little prayer just this morning about something that I really want & I made a bargain with God. Thing I want > Relationship. I have Capricorn mercury so security in life is more important than love or other fluffy little things. Give me that money bag & I'll drop him like a bag of dirty gym socks.

Posted by bloodflood
I hate all my past relationships so obviously I'd choose the money. Maybe if you were to pose the question as.. A 0% possibility of never finding a stable, healthy relationship in the future or true love if you choose the money!

Sure, OK??_

what's your answer?
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by WaterCup
Ooh I love money, so Hell Yeah. I was having a little prayer just this morning about something that I really want & I made a bargain with God. Thing I want > Relationship. I have Capricorn mercury so security in life is more important than love or other fluffy little things. Give me that money bag & I'll drop him like a bag of dirty gym socks.

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And you?
Never in a million years. So if I save a dollar every day from now on, when the time comes I might just change my mind.
The romantic in me says never but the cynic in me reasons that since I've never experienced true love or a healthy stable relationship, I should say screw it all and take the money.
So I'll meet in the middle. I WOULD NOT for a million dollars but I most likely would for 10 million. (I just said in another thread that I wasn't a gold digger so I'm not exactly a reliable narrator)
Also whenever I read this thread title, I have to read it in that Austin powers voice. One Milllllllllllion dollars!! (Obviously just in my head though)
Relationships fail all the time so it doesnt make sense to pass up on the money.
I'd understand if the choice was between a relationship with THE ONE vs $ 1000 000. Hard choice still Tongue
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by WaterCup
Ooh I love money, so Hell Yeah. I was having a little prayer just this morning about something that I really want & I made a bargain with God. Thing I want > Relationship. I have Capricorn mercury so security in life is more important than love or other fluffy little things. Give me that money bag & I'll drop him like a bag of dirty gym socks.


And you?
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uhm, I would have to say NO. Damn.
Not in a romantic relationship so I can walk wherever I like.
If I were in one the answer would be no. Money can't laugh with you. Nor can it kiss you, hold you tight or provide a strong shoulder to lay your weary head.
In regard to the greater majority of my past relationships my answer would be something along the lines of HELL YEAH give me that money! I can really only think of two which I wouldn't have walked away from, one of them only being counted because at the time I was too irrationally enthralled to make judgment calls with any form of clarity.
Posted by venusianbull
Not in a romantic relationship so I can walk wherever I like.
If I were in one the answer would be no. Money can't laugh with you. Nor can it kiss you, hold you tight or provide a strong shoulder to lay your weary head.

But a dog can!!! Big Grin
Well when you think about it you could probably mow through a million dollars quite quickly. What if you were offered 10 billion dollars?
Posted by aquasnoz
Well when you think about it you could probably mow through a million dollars quite quickly. What if you were offered 10 billion dollars?

Posted by aquasnoz
Well when you think about it you could probably mow through a million dollars quite quickly. What if you were offered 10 billion dollars?

I'll do flips to the direction of the money.
Posted by aquasnoz
Well when you think about it you could probably mow through a million dollars quite quickly. What if you were offered 10 billion dollars?

I would be selfless and take the money so my future generation can love comfortably..... Big Grin
Posted by bloodflood
Posted by venusianbull
Not in a romantic relationship so I can walk wherever I like.
If I were in one the answer would be no. Money can't laugh with you. Nor can it kiss you, hold you tight or provide a strong shoulder to lay your weary head.

But a dog can!!! Big Grin
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Totally smile
Er I mean live. I guess love applies too in their case.
A dog can also blanket warm via farting with you. Tongue
*humming 'Memories'*
Posted by MissFisk
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Would you walk away from your current relationship for that amount of money?

Would I walk away from my vibrator for $ 1M? Yes.
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Get yourself a better one for sure!
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by aquasnoz
Well when you think about it you could probably mow through a million dollars quite quickly. What if you were offered 10 billion dollars?

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OK, but the dog? NO??_ I can't.
What if someone offered a million dollars to *start* a relationship with them? One that you couldn't necessarily walk away from the moment you collected the money.
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by aquasnoz
Well when you think about it you could probably mow through a million dollars quite quickly. What if you were offered 10 billion dollars?


OK, but the dog? NO??_ I can't.
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I'm pretty obsessed with my dog.. Like really obsessed... The thing is she's about 12 years old now and everyday I live with this silent fear of losing her and racking my head with thoughts of how I could possibly handle the grief. So sometimes i pose the same possibility in my mind..that if she could just live forever or at least as long as I will, I'd be okay never finding true love.
Posted by TMV
What if someone offered a million dollars to *start* a relationship with them? One that you couldn't necessarily walk away from the moment you collected the money.

Posted by bloodflood
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by aquasnoz
Well when you think about it you could probably mow through a million dollars quite quickly. What if you were offered 10 billion dollars?


OK, but the dog? NO??_ I can't.

I'm pretty obsessed with my dog.. Like really obsessed... The thing is she's about 12 years old now and everyday I live with this silent fear of losing her and racking my head with thoughts of how I could possibly handle the grief. So sometimes i pose the same possibility in my mind..that if she could just live forever or at least as long as I will, I'd be okay never finding true love.
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aww??_ I know what you mean smile
I have a plan already set for this, I will get a puppy when my dog will be 8 or 9 years old. She can teach the newbie everything and when her time is up I will have a sense of her living on with the new one, ugh, I hope.
Posted by TMV
What if someone offered a million dollars to *start* a relationship with them? One that you couldn't necessarily walk away from the moment you collected the money.

How long? Is he the hunchback of Notre-Dame?
I wouldn't, but some people on dxp should. It would fix all their relationship problems.
Posted by andsssssss
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Would you walk away from your current relationship for that amount of money?

i was reading the wiki on materialism and i read that most people will kill for $ 3,000,000 lmfao!
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I wouldn't ;P
But then whatever would they have to whinge about Damnata?
Posted by Damnata
I wouldn't, but some people on dxp should. It would fix all their relationship problems.

They should but most probably wouldn't or they would and give that asshole the money! LOL
If I were dating a Capricorn girl, then yes I would. Why? Because I know she would do the same terrible thing to me given the chance.
With a great Cancer girl on the road to marriage and babies? Not a chance in the world.
Since I am o-fer in all my past relationships..........
"Go on, take the money and run."
It would have to be a real special woman for me to turn down a million bucks. She'd have to be "The One".
This reminds me of:
Churchill: ???Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds???
Socialite: ???My goodness, Mr. Churchill??_ Well, I suppose??_ we would have to discuss terms, of course??_??
Churchill: ???Would you sleep with me for five pounds???
Socialite: ???Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!??
Churchill: ???Madam, we??ve already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.??
Posted by ScorpioFish
If I were dating a Capricorn girl, then yes I would. Why? Because I know she would do the same terrible thing to me given the chance.
With a great Cancer girl on the road to marriage and babies? Not a chance in the world.

LOL that's not true of all Cap ladies!!!
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by ScorpioFish
If I were dating a Capricorn girl, then yes I would. Why? Because I know she would do the same terrible thing to me given the chance.
With a great Cancer girl on the road to marriage and babies? Not a chance in the world.

LOL that's not true of all Cap ladies!!!
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So certain are you?
No chance never
Posted by venusianbull
Not in a romantic relationship so I can walk wherever I like.
If I were in one the answer would be no. Money can't laugh with you. Nor can it kiss you, hold you tight or provide a strong shoulder to lay your weary head.

And there it is....
Posted by ScorpioFish
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by ScorpioFish
If I were dating a Capricorn girl, then yes I would. Why? Because I know she would do the same terrible thing to me given the chance.
With a great Cancer girl on the road to marriage and babies? Not a chance in the world.

LOL that's not true of all Cap ladies!!!

So certain are you?

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Hey, my mom is a Cap Winking
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by SamCancerGirl
No chance never

wow really? you must be in LOVE girl. Damn lucky CAP, i hope he's worth it.
Most times tho people aren't.
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Yep he's lucky to have me. Yh it has it's ups n downs but whn it's good it's amazinggggg I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything... Besides u can't take the money to your grave. You can take the experience of having lived with you
Posted by tiziani
"Haute couture flow, it's never going on sale." - Kanye

I thought this was Lagerfeld til I got to the "flow" part
Never, relationships always outweigh material gain.