People getting exactly what they deserve

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by brianafay on Saturday, June 29, 2013 and has 150 replies.
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I love it. smile

Positive or negative...however you wanna look at it.
Even on this tiny little site, I have the pleasure of seeing so many get exactly what they put out.

& I mean this both ways...good things happening to good people and bad things happening to bad people.
I shouldn't gloat about the latter because that's mean...but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find it the least bit satisfying to know the universe is more fair than it seems sometimes.
In general...but something in particular that triggered this reflection....a scummy member getting a taste of their own medicine.
& no Purr, I am in no way referring to you lol Tongue
I actually don't think you're scummy at all! I've told you before...
Just think you're a little off your rocker sometimes...but aren't we all, really?
Posted by Nemesis
Posted by brianafay
I love it. smile

Positive or negative...however you wanna look at it.
Even on this tiny little site, I have the pleasure of seeing so many get exactly what they put out.

your post reminded me of something i found the other day ......
"What I want??_ I can??t have. What I have??_ I don??t need. What I seek??_ I can??t find. What I found??_ I can??t deal with. What I have dealt with??_ I didn??t deserve.?? smile
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I like it smile
Posted by BalmyTigress
Soooo, if you get a sense of relief from other people's misery (no matter if you think they're scummy or not), what exactly are you putting out there? Winking
The idea of fairness can be a trap in itself.

Yeah, that is a dilemma.
I mean, I am not happy when anyone suffers...even murderers I feel bad for.
But when you watch someone operate with ulterior motives and in general act like a think to yourself WOW how do they get away with this shit? Then one day you realize they didn't get away with came back full circle...
It's my Leo moon Tongue
At the same time, one of the nicest girls I know...a next door her dream job recently simply by applying for an internship and they loved her. It's with an ID firm she has been in love with and what prompted her to pursue ID in the first place.
That makes me even more happy...she's getting exactly what she deserves on the other end of the spectrum
You don't know what someone deserves, good or bad...
I would touch wood if I were you.
How sadistic Bri...

but I concur :p
Knock on wood? Touch wood... Or your head? Lol
Posted by aquapiscescusp
You don't know what someone deserves, good or bad...
I would touch wood if I were you.

nah I'm good...I know my intentions...
By what they deserve...I mean a reflection of their own actions. A taste of their own medicine, as Purr already said. If they never saw a problem with the things they did...maybe they will see it differently when they are on the receiving end? No? Maybe, maybe not.
It's not for me to decide if what they do is wrong or not, you're right. They can decide that on their own.
for example... if someone is sneaky and conniving and has stabbed many people in the back....then one day they are stabbed in the don't think about it? Really?
You aren't happy when someone deserving finally has good news?
What's the difference really?
Posted by xygeneration
Some people get what they deserve while some dont.

Depends how you look at it I guess
Ah my friends...
What you speak of encapsulates a special part of the internet that is called...
Guy thinks he can drive, endangers lives by crossing double yellow on blinds. Pays the price for not keeping it on the track. This is driving justice.
(AKA Recording himself. Ego writing checks his skills can't cash.)
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Posted by brianafay
Posted by aquapiscescusp
You don't know what someone deserves, good or bad...
I would touch wood if I were you.

nah I'm good...I know my intentions...
By what they deserve...I mean a reflection of their own actions. A taste of their own medicine, as Purr already said. If they never saw a problem with the things they did...maybe they will see it differently when they are on the receiving end? No? Maybe, maybe not.
It's not for me to decide if what they do is wrong or not, you're right. They can decide that on their own.
for example... if someone is sneaky and conniving and has stabbed many people in the back....then one day they are stabbed in the don't think about it? Really?

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Nah I don't stick around people like that long enough to even know, honestly I don't care or make a point to see if they are getting theirs back ya know?
Posted by VirgoHero
Ah my friends...
What you speak of encapsulates a special part of the internet that is called...
Guy thinks he can drive, endangers lives by crossing double yellow on blinds. Pays the price for not keeping it on the track. This is driving justice.
(AKA Recording himself. Ego writing checks his skills can't cash.)
< width="560" height="315" ="

I think that's more consequences for being a reckless idiot.
Expensive lesson to learn :/
Drunks try to be cool and stop a car. Justice ensues...
< width="560" height="315" ="
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by brianafay
Posted by aquapiscescusp
You don't know what someone deserves, good or bad...
I would touch wood if I were you.

nah I'm good...I know my intentions...
By what they deserve...I mean a reflection of their own actions. A taste of their own medicine, as Purr already said. If they never saw a problem with the things they did...maybe they will see it differently when they are on the receiving end? No? Maybe, maybe not.
It's not for me to decide if what they do is wrong or not, you're right. They can decide that on their own.
for example... if someone is sneaky and conniving and has stabbed many people in the back....then one day they are stabbed in the don't think about it? Really?

Nah I don't stick around people like that long enough to even know, honestly I don't care or make a point to see if they are getting theirs back ya know?
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Right I don't associate with these people either. I don't want that shit clouding my good vibes.
I can't help this shit falls in my lap. & I'm not gonna lie or pretend I'm above it to think "hmmmm, that sucks, wish I could feel bad for them."
Posted by brianafay
You aren't happy when someone deserving finally has good news?
What's the difference really?

There is a difference, the opposite of happy for someone is sad for someone...
Ok. Well I am not sad for a back stabber that get stabbed in the back.
Can't feel sorry for them. :/ Sorry I'm not sorry.
Hopefully it impacts them in some way and something positive comes from it...
Posted by xygeneration
I just dont want to believe that bc that means people living in the 3rd world deserves exactly where they are now.

Is that a result of their behavior? No
I think you talking about something completely different now
Posted by xygeneration
I just dont want to believe that bc that means people living in the 3rd world deserves exactly where they are now.

Good point
It's really not
Posted by brianafay
Ok. Well I am not sad for a back stabber that get stabbed in the back.
Can't feel sorry for them. :/ Sorry I'm not sorry.
Hopefully it impacts them in some way and something positive comes from it...

I was brought up to not wish anyone any harm, because it inevitably comes back to you.
Was this the final outcome of the thread, Share your Trip to Mar!?
So really, people being born in a 3rd world country is proof there are no consequences for your behavior??
For one, a third world country is only that in comparison to another more developed country.
& a third world country is indeed a consequence of someone's (many people's behavior/choices)
...poor management, politics, greed, etc.
While the people born into it have nothing to do with any that, they still suffer and that's unfortunate...
People's behavior has consequences...and it doesn't just effect them, it effects others around them...
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by brianafay
Ok. Well I am not sad for a back stabber that get stabbed in the back.
Can't feel sorry for them. :/ Sorry I'm not sorry.
Hopefully it impacts them in some way and something positive comes from it...

I was brought up to not wish anyone any harm, because it inevitably comes back to you.
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Harm?? I didn't say I hope her first born child dies...and I wouldn't enjoy seeing that either.
If she feels harmed by being stabbed in the back...then maybe she will think about how she treated others prior to this unfortunate event?
Posted by PurrrrrrHissssss
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by brianafay
Ok. Well I am not sad for a back stabber that get stabbed in the back.
Can't feel sorry for them. :/ Sorry I'm not sorry.
Hopefully it impacts them in some way and something positive comes from it...

I was brought up to not wish anyone any harm, because it inevitably comes back to you.

No one wishes her harm.
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She is happy that person was stabbed in the back from what I have read, is she wishing her well?
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Was this the final outcome of the thread, Share your Trip to Mar!?

Never read that thread, I have no idea
Posted by xygeneration
Posted by brianafay
So really, people being born in a 3rd world country is proof there are no consequences for your behavior??
For one, a third world country is only that in comparison to another more developed country.
& a third world country is indeed a consequence of someone's (many people's behavior/choices)
...poor management, politics, greed, etc.
While the people born into it have nothing to do with any that, they still suffer and that's unfortunate...
People's behavior has consequences...and it doesn't just effect them, it effects others around them...

Ok. So.....that means...?
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you aren't making a good point there.
Posted by PurrrrrrHissssss
Trust me...she's not hurting over this. She's smarter than most of us and knew exactly what she was doing. She simply didn't care.

People that are mean spirited should be avoided... I don't really know who you are talking about but it makes for an interesting conversation on a rainy day.
Avoided, they are.
But when it becomes public knowledge that they received the same treatment they handed out to others...
I can't help but feel it was justice
Look, you can sit there and pretend you wouldn't find it interesting to see someone receive the same treatment they doled out to you or people you care about...
As for me, I'm gonna keep keeping it real. smile
Hope you guys aren't too astounded or offended or whatever.
Wish me well or pray for me or something, Idk
You're mean spirited J, I pray for you
Posted by xygeneration
Posted by BalmyTigress
Posted by xygeneration
So what do you consider those people in third world?


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yes dear
Posted by xygeneration
Which people are you speaking of? What kind of people get exactly what they deserve?

I have literally explained what I meant every way I know how possible on every page of this thread so far. :/
I mean exactly this...I'll make it super Barney this time...
if someone steals other people's cars...and then one day they have their car stolen...and they cry about it and find it such an outrage and carry on....I do not think "man, that's terrible...I hope they get their car back." I think "wow, sucks, wish I felt bad for you...but you stole other people's cars, so I guess you're getting it back now."

Is it true that good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people?
Absolutely. All the time.
Is that even relevant in terms of what I was saying? No. Not at all.
Posted by JustALeo
Posted by brianafay
You're mean spirited J, I pray for you

A lot of people always tell me they pray for me lol this Chaplain says it a lot to me too. Hmmmmmm
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there's ya sign Tongue
Posted by xygeneration
You know, to some people who are really thicked skin, they don't really care if they got what they deserved. They probably didn't even noticed it and somehow managed to spin it as a good thing.

True. I wish they would learn from it...that's all I mean.
I honestly don't want anyone to hurt. I have a hard time being cruel to anyone...even people who were cruel to me first. I just stay away from them. But I'm sorry for hoping they get a taste of their own medicine one day and maybe it changes the way they do things.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Depends what they've done as to how funny it

I'm surprised at people wanting to see justice but then balk when it actually happens.
For me personally, I don't wish bad in any one, even those who do bad things. But I won't ignore the fact that eventually they will get what they deserve good or bad. The karma train is never late. What puzzles me is the fact that people don't consider what actually happens. I see most as being mixed or balanced. For every good deed they turn around and do something bad. For every positive there is a negative. Simply you offset your karma and the big picture is you don't go any further in your journey. It's like trying to climb a ladder while laying on the ground. The wisdom comes from gaining positive from negative and not turning positive into negative.
...I knew this girl who was a real bitch...she gave me hell in middle school. Harassed me, bullied me, etc.
She got into a terrible car accident that left her disfigured.
My reaction was genuine compassion. I was not happy that happened to her and I didn't think she got what she deserved.
Now, if a group of girls bullied and harassed her the way she had done me and others...I would probably have thought she was "deserving" of that.
Posted by PurrrrrrHissssss
She wasn't stabbed in the back. She stabbed me in the back.
It's likely that certain malicious people lied about me to her to turn her against me. I've seen it happen. Certain people like to cozy up to people I'm friendly with and make shit up about me because they want me off the site.
You'll figure out who they are in time. Winking

Well do us a favor and tell us :p
Posted by BalmyTigress
Posted by beautifulsoul74
I'm surprised at people wanting to see justice but then balk when it actually happens.

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Does it matter who's eye is lost? It's still sad.
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What you speak of is revenge not justice. There is a difference. Revenge is about ego and the karmic implications that come with it. Sorry, I'm not saddened by the player that gets played or the manipulator who gets manipulated. Karma is the simple law of nature and the spiritual as a whole. It's about the energy you give and take from others.
Posted by size zero superhero
Posted by xygeneration
I just dont want to believe that bc that means people living in the 3rd world deserves exactly where they are now.

Accusing oppressed struggling third-world citizens of bringing suffering upon the masses is preposterous. That's like saying children with an abusive parent got exactly what they had coming.
By now all should be aware those who bear the heftiest burdens as a result, are merely victims of circumstance i.e. government corruption, tyrannical leadership, natural disaster, brainwashing, enslavement or cyclic poverty--widespread obstacles which invariably diminish quality of life on a nationwide scale.
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Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by BalmyTigress
Posted by beautifulsoul74
I'm surprised at people wanting to see justice but then balk when it actually happens.

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Does it matter who's eye is lost? It's still sad.

What you speak of is revenge not justice. There is a difference. Revenge is about ego and the karmic implications that come with it. Sorry, I'm not saddened by the player that gets played or the manipulator who gets manipulated. Karma is the simple law of nature and the spiritual as a whole. It's about the energy you give and take from others.
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thank you
As sad as we may want to feel, there is no getting around karma. What makes me sad is seeing someone do harm knowing that in this life or the next they will be repaid and its usually by having to live in whatever wrong they caused...having to feel it so they will learn that they're not supposed to do it. If you want consideration then give it. Don't discount others. If you want compassion then give it. If you do the opposite then you are taking away from someone. The energy and balance will be restored by you then having to give back. It's simple.
Posted by xygeneration
Was I the only one who didn't read the mars thread?

nah I didn't either...I have no idea what anyone's talking about and I feel like throwing a tantrum over it
trying to keep it together. I've always hated feeling like I missed something
@Balmy: I agree totally. Hence why karma exists. If more people learned what they're suppose to or had simple compassion then there would be less bad situations. But a lot of us operate out of ego and put ourselves first and foremost. If we learned that self survival depends more on what we do for others than ourselves things would be a lot better. By doing for others, you do for self. We do the opposite.
this conversation is getting so majestic with both your avis being tigers, haha