Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeWomen fought in the revolutionary war as well, its documented. But according to history books there was no women in america until Florence Nightingale.Posted by bubblebathFree for the white man, if the Britain hadn't been so arrogant, slavery would have ended long before the civil war, and guns wouldn't be the 2nd amendment.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeso much for America land of the freePosted by bubblebathyep, wish we never won the war against the arrogant British.
America's cops are so corrupt, no wonder people don't have as much respect for them tbh. went to new york to visit family, and there were posters around fining people who shot cops
also with your guys gun laws, the system is messed up. if you didn't have this problem, you guys can blame your gun laws.
no one expect to call the police for help and get shot. police have too much power, that when they take advantage of it. the woman didn't deserve to get shot, despite what her history was
all these laws came during the revolutionary war to twart British law.
Blacks assumed wrongly that equal under the law meant them and probably just wanted their freedom so fought for the patriots, even that lame FUKER Washington, who kept his slaves till he died, and was curious why they fuking ran away from his pathetic a $ 4. Ummm bytch didn't black men fight for your revolution, you can't even see them as a HUMAN BEING ...
i would have not fought for the colonists...i would have defected and said fuk all ya'll
but everything is in hindsightclick to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeWhere is the footage from the officers body cam???Posted by Nevermorethey're just trying to prove their case, but they already knew she had mental issues so at the least they're the most they're trigger happy
There's still need to have a full investigations there. I don't like to react right away while this happened suddenly.
Has audio in it of 911 call. She's to darn calm or tired for the sounds of to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneShe got it right, with two separate incidentsPosted by DamnataRead again hun.Posted by LadyNeptuneSo..she harasses police with metal shears...then at the time of the shooting officers are heard saying "get back" which means she was advancing...
She had been arrested and charged with obstruction of a public officer and harassment of a law enforcement officer on June 5. That police report described Lyles as having "armed herself with a pair of extra long metal shears" and that she had been "threatening the officers." She was released conditionally June 14.
The encounter between the officers and Lyles started calmly as heard in an audio recording. But it suddenly escalated with the officers saying "get back" repeatedly. Shots were heard in the audio.
...we still don't get the full details of the case but time to assume and be outraged.
I has to stop. And by "it" I mean unfounded outrage by the public. It's embarrassing to not use mental faculties and be driven by passion.
The incident with the shears was a separate incident entirely.
She called the police to investigate a possible break in. They gunned her down presumably in front of her kids. And of course the police body cam footage is missing from the released footage by the to expand
Posted by CheVirgoYes prisons are a left over relic from slavery days...meant to oppress and enslave people of color.
I remember as a 15 year old playing basketball with my friends who were Black and Spanish got stopped by police looking for a black guy with a hoodie height description 5'6 to 6'7 ????? that can be any black person. I really hate when white people say things like " you won't go to jail if you don't dress like a thug " Martin Luther King went to jail, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks and they wore suites and dresses. People need to read the constitution it shows how racist America is with black people being 3/5 of a human being and how the gov't can still practice slavery in prison which is why cops go into black and Spanish communities, to force slave labor. Most black and Spanish men are in jail for none violent crime like selling weed but unlike the white guy who sells and smoke weed too that black and Spanish person will go to jail because they look like a " bad dude ".
Sorry for the long paragraph and terrible gramma.
Posted by DamnataDo you realize how ridiculous you are as a non-American white person commenting on an American social --political problem that has been proven time and time again to exist?Posted by AdreamuponwakingYep.Posted by DamnataHave you watched Fruitvale?Posted by LadyNeptuneHave you seen 12 angry men?
0 excuses for this fuckery.
Watch it. Might give you perspective on making such a strong statement without proof, because you're only feeling reactive.
I'm not being facetious or sarcastic btw. Really good movie.
Do you know who oscar grant or treyvon martin is?
or alex nieto?
or Tamir rice?
Were they in that apartment? I missed that in the article let me go look again.
(do you realize how ridiculous you are because you can't take it on a case by case basis or has it yet to dawn on you?)click to expand
Posted by DamnataNo seriously.Posted by AdreamuponwakingLMAO.
Use your brain.
Lack of critical thinking is boring.
Alright, I'll go do to expand
Posted by AdreamuponwakingYeah seriously I am laughing at the irony of your statements.Posted by DamnataNo seriously.Posted by AdreamuponwakingLMAO.
Use your brain.
Lack of critical thinking is boring.
Alright, I'll go do that.
Try to really be objective and take in account your own biases / blind spots may be.
And they say Americans are to expand
Posted by DamnataThat's all I get?Posted by AdreamuponwakingYeah seriously I am laughing at the irony of your statements.Posted by DamnataNo seriously.Posted by AdreamuponwakingLMAO.
Use your brain.
Lack of critical thinking is boring.
Alright, I'll go do that.
Try to really be objective and take in account your own biases / blind spots may be.
And they say Americans are to expand
Posted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with gunsclick to expand
Posted by DamnataPosted by LadyNeptuneSo..she harasses police with metal shears...then at the time of the shooting officers are heard saying "get back" which means she was advancing...
She had been arrested and charged with obstruction of a public officer and harassment of a law enforcement officer on June 5. That police report described Lyles as having "armed herself with a pair of extra long metal shears" and that she had been "threatening the officers." She was released conditionally June 14.
The encounter between the officers and Lyles started calmly as heard in an audio recording. But it suddenly escalated with the officers saying "get back" repeatedly. Shots were heard in the audio.
...we still don't get the full details of the case but time to assume and be outraged.
I has to stop. And by "it" I mean unfounded outrage by the public. It's embarrassing to not use mental faculties and be driven by to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneas well as the very poorPosted by CheVirgoYes prisons are a left over relic from slavery days...meant to oppress and enslave people of color.
I remember as a 15 year old playing basketball with my friends who were Black and Spanish got stopped by police looking for a black guy with a hoodie height description 5'6 to 6'7 ????? that can be any black person. I really hate when white people say things like " you won't go to jail if you don't dress like a thug " Martin Luther King went to jail, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks and they wore suites and dresses. People need to read the constitution it shows how racist America is with black people being 3/5 of a human being and how the gov't can still practice slavery in prison which is why cops go into black and Spanish communities, to force slave labor. Most black and Spanish men are in jail for none violent crime like selling weed but unlike the white guy who sells and smoke weed too that black and Spanish person will go to jail because they look like a " bad dude ".
Sorry for the long paragraph and terrible to expand
Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with gunsclick to expand
Posted by tctaYou don't know her mental stability. If she's crazy enough to entice the police to her home via a bogus 911 call, try to stab them (presumably) then what's to say she wouldn't attempt to harm her children? People do crazy stuff when they're messed up
Not sure why they didn't just shoot her in the leg or something to stop her from advancing with a weapon - there was no reason to kill her if she could be stopped. Now there are 2 dead and 4 children homeless.
Posted by DamnataAdvancing with what dipshit? How fast can a pregnant lady move? That was a previous report against her not now she had no weapon or at least we'll never know! Because that's just like when white people ask 'Would Martin Luther King be dissapointed in you saying nigga?" Like 'uhm hello bitch we'll never know now because he's dead'! No offense to any white people I loooovee yoooouu all i Just can't tolerate the ignorance of this post.Posted by LadyNeptuneSo..she harasses police with metal shears...then at the time of the shooting officers are heard saying "get back" which means she was advancing...
She had been arrested and charged with obstruction of a public officer and harassment of a law enforcement officer on June 5. That police report described Lyles as having "armed herself with a pair of extra long metal shears" and that she had been "threatening the officers." She was released conditionally June 14.
The encounter between the officers and Lyles started calmly as heard in an audio recording. But it suddenly escalated with the officers saying "get back" repeatedly. Shots were heard in the audio.
...we still don't get the full details of the case but time to assume and be outraged.
I has to stop. And by "it" I mean unfounded outrage by the public. It's embarrassing to not use mental faculties and be driven by to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with gunsclick to expand
Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with gunsclick to expand
Posted by CheVirgoAccording to the FBI, whites lead in incest, child pornography,abduction of children, U.S terrorist attacks, insurance fraud, police brutality convictions, hate crimes, mass murder, inside trading convictions over 11 millions, malpractice suits and convicted politicians. You don't see Michael the black cop, shooting Alex the 16 year old, who is shooting up the schools do you? No you don't! A white kid will literally go in the school and shoot people because he has a hard time making friends mean while a civilized black women with 4 kids and one on the way calls for help and is instead killed.Leaving all those kids behind for the system to not take care of. i wonder why there is gangs and violence maybe, because 4 kids lost 2 people in one day ALL because their mother wanted HELP!!!!! Open your fucking eyes fuckface! How is that justifiable?Posted by LadyNeptune100% agree police get trigger happy when it come to blacks because blacks form gangs and produce more violence than any other race.Posted by DamnataRead again hun.Posted by LadyNeptuneSo..she harasses police with metal shears...then at the time of the shooting officers are heard saying "get back" which means she was advancing...
She had been arrested and charged with obstruction of a public officer and harassment of a law enforcement officer on June 5. That police report described Lyles as having "armed herself with a pair of extra long metal shears" and that she had been "threatening the officers." She was released conditionally June 14.
The encounter between the officers and Lyles started calmly as heard in an audio recording. But it suddenly escalated with the officers saying "get back" repeatedly. Shots were heard in the audio.
...we still don't get the full details of the case but time to assume and be outraged.
I has to stop. And by "it" I mean unfounded outrage by the public. It's embarrassing to not use mental faculties and be driven by passion.
The incident with the shears was a separate incident entirely.
She called the police to investigate a possible break in. They gunned her down presumably in front of her kids. And of course the police body cam footage is missing from the released footage by the police.
click to expand
Posted by DamnataPLEASE EXIT THE THREAD! YOUR IGNORANCE MIGHT BE CONTAGIOUS!Posted by Lala1393I'm not American.Posted by DamnataPosted by LadyNeptuneSo..she harasses police with metal shears...then at the time of the shooting officers are heard saying "get back" which means she was advancing...
She had been arrested and charged with obstruction of a public officer and harassment of a law enforcement officer on June 5. That police report described Lyles as having "armed herself with a pair of extra long metal shears" and that she had been "threatening the officers." She was released conditionally June 14.
The encounter between the officers and Lyles started calmly as heard in an audio recording. But it suddenly escalated with the officers saying "get back" repeatedly. Shots were heard in the audio.
...we still don't get the full details of the case but time to assume and be outraged.
I has to stop. And by "it" I mean unfounded outrage by the public. It's embarrassing to not use mental faculties and be driven by passion.
Sorry but in my country, that is NOT a valid reason to kill a woman and her baby.
What the hell is wrong with you americans that you even find this ok ?
Why is there not a country riot ?
Are you really excusing all these killings ?
You don't know what happened, neither do I. All we know is officers tell her to back away repeatedly. We don't know how she was advancing and this is someone who advanced with metal shears before so ...what if she had a gun? But we don't know.
Not a country riot because despite proof to the contrary...majority of people in the world are still sane and have common sense.
No? Don't know what killings you are on about. Also not up for me to excuse since there are avenues for that, aka investigations into to expand
Posted by P-AngelAs always we only know what the police say why don't we ask the kids who where there. Or are they to young to know what they saw. Just wait till the police get a hold of them and change what they saw with the reverse psychology they will use! Mix up the words confusing and badgering them.
According to the article, she confronted the police officers with two knives .... I'm not talking about before with the shears.
I'm talking at the time she was shot .... she advanced on the cops with knives.
It's sad when a person loses their life .. but, life would be worse without being policed.
she shouldn't have confronted cops with knives. had she practiced being sensible, then she'd probably still be alive today
Posted by tctaHow do you expect to truly get the story. The victim is dead you know there is 2 sides to every story and we always get one side where the black people are the bad guys, even when there is video graphic proof!Posted by DamnataI totally agree with you and need the facts before I make assumptions. If police are shooting without a good reason then yes, outrage is warranted - but give me the real story here first. This is all just "media hype" to me and should be banned completely. This type of thing alone is what is causing disparity in our country.Posted by Lala1393I'm not American.Posted by DamnataPosted by LadyNeptuneSo..she harasses police with metal shears...then at the time of the shooting officers are heard saying "get back" which means she was advancing...
She had been arrested and charged with obstruction of a public officer and harassment of a law enforcement officer on June 5. That police report described Lyles as having "armed herself with a pair of extra long metal shears" and that she had been "threatening the officers." She was released conditionally June 14.
The encounter between the officers and Lyles started calmly as heard in an audio recording. But it suddenly escalated with the officers saying "get back" repeatedly. Shots were heard in the audio.
...we still don't get the full details of the case but time to assume and be outraged.
I has to stop. And by "it" I mean unfounded outrage by the public. It's embarrassing to not use mental faculties and be driven by passion.
Sorry but in my country, that is NOT a valid reason to kill a woman and her baby.
What the hell is wrong with you americans that you even find this ok ?
Why is there not a country riot ?
Are you really excusing all these killings ?
You don't know what happened, neither do I. All we know is officers tell her to back away repeatedly. We don't know how she was advancing and this is someone who advanced with metal shears before so ...what if she had a gun? But we don't know.
Not a country riot because despite proof to the contrary...majority of people in the world are still sane and have common sense.
No? Don't know what killings you are on about. Also not up for me to excuse since there are avenues for that, aka investigations into to expand
Posted by P-AngelIf your black and see a cop expect to be shot...let that sink in
If you advance on a cop with a knife, expect to be shot.
Posted by tctaYou never shoot someone in the limbs. You shoot to kill or not at all.
Not sure why they didn't just shoot her in the leg or something to stop her from advancing with a weapon - there was no reason to kill her if she could be stopped. Now there are 2 dead and 4 children homeless.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeYou take that back....Posted by bubblebathyep, wish we never won the war against the arrogant British.
America's cops are so corrupt, no wonder people don't have as much respect for them tbh. went to new york to visit family, and there were posters around fining people who shot cops
also with your guys gun laws, the system is messed up. if you didn't have this problem, you guys can blame your gun to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneAlmost feels like their doing it just so they can get a paid leave...but i don't know I'm just a kid. RightPosted by CheVirgoPeople can be racist all they want.Posted by tctaWhen I was in the military I had an Irish racist chief who told my Tibetan friend " I hope you don't eat spiders I know how you asian motherfuckers are ". I know for a fact white peole use the word nigger 10 times more than black people in public or private. It's just the way they are and wonder why some blacks or Spanish people are not attracted to them or keep their distance from them.Posted by CheVirgoand they are dick hicks and these are the only jobs they can do with their limited ability for education
Most cops in America have Irish and Italian heritage. Let that sink in.
Its when Cops whose salaries are paid by tax payers start slaughtering people of color without provocation is when we have a problem.
And the system protects them. The two officers are on paid leave (aka vacation) while this is investigated. The police are withholding the body cam footage...
No justice will be to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my to expand
Posted by WarAngel1Your smoking dick if you believe that shit your dropping out of your mouth!Posted by LadyNeptuneI did read what you've posted. My point is: give it some more time. Humans don't start pulling out of a room with a gun drawn unless they are hesitating to shoot as much as possible.Posted by WarAngel1She wasn't armed. The shears incident happened on the 5th. Read more carefully.Posted by LadyNeptuneA known crazy lady (with a weird history) coming at me with some kind of weapon is going to get two in the chest. If the investigation proves one or both are in the wrong, hang'em. Not enough information yet to get a full picture.Posted by WarAngel1According to the press release that the cops put out they both were equipped with 'less lethal force options'. 0 excuses for this fuckery.Posted by LadyNeptuneI believe when the story first broke, one cop told the other to use a taser, but neither had one available. I'm willing to wait and see how this fleshes out before I give judgement.
Once again trigger happy police gun down a person of color... When will this end!!!
On Thursday, Seattle police released Lyles' 911 call and a video recording from her hallway, showing the 24 hours leading up to the shooting.
On Sunday, shortly before 9 a.m., Lyles called 911 to report a break-in and told the operator that her door was open and that "there's stuff missing," from her home. She told him that she had left about two to three hours ago and when she came back, the door was open.
The hallway video from her apartment showed Lyles leaving and entering, but didn't show anyone else going inside her unit.
Two police officers, identified as Steven McNew and Jason Anderson, responded to her call.
They arrived to her apartment knowing of a previous incident she had with police earlier in the month. She had been arrested and charged with obstruction of a public officer and harassment of a law enforcement officer on June 5. That police report described Lyles as having "armed herself with a pair of extra long metal shears" and that she had been "threatening the officers." She was released conditionally June 14.
The encounter between the officers and Lyles started calmly as heard in an audio recording. But it suddenly escalated with the officers saying "get back" repeatedly. Shots were heard in the audio.
Three children were in the apartment at the time of the shooting, police said.
"When we call police for help, we expect protection. We expect safety. It was their responsibility to protect her and they didn't," James Bible, an attorney representing family members of Lyles, told CNN affiliate KIRO.
Both officers were equipped with less lethal force options, police said.
McNew and Anderson are currently on paid administrative leave while the shooting is under investigation.
Pregnant women are dangerous too sometimes. Time will tell.
Shooting an unarmed pregnant woman 5 times in front of her children is justified to you?? I can't think of any scenario that makes that justified...
She called them for HELP. They shot her dead. Where is the grey area here???!!!
She did call for help, but things quickly went downhill and here we are.
If it is found out that they fucked up, they will be prosecuted. A jury will decide at that to expand
Posted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my to expand
Posted by SsupermanJust talking about unarmed African Americans in any given year alonePosted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with gunsclick to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneOk, out of how many altercations with police though?Posted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my city.
According to this site police killed 309 black people in 2016. 142 so far this year.
102 unarmed black people murdered by police in 2015. That's 2 per week.
https://mappingpoliceviolence.orgclick to expand
Posted by SsupermanDefine altercation?Posted by LadyNeptuneOk, out of how many altercations with police though?Posted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my city.
According to this site police killed 309 black people in 2016. 142 so far this year.
102 unarmed black people murdered by police in 2015. That's 2 per week.
https://mappingpoliceviolence.orgclick to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneDid you even know that in 2015 50% of people murdered by police were WHITE?Posted by SsupermanDefine altercation?Posted by LadyNeptuneOk, out of how many altercations with police though?Posted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my city.
According to this site police killed 309 black people in 2016. 142 so far this year.
102 unarmed black people murdered by police in 2015. That's 2 per week.
I don't see how anyone should be shot if they are unarmed. Even if they are resisting arrest. That's what tasers and handcuffs are to expand
Posted by seraphThat's a different what-if scenario that's not applicable to the point I'm making.Posted by cornmaizesharkA United States under Britain would have formed its own government anyway, likely as a Constitutional Monarchy.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeYou take that back....Posted by bubblebathyep, wish we never won the war against the arrogant British.
America's cops are so corrupt, no wonder people don't have as much respect for them tbh. went to new york to visit family, and there were posters around fining people who shot cops
also with your guys gun laws, the system is messed up. if you didn't have this problem, you guys can blame your gun laws.
Or you think long and hard how you'd feel being ruled by what has been voted the ugliest country in the world, where the men are about 5'5 on average and they all speak with "posh" to expand
Posted by SsupermanIt's not just about physical numbers it's more about probability due toPosted by LadyNeptuneOk, out of how many altercations with police though?Posted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my city.
According to this site police killed 309 black people in 2016. 142 so far this year.
102 unarmed black people murdered by police in 2015. That's 2 per week.
https://mappingpoliceviolence.orgclick to expand
Posted by LadyNeptune@SsupermanPosted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my city.
According to this site police killed 309 black people in 2016. 142 so far this year.
102 unarmed black people murdered by police in 2015. That's 2 per week.
https://mappingpoliceviolence.orgclick to expand
Posted by AdreamuponwakingCouldn't agree more. That's why I brought up altercations. Statistically there are more whites so there will be more altercations and more deadPosted by SsupermanIt's not just about physical numbers it's more about probability due toPosted by LadyNeptuneOk, out of how many altercations with police though?Posted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my city.
According to this site police killed 309 black people in 2016. 142 so far this year.
102 unarmed black people murdered by police in 2015. That's 2 per week.
socioeconomic status and race.
It shouldn't matter if it's one loss life or many....
You can not and should not quantify grief based on a number of lives to expand
Posted by SsupermanLink your sources.Posted by LadyNeptuneDid you even know that in 2015 50% of people murdered by police were WHITE?Posted by SsupermanDefine altercation?Posted by LadyNeptuneOk, out of how many altercations with police though?Posted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my city.
According to this site police killed 309 black people in 2016. 142 so far this year.
102 unarmed black people murdered by police in 2015. That's 2 per week.
I don't see how anyone should be shot if they are unarmed. Even if they are resisting arrest. That's what tasers and handcuffs are for.
Only 26% were blackclick to expand
Posted by MaidemarilynThat's the way it should be. Ever see a small hanful of the American people?
Wow! US police are dangerously trigger happy.
Posted by LadyNeptune by SsupermanLink your sources.Posted by LadyNeptuneDid you even know that in 2015 50% of people murdered by police were WHITE?Posted by SsupermanDefine altercation?Posted by LadyNeptuneOk, out of how many altercations with police though?Posted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my city.
According to this site police killed 309 black people in 2016. 142 so far this year.
102 unarmed black people murdered by police in 2015. That's 2 per week.
I don't see how anyone should be shot if they are unarmed. Even if they are resisting arrest. That's what tasers and handcuffs are for.
Only 26% were blackclick to expand
Posted by GetMistedOf course they werePosted by SsupermanAt least you admit they were "murdered"Posted by LadyNeptuneDid you even know that in 2015 50% of people murdered by police were WHITE?Posted by SsupermanDefine altercation?Posted by LadyNeptuneOk, out of how many altercations with police though?Posted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my city.
According to this site police killed 309 black people in 2016. 142 so far this year.
102 unarmed black people murdered by police in 2015. That's 2 per week.
I don't see how anyone should be shot if they are unarmed. Even if they are resisting arrest. That's what tasers and handcuffs are for.
Only 26% were blackclick to expand
Posted by SsupermanAdjusting for socioeconomic status...they aren't though.Posted by AdreamuponwakingCouldn't agree more. That's why I brought up altercations. Statistically, there are more whites so there will be more altercations and more deadPosted by SsupermanIt's not just about physical numbers it's more about probability due toPosted by LadyNeptuneOk, out of how many altercations with police though?Posted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my city.
According to this site police killed 309 black people in 2016. 142 so far this year.
102 unarmed black people murdered by police in 2015. That's 2 per week.
socioeconomic status and race.
It shouldn't matter if it's one loss life or many....
You can not and should not quantify grief based on a number of lives to expand
Posted by GetMistedI've heard this story.Posted by LadyNeptuneAsk him about how he assaulted two police officers and didn't die in the process.. Or even go to prison.Posted by SsupermanLink your sources.Posted by LadyNeptuneDid you even know that in 2015 50% of people murdered by police were WHITE?Posted by SsupermanDefine altercation?Posted by LadyNeptuneOk, out of how many altercations with police though?Posted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my city.
According to this site police killed 309 black people in 2016. 142 so far this year.
102 unarmed black people murdered by police in 2015. That's 2 per week.
I don't see how anyone should be shot if they are unarmed. Even if they are resisting arrest. That's what tasers and handcuffs are for.
Only 26% were blackclick to expand
Posted by SsupermanDaily wire pushes a conservatist agenda.Posted by LadyNeptune by SsupermanLink your sources.Posted by LadyNeptuneDid you even know that in 2015 50% of people murdered by police were WHITE?Posted by SsupermanDefine altercation?Posted by LadyNeptuneOk, out of how many altercations with police though?Posted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my city.
According to this site police killed 309 black people in 2016. 142 so far this year.
102 unarmed black people murdered by police in 2015. That's 2 per week.
I don't see how anyone should be shot if they are unarmed. Even if they are resisting arrest. That's what tasers and handcuffs are for.
Only 26% were blackclick to expand
Posted by seraphWhat is the point I was trying to make?Posted by cornmaizesharkBut they very likely wouldn't have been "ruled" in the way you suggest. I know the point you were trying to make, and it isn't applicable. They would have been ruled by their *own people* (though still requiring Crown assent for certain legislation), except they wouldn't have been revolutionaries.Posted by seraphThat's a different what-if scenario that's not applicable to the point I'm making.Posted by cornmaizesharkA United States under Britain would have formed its own government anyway, likely as a Constitutional Monarchy.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeYou take that back....Posted by bubblebathyep, wish we never won the war against the arrogant British.
America's cops are so corrupt, no wonder people don't have as much respect for them tbh. went to new york to visit family, and there were posters around fining people who shot cops
also with your guys gun laws, the system is messed up. if you didn't have this problem, you guys can blame your gun laws.
Or you think long and hard how you'd feel being ruled by what has been voted the ugliest country in the world, where the men are about 5'5 on average and they all speak with "posh" to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneWho cares? They're quoting FACTS herePosted by SsupermanDaily wire pushes a conservatist agenda.Posted by LadyNeptune by SsupermanLink your sources.Posted by LadyNeptuneDid you even know that in 2015 50% of people murdered by police were WHITE?Posted by SsupermanDefine altercation?Posted by LadyNeptuneOk, out of how many altercations with police though?Posted by SsupermanI would have to read through each incident to know.Posted by LadyNeptuneHow many of those were black? And how many were in an altercation with police?Posted by SsupermanWow where are you getting those numbers from??Posted by LadyNeptuneI'd say the odds are very low. Hundreds of thousands get pulled over each year. How many get gunned down? 2-3 a year? That's less than .02%Posted by bubblebathwatch some of the videos posted in this thread. The point is black people are gunned down whether or not they are cooperating. So even if you lay on the ground with your hands in the air not resisting, the police will still shoot you.Posted by LadyNeptunethen why would they pick fights with cops or not listen to them. maybe some do. not allPosted by bubblebathAmericans fear the police.Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeCanada doesnt have the problems with cops because our gun laws, people here have respect and actually fear cops that's one difference that made a huge impact
LOok at how PEACEFUL CANADA is. That could have been US
but no we got dumb laws that keeps this country very violent and trigger happy cops cause they think everyone trying to kill them
but for sure America was fucked when they decided that slavery and using gun as defence would be a good idea. if you didn't have guns, there wouldn't be a need to have protect yourself from other people with guns
According to 48 people were killed by police in the last year in my city.
According to this site police killed 309 black people in 2016. 142 so far this year.
102 unarmed black people murdered by police in 2015. That's 2 per week.
I don't see how anyone should be shot if they are unarmed. Even if they are resisting arrest. That's what tasers and handcuffs are for.
Only 26% were blackclick to expand