Porn or no Porn, that is the question

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by CrabbyTwins on Thursday, September 15, 2011 and has 89 replies.
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How many of you find it ok to watch porn with your significant other? How many of you would find it ok if your significant other was watching porn without you?
I'm not into it. They usually do stuff that looks like it would be physically painful to the woman so it doesn't turn me on. If he wants to watch it on his own fine with me. He likes it cuz he has no vagina and no idea.
lol Too bad there's no porn to teach men a trick or two Winking
Posted by virgodreamz
He likes it cuz he has no vagina and no idea.

Interesting. Interesting...
Porn is confusing as hell:
on the one hand it seems most male porn stars - perhaps at the director's request - are out to knock their female co-star's egos right into the ground. They're there to reduce the chick to a ragdoll supposedly because men get off on that. Well, this one doesn't. And don't get me started on how much I hate facials.
On the other hand, despite this the female porn stars ALWAYS remain the star of the show. Very few dudes watch porn because "Oh this is my dude - he lays the pipe DOWN!". Na-uh - it's 'cause Briana banks is such a wonderful slut or Cherokee D Ass's ass is otherworldy or so and so has mad deepthroat skills, an animal moan, lovely tits etc etc.
Men love sluts. And those who don't need mama's approval will marry 'em if they proved to function well in a monogamous relationship.
The days of slut being something negative are dying, even as hypocrites and feminists dance on their sopa boxes.
Male or female - who'd want to spend the rest of their life with someone frigid?
I would probably laugh, giggle and snort my way through viewing this sort of thing with a S/O. If he would like to view it for some private antelope galloping time that's fine. I suppose it would depend on the subject matter though. ( Really dear? Midgets dressed as nuns who spank clowns? ) With such classy titles as "Skankin' It Old Skool" who could resist?
I'm not sure what *tricks* could be learned via these films. Unless it's to procure a pair of ridiculously high heeled shoes, wear dragon claws, lie back and look bored. I am...ready for my close up Mr. DeMille.
Don't know about watching porn with a significant other if she doesn't get turned on by it.
What would be the point of THAT?
Sure dudes respond to visual but it's the details, man, the details.
For example full on nudity isn't as powerful as the PROMISE of nudity, hence lingerie lovers.
And more dudes get off on the fact that they're making a chick let GOOOOOOOOOO. Turning her animal, so to speak.
Totally selfish dudes enjoy it but they aren't truly satisfied beyond the 30 second 'gasm. The above is probably why.
Juuuuust a thought! Big Grin
Posted by bluebetty
How else do you learn new tricks? Watch it together, alone, go nuts.
I love watching gay porn, btw. Two gorgeous guys going at it, what a treat.
And interracial porn. Black guy/ white girl, and she has to be teeny.
Foreign porn is great too, they have real people, not baby oiled bodybuilders. Hairy holes, small peeshes, saggy breasts... I love the realness of it.
I'm particular about my porn.

Yooo, European is a bit MUCH. I saw this one where this pair we're going at it in a factory filled with workers, right:
And the workers JOINED IN!
And they were OLD WORKERS!
War-torn Europe OLD!
I was dis-GUS-ted!
My tongue feels dirty just remembering it. Yukkie!
Posted by bluebetty
I once saw a French film where the old dude couldn't get it up, so he had his madame sit at the bed, smoking a cigarette, while he rubbed his limpy doodle all over the top of her head.
So fucking hot.

Fuck - I can't get these smileys right, anyway - Eeeeeeek!
Posted by bluebetty
Posted by 1two3go
Fuck - I can't get these smileys right, anyway - Eeeeeeek!

Different strokes for different folks, huh?
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You KNOW it! And that sentence could mean more than one thing Big Grin
I feel that porn promotes fucking ... and that isn't really the message I would want to get across to my SO.
As far as someone saying a trick could be learned .. that seems to be the exaxt opposite of what should be learned.
Anyone can fuck me, the dog could, a stump could, any random person could .... porn promotes that, it tells you that fucking is good, do it.
If my man wants to watch it, I don't care .. but, I don't have an interest, and damn sure better not learn the lesson of coming at me wanting to fuck.

What would be great, would be if a sex movie was made of making love ... tender, soft, tantilizing .. how arousing that would be.
treetrunking? lmfao!
Turn off your profanity filter. smile
Posted by P-Angel

What would be great, would be if a sex movie was made of making love ... tender, soft, tantilizing .. how arousing that would be.

Posted by venusianbull
Turn off your profanity filter. smile

That's the first thing I did when I originally signed up to!
got it......
Big Grin No more treetrunk, cookiemonster, sparkle spirit fingers and other.
for real.......lmao!
Posted by P-Angel
What would be great, would be if a sex movie was made of making love ... tender, soft, tantilizing .. how arousing that would be.

I found one a long time ago. I saved the link too so I could always go back to it but the poster disappeared along with the video. Since then I haven't found one just like it.
I tried to watch porn with the Libra once...well it was on TV anyways (some softcore shit with a plot and whatnot)
I couldn't stop laughing...we had to turn it off.

Posted by P-Angel

Anyone can fuck me, the dog could, a stump could,


never fails
Posted by CrabbyTwins
How many of you find it ok to watch porn with your significant other? How many of you would find it ok if your significant other was watching porn without you?

On 1 hand, I'd rather my partner feel comfortable watching porn in front of me instead of endlessly indulging in it behind my back or keeping it as a secret
However, if most of the nuts you're busting come from someone on a tv screen & not the person you're dating or live with, that's a huge problem & an indication that intimacy (and other things) are lacking
What's the difference b/w a man constantly lusting over a woman on a tv screen vs. him doing so to a woman he sees across the street or online? It's the SAME thing. If you'd check your man for having a wandering eye when it comes to women either of you personally know, why shrug it off when he's doing the exact same thing to someone he doesn't know? Disrespect via lusting someone else is wrong regardless
Posted by PurrrrHissss
I hate it. To me, there's nothing sexy about watching women who were (in most cases) sexually abused as children and/or raped be further degraded on camera by scumbags (particularly in hardcore pornography). It turns my stomach.
Imagination > Porn

That's the misconception. That's the stereotype.
When will it ever dawn on people that some women literally LIKE doing that stuff?
You don't have to have daddy issues, come from an abusive background or have low self esteem to enjoy loving sex particularly in front of the camera
Granted, some women hate the industry & admit to only being in it b/c of issues from their past, BUT not every woman in that industry has the same ole sob story
A guy may be filming you w/o you knowing it & yet you end up on the internet. So at that point, what would be the difference b/w you & another woman on the screen that consented to being taped? What'd you have in common is that you both love having sex
What's the difference b/w a woman having sex in a private room with cameras & a couple being "spontaneous" & having sex outside or in a public place? After all, people can find/see you! But people who love to have sex in public places justify it by claiming to like the thrill. What's wrong with a pornstar admitting to like that same kind of thrill?
I remember when I first came to the UK and was in college this tall dude who I took economics with came to me one day cell phone in hand and was like "Hey - you wanna see something cool?"
Clicks it on, right, and on the screen I see this incredibly pale white dude squatting over this equally pale chick who had her mouth open and THE blackest, moistest dookie I've ever seen, right - man, animal, EVER - came crawling right out his fart hole and - PLOP! - landed square in the girl's face opening.
It was horrific as fuck. Also he showed me another where this dude was slapping this chick around while fucking her like she wasn't even present, which was equally brutal to watch.
The dude with the disheartening porn had a huge grin on his face the whole time. He clearly wanted a reaction.
I feel you, APp Sad

Gotta wonder what'd make someone take such black, moist poop in the mouth for a coupla hundred dollars that'd be pissed off on a handbag.
I bet that poo was un-naturally warm, too.
Posted by PurrrrHissss
Males are so gross. *barfs*

Quite a few warped fuckers letting the gender down, I'll give you that.
Posted by krysrenee7
Posted by CrabbyTwins
How many of you find it ok to watch porn with your significant other? How many of you would find it ok if your significant other was watching porn without you?

On 1 hand, I'd rather my partner feel comfortable watching porn in front of me instead of endlessly indulging in it behind my back or keeping it as a secret
However, if most of the nuts you're busting come from someone on a tv screen & not the person you're dating or live with, that's a huge problem & an indication that intimacy (and other things) are lacking
What's the difference b/w a man constantly lusting over a woman on a tv screen vs. him doing so to a woman he sees across the street or online? It's the SAME thing. If you'd check your man for having a wandering eye when it comes to women either of you personally know, why shrug it off when he's doing the exact same thing to someone he doesn't know? Disrespect via lusting someone else is wrong regardless

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^^^^^^^I like this answer the best!^^^^^^^^^^^^
Posted by PurrrrHissss
Posted by aPiscesPrincess
Posted by PurrrrHissss
I hate it. To me, there's nothing sexy about watching women who were (in most cases) sexually abused as children and/or raped be further degraded on camera by scumbags (particularly in hardcore pornography). It turns my stomach.
Imagination > Porn

One guy I kind of had a relationship with before used to show me the kind of porn he liked, and it made me almost cry looking at it. It was barely legal girls with guys like in their 50s and older. And a lot of the girls didn't look happy. It was just really degrading, and made me sick. I couldn't believe he liked that kind of stuff.
And yeah, imagination is a lot better than porn.

That's fucking horrible. I don't care what the general public says. A huge portion of hardcore pornography is dehumanizing and disgusting. There are lots of men who get off on sexually degrading women, which is pathetic. Call me a prude, whatever. I'm being honest.
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I appreciate your honest........A lot of men like their egos stroked............
I dont think it is bad ... my girl already stated she watched alot of porn. I def do and not really embarrassed. Theres a difference between people who thrive over it and go way too far and the others who just get a rise or enjoy to watch it occassionally. You'd be surprised what it brings to the table at times!
Posted by oldskoolflavor
Nikita Denise

Audrey Bitoni

they can stroke my EGO *anytime* they want

I guess beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder......
Posted by ScorptoaT
I dont think it is bad ... my girl already stated she watched alot of porn. I def do and not really embarrassed. Theres a difference between people who thrive over it and go way too far and the others who just get a rise or enjoy to watch it occassionally. You'd be surprised what it brings to the table at times!

short comments
-^ Nikita Denise is pretty, not a fan of the massive forehead vein that pops when she's giving/getting it though lol
-My ex used watch the porn I'd watch & then clown on the girl, saying how she's not pretty (when she's absolutely DOPE) & then say things like "So when we're having sex, you're thinking about all these girls aren't you?". I'd tell her the same thing every time, "No, I alternate between thinking about you & Liverpool vs Milan in Istanbul 'cuz if I thought about you the entire time, we wouldn't reach the PKs."
-At first, she didn't believe that I'd sometimes watch porn just for the humorous acting....and then I put her on Creampie Surprise & she understood why (the storylines always revolve around the girl making it a point not to bust in her but the dude always does & then she flips the fuck out on him for doing so lol)
I watch porn with my cappy from time to time, she finds these sketches from the "Big Sausage Pizza" series absolutely hilarious Tongue
Cockzilla terrifies her though!
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
I watch porn with my cappy from time to time, she finds these sketches from the "Big Sausage Pizza" series absolutely hilarious Tongue
Cockzilla terrifies her though!
Posted by bluebetty
Posted by thomas1214
Posted by virgodreamz
lol Too bad there's no porn to teach men a trick or two Winking

lol well i dont mean to brag but usually i do a pretty good job. i dont understand how some guys think they're doing such a great job when their ex's complain to me about them lol. this is how i usually do it, if there is no noise or little noise being made, no scratching the back or claws digging in, or no bed sheets being pulled on something is not going well so try something that will make that happen.

There are so many guys that really don't care about the girls climax. I had a friend tell me her Aquarius would tell her "You're lucky you're getting any sex at all. There are women in Uganda who haven't cum in months."
She's still with him, that idiot.
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i dont think he was trying to be a dick, just saying that shes lucky because those other people dont ever get dick
atleast thats what im assuming from aqua humanitariasm..
Preaching again?
It does nothing for me, the guys are always fug lol
14 seconds Tongue
Lena The Friendly Stalker
Sounds nice!!!!!!
lolTongue I'm guided to these threads by a higher power. Although my attention span is too short to stalk but I like it >_
Posted by 1two3go
I remember when I first came to the UK and was in college this tall dude who I took economics with came to me one day cell phone in hand and was like "Hey - you wanna see something cool?"
Clicks it on, right, and on the screen I see this incredibly pale white dude squatting over this equally pale chick who had her mouth open and THE blackest, moistest dookie I've ever seen, right - man, animal, EVER - came crawling right out his fart hole and - PLOP! - landed square in the girl's face opening.
It was horrific as fuck. Also he showed me another where this dude was slapping this chick around while fucking her like she wasn't even present, which was equally brutal to watch.
The dude with the disheartening porn had a huge grin on his face the whole time. He clearly wanted a reaction.
I feel you, APp Sad

This has been permanently burned into my memory Scared CryingCrying
I love porn and I watch it with my man...dont get me started here about this subject.. god made men first...took a rib made woman...when he made woman we were put here to be mans helper so that he would not be alone .. no one man in the world is gonna always view the woman hes with as the only one he will think is sexy and attractive...
I am bisexual so i love to see a sexy woman around ...the only reason i think some women get offended by their men watchin other women is because deep down they think that woman is attractive...not tryin to speak for everyone but why not be comfortable with your sexuality and explore and be confident that if the man you picked picked you he is after more than what he can get from another woman if sex gets boring to me i think one day im gonna try a 3sum...its been in the back of my mind but i havent ballzup to try it nor have i found that guy who matches me intellectually physically and emotionally .. each time i almost find him then one thing happens and it makes it clear that it was another straw in the haystack

there is nothin wrong with porn though it is just an adult arouser that can make sex fun and enjoyable cause its doin half the work of turnin on each person.....i like to watch the female bent over with the panties pulled to the side then the guy givin head so me and my guy tend to actually like watchin the same parts on adult films cause we talk through the flick and stuff
Posted by DazedScorp
Posted by venusianbull
( Really dear? Midgets dressed as nuns who spank clowns? )

Yes please.
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You would.