Professional cry babies

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Cocosugar on Friday, January 28, 2022 and has 58 replies.
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How do you hide it after the deed? I’ve been having them ugly crying breakdowns and I wanna keep them low key. 🤫
Posted by kachi_cake

Normalize crying.

It’s not where I live so I need ideas. 😔
Posted by GammaArietis

Cry in the shower

Great idea, can’t control my breakdowns though. 😂
Why can’t you just go to your room and cry to your heart’s content whenever 24/7?
Posted by SassyKiwi

Why can’t you just go to your room and cry to your heart’s content whenever 24/7?

I usually have to be with my family or out with people. Will definitely start scheduling some emotional care time for real.
Oh like this?

Posted by kachi_cake
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by kachi_cake

Normalize crying.

It’s not where I live so I need ideas. 😔

Before, I'd say don't let anyone see/know you cry but I see how that can be a disadvantage.

I guess it depends on context.

Personally, I schedule my cry. I cry before/after work or when tasks are done and my setting feels comforting.
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That’s smart. I’ll take that over getting badly sick every now and then from bottling up emotions.
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by SassyKiwi

Why can’t you just go to your room and cry to your heart’s content whenever 24/7?

I usually have to be with my family or out with people. Will definitely start scheduling some emotional care time for real.
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100% scheduling works. While I was juggling making A’s in my college classes and dealing with a heartbreak, I’d promise myself things like after the exam is over I’d drive around and cry until I couldn’t cry anymore.
Posted by Astrobyn

Oh like this?

I wish I was that graceful about it. Someone would say something and I’ve been trying to keep my shit together all week and then I fall apart. 😀
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by SassyKiwi

Why can’t you just go to your room and cry to your heart’s content whenever 24/7?

I usually have to be with my family or out with people. Will definitely start scheduling some emotional care time for real.

100% scheduling works. While I was juggling making A’s in my college classes and dealing with a heartbreak, I’d promise myself things like after the exam is over I’d drive around and cry until I couldn’t cry anymore.
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Will definitely try that this week.
No idea, I'm a Pisces...
my life feels like a makjang today

and face masks are very useful to hide the crying

but my gemini neighbor blasted this song next door:

Posted by cersei
Posted by kachi_cake
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by kachi_cake

Normalize crying.

It’s not where I live so I need ideas. 😔

Before, I'd say don't let anyone see/know you cry but I see how that can be a disadvantage.

I guess it depends on context.

Personally, I schedule my cry. I cry before/after work or when tasks are done and my setting feels comforting.

How the heck does one schedule when they will cry?!
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It’s definitely efficient. I can make myself cry on demand.
Posted by cersei

Listen gurl there’s usually always a place near you to be alone. When you feel yourself wanting to cry tilt your head back a bit and find the nearest place to be alone and cry to your hearts content. Or wear sunglasses each works well

Yeah sunglasses are a classic in my book. Also, crying when I’m driving. 😂
Posted by Stony

Cry and then watch kitten/cat videos

Hell yeah. You’d make a great therapist, I’d recommend you to someone. 😂
Posted by Stony

Like, come on

There’s a new pregnant cat in the neighborhood so I’m so excited!! Can’t wait to see the little ones. 😆
Crying is spontaneous, it can’t be forced

If it happens and people have a problem with it, that’s their issue, not mine ... I’d never hide it.
Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.
I don't cry, I just get a headache lol
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.
Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬
Posted by GC11_

I feel that, when I’m sad and crying I like to be alone. I hate for people to see me cry.

Thankfully, I can always find some alone time to do my ugly cry.
Same. I can't up and cry in front of nobody. It make me feel weak I don't care what anybody say. Now I'll fake cry in front of some people to get what I want and it seem to work each and everytime. But I don't make that a habit of manipulating.
Agree with scheduling. Hold it in until you’re alone and then you’re good to go.
Posted by GC11_

I feel that, when I’m sad and crying I like to be alone. I hate for people to see me cry.

Thankfully, I can always find some alone time to do my ugly cry.

You’re so lucky! 🥺

I’m not in tune with my emotions or expressing them yet, and I feel ashamed of crying or feeling sad sometimes. It’s beginning to change so I’m very happy and grateful. 💯
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

I wish I had it in me. I have a long journey to get that comfortable, but I’m sure I will eventually.
Posted by Seajatt

I don't cry, I just get a headache lol

I used to get very sick and be hospitalized and no doctor can tell wtf is wrong with me. Now that I know it’s because of my repressed emotions I refuse to put myself through that again.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬
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It’s not about what people think, it’s harassment, insensitive comments, being made fun of for crying, or people insisting on knowing what’s wrong.
Posted by WarAngel

Crying? Only at hotels in different states, ALONE!

Last time that happened: 2016.

I used to do that as well. Now that I’ve stopped disassociating, my reality makes me sad and repressing that is not healthy. 😂
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬

It’s not about what people think, it’s harassment, insensitive comments, being made fun of for crying, or people insisting on knowing what’s wrong.
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Why do you have those people in your life or let them bring you down?
Always carry a pocket knife and onions with you. Then you can cry wherever and whenever. Everyone is going to think it's from chopping the onions.
Posted by WarAngel
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by WarAngel

Crying? Only at hotels in different states, ALONE!

Last time that happened: 2016.

I used to do that as well. Now that I’ve stopped disassociating, my reality makes me sad and repressing that is not healthy. 😂

I see the world for what it is. Although, I remain optimistic of my fortunes before my death. 😊
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Words to live by. 💯
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬

It’s not about what people think, it’s harassment, insensitive comments, being made fun of for crying, or people insisting on knowing what’s wrong.

Why do you have those people in your life or let them bring you down?
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It’s a culture thing mostly so most people are like that where I live, people will do anything but go to therapy. Not gonna be where I am for long though so it’s tolerable for now.
Posted by GenericUsername

Always carry a pocket knife and onions with you. Then you can cry wherever and whenever. Everyone is going to think it's from chopping the onions.

I’m desperate, don’t give me crafty ideas because I might try them. 😂
Huh are you crying at normal every day things? Cuz I get teary for happy things I watch on tv n I can’t control that very well. I take deep breaths n it helps.

Or r u crying because ur sad about something that happened to you? B/c the only way to fix this one is to look at the cause n see if it can healed
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬

It’s not about what people think, it’s harassment, insensitive comments, being made fun of for crying, or people insisting on knowing what’s wrong.

Why do you have those people in your life or let them bring you down?

It’s a culture thing mostly so most people are like that where I live, people will do anything but go to therapy. Not gonna be where I am for long though so it’s tolerable for now.
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I wouldn't worry about that. I would let karma handle sitchations like that. They gonna get it trust me. It's nine times out of ten those youngins that just coming into this world that'll try and bring you down. That's why I hang around baby boomers. They make me feel at peace.

Edit: correction. Silent generation. All the folks I hang around with and feel very close to were born before 1946. And I'm not including those Scorpio girls they from my generation and they are only side kicks. So they don't count.
Posted by Cocosugar

How do you hide it after the deed? I’ve been having them ugly crying breakdowns and I wanna keep them low key. 🤫
I have had those too and they are embarrassing aren't they!

I always hate myself afterwards!


If I feel its going to happen, I find what helps is this..

Take a deep breath - this will calm you down.

Cough - Lots! Because it weirdly controls the Crying reaction.

Leave the situation FAST.. saying the words "Excuse me."

Then find somewhere private and cry your eyes out until you feel better.

I've actually done this.

And it works.

It helps you compose yourself.

Hope it helps for you x
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬

It’s not about what people think, it’s harassment, insensitive comments, being made fun of for crying, or people insisting on knowing what’s wrong.

Why do you have those people in your life or let them bring you down?

It’s a culture thing mostly so most people are like that where I live, people will do anything but go to therapy. Not gonna be where I am for long though so it’s tolerable for now.

I wouldn't worry about that. I would let karma handle sitchations like that. They gonna get it trust me. It's nine times out of ten those youngins that just coming into this world that'll try and bring you down. That's why I hang around baby boomers. They make me feel at peace.

Edit: correction. Silent generation. All the folks I hang around with and feel very close to were born before 1946. And I'm not including those Scorpio girls they from my generation and they are only side kicks. So they don't count.
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Yeah, those people are close to me and know exactly how to hurt me and cut deep into my emotional wounds, I have a thick skin actually so nothing actually gets to me but when it’s the few people I love it just hurts like crazy. That’s why I will move away and keep my moments with them short and sweet (Vacations and holidays).
Posted by pooface222
Posted by Cocosugar

How do you hide it after the deed? I’ve been having them ugly crying breakdowns and I wanna keep them low key. 🤫

I have had those too and they are embarrassing aren't they!

I always hate myself afterwards!


If I feel its going to happen, I find what helps is this..

Take a deep breath - this will calm you down.

Cough - Lots! Because it weirdly controls the Crying reaction.

Leave the situation FAST.. saying the words "Excuse me."

Then find somewhere private and cry your eyes out until you feel better.

I've actually done this.

And it works.

It helps you compose yourself.

Hope it helps for you x
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Ughhh, for real it’s really horrible. 😭😂

Thank you so so much, that was insightful and I think will be very helpful, I’m literally taking mental notes. 📝
Posted by pinkbird03

Huh are you crying at normal every day things? Cuz I get teary for happy things I watch on tv n I can’t control that very well. I take deep breaths n it helps.

Or r u crying because ur sad about something that happened to you? B/c the only way to fix this one is to look at the cause n see if it can healed
Sometimes happy tears, other times sad ones. Like, I can’t bottle my emotions up or control them anymore, been having a few hard days and can’t help but feel bad for myself. 😞
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬

It’s not about what people think, it’s harassment, insensitive comments, being made fun of for crying, or people insisting on knowing what’s wrong.

Why do you have those people in your life or let them bring you down?

It’s a culture thing mostly so most people are like that where I live, people will do anything but go to therapy. Not gonna be where I am for long though so it’s tolerable for now.
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Which moon do you have?
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬

It’s not about what people think, it’s harassment, insensitive comments, being made fun of for crying, or people insisting on knowing what’s wrong.

Why do you have those people in your life or let them bring you down?

It’s a culture thing mostly so most people are like that where I live, people will do anything but go to therapy. Not gonna be where I am for long though so it’s tolerable for now.

Which moon do you have?
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Gemini, could that be a factor? 👀
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬

It’s not about what people think, it’s harassment, insensitive comments, being made fun of for crying, or people insisting on knowing what’s wrong.

Why do you have those people in your life or let them bring you down?

It’s a culture thing mostly so most people are like that where I live, people will do anything but go to therapy. Not gonna be where I am for long though so it’s tolerable for now.

Which moon do you have?

Gemini, could that be a factor? 👀
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I wouldnt have thought so

Do you have a water sun

Water dominant or stuff in water houses (4th, 8th, 12th)?
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬

It’s not about what people think, it’s harassment, insensitive comments, being made fun of for crying, or people insisting on knowing what’s wrong.

Why do you have those people in your life or let them bring you down?

It’s a culture thing mostly so most people are like that where I live, people will do anything but go to therapy. Not gonna be where I am for long though so it’s tolerable for now.

Which moon do you have?

Gemini, could that be a factor? 👀

I wouldnt have thought so

Do you have a water sun

Water dominant or stuff in water houses (4th, 8th, 12th)?
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Oh my god! I’m a scorpio dominant. I’ve got sun in scorpio, 4th in pisces, 8th in cancer, 12th in scorpio. What does that mean? 🤯
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬

It’s not about what people think, it’s harassment, insensitive comments, being made fun of for crying, or people insisting on knowing what’s wrong.

Why do you have those people in your life or let them bring you down?

It’s a culture thing mostly so most people are like that where I live, people will do anything but go to therapy. Not gonna be where I am for long though so it’s tolerable for now.

Which moon do you have?

Gemini, could that be a factor? 👀

I wouldnt have thought so

Do you have a water sun

Water dominant or stuff in water houses (4th, 8th, 12th)?

Oh my god! I’m a scorpio dominant. I’ve got sun in scorpio, 4th in pisces, 8th in cancer, 12th in scorpio. What does that mean? 🤯
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That you are water dom


I’m water dom too

Am moved easily and able to cry

Its healthy

I love it....
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬

It’s not about what people think, it’s harassment, insensitive comments, being made fun of for crying, or people insisting on knowing what’s wrong.

Why do you have those people in your life or let them bring you down?

It’s a culture thing mostly so most people are like that where I live, people will do anything but go to therapy. Not gonna be where I am for long though so it’s tolerable for now.

Which moon do you have?

Gemini, could that be a factor? 👀

I wouldnt have thought so

Do you have a water sun

Water dominant or stuff in water houses (4th, 8th, 12th)?

Oh my god! I’m a scorpio dominant. I’ve got sun in scorpio, 4th in pisces, 8th in cancer, 12th in scorpio. What does that mean? 🤯

That you are water dom


I’m water dom too

Am moved easily and able to cry

Its healthy

I love it....
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I’m honestly working on getting there. I’ve been made fun of and shamed for crying when I was little so I’m trying to get over that. Already making progress I’m guessing bc public breakdowns. 😂
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬

It’s not about what people think, it’s harassment, insensitive comments, being made fun of for crying, or people insisting on knowing what’s wrong.

Why do you have those people in your life or let them bring you down?

It’s a culture thing mostly so most people are like that where I live, people will do anything but go to therapy. Not gonna be where I am for long though so it’s tolerable for now.

Which moon do you have?

Gemini, could that be a factor? 👀

I wouldnt have thought so

Do you have a water sun

Water dominant or stuff in water houses (4th, 8th, 12th)?

Oh my god! I’m a scorpio dominant. I’ve got sun in scorpio, 4th in pisces, 8th in cancer, 12th in scorpio. What does that mean? 🤯

That you are water dom


I’m water dom too

Am moved easily and able to cry

Its healthy

I love it....

I’m honestly working on getting there. I’ve been made fun of and shamed for crying when I was little so I’m trying to get over that. Already making progress I’m guessing bc public breakdowns. 😂
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You need to surround yourself with better people .... they sound cold ... ugh
Why is everyone crying? I mean I cry when someone I like or a pet dies or someone I like moves away. I don't cry over a broken heart it just makes me angry and vengeful. I cry when I'm in physical pain. I'm sorry everyone is in so much pain.
Posted by DonnaLibra

Why is everyone crying? I mean I cry when someone I like or a pet dies or someone I like moves away. I don't cry over a broken heart it just makes me angry and vengeful. I cry when I'm in physical pain. I'm sorry everyone is in so much pain.

I cry when i’m moved - happy or sad

People don’t have to be in pain to cry

Its very healthy ....

I guess it could be the difference between air and water dom processing things differently?
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by DonnaLibra

Why is everyone crying? I mean I cry when someone I like or a pet dies or someone I like moves away. I don't cry over a broken heart it just makes me angry and vengeful. I cry when I'm in physical pain. I'm sorry everyone is in so much pain.

I cry when i’m moved - happy or sad

People don’t have to be in pain to cry

Its very healthy ....

I guess it could be the difference between air and water dom processing things differently?
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I definitely think this is the case.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Cocosugar
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Electricboogaloo

Cancer here and professional cryer. I cry where I want and us ugly as I want and give 0 shits.

My advice is to also give 0 shits lol.

Good for you 👍

Worrying what people think is a life half lived 😬

It’s not about what people think, it’s harassment, insensitive comments, being made fun of for crying, or people insisting on knowing what’s wrong.

Why do you have those people in your life or let them bring you down?

It’s a culture thing mostly so most people are like that where I live, people will do anything but go to therapy. Not gonna be where I am for long though so it’s tolerable for now.

Which moon do you have?

Gemini, could that be a factor? 👀

I wouldnt have thought so

Do you have a water sun

Water dominant or stuff in water houses (4th, 8th, 12th)?

Oh my god! I’m a scorpio dominant. I’ve got sun in scorpio, 4th in pisces, 8th in cancer, 12th in scorpio. What does that mean? 🤯

That you are water dom


I’m water dom too

Am moved easily and able to cry

Its healthy

I love it....

I’m honestly working on getting there. I’ve been made fun of and shamed for crying when I was little so I’m trying to get over that. Already making progress I’m guessing bc public breakdowns. 😂

You need to surround yourself with better people .... they sound cold ... ugh
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They’re toxic to say the least but I never blame them. I’m getting a whole entirely new circle soon so I’m keeping things civil lol.
Posted by DonnaLibra

Why is everyone crying? I mean I cry when someone I like or a pet dies or someone I like moves away. I don't cry over a broken heart it just makes me angry and vengeful. I cry when I'm in physical pain. I'm sorry everyone is in so much pain.

Helplessness usually triggers my sadness and the past and the effect of the insanity I went through had on me till this day and the fact that I almost have little to no memories of my childhood. 🤷🏻‍♀️😪