Posted by aquaj
rofl @ the Yankee attack on Norwegian values and political leanings. Riiiight. Because everyone in the world needs to BUY their benefits from for-profit agencies that don't truly give a fuck about your health, so that we may ALL die earlier like the Americans do.
Posted by aliennation
fuck that's creepy, remove that...
On topic--
Ron Paul's got my vote, and I've voted for him every time. Of course, I wonder what % of people prefer him the most, but don't vote for him because they think "he'd never win anyway." >_>
Posted by Qbone
You want a real change to save the US from its self destruction?? GET RID OF AIPAC! They are the group who are in control of both Capitol Hill and the White House.
Americans proved many times in the past (since Eisenhower) that they are sheeples, so why bother who is the next president anyway..!
Posted by Sag89
I will vote when politics stops being a career. So there is your answer.
Posted by cowpuncherPosted by Sag89
I will vote when politics stops being a career. So there is your answer.
Originally our Legislatures at the State and Federal level were all part-time only, specifically to keep them from having the time to pull the stunts they pull today, and to avoid the "professional politician." I think that was a great idea we should return to.
Part of that idea was that the politicians would still have to make their living some other way, with a business, a farm, whatever... and would therefore have to go out into the real world and live with the laws they were creating. Fast forward to today, and we have professional politicians like Nancy Pelosi getting away with Insider Trading, because they have made a loophole allowing that for members of Congress.
That law must apply to everybody to expand
Posted by aliennationPosted by cowpuncherPosted by Sag89
I will vote when politics stops being a career. So there is your answer.
Originally our Legislatures at the State and Federal level were all part-time only, specifically to keep them from having the time to pull the stunts they pull today, and to avoid the "professional politician." I think that was a great idea we should return to.
Part of that idea was that the politicians would still have to make their living some other way, with a business, a farm, whatever... and would therefore have to go out into the real world and live with the laws they were creating. Fast forward to today, and we have professional politicians like Nancy Pelosi getting away with Insider Trading, because they have made a loophole allowing that for members of Congress.
That law must apply to everybody equally.
I think that not only should it be made a part-time pursuit, holding another job should be a *requirement*. Otherwise, you'll get these trust fund babies who now simply have more time to go golfing.
Of course, I'm not naive enough to believe that loopholes won't be systematically exploited. I can see a whole new "industry" crop up - the "jobs" solely intended to fulfill that requirement, for politicians, by politicians or anyone whom the politicians turn around and give kickbacks to, to avoid actually working while still being on payroll.
Now I'm getting into conspiracyville, but at the very least, part-time hours would force politicians to be more efficient with their time, or at least waste it at fewer of the taxpayers' to expand
Posted by AwakenedPosted by Sag89
I will vote when politics stops being a career. So there is your answer.
Then you'll never voteclick to expand