Strangest sexual fantasies

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Adreamuponwaking on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 and has 56 replies.
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share you strangest sexual fantasies go!
scenario #1 - I'm wearing an L.A dodger jersey unbuttoned with a white lace bra and white lace panty set underneath

and she's wearing a black S. F giants jersey unbuttoned and a black lace bra and lace panty set

whilst riding me

Scenario #2- she's wearing my Harvard hockey jersey with nothing underneath riding me
I visit an amsterdam hooker and before we start I try to offer her bitcoin as payment but she insists on dxp points. I jizz immediately.

i'd like to add this is strange because i hate baseball

and i've never watched a hockey game in my life
Rubbing coke all over pussy. Feeling sore after 3 hours of hard labor? Think again, you wont feel a thing apart from the orgasmic cramps and shivering thighs.
1. She licks my chest and abs while I play with her pussy with my toes. And then she goes down my cock and sucks it. I fuck her hard but when I'm about cum, she sucks my cock until all the juice comes out.

2. I fuck her big breasts and suck her nipples.

3. She rides my cock and I caress her breasts while it lasts.
Posted by CrimsonGirl
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
scenario #1 - I'm wearing an L.A dodger jersey unbuttoned with a white lace bra and white lace panty set underneath

and she's wearing a black S. F giants jersey unbuttoned and a black lace bra and lace panty set

whilst riding me

Scenario #2- she's wearing my Harvard hockey jersey with nothing underneath riding me
Lol did my lesbian experience get you thinkin?
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maybe. Winking
Posted by EnochtheWise
sex at gunpoint with a stalker that I know and I'm equally into....have to seduce her into lowering the gun and convince her I'm just as into her or she kills me....

you're a scorpio right?

Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by EnochtheWise
sex at gunpoint with a stalker that I know and I'm equally into....have to seduce her into lowering the gun and convince her I'm just as into her or she kills me....

you're a scorpio right?

Not sure what passes for a scorpio on dxp nowadays but according to my natal chart, yes...

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maybe this is why they say pisces suns and scorpios are so compaitible

what's your mars?
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by EnochtheWise
sex at gunpoint with a stalker that I know and I'm equally into....have to seduce her into lowering the gun and convince her I'm just as into her or she kills me....

you're a scorpio right?

Not sure what passes for a scorpio on dxp nowadays but according to my natal chart, yes...

maybe this is why they say pisces suns and scorpios are so compaitible

what's your mars?

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Posted by norelationshipgoals
Have you seen



I want to do that but enter harvey weinstein's body
Hey dude! What's up? I miss you. I went to Makati this weekend. smile
Haha very
Posted by EnochtheWise
sex at gunpoint with a stalker that I know and I'm equally into....have to seduce her into lowering the gun and convince her I'm just as into her or she kills me....
Haha, very Plutonian

I used to have a similar an dark alleyway, dripping with water with a gun man


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I want to hug her and say I love you...
i want to be tied up standing in a corner and left.. while you simultaneously come back and fondle me touch me and make me almost orgasm then leave me again while i beg you to make me cum. also while im there i want to be in the room eating, or watching tv, or doing your own thing telling me no while i beg ignoring me.
Posted by TheTinMan
Posted by TaurusInShania
i want to be tied up standing in a corner and left.. while you simultaneously come back and fondle me touch me and make me almost orgasm then leave me again while i beg you to make me cum. also while im there i want to be in the room eating, or watching tv, or doing your own thing telling me no while i beg ignoring me.
I'm almost certain if I was a lady I wouldn't mind that at all. Being a dude I just dont trust women tying me up cus I'm scared she might cut my dick off or something.

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hahahaha! that last part though! hahaha.
Think of absolutely anything in your mind. Then remove the parts of objects going inside my asshole and you've got my sexual desires.
Posted by Terramine
Honestly? I'm kinda a sham of the Scorp Mars name. I don't have some fetish I'm super ecstatic about. I cou8ld more easily tell you what I DON'T want to do or have happen to me, than to tell you what I DO want. Probably because I can get down with and empathize sexually with a lot of stuff.

I could probably experiment with almost anything. But it's all got to be strictly monogamous between me and the other person, also it can't include me experiencing pain. I'm a childhood physical abuse victim. I have some PTSD even. So not a good idea.

i'm a victim of abuse too.

mostly the verbal/emotional and neglect type though

probably why i'm not into name calling / degrading terminology during rough sex
Posted by LePetitFisk
Posted by TheSag
I want to hug her and say I love you...
You sicko.

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Posted by firebunny
1. She licks my chest and abs while I play with her pussy with my toes. And then she goes down my cock and sucks it. I fuck her hard but when I'm about cum, she sucks my cock until all the juice comes out.

2. I fuck her big breasts and suck her nipples.

3. She rides my cock and I caress her breasts while it lasts.
That's supposed to be a fantasy?
Posted by Terramine
Posted by Soul
Think of absolutely anything in your mind. Then remove the parts of objects going inside my asshole and you've got my sexual desires.

That's a lot man. Is this you admitting you're a Cuck?
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I don't put my lovers and sexual fantasies into the same category. In fact they would be lucky to even know 5% of them because fantasies diminish the integrity of true love. What's mine is mine and that's that.

I'd be down for a threesome with a person I considered a friend, and had no actual intentions on truly loving through. That could be mmf, ffm, or more and id be fine with that.

Posted by TheTinMan
All I can come up with is to be totally dominated in the bedroom. That's all I can think of. a pair of feet ?


I had a fantasy of being at a masquerade ball, face masked and meeting a man, grabbing him and pushing him into the cloakroom and jumping on him

Posted by TheTinMan
Posted by TaurusInShania
Posted by TheTinMan
Posted by TaurusInShania
i want to be tied up standing in a corner and left.. while you simultaneously come back and fondle me touch me and make me almost orgasm then leave me again while i beg you to make me cum. also while im there i want to be in the room eating, or watching tv, or doing your own thing telling me no while i beg ignoring me.
I'm almost certain if I was a lady I wouldn't mind that at all. Being a dude I just dont trust women tying me up cus I'm scared she might cut my dick off or something.

hahahaha! that last part though! hahaha.
Lol oh don't get me wrong I wouldn't mind a woman bound me on the floor and walk all over me barefoot and bound my mouth up with duct tape so I won't holler. I'm just not gonna let something like that happen butt naked.

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mr. tinman well i'll be.... i didn't know about this lol... and long as your print is there that shouldn't be a problem... take it out when its time for the business lol
Posted by Soul
Posted by Terramine
Posted by Soul
Think of absolutely anything in your mind. Then remove the parts of objects going inside my asshole and you've got my sexual desires.

That's a lot man. Is this you admitting you're a Cuck?
I don't put my lovers and sexual fantasies into the same category. In fact they would be lucky to even know 5% of them because fantasies diminish the integrity of true love. What's mine is mine and that's that.

I'd be down for a threesome with a person I considered a friend, and had no actual intentions on truly loving through. That could be mmf, ffm, or more and id be fine with that.

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" fantasies diminish the integrity of true love. What's mine is mine and that's that "

Loving that Scorpio moon @Soul 🌙
I also like being dominated.


A man who makes me submit, cause I'm stubborn.

I don't have any, and all that i read here is trivial.

I'm always down for sex, but romantic fantasies are interesting, not the sexual ones. Actually I think sexual fantasies are probably just misunderstood romantic fantasies. You have to analyze the situation presented by the sexual fantasy and go up, not down.

Posted by CrimsonGirl
I've never had sex outside before either. I would love that at some point.
Oh you must!😛

I would recommend fields, woods, especially during bluebell season, on the beach in sand dunes, up against a farm gate, in the garden, in the car, up against a wall somewhere

Find yourself an adventurous man 😈
Posted by TheTinMan
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by TheTinMan
All I can come up with is to be totally dominated in the bedroom. That's all I can think of. a pair of feet ?



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Posted by CrimsonGirl
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by CrimsonGirl
I've never had sex outside before either. I would love that at some point.
Oh you must!😛

I would recommend fields, woods, especially during bluebell season, on the beach in sand dunes, up against a farm gate, in the garden, in the car, up against a wall somewhere

Find yourself an adventurous man 😈
My boyfriend has always wanted to do it in the woods by his place. I was always too freaked out... will try it next spring though. Too cold out now
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Take a sleeping bag 🙂
some abrasive animalistic sex where either me or the girl im with is tied to a boat out in the sea or a mountain somewhere while high off our minds.
Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by TheSag
I want to hug her and say I love you...
Oh gosh 😅
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it's pervert, I know
Going down on a nerdy gamer girl while she's trying to play acting all casual nd unbothered
Posted by MiZLeo

But if you want a really weird one..... look up gigantica....
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I dont have sexual fantasies. I'm innocent 😇
Posted by justagirl
I dont have sexual fantasies. I'm innocent 😇
i didn't really have them either until i met someone i was sexually attracted to enough to start having them

by the way's my brain an autopilot

fantasies literally come to me

i don't consciously fabricate them
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by justagirl
I dont have sexual fantasies. I'm innocent 😇
i didn't really have them either until i met someone i was sexually attracted to enough to start having them

by the way's my brain an autopilot

fantasies literally come to me

i don't consciously fabricate them
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I was being silly lol
Posted by justagirl
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by justagirl
I dont have sexual fantasies. I'm innocent 😇
i didn't really have them either until i met someone i was sexually attracted to enough to start having them

by the way's my brain an autopilot

fantasies literally come to me

i don't consciously fabricate them
I was being silly lol
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i wasn't lol

Posted by Aznnation
Posted by TaurusInShania
i want to be tied up standing in a corner and left.. while you simultaneously come back and fondle me touch me and make me almost orgasm then leave me again while i beg you to make me cum. also while im there i want to be in the room eating, or watching tv, or doing your own thing telling me no while i beg ignoring me.
Wow... just wow.. lol
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haahaha.. yeah i amaze myself at my thoughts behind the curtains lol.
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by TaurusInShania
Posted by Aznnation
Posted by TaurusInShania
i want to be tied up standing in a corner and left.. while you simultaneously come back and fondle me touch me and make me almost orgasm then leave me again while i beg you to make me cum. also while im there i want to be in the room eating, or watching tv, or doing your own thing telling me no while i beg ignoring me.
Wow... just wow.. lol
haahaha.. yeah i amaze myself at my thoughts behind the curtains lol.
Mine is similar but I want him to beat me and interrogate me while he is doing it

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oh my.... yes please..... extra bonus lol.. will have me falling quick hahaha
Sex with a stranger.. A woman. A very attractive woman. In private, like the bathroom.. Car..

Another scenario would be from a girl I'm seeing and she gives a little bit of a fight and resistance..
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by TaurusInShania
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by TaurusInShania
Posted by Aznnation
Posted by TaurusInShania
i want to be tied up standing in a corner and left.. while you simultaneously come back and fondle me touch me and make me almost orgasm then leave me again while i beg you to make me cum. also while im there i want to be in the room eating, or watching tv, or doing your own thing telling me no while i beg ignoring me.
Wow... just wow.. lol
haahaha.. yeah i amaze myself at my thoughts behind the curtains lol.
Mine is similar but I want him to beat me and interrogate me while he is doing it

oh my.... yes please..... extra bonus lol.. will have me falling quick hahaha
I won't be satisfied until he gives me a bloody lip. I want to taste it with my tongue and then have him kiss me afterwards while teasing me with his fingers!

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lol are you my mirror or vice versa? hahahaha i was trying to be less graphic and hold back a little not to scare anyone but daaaaamn... yes yes yes ... so on point love love love.
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by TaurusInShania
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by TaurusInShania
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by TaurusInShania
Posted by Aznnation
Posted by TaurusInShania
i want to be tied up standing in a corner and left.. while you simultaneously come back and fondle me touch me and make me almost orgasm then leave me again while i beg you to make me cum. also while im there i want to be in the room eating, or watching tv, or doing your own thing telling me no while i beg ignoring me.
Wow... just wow.. lol
haahaha.. yeah i amaze myself at my thoughts behind the curtains lol.
Mine is similar but I want him to beat me and interrogate me while he is doing it

oh my.... yes please..... extra bonus lol.. will have me falling quick hahaha
I won't be satisfied until he gives me a bloody lip. I want to taste it with my tongue and then have him kiss me afterwards while teasing me with his fingers!

lol are you my mirror or vice versa? hahahaha i was trying to be less graphic and hold back a little not to scare anyone but daaaaamn... yes yes yes ... so on point love love love.
C.C. said I should be more graphic with my sex post, since she was tired of hearing a bunch of boring crap. Lol

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definitely spiced up now lol.... since i cant use my phone for dxp (blocked somehow) i can't put up the "perfect" emoji lol... but just know im thinking it lol.
Posted by EnochtheWise
sex at gunpoint with a stalker that I know and I'm equally into....have to seduce her into lowering the gun and convince her I'm just as into her or she kills me....
Why does this turn me on? 🤔 My Cap Venus or Scorp Mars? Or Both?
Posted by Wineaux15
Posted by EnochtheWise
sex at gunpoint with a stalker that I know and I'm equally into....have to seduce her into lowering the gun and convince her I'm just as into her or she kills me....
Why does this turn me on? 🤔 My Cap Venus or Scorp Mars? Or Both?
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Posted by tiziani
Sometimes I just dream of doing it missionary.

You know, take it back to the beginning. No one does the classics anymore.
Posted by Sodapop
On the cold kitchen table at night at his parents winter cabin while they’re sleeping, and he covers my mouth with his hand so I don’t make any noise, other hand on my hip holding me down. Staring right into my eyes intensely as I feel so ashamed.
Posted by MyStarsShine
I had a fantasy of being at a masquerade ball, face masked and meeting a man, grabbing him and pushing him into the cloakroom and jumping on him

Have you seen eyes wide shut?
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
I want to sit on Russell Brands face because his voice is annoying and he talks too much.
way to go ruining one of my sexual positions by mentioning it and Russell brand in the same