Sucking Up or Snuggling Up?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by GemsRaGalsBestPal on Thursday, September 22, 2011 and has 15 replies.
So, there's a lot of.... "right now you're going to go suck up to such and such" that gets thrown around when brawls happen in our lovely world of dxp. It always seems to come up as a response when someone new joins a conversation and agrees with the other side whether it be the Jets or the Sharks (yes, I went there, West Side Story..... aaaaaaaaaaaaand West Side should be pleasedsmile ).
I don't want to talk about brawls quite so much, but how do you make friends? Specifically on dxp?
I lead with humor and I rarely PM. I like to joke and be silly. It's my style of getting to know someone. What's yours?
How do you build relationships/friendships what have you in this backasswards forum?
I dunno, I talk to everyone and see who responds back, I don't ask for muchBig Grin
Neither. I don't give a damn about who likes me or not. smile
I can appreciate the "I don't look for friends and I don't care who likes me" comments, but even still.... If there is someone who strikes you as interesting and you'd like to get to know more about them..... what is the manner in which you typically open up conversations? Questions? Compliments? Jokes? Club them over the head and say BE MY FRIEND as you drag them back to your lair?
Posted by DeadRingerr
I dont know, never really thought about it. For me it just happens, I go out there, be my wonderful self and see what happens. If something is meant to be it will be.

I concur.
LOL. smile
I try not to make friends. I need my freeedom of speech Tongue
are we talking specifically guys or girls here? Cuz i don't think the op has got a problem in the guy department.
Been coming here for a few years now and still haven't made any. Then again, I don't come here to make any. I'm just here and if we hit it off then... That's cool.
friends are over-rated *shrugs*
I didn't even know people really knew eachother outside of this site! Lol
That blows my mind.

I'd be cool if we all had a huge dxp party though Big Grin
Posted by ianthepisces
yeah we should all meet up somewhere in the middle... like indiana..

Haha yes!
Posted by ianthepisces
yeah we should all meet up somewhere in the middle... like indiana..

Making "friends" has never been my agenda...still isn't.
I LMAO when I see people on DXP crying about not being let into "cliques" wtf?
If I speak to someone and they don't respond, no sweat off my back--on to the next!
There are some who I straight avoid because well, I just don't like them/can't stand them/they fucking annoy me/they're idiots, etc. and can give a rat's if they (or anyone for that matter) like me.
That all said, I have made a few acquaintance-ships and they just sort of happened. Really cool chicks with common interests who I feel I can trust. smile
I've made friends, and what I consider damned fine ones. My first reaction is to pull them off of dxp onto something more sinister yet like an IM so the banter can flow more naturally.