Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeThat sounds like a proper homage to honor their memory.
i am creating a painting of a tree with fall leaves in orange and on it painting two white roses in memorial of my best friends whom i recently lost.
they weren't suicides, but it was tragic, because they are young!
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowGlad to hear there was a force that motivated you not to do go down that path.
What snapped me out of it last year is finding out that my boy was having an extremely hard time at home. Boom, it was like I was never suicidal. My worry for the love of my life was greater than my own hurt.
Unfortunately you can't group everyone together. Some have lost the will to live, find life to be too difficult, believe noone truly cares about them or they found themselves in a situation where they're convinced suicide is the only way out.
Posted by nightowlYou're right it is a heavy topic, which is why I think it needs to be put out there. Also sounds like you were dealing with depression at that time. Are you still dealing with those feelings?
This is a hard topic to talk about or think about, it brings out bad memories..but because it happened ive changed perception on things. there was a time where i was alive but felt like it i was not living . Shutting out people, oversleeping, refusing to eat. Mom encouraged me to live and soon after met someone else helped me stay happy
Now back in high school, another close friend who sat with me everyday for lunch in gr 10..took her life. She kept things internally and never really opened herself to me..she had other friends too but even they didnt know. We drifted apart in our senior year. She reached out to me before we were supposed to graduate, she said "i hope we're still good, hope we havent been too dry around in the halls lately" and i didnt know where this was coming from..and replied "dont worry everything is okay"
Next thing i know people are posting rip posts on her facebook wall
people sometimes internalize things and we often assume, when people reach out..out if nowhere it's important to atleast ask how they are..i realize. things do get better with the right influence on your life
Posted by Chuckcem
I haven't written an actual topic in a while. Suicide is one of those topics that can be difficult (sometimes impossible) to discuss. I myself have never been suicidal, but I've known those who have been, some of whom unfortunately have taken their lives.
Suicide is so abrupt and so sudden, that it elicits unique emotions that are not necessarily evoked when someone dies from other causes. Regardless of your thoughts/stance on suicide itself, how have you coped with losing of a person to it?
I personally got angry when my friend died, then after some time chose to remember him by recalling funny personal memories about him. It was the best way for me to cope and to honor the my firend's memory. Part of this was because I tend to tell a lot of funny stories and it seemed that being positive helped my other friends cope with their emotions too.
What has been your experience?
Posted by Cancervirgo15degreesRight. At the same time, some people can go through the worst parts of life and never once consider suicide. So you don't want to feel yourself with fear over something that may never come to fruition.
One of the girls i was friends with growing up had a brother who hung himself. She found him. I dont remember much of it to be honest. We were like 13.
I am super sensitive to the idea of it. Like for some reason if someone is going through a hard time, all i will worry about is if they are thinking of killing themselves.
I will go out of my way to check on them constantly and try to help solve their problem so they arent sad. I will also constantly tell them how glad i feel that they are in my life and how much i need them around, so that they feel like there is someone who really cares.
I honestly have no idea where this anxiety of someone killing themselves comes from. Its just there. 🤔
One of my business partners had an epic nervous breakdown because one of his multimillion dollar businesses was scammed so bad to absolute shit he had to actually shut it down. He didnt tell me till a few months later. I was never so upset. I was so distraught to think of him going through that alone i made him promise to never let himself cry alone ever again and to call me.
This just goes to show you that you never know what a person is going through. Its scary to me that people can hide such tumultuous dark intense emotions.
Posted by LittleFairyYes, it does put a LOT into perspective concerning what truly matters and what doesn't. It also teaches the importance of empathy and being considerate of others.
It does make you ...self forgiving ..for the things that don't matter..and forgiving of others..
Posted by bittercupcakeThat's also a rough age. I'm glad you found a healthy outlet.
I’ve been there when I was around 13/14. I was going through a really rough patch. Dealing with the most abuse and bullying by both family and schoolmates was hard. It seemed like I could never catch a break.
Luckily my willful determination and my stubbornness to prove them all wrong helped me get out. It also helped to release my frustration in writing through poetry.
Posted by black_kevorkianMy only problem with this logic is that people can change their minds about committing suicide and often do. For many suicide is a cry for help. Statistically a majority of those who survive their suicide attempt wind up never making an additional attempt. Having known a couple of people who have survived their attempts, they are much happier that they didn't actually die.
suicide is the best way to go for some people unfortunately
I personally have no issues with it.If one truly feel they don't need to be alive anymore then by all means, take that trip to eternal darkness so the people who want to live will have more to survive on this earth with
Posted by Mr_PinchyFeel fortunate that you know where he is buried in case you ever decide to go. I have a conflicting views about gravesites, but they can be important to those who need a physical place to visit.
I lost my best friend of 15 years to suicide a few years ago.
That sucked big time.
I cope by not visiting his grave. Ever. Someday i will. But not yet.
Posted by bittercupcakeUnfortunately it is also the truth.Posted by black_kevorkianThat’s pretty kruel tbh.
suicide is the best way to go for some people unfortunately
I personally have no issues with it.If one truly feel they don't need to be alive anymore then by all means, take that trip to eternal darkness so the people who want to live will have more to survive on this earth withclick to expand
Posted by Cancervirgo15degreesYeah I've found that the people who hold things in and put on a strong/happy front are the ones who make the attempt. My recommendation for you though is to not let the fear of suicide overwhelm you. You've let the fear build up, so now it's triggered constantly, so much so that it's slowly becoming a phobia.Posted by ChuckcemI would be very interested to know exactly why that is such a worry. Thats an odd thing to worry about.Posted by Cancervirgo15degreesRight. At the same time, some people can go through the worst parts of life and never once consider suicide. So you don't want to feel yourself with fear over something that may never come to fruition.
One of the girls i was friends with growing up had a brother who hung himself. She found him. I dont remember much of it to be honest. We were like 13.
I am super sensitive to the idea of it. Like for some reason if someone is going through a hard time, all i will worry about is if they are thinking of killing themselves.
I will go out of my way to check on them constantly and try to help solve their problem so they arent sad. I will also constantly tell them how glad i feel that they are in my life and how much i need them around, so that they feel like there is someone who really cares.
I honestly have no idea where this anxiety of someone killing themselves comes from. Its just there. 🤔
One of my business partners had an epic nervous breakdown because one of his multimillion dollar businesses was scammed so bad to absolute shit he had to actually shut it down. He didnt tell me till a few months later. I was never so upset. I was so distraught to think of him going through that alone i made him promise to never let himself cry alone ever again and to call me.
This just goes to show you that you never know what a person is going through. Its scary to me that people can hide such tumultuous dark intense emotions.
Someones really down in the dumps. First thing out of my mouth is "do you feel suicidal". Most of the time people will laugh at that. But i dont think its very funny at all. Its very serious to feel that sad.
Also, i have had this convo a few times with friends where we ask each other- would you ever kill yourself, and what would make you do so?
Morbid convo now that i think about it.
I think suicide prevention is extremely important. I think there are so many signs to look out for, but like with anything in life, a lot of times people dont take notice till its too late.
I also think a lot of times the people you least expect to do it, will do it.
I also think anyone who threatens to commit suicide should be taken seriously. No matter what. I dont like how people say that "the ones who say they are gonna do it never do".click to expand
Posted by melancholiaWhich is why this topic exist. People can't learn or gain understanding by remainig silent. Would you prefer that we didn't tackle hard subjects like these at all? Not everyone here is going to be well versed in this topic and may have opinion/ideas that conflict with your own. If someone is ignorant on a topic, then they need to be taught the correct information.
There are lots of BS, ignorant, and tone deaf comments in your thread, chuckcem. People who don’t understand depression and mental illness, who are making their ignorance crystal clear.
People shouldn’t speak on such matters unless they know what they are talking about.
Posted by melancholiaYou're drawing a lot of misguided conclusions. Coping doesn't mean forgetting the person. It means working through the experience to get back to a healthy mindset. It means dealing with the emotions and the loss so that the pain hurts less.
How do you cope with someone you love takes their own life, because they feel you would be better off without them?
You can’t really cope with the suicide of a loved one, it’s always there with you, and nothing can make it better and you can never really accept it.
I think for me, if anything, there was just a shift. You are more aware of the concept of time and the fragility of life. The pain never wanes.
Posted by GemitatiThe amount of people who are 100% sure of suicide is low compared to those who are seeking help. How do you discern those who TRULY wish to die versus those who don't? As you said yourself your neighbor's daughter tried killing herself by being struck by a train, but is now much happier that she's alive. The fact is most people who attempt suicide are looking for a reason to live. Those who attempt and survive very rarely make a second attempt.Posted by bittercupcakeUnfortunately it is also the truth.Posted by black_kevorkianThat’s pretty kruel tbh.
suicide is the best way to go for some people unfortunately
I personally have no issues with it.If one truly feel they don't need to be alive anymore then by all means, take that trip to eternal darkness so the people who want to live will have more to survive on this earth with
There is no solution to not wanting to live.
Horrible! Scary! But it happens all over the world. No cure! 1-800-ciicide prevention helps to those who don't want to die!
Those who want don't to expand
Posted by ChuckcemI have no answer to this. If I had I would be a guru!Posted by GemitatiThe amount of people who are 100% sure of suicide is low compared to those who are seeking help. How do you discern those who TRULY wish to die versus those who don't? As you said yourself your neighbor's daughter tried killing herself by being struck by a train, but is now much happier that she's alive. The fact is most people who attempt suicide are looking for a reason to live. Those who attempt and survive very rarely make a second attempt.Posted by bittercupcakeUnfortunately it is also the truth.Posted by black_kevorkianThat’s pretty kruel tbh.
suicide is the best way to go for some people unfortunately
I personally have no issues with it.If one truly feel they don't need to be alive anymore then by all means, take that trip to eternal darkness so the people who want to live will have more to survive on this earth with
There is no solution to not wanting to live.
Horrible! Scary! But it happens all over the world. No cure! 1-800-ciicide prevention helps to those who don't want to die!
Those who want don't to expand
Posted by melancholiaMy point is that not everyone who experiences depression commits suicide, nor does that have to do with what this topic is about. Again I'm not addressing depression or mental illness here.Posted by ChuckcemI would say that mental illness/depression is directly related suicide. You have some kind of mental illness if you choose to take your own life, you aren’t well in the mind. I’ve never met a person who committed suicide who didn’t suffer from mental illness. I have however lost 3 people to suicide: two friends and one very very close family member, all depressed/suffer from some other sort of mental illness.Posted by melancholiaWhich is why this topic exist. People can't learn or gain understanding by remainig silent. Would you prefer that we didn't tackle hard subjects like these at all? Not everyone here is going to be well versed in this topic and may have opinion/ideas that conflict with your own. If someone is ignorant on a topic, then they need to be taught the correct information.
There are lots of BS, ignorant, and tone deaf comments in your thread, chuckcem. People who don’t understand depression and mental illness, who are making their ignorance crystal clear.
People shouldn’t speak on such matters unless they know what they are talking about.
Likewise, this topic isn't necessarily about understanding depression, but specifically about how to deal with losing someone to suicide. Depression and suicide are not mutually exclusive to one another. Suicide can also be very taboo for people and extrememly difficult to broach. Since everyone experiences grief differently, it's important to know the variety of ways people have handled this scenario.
Additionally I don't control the comments that other people make. If you have something constructive to say to someone, then say it to that person.
And I actually think that one of the most important things you can do to cope with someone who commits suicide IS to educate yourself and understand depression and mental illness. That’s really the only kind of closure and explanation you’re ever going to to expand
Posted by GemitatiYou're missing the point of this topic.Posted by ChuckcemI have no answer to this. If I had I would be a guru!Posted by GemitatiThe amount of people who are 100% sure of suicide is low compared to those who are seeking help. How do you discern those who TRULY wish to die versus those who don't? As you said yourself your neighbor's daughter tried killing herself by being struck by a train, but is now much happier that she's alive. The fact is most people who attempt suicide are looking for a reason to live. Those who attempt and survive very rarely make a second attempt.Posted by bittercupcakeUnfortunately it is also the truth.Posted by black_kevorkianThat’s pretty kruel tbh.
suicide is the best way to go for some people unfortunately
I personally have no issues with it.If one truly feel they don't need to be alive anymore then by all means, take that trip to eternal darkness so the people who want to live will have more to survive on this earth with
There is no solution to not wanting to live.
Horrible! Scary! But it happens all over the world. No cure! 1-800-ciicide prevention helps to those who don't want to die!
Those who want don't call.
I think people wish to die to show others how they did them wrong! And make them suffer. Without realizing that they will be dead and never see how others will react!
First boy hanged himself because his mom got married to a man with 2 daughters.
Boy had friends. Was loved by everyone.
However family life got him! He couldn't see his mom attending to other people!
If he was an outcast in school I would understand! But he wasn't! So family life killed him and should we blame his mother who fell in love and got married?
So was he at his age so selfish to 'show' his mother that she shouldn't had?
By killing himself? Will we ever know? He is dead!
I don't think this subject will ever be understood. People who commit themselves are special in their heads and we have to just let it go.
Unless some had tried. Like that girl...and want to speak after survival.
I don't know if anyone ever to expand
Posted by melancholiaI am so sorry if I came out like that!Posted by GemitatiIt’s actually not a selfish act, at all, when they feel like their friends and family and the world in general would be better off without them in it. You’re only looking at it from the outsiders perspective, but failing to understand and empathize with that personals mental state and feelings. And no, it’s not usually done for attention.Posted by ChuckcemI have no answer to this. If I had I would be a guru!Posted by GemitatiThe amount of people who are 100% sure of suicide is low compared to those who are seeking help. How do you discern those who TRULY wish to die versus those who don't? As you said yourself your neighbor's daughter tried killing herself by being struck by a train, but is now much happier that she's alive. The fact is most people who attempt suicide are looking for a reason to live. Those who attempt and survive very rarely make a second attempt.Posted by bittercupcakeUnfortunately it is also the truth.Posted by black_kevorkianThat’s pretty kruel tbh.
suicide is the best way to go for some people unfortunately
I personally have no issues with it.If one truly feel they don't need to be alive anymore then by all means, take that trip to eternal darkness so the people who want to live will have more to survive on this earth with
There is no solution to not wanting to live.
Horrible! Scary! But it happens all over the world. No cure! 1-800-ciicide prevention helps to those who don't want to die!
Those who want don't call.
I think people wish to die to show others how they did them wrong! And make them suffer. Without realizing that they will be dead and never see how others will react!
First boy hanged himself because his mom got married to a man with 2 daughters.
Boy had friends. Was loved by everyone.
However family life got him! He couldn't see his mom attending to other people!
If he was an outcast in school I would understand! But he wasn't! So family life killed him and should we blame his mother who fell in love and got married?
So was he at his age so selfish to 'show' his mother that she shouldn't had?
By killing himself? Will we ever know? He is dead!
I don't think this subject will ever be understood. People who commit themselves are special in their heads and we have to just let it go.
Unless some had tried. Like that girl...and want to speak after survival.
I don't know if anyone ever did.
It’s a legitimate mental illness, a feeling of deep worthlessness and pointlessness and despair that they cannot to expand
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