The potrait of a cheat

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by WaterCup on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 and has 131 replies.
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I found this & I thought it was interesting. It's an article written by Tracey Cox, a UK based relationship and sex expert. She wrote the points below using Siang Mein (Chinese art of face reading) & other scientifically proven facts. Ok here we go..
shorter men have lower testosterone levels, so aren't ruled by the penis, and sad but true, aren't chatted as much.
there's a correlation between infidelity and the space between men's eyes. The wider apart they are, the more easily bored he is & likely to be tempted by anything in a skirt. Rather go for ones with close-set eyes cause they commit easier and less likely to cheat.
sparse eyebrows equals a low sex drive. Thick & bushy brows hint a sexually excessive personality.
that's a sign of a high sex drive and a desire for 'kinky' sex.
men who go to the gym purely to look good, it suggests vanity which in turn suggests he's susceptible to flattery & easier to chat up than a guy who isn't into his appearance.
oval=hom+family are important & a square is an opposite of that.
basically, the size of a man's testicles is a scientifically proven indicator of faithfulness- the bigger they are, the more sperm he produces & more he is a slave to his libido.
Are these true?
How did YOUR cheater look like?
You can also add some few face reading finds about certain facial features & what they mean about ones personality. Thank you smile
Can I post his pic? lol

I agree with most of that but HE IS TALL did not apply to many men I have known to be cheaters. Actually, I thought it was the opposite, some shorter men needing attention and approval but many females.
OK who's got bushy eyebrows here??
Posted by sand
my caricature is on my avi. i guess my eyes r far apart?

So Sand, are you a cheater?
wow sand you're a super sleuth. I would not find books like these in penny stores or libraries Tongue
Posted by sand
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by sand
my caricature is on my avi. i guess my eyes r far apart?

So Sand, are you a cheater?

eyebrow shot...

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so they are wrong then smile
Posted by sand
Posted by spica
wow sand you're a super sleuth. I would not find books like these in penny stores or libraries Tongue

filipino author. so it's available to me. i learned the why's of bazi from him but the predictions for combos were too bogus. i'd just get laughed at if i read for others using his combos.
it doesn't interest me so much but if it did i'd get this.
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Yeah I have seen those by Joey Yap and a few others.
hey, no testicles pics ok LOL
Posted by sand
i think he's good but i hear some of his books r not worth it. i have skimmed it tho in the book store and it looked comprehensive.

No some are def not worth it.. if your library has it it'll be great. not easy to learn tho' smile
Posted by sand
Posted by feb16aqua
You said I was the only one!!

blame my bushy brows and large testicles lulz!
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OMG Feb, taureans are big flirts Tongue
Yeh, but it ain't easy to learn. I like purple star astrology. you need to master the basics or else u will never grasp it
Posted by sand
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by sand
Posted by feb16aqua
You said I was the only one!!

blame my bushy brows and large testicles lulz!

OMG Feb, taureans are big flirts Tongue

dude i'm right here! smile #c'mon!
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hihi I know you can take it Tongue
Posted by sand
Posted by spica
Yeh, but it ain't easy to learn. I like purple star astrology. you need to master the basics or else u will never grasp it

my bazi chart is on my profile.
i know a bit of purple star too. do u find purple star accurate?
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You're not a tau right? Tongue cuz u dont speak like a tau with big3 as fixed Tongue
purple star is more interesting than bazi though both arent easy at all to learn.. you sometimes have the inaccurate computing errors. u need a calendar to make sure.
Lol @ Aqua Ass Force. And EEE, I have an upturned nose too, but I forgot the face reading description of that. You can google it if it interests you.
Waves to my fellow aquas & other people in the house. Can we get some ball pics please, you know, for research reasonsTongue Btw, today I stumbled into something called a micro penis. Apparently some men have that. It is SO smaaaall (even smaller than a tampon or maybe the same size as a tampon lol), I think I'd roflmao if someone ever whipped that out of his pant.
Posted by xygeneration
Any descriptions for women?

google it & post it here, dearsmile
Posted by WaterCup
Lol @ Aqua Ass Force. And EEE, I have an upturned nose too, but I forgot the face reading description of that. You can google it if it interests you.
Waves to my fellow aquas & other people in the house. Can we get some ball pics please, you know, for research reasonsTongue Btw, today I stumbled into something called a micro penis. Apparently some men have that. It is SO smaaaall (even smaller than a tampon or maybe the same size as a tampon lol), I think I'd roflmao if someone ever whipped that out of his pant.

I had the pleasure of encountering a pinky size penis (small hands y'all)
Thank goodness I probed early on before it got ugly LOL
Posted by sand
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by sand
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by sand
Posted by feb16aqua
You said I was the only one!!

blame my bushy brows and large testicles lulz!

OMG Feb, taureans are big flirts Tongue

dude i'm right here! smile #c'mon!

hihi I know you can take it Tongue

i'm on to you aquapiscescusp! Winking
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I'm watchin' you Sand Tongue
Posted by DonJohnson
btw if you want to find a woman cheater, it's in the fingers. if her ring finger is longer than the index finger than that means she's more likely to cheat.
this is a physiology fact. ring finger and index finger ration is direct correlation to testosterone production. Men are supposed to have longer ring fingers while women are supposed to have longer index finger or at least equal. a longer ring finger points to a higher than normal male hormones in the body.
Bitch is more likely to cheat. fact.

NOOO, I can't believe that!!!?? *hides fingers*
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by WaterCup
Lol @ Aqua Ass Force. And EEE, I have an upturned nose too, but I forgot the face reading description of that. You can google it if it interests you.
Waves to my fellow aquas & other people in the house. Can we get some ball pics please, you know, for research reasonsTongue Btw, today I stumbled into something called a micro penis. Apparently some men have that. It is SO smaaaall (even smaller than a tampon or maybe the same size as a tampon lol), I think I'd roflmao if someone ever whipped that out of his pant.

I had the pleasure of encountering a pinky size penis (small hands y'all)
Thank goodness I probed early on before it got ugly LOL
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Posted by feb16aqua
Mine are the same length... What does that mean?

ohoh, we are different in some ways smile
Posted by sand
i knew how to do purple star manually long time ago. what do u think of this software. i never knew u could do trines. i just thought conjunctions in palaces...

That is a great site! Conjunctions, trines, squares and oppositions too. If houses are empty, the opposite house should be read. There are also other things (for bazi) like the blending of two elements giving rise to another.. and having certain elements or lack thereof predisposing one to certain things. It's a bit harder to explain why two people with the same chart have different fates, except if you go the general 'environment' route.
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by WaterCup
Lol @ Aqua Ass Force. And EEE, I have an upturned nose too, but I forgot the face reading description of that. You can google it if it interests you.
Waves to my fellow aquas & other people in the house. Can we get some ball pics please, you know, for research reasonsTongue Btw, today I stumbled into something called a micro penis. Apparently some men have that. It is SO smaaaall (even smaller than a tampon or maybe the same size as a tampon lol), I think I'd roflmao if someone ever whipped that out of his pant.

I had the pleasure of encountering a pinky size penis (small hands y'all)
Thank goodness I probed early on before it got ugly LOL

He could have been a grower though!
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bhahahaaha he wasn't a kid!!! He was full grown in many ways... he couldn't understand why I didn't want to date him any longer?!
Posted by sand
what if the toe next to your big toe is longer than your big toe?

that's a whole other can of fish... you don't want to know Tongue
Posted by sand
Posted by spica
Posted by sand
i knew how to do purple star manually long time ago. what do u think of this software. i never knew u could do trines. i just thought conjunctions in palaces...

That is a great site! Conjunctions, trines, squares and oppositions too. If houses are empty, the opposite house should be read. There are also other things (for bazi) like the blending of two elements giving rise to another.. and having certain elements or lack thereof predisposing one to certain things. It's a bit harder to explain why two people with the same chart have different fates, except if you go the general 'environment' route.

yes combinations. so and so combines to form water... etc...

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it's things like these that give me headaches. lol
any idea how snake + monkey = water? lol
Posted by sand
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by sand
what if the toe next to your big toe is longer than your big toe?

that's a whole other can of fish... you don't want to know Tongue

tell me! morton's foot no?
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Not sure, I was kidding smile

but some people believe that if the second toe (the one next to the big toe) is longer than the big toe, it means that person would be the boss of the family. Another popular theory is that people of Celtic origins have a longer second toe. Others say that you are descended from Royalty if your second toe is longer.
Not so bad...
Posted by xygeneration
My average lucky index is 57% LOL, barely passing.

I wouldn't pay much attention to the luck index.. itz not accurate imo...
Posted by sand
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by sand
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by sand
what if the toe next to your big toe is longer than your big toe?

that's a whole other can of fish... you don't want to know Tongue

tell me! morton's foot no?

Not sure, I was kidding smile

but some people believe that if the second toe (the one next to the big toe) is longer than the big toe, it means that person would be the boss of the family. Another popular theory is that people of Celtic origins have a longer second toe. Others say that you are descended from Royalty if your second toe is longer.
Not so bad...

hehe thanks for that!
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I would wear "sandals" all day long if I were you Tongue
all the short, bushy eye-browed men have left the thread quietly....
Posted by sand
Posted by aquapiscescusp
all the short, bushy eye-browed men have left the thread quietly....

lulz still here!
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wth did I write? bushy-eyed browned LOL
nothing to do with the color of the eye NOW
and you are still here because you have that toe thing going on
Posted by SyzygyDresden
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by SyzygyDresden

Big Grin
It's not like I have a big bottom or anything... I like a man with a nice all...and it can't be wee.

I'm ASSuming this is a no go

Jesus, Mary, Joseph!
Forget Popeyes! My eyes! My eyes!

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OMG, LMAO @ that ass
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Posted by aquapiscescusp
all the short, bushy eye-browed men have left the thread quietly....

5'9 isn't short and my eyebrows aren't bushy, woot!
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lol, that's why you are still here
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Posted by aquapiscescusp
all the short, bushy eye-browed men have left the thread quietly....

5'9 isn't short and my eyebrows aren't bushy, woot!

lol, that's why you are still here

Thanks, What can I say? I give good strife? Big Grin
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When you got it, you got it.
Mind you we are just talking about height and eyebrows, lots in between to analyze lol
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by sand
any pics of the front?

Same guy, i know it's unbelievable but I believe him: he told me it's him and I'm the only one too...oh and forever.
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bahahahha, you kill me
Posted by sand
i see this is the aquarius thing u speak of!!
so aquapisces... passable for u to let him jetski you?

Posted by xygeneration
For some reason im not into ab guys.

yeahhh, abs, such a turn off LOL

No, seriously its not a requirement, but if there, I see it as a bonus.
Posted by feb16aqua
LOL WC I know you'd appreciate it...a little delayed vengeance but it's always best served with a time delay muhahahaha

ikr? Hahaha
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by DonJohnson
Every one here is idealizing men. I see big hands, big feet, big legs, broad shoulders. everythign big big. big cock, tall..... big

Of course the men described in the OP are going to be more unfaithful. It's just genetic selection. More women want big handsome guys. Of course they are going to be in more temptations and cheat.


no, not really. I'm actually not that picky, but I won't settle for someone who can't make my brain orgasm. That's my deal breaker. The rest is just fluff.
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a BIG +1. BIG BRAIN *moans*
Posted by feb16aqua

I feel bad for this guy...but what was he thinking?

that's not a cheat hahahhaha very funnyyyy
"i swear every channing tatum and ryan gosling role are of them speaking at the pace of snails and not knowing much but only know how much they can love ...... etc"
it's by design, more screen time, not enough script lol
Posted by robyn808
Posted by DonJohnson
i swear every channing tatum and ryan gosling role are of them speaking at the pace of snails and not knowing much but only know how much they can love ...... etc

LMAO @ women wanting intelligence over brawn.
If that was real, Asian men would be the most wanted on the dating market. Intelligence is behind many things, when it comes to attractiveness. REAL TALK.
I almost try to be stupid on dates and nodd like a drooling retard. That's gotten me far more ass than when I start talking about investments, politics or even theology.

Fa ck that noise!

Some people make the mistake of thinking they are interesting. Better to keep quite and let her project her own perception of who she wants you to be.
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Yeah been there done that. While I think there is something to be said for not constantly speaking everything and let someone know you in their own way.... However if I feel what they are beginning to allow themselves to believe is misleading.... That's not going to fly me and I'll let them know straight up.
In general I don't like doing this though too much. But I've found being quick to point other things out sometimes sends the wrong message.
Posted by sand
Earth face
You can instantly tell an earth face by the determined jaw line, their faces are square, and they often have a deep voice. The mouth is often full and they have a serene quality about them, they step steadily through life making sure and cautious decisions as they go, they handle money well and are very loyal. There is a certain stoicism in their approach to life, a sort of knuckle down and get on with it attitude. Earth people keep their thoughts to themselves so don??t expect them to reveal anything to you. They could be considered enigmas, earth people have the gift of trustworthiness. Earth people have the ability to draw abundance to them as they are astute money managers. They have a somewhat conservative approach to life and they don??t take anything lightly and have a tendency to worry. The earth face type has great empathy and compassion and many are philanthropists. They have to learn to keep the inner energy centers clear and vibrant so they don??t become sluggish, this can be done through regular meditation practices and crystal healing exercises.

thanks for posting these _??excerpts sand!
Posted by DonJohnson

i dont find him attractive at all. Its a mystery to me why most find him oh so irresistable.
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by DonJohnson

i dont find him attractive at all. Its a mystery to me why most find him oh so irresistable.
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Neither do I... don't get it.
I think this entire thread is slightly bogus but ya know that's me Winking
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by DonJohnson

i dont find him attractive at all. Its a mystery to me why most find him oh so irresistable.

Neither do I... don't get it.
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maybe there's something we're missing lol
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I think this entire thread is slightly bogus but ya know that's me Winking

who caressssss
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Still is.
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I think this entire thread is slightly bogus but ya know that's me Winking

who caressssss
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i do
im curious about what he meant by 'thats me', the cheat list or the bogus part. What did you mean by that, nyaa?
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I think this entire thread is slightly bogus but ya know that's me Winking

who caressssss

i do
im curious about what he meant by 'thats me', the cheat list or the bogus part. What did you mean by that, nyaa?
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Oh I was referring to me probably being the only thinking the thread is bogus or w/e
That that's just me my point of view on it.
Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by WaterCup

im curious about what he meant by 'thats me', the cheat list or the bogus part. What did you mean by that, nyaa?

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Posted by feb16aqua
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius

Oh I was referring to me probably being the only thinking the thread is bogus or w/e
That that's just me my point of view on it.

Ok. how so?
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