Posted by LillyPetalPosted by GetMisted
English only please
"Found rod of boots this morning. I put it for you."
At least, that's what Google translate tells to expand
Posted by ScrufflesPosted by DamnataPosted by LillyPetalPosted by GetMisted
English only please
"Found rod of boots this morning. I put it for you."
At least, that's what Google translate tells me.
Google's attempts at translating Romanian..lmao.
LMAO @ Google fail
It's a metaphor which can't be translated literally. She meant I was in to expand
Posted by LillyPetalPosted by ScrufflesPosted by DamnataPosted by LillyPetalPosted by GetMisted
English only please
"Found rod of boots this morning. I put it for you."
At least, that's what Google translate tells me.
Google's attempts at translating Romanian..lmao.
LMAO @ Google fail
It's a metaphor which can't be translated literally. She meant I was in trouble.
I figured that wasn't right.
click to expand
Posted by DamnataPosted by LillyPetalPosted by ScrufflesPosted by DamnataPosted by LillyPetalPosted by GetMisted
English only please
"Found rod of boots this morning. I put it for you."
At least, that's what Google translate tells me.
Google's attempts at translating Romanian..lmao.
LMAO @ Google fail
It's a metaphor which can't be translated literally. She meant I was in trouble.
I figured that wasn't right.
It's a Romanian holiday (well I think more than one country has it).
You get good things if you were good or in the case of Scruffles, you get a to expand
Posted by Libralula
I think Virgo is out too he.said he'd be busy.
@Damnata do you like cats
@Lillypetal do you get along with Cancer men?
@GetMisted are you married?
@Scruffles do you like extreme sports
Posted by Libralula
I think Virgo is out too he.said he'd be busy.
@Damnata do you like cats
@Lillypetal do you get along with Cancer men?
Posted by Libralula
@Damnata What kind of food would you compare Libra men to?
Posted by Scruffles
Where are you? We need more players.
Posted by Libralula
Damnata is it you???
Posted by ScrufflesPosted by Damnata
Speaking of @Scruffles, she's the new psychologist.
Who's still playing? I'll prepare to expand
Posted by LibralulaPosted by GetMistedPosted by Libralula
Have any siblings?
As far as I know.. No. But these hoes ain't faithful.
Lol This Threw me off!!
She mentioned a Taurus Brother
Oh wellclick to expand
Posted by DamnataPosted by Libralula
Damnata is it you???
No, it was LillyPetal.
I think Scruffles put up the best to expand
Posted by ScrufflesPosted by Damnata
I think I will keep adding people from the last rounds in, since even if they're away, others can reply to questions.
Unless they get randomly picked as psychologists.
That's a good idea.
You can PM them the patient as they show up and they can answer for others who aren't here to expand
Posted by DamnataPosted by LibralulaPosted by GetMistedPosted by Libralula
Have any siblings?
As far as I know.. No. But these hoes ain't faithful.
Lol This Threw me off!!
She mentioned a Taurus Brother
Oh well
It shows how well we know each other.
I learn new stuff every day.
I also thought she was an only child, with that cat ego of to expand
Posted by LillyPetalPosted by DamnataPosted by LibralulaPosted by GetMistedPosted by Libralula
Have any siblings?
As far as I know.. No. But these hoes ain't faithful.
Lol This Threw me off!!
She mentioned a Taurus Brother
Oh well
It shows how well we know each other.
I learn new stuff every day.
I also thought she was an only child, with that cat ego of hers.
LOL. What the-? Whadd I do?click to expand
Posted by LibralulaPosted by GetMistedPosted by Libralula
Have any siblings?
As far as I know.. No. But these hoes ain't faithful.
Lol This Threw me off!!
She mentioned a Taurus Brother
Oh wellclick to expand
Posted by DamnataPosted by LillyPetalPosted by DamnataPosted by LibralulaPosted by GetMistedPosted by Libralula
Have any siblings?
As far as I know.. No. But these hoes ain't faithful.
Lol This Threw me off!!
She mentioned a Taurus Brother
Oh well
It shows how well we know each other.
I learn new stuff every day.
I also thought she was an only child, with that cat ego of hers.
LOL. What the-? Whadd I do?
lmao, nvm. i was thinking of scruffles.
i remembered you had to expand
Posted by LillyPetalPosted by LibralulaPosted by GetMistedPosted by Libralula
Have any siblings?
As far as I know.. No. But these hoes ain't faithful.
Lol This Threw me off!!
She mentioned a Taurus Brother
Oh well
You asked very good questions, IMO. The hats one was a dead give away, I think. @.@ It's as though those questions were MEANT to find me out.
It's funny that I would get confused with a virgo and @VirgoWithASoul and I haven't even switched sun signs yet!click to expand
Posted by scorpiothebadass
I never thought this game could be played online
Posted by Scruffles
Pegger? Peggee? Or both?
Car or public transportation?
Is Virgo Rising as efficient as Virgo Sun?
Would you wear a tail?
Posted by Scruffles@LillyPetal
Would you wear a tail?
Posted by GetMisted
I honestly don't even understand this game.
Posted by ScrufflesPosted by Rambunctious76Posted by DamnataPosted by Libralula
Wait what about me
You are the psychologist!
I'm sorry....I laughed.
Are you playing?
I'll prepare a question for you if you to expand
Posted by LillyPetalPosted by GetMisted
I honestly don't even understand this game.
You are supposed to dissociate yourself from GetMistedclick to expand
Posted by GetMistedPosted by DamnataPosted by LillyPetalPosted by GetMisted
I honestly don't even understand this game.
You are supposed to dissociate yourself from GetMisted
lmao, you lost him there.
he's a leo moon, he couldn't.
#thestruggleisrealclick to expand
Posted by ScrufflesPosted by DamnataPosted by ScrufflesPosted by Rambunctious76Posted by DamnataPosted by Libralula
Wait what about me
You are the psychologist!
I'm sorry....I laughed.
Are you playing?
I'll prepare a question for you if you are.
She'll have to play next round, since it's obvious the patient isn't here in this one.
I see Deldo is back on dxp too.
So we're stopping or can I ask more questions?click to expand
Posted by Scruffles
Do you anger easily or keep a level head?
Do you know how to play this game?
Which weighs more… a ton of rocks or a ton of feathers?
Is cleanliness next to Godliness?
Posted by GetMisted
This game is stupid
Posted by LibralulaPosted by GetMistedPosted by LibralulaPosted by Scruffles
Which weighs more… a ton of rocks or a ton of feathers?
A rock weighs more than a feather.
Idk lolclick to expand
Posted by GetMistedPosted by DamnataPosted by GetMisted
This game is stupid
Break out of character.
You have to be subtle btw, you couldn't make it more obvious.
Wtf fuclick to expand
Posted by ScrufflesPosted by LillyPetalPosted by LibralulaPosted by GetMistedPosted by LibralulaPosted by Scruffles
Which weighs more… a ton of rocks or a ton of feathers?
A rock weighs more than a feather.
Idk lol
But the mass is the same - a ton. The number of particles of each species that make up the ton is irrelevant, no?
Yes, they weigh the to expand
Posted by GetMistedPosted by DamnataPosted by GetMistedPosted by DamnataPosted by GetMisted
This game is stupid
Break out of character.
You have to be subtle btw, you couldn't make it more obvious.
Wtf fu
Clean your mouf.
#bootylickerclick to expand
Posted by GetMistedPosted by DamnataPosted by GetMistedPosted by DamnataPosted by GetMistedPosted by DamnataPosted by GetMisted
This game is stupid
Break out of character.
You have to be subtle btw, you couldn't make it more obvious.
Wtf fu
Clean your mouf.
Floss at least.
#waxyoselfclick to expand
Posted by GetMisted
Going to get food. Brb
Posted by TwodrinksPosted by Rambunctious76
And apologies for my tardiness...fell asleep in the shower.
Oh god, I love laying down in the shower. I stay in there for like 30 minutes. Never fallen asleep thoughclick to expand
Posted by GetMisted
Who are the participants?
Posted by RumiLove
I want to play tooooo!
Posted by GetMisted
How tryhard am I?