Fire Moon More Emotional Than Water Moon?

This topic was created in the Moon Signs forum by FFS on Sunday, July 8, 2018 and has 71 replies.
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Based on your personal experiences, do fire moons seem more emotional and temperamental than water moons?
I have both in my life.

Fire moon friends: They react fast and hard, but the emotion and reaction (usually an overreaction) passes quickly. They can sometimes be offensive and insensitive to others.

Water moon friends: Seem to suffer more from heavier emotions (sometimes depression), but they keep their emotions to themselves).
Posted by FFS

I have both in my life.

Fire moon friends: They react fast and hard, but the emotion and reaction (usually an overreaction) passes quickly. They can sometimes be offensive and insensitive to others.

Water moon friends: Seem to suffer more from heavier emotions (sometimes depression), but they keep their emotions to themselves).
water moons tend to suffer longer because they hold things in where as a fire moon expresses themselves right away so they can get over that feeling rather them sulking on it
Hmm....tough one.

Fire moons imo tend to be quick with the emotion and temperament.... usually doesn't last long

Water moons tend to hold onto that shit for forever.

I don't think one is more emotional or temperamental than the other...just different ways of expressing it.
Fire moon is expressive. We can definetely be more temperamental. I’ll tell you this, I cry more and it seems I’m more sensitive than ur average water sign. Oh and when I get angry, I get angry.
Posted by dewiklaessen26

Posted by FFS

I have both in my life.

Fire moon friends: They react fast and hard, but the emotion and reaction (usually an overreaction) passes quickly. They can sometimes be offensive and insensitive to others.

Water moon friends: Seem to suffer more from heavier emotions (sometimes depression), but they keep their emotions to themselves).
water moons tend to suffer longer because they hold things in where as a fire moon expresses themselves right away so they can get over that feeling rather them sulking on it
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Exactly. I really don't know which one struggles more, because my fire moon friends have a more difficult time making and keeping friends because of their immediate and raw reactions. The water moon friends tend to drain their loved ones.
Posted by LostinmyMind11

Hmm....tough one.

Fire moons imo tend to be quick with the emotion and temperament.... usually doesn't last long

Water moons tend to hold onto that shit for forever.

I don't think one is more emotional or temperamental than the other...just different ways of expressing it.
Fire moon seems more temperamental and reactionary. Water moon seems more passive and emotional. My water moon friends tend to hold things in forever and than explode one day.
Posted by Unwording

I wouldn't say more emotional, but I would say just as emotional. (Fire and Water are both very right-brained.)

But I agree that Fire is definitely more comfortable in openly expressing how it feels-- it's extroverted energy after all.

I never thought about the right brain theory when considering astrology. I see why water is right, but why fire? Is passion a right brain thing? True, water tends to be more passive?
Posted by Sunsetvirgo

Fire moon is expressive. We can definetely be more temperamental. I’ll tell you this, I cry more and it seems I’m more sensitive than ur average water sign. Oh and when I get angry, I get angry.
See this is the thing. When I think of fire, I think warrior and fierce. I never equate fire with any form of "weakness." That's stupid I know cause everyone's human. But yea, I see my fire moon buddies get upset more so than the waters. The waters seem more placid, but never really happy like the fires. Both water and fire moon are scary when angry. "Run."
Posted by ACsquarepluto

I think both fire and water deal with emotional expression (with fire we might tend to call it passion or anger). I think fire moons often have good intentions in relationships and impatience can cause problems with others, some of us struggle coping with rejection too. Sag moons forming hard aspects within the chart seem prone to existentialism and can lose the will to live. I felt unloved most of the time in the past and it might have had to do with the fire moon misunderstanding others.

I think the empathy of water moons can draw admirers and sometimes they struggle to establish space to recharge. Not sure if they feel more stable and secure in themselves and their relationships than fire moons, might be they feel vulnerable at times but I didn't detect it.
When I think of fire moons I always see Leo moon as being the most stable (just because its in the middle). That being said, it also needs a lot of maintenance to keep it burning. Sagg moons seem to be that "out of control" fire that needs to be reigned in. Yes, I see Sagg moons struggling with existentialism just because of what the 9th house represents. I will be honest with you, I really don't understand the emotions of a fire moon, except that they have burning desires. I def understand water moon, because water represents emotions. How do you experience and process emotions?
Nah it’s not like that. Fire moons feel and react but it’s never that serious. We are already over and 3 steps past it by the time we react.

It’s only when we don’t get to confront and speak our mind that we hold onto things.
@saggurl88, you an interesting one Big Grin Fire sun, Cancer moon. Which one seems to be more pronounced?
Posted by ACsquarepluto

Posted by FFS

Posted by ACsquarepluto

I think both fire and water deal with emotional expression (with fire we might tend to call it passion or anger). I think fire moons often have good intentions in relationships and impatience can cause problems with others, some of us struggle coping with rejection too. Sag moons forming hard aspects within the chart seem prone to existentialism and can lose the will to live. I felt unloved most of the time in the past and it might have had to do with the fire moon misunderstanding others.

I think the empathy of water moons can draw admirers and sometimes they struggle to establish space to recharge. Not sure if they feel more stable and secure in themselves and their relationships than fire moons, might be they feel vulnerable at times but I didn't detect it.
When I think of fire moons I always see Leo moon as being the most stable (just because its in the middle). That being said, it also needs a lot of maintenance to keep it burning. Sagg moons seem to be that "out of control" fire that needs to be reigned in. Yes, I see Sagg moons struggling with existentialism just because of what the 9th house represents. I will be honest with you, I really don't understand the emotions of a fire moon, except that they have burning desires. I def understand water moon, because water represents emotions. How do you experience and process emotions?
Write them out usually, I've made angry artwork in adobe illustrator before lol. Listen to a lot of music which reflects my mood. I've learned to wait before confronting others with my emotions (Cap North Node/Taurus midheaven).
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It sounds like you've done a lot of work to improve yourself. It seems like you have overcome a lot of your shortcomings. Maybe you can help my buddies out Big Grin. What's the advantage of having a Sagg moon in your opinion?
Posted by LadyNeptune

Nah it’s not like that. Fire moons feel and react but it’s never that serious. We are already over and 3 steps past it by the time we react.

It’s only when we don’t get to confront and speak our mind that we hold onto things.
I know what you mean. Sometimes I envy my fire moon buddies cause they just get whatever is bothering them off their chest and move on. But their reactions are unrefined which turns people off. I like the sense of freedom they seem to have. They don't seem as depressed as the water moons. You're similar to Sagg88, a mixture of water and fire, which is interesting.
Actually i attract a lot of friends with my fire moon and fire ascendant i make friends easily and i am able to keep them i myself break friendships sometimes because of lack of straightforwardness and being fake because i don't like fakeness water moons tend to be dreamy in their own world and never wanna listen to what others have to say specially when feeling pitty not to talk bad my sagg has a cancer moon and my mom who is a cancer has a cancer moon in general i grew up with water moons
Posted by FFS

Posted by Sunsetvirgo

Fire moon is expressive. We can definetely be more temperamental. I’ll tell you this, I cry more and it seems I’m more sensitive than ur average water sign. Oh and when I get angry, I get angry.
See this is the thing. When I think of fire, I think warrior and fierce. I never equate fire with any form of "weakness." That's stupid I know cause everyone's human. But yea, I see my fire moon buddies get upset more so than the waters. The waters seem more placid, but never really happy like the fires. Both water and fire moon are scary when angry. "Run."
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Fire moons arevery expressive, kinda like wearing our emotions on our face/sleeve. Whether the emotion is happy or sad. Water moons are a bit less expressive, and are more susceptible to dark/sad emotions, and are able to hold stuff in. When they do overflow, you can tell.
Posted by FFS

@saggurl88, you an interesting one Big Grin Fire sun, Cancer moon. Which one seems to be more pronounced?
You flirting Gem???? Tongue

I think my moon is dominate but I'm very relaxed and chill and can go with the flow. I'm pretty well rounded and awesome!Laughing

What's your moon?
Posted by FFS

Posted by LadyNeptune

Nah it’s not like that. Fire moons feel and react but it’s never that serious. We are already over and 3 steps past it by the time we react.

It’s only when we don’t get to confront and speak our mind that we hold onto things.
I know what you mean. Sometimes I envy my fire moon buddies cause they just get whatever is bothering them off their chest and move on. But their reactions are unrefined which turns people off. I like the sense of freedom they seem to have. They don't seem as depressed as the water moons. You're similar to Sagg88, a mixture of water and fire, which is interesting.
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I’m mostly cap in my chart. But the Aries Moon comes off stronger online than irl
Posted by dewiklaessen26

Actually i attract a lot of friends with my fire moon and fire ascendant i make friends easily and i am able to keep them i myself break friendships sometimes because of lack of straightforwardness and being fake because i don't like fakeness water moons tend to be dreamy in their own world and never wanna listen to what others have to say specially when feeling pitty not to talk bad my sagg has a cancer moon and my mom who is a cancer has a cancer moon in general i grew up with water moons
That's a lot of fire. A lot people can't handle all that energy. Its too direct. You have more fire friends or water friends? Yup, my water moon buddies don't talk about their feels and usually don't take others advice. They seem to know what's best for themselves. They better listeners and speakers.
Posted by Sunsetvirgo

Posted by FFS

Posted by Sunsetvirgo

Fire moon is expressive. We can definetely be more temperamental. I’ll tell you this, I cry more and it seems I’m more sensitive than ur average water sign. Oh and when I get angry, I get angry.
See this is the thing. When I think of fire, I think warrior and fierce. I never equate fire with any form of "weakness." That's stupid I know cause everyone's human. But yea, I see my fire moon buddies get upset more so than the waters. The waters seem more placid, but never really happy like the fires. Both water and fire moon are scary when angry. "Run."
Fire moons arevery expressive, kinda like wearing our emotions on our face/sleeve. Whether the emotion is happy or sad. Water moons are a bit less expressive, and are more susceptible to dark/sad emotions, and are able to hold stuff in. When they do overflow, you can tell.
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Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

@saggurl88, you an interesting one Big Grin Fire sun, Cancer moon. Which one seems to be more pronounced?
You flirting Gem???? Tongue


I think my moon is dominate but I'm very relaxed and chill and can go with the flow. I'm pretty well rounded and awesome!Laughing

What's your moon?
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Wut? Nah, no flirting 😏 That's just my friendly Gemini disposition.

Posted by LadyNeptune

Posted by FFS

Posted by LadyNeptune

Nah it’s not like that. Fire moons feel and react but it’s never that serious. We are already over and 3 steps past it by the time we react.

It’s only when we don’t get to confront and speak our mind that we hold onto things.
I know what you mean. Sometimes I envy my fire moon buddies cause they just get whatever is bothering them off their chest and move on. But their reactions are unrefined which turns people off. I like the sense of freedom they seem to have. They don't seem as depressed as the water moons. You're similar to Sagg88, a mixture of water and fire, which is interesting.
I’m mostly cap in my chart. But the Aries Moon comes off stronger online than irl
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I've seen both of your temperaments online if you don't mind me sayingBig Grin. Imma stay on your good side.
Posted by FFS

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

@saggurl88, you an interesting one Big Grin Fire sun, Cancer moon. Which one seems to be more pronounced?
You flirting Gem???? Tongue


I think my moon is dominate but I'm very relaxed and chill and can go with the flow. I'm pretty well rounded and awesome!Laughing

What's your moon?
Wut? Nah, no flirting 😏 That's just my friendly Gemini disposition.

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Ok, fine lol. You didn't answer the other question. Whats your moon? Also venus/ mars? Big Grin

I don't know much about fire moons. If they yell and get mad, I get hurt and will ignore them. They get over it quickly and expect a quick comeback but I need more time. This only will happen if I care about a person though, not with strangers.

What's interesting about my placements, in your opinion?
I get mad really fast but i also get over it just as fast. I don’t hold grudges but i can be overly emotional from not being emotional for some time.
I have aries Moon and so does my bff and cap so i also atttact fire moons
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

@saggurl88, you an interesting one Big Grin Fire sun, Cancer moon. Which one seems to be more pronounced?
You flirting Gem???? Tongue


I think my moon is dominate but I'm very relaxed and chill and can go with the flow. I'm pretty well rounded and awesome!Laughing

What's your moon?
Wut? Nah, no flirting 😏 That's just my friendly Gemini disposition.

Ok, fine lol. You didn't answer the other question. Whats your moon? Also venus/ mars? Big Grin

I don't know much about fire moons. If they yell and get mad, I get hurt and will ignore them. They get over it quickly and expect a quick comeback but I need more time. This only will happen if I care about a person though, not with strangers.

What's interesting about my placements, in your opinion?
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We just met. Its too soon to reveal so much information. In due time...

What I think is interesting is your fire sun with what is suppose to be a very, very sensitive moon. I know Saggs and they are usually VERY reactionary. No offense, but to me they tend to over react and be a bit brash. A delicate Cancer moon just doesn't seem to go with a "Part man-Part animal" sun.
Posted by MoonshineLeo

I have aries Moon and so does my bff and cap so i also atttact fire moons
So...I guess like signs stick together. lol
Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

I have aries Moon and so does my bff and cap so i also atttact fire moons
So...I guess like signs stick together. lol
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Lol it’s weird because their sun sign is different but we feel the same a lot
@shakedown where are you. I want your opinion. Wake your ass up after your drunken binge.
Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

I have aries Moon and so does my bff and cap so i also atttact fire moons
So...I guess like signs stick together. lol

Lol it’s weird because their sun sign is different but we feel the same a lot
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Makes sense since moon is feeling. You ever feel like you have too much fire?
Posted by FFS

Posted by dewiklaessen26

Actually i attract a lot of friends with my fire moon and fire ascendant i make friends easily and i am able to keep them i myself break friendships sometimes because of lack of straightforwardness and being fake because i don't like fakeness water moons tend to be dreamy in their own world and never wanna listen to what others have to say specially when feeling pitty not to talk bad my sagg has a cancer moon and my mom who is a cancer has a cancer moon in general i grew up with water moons
That's a lot of fire. A lot people can't handle all that energy. Its too direct. You have more fire friends or water friends? Yup, my water moon buddies don't talk about their feels and usually don't take others advice. They seem to know what's best for themselves. They better listeners and speakers.
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specially the last part i have more fire and air friends but most of then have a water moon or lots or water with a lot of fire in them.
Posted by FFS

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

@saggurl88, you an interesting one Big Grin Fire sun, Cancer moon. Which one seems to be more pronounced?
You flirting Gem???? Tongue


I think my moon is dominate but I'm very relaxed and chill and can go with the flow. I'm pretty well rounded and awesome!Laughing

What's your moon?
Wut? Nah, no flirting 😏 That's just my friendly Gemini disposition.

Ok, fine lol. You didn't answer the other question. Whats your moon? Also venus/ mars? Big Grin

I don't know much about fire moons. If they yell and get mad, I get hurt and will ignore them. They get over it quickly and expect a quick comeback but I need more time. This only will happen if I care about a person though, not with strangers.

What's interesting about my placements, in your opinion?
We just met. Its too soon to reveal so much information. In due time...

What I think is interesting is your fire sun with what is suppose to be a very, very sensitive moon. I know Saggs and they are usually VERY reactionary. No offense, but to me they tend to over react and be a bit brash. A delicate Cancer moon just doesn't seem to go with a "Part man-Part animal" sun.
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I throw fits, like things my way, and then want freedom to do my own thing too. I can be very harsh but this is where my Cancer moon helps out lol Cancers aren't as sensitive as people think, they pretend to be sensitive. I get hurt and will go hide out, while I'm thinking "Fucc you!" So my moon sits well with me. lol I don't mind it, you know how Sag don't really give a fucc lol

You're a Gemini, you're not supposed to be so mysterious!

User Submitted Image
Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

I have aries Moon and so does my bff and cap so i also atttact fire moons
So...I guess like signs stick together. lol

Lol it’s weird because their sun sign is different but we feel the same a lot
Makes sense since moon is feeling. You ever feel like you have too much fire?
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Well i am double fire leo and aries but the rest of my chart is in cancer and Virgo. When i was younger i used to be very reckless but I’ve learned the hard way. Now I’m more family focus. Ironic as i used to hate being with my family.

My aries friend she’s awesome! She’s the only one that gets me. She knows i have to watch what i say and i have to practice more patience than most and vice versa. You just have to master your fire and as you get older it will start to calm down.
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

@saggurl88, you an interesting one Big Grin Fire sun, Cancer moon. Which one seems to be more pronounced?
You flirting Gem???? Tongue


I think my moon is dominate but I'm very relaxed and chill and can go with the flow. I'm pretty well rounded and awesome!Laughing

What's your moon?
Wut? Nah, no flirting 😏 That's just my friendly Gemini disposition.

Ok, fine lol. You didn't answer the other question. Whats your moon? Also venus/ mars? Big Grin

I don't know much about fire moons. If they yell and get mad, I get hurt and will ignore them. They get over it quickly and expect a quick comeback but I need more time. This only will happen if I care about a person though, not with strangers.

What's interesting about my placements, in your opinion?
We just met. Its too soon to reveal so much information. In due time...

What I think is interesting is your fire sun with what is suppose to be a very, very sensitive moon. I know Saggs and they are usually VERY reactionary. No offense, but to me they tend to over react and be a bit brash. A delicate Cancer moon just doesn't seem to go with a "Part man-Part animal" sun.
I throw fits, like things my way, and then want freedom to do my own thing too. I can be very harsh but this is where my Cancer moon helps out lol Cancers aren't as sensitive as people think, they pretend to be sensitive. I get hurt and will go hide out, while I'm thinking "Fucc you!" So my moon sits well with me. lol I don't mind it, you know how Sag don't really give a fucc lol

You're a Gemini, you're not supposed to be so mysterious!

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I don't mind a little fire, but a little too much and I get overwhelmed. You know the Gems like to keep it light and carefree. Yea, I feel you about hiding out. I hide out sometimes too, but I don't usually throw fits. Did your ex have a lot of fire?

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

I have aries Moon and so does my bff and cap so i also atttact fire moons
So...I guess like signs stick together. lol

Lol it’s weird because their sun sign is different but we feel the same a lot
Makes sense since moon is feeling. You ever feel like you have too much fire?

Well i am double fire leo and aries but the rest of my chart is in cancer and Virgo. When i was younger i used to be very reckless but I’ve learned the hard way. Now I’m more family focus. Ironic as i used to hate being with my family.

My aries friend she’s awesome! She’s the only one that gets me. She knows i have to watch what i say and i have to practice more patience than most and vice versa. You just have to master your fire and as you get older it will start to calm down.
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As far as elements you seem balanced except for air. Its cool you have someone that really gets you. That ain't easy to find today. I think we all have to learn to balance our placements and elements. Yup, I've aged and calmed down a lot too.
Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

I have aries Moon and so does my bff and cap so i also atttact fire moons
So...I guess like signs stick together. lol

Lol it’s weird because their sun sign is different but we feel the same a lot
Makes sense since moon is feeling. You ever feel like you have too much fire?

Well i am double fire leo and aries but the rest of my chart is in cancer and Virgo. When i was younger i used to be very reckless but I’ve learned the hard way. Now I’m more family focus. Ironic as i used to hate being with my family.

My aries friend she’s awesome! She’s the only one that gets me. She knows i have to watch what i say and i have to practice more patience than most and vice versa. You just have to master your fire and as you get older it will start to calm down.
As far as elements you seem balanced except for air. Its cool you have someone that really gets you. That ain't easy to find today. I think we all have to learn to balance our placements and elements. Yup, I've aged and calmed down a lot too.
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Do you have a lot of fire in your chart? Or why do you ask the topic?
Posted by FFS

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

@saggurl88, you an interesting one Big Grin Fire sun, Cancer moon. Which one seems to be more pronounced?
You flirting Gem???? Tongue


I think my moon is dominate but I'm very relaxed and chill and can go with the flow. I'm pretty well rounded and awesome!Laughing

What's your moon?
Wut? Nah, no flirting 😏 That's just my friendly Gemini disposition.

Ok, fine lol. You didn't answer the other question. Whats your moon? Also venus/ mars? Big Grin

I don't know much about fire moons. If they yell and get mad, I get hurt and will ignore them. They get over it quickly and expect a quick comeback but I need more time. This only will happen if I care about a person though, not with strangers.

What's interesting about my placements, in your opinion?
We just met. Its too soon to reveal so much information. In due time...

What I think is interesting is your fire sun with what is suppose to be a very, very sensitive moon. I know Saggs and they are usually VERY reactionary. No offense, but to me they tend to over react and be a bit brash. A delicate Cancer moon just doesn't seem to go with a "Part man-Part animal" sun.
I throw fits, like things my way, and then want freedom to do my own thing too. I can be very harsh but this is where my Cancer moon helps out lol Cancers aren't as sensitive as people think, they pretend to be sensitive. I get hurt and will go hide out, while I'm thinking "Fucc you!" So my moon sits well with me. lol I don't mind it, you know how Sag don't really give a fucc lol

You're a Gemini, you're not supposed to be so mysterious!

User Submitted Image
I don't mind a little fire, but a little too much and I get overwhelmed. You know the Gems like to keep it light and carefree. Yea, I feel you about hiding out. I hide out sometimes too, but I don't usually throw fits. Did your ex have a lot of fire?

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My ex was a Gemini with a Virgo moon. My chart is 50% water. Lol. Im light hearted in friendship, not really in love. I ease up as I get to know you.

My moon doesn’t have depression issues either. I guess that’s something that happens with water moons. I get distracted easily so I don’t dwell too long. It comes and goes pretty easily for me.

I’m not too fiery. Just steamy. 😈

I think you have a Scorpio moon 🧐🤔
Posted by Thrasybulus

Fire moons are emotional and feel them even intensely but they rarely cling onto them or take them seriously once they have cooled down again. Once they catch fire,be it good or bad, they are evry expressive about it.

When it comes to details I can only speak about/for the moon in Sagittarius. I think it's the most weird among the fire moons due to it's partially philosophical/airy nature. Due to that we can be very hit or miss at times. The absurdity of life definetly is a perpetual problem for Sag moons while it is no suprise that it was a Sag moon that tackled nihilism and, depending on your view on this, won. Emotionally speaking sag moons can be extremely sensitive and feeling but it operates differently than others at times. One example would be Sherman who had a mental breakdown after his first battle of the civil war where he witnessed such a pointless waste of human lifes. This encounter mostly shocked him to the core and he had rebuilt his core values while being nothing but a huge mess, but once that was done he became one of the most efficent and durable leaders of the civil war.

A personal example for this emotional nature would be the fact that I cried when I heard that ISIS was desytroing the remains of Palmyra. Other then that I usually vent emotions and am good afterwards. Even anger is never 100% serious for me and I even enjoy it to some extent.

I don't how relatable this is for other Sag moons due to the weird nature and aspects of my moon.
You have a lot more knowledge than me my friend. I knew none of that. The only basic thing I can say about the Sagg moons I know is they are def philosophical. More so than the Pisces I know.
Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

I have aries Moon and so does my bff and cap so i also atttact fire moons
So...I guess like signs stick together. lol

Lol it’s weird because their sun sign is different but we feel the same a lot
Makes sense since moon is feeling. You ever feel like you have too much fire?

Well i am double fire leo and aries but the rest of my chart is in cancer and Virgo. When i was younger i used to be very reckless but I’ve learned the hard way. Now I’m more family focus. Ironic as i used to hate being with my family.

My aries friend she’s awesome! She’s the only one that gets me. She knows i have to watch what i say and i have to practice more patience than most and vice versa. You just have to master your fire and as you get older it will start to calm down.
As far as elements you seem balanced except for air. Its cool you have someone that really gets you. That ain't easy to find today. I think we all have to learn to balance our placements and elements. Yup, I've aged and calmed down a lot too.

Do you have a lot of fire in your chart? Or why do you ask the topic?
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I have a little fire. I made the thread because I'm kinda new to astrology and have been doing some online research. I like talking to people about it more than the research. Why not talk to people about how they experience their chart? Plus, I have water and fire friends. I def notice the difference.
I like having a fire moon because I don’t dwell on things, I get angry then move on. It does have its cons though, I enjoy the company of other fire dominant people because I can be very harsh due to having a fire mercury, I struggle dealing with over sensitive people.
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FFS

@saggurl88, you an interesting one Big Grin Fire sun, Cancer moon. Which one seems to be more pronounced?
You flirting Gem???? Tongue


I think my moon is dominate but I'm very relaxed and chill and can go with the flow. I'm pretty well rounded and awesome!Laughing

What's your moon?
Wut? Nah, no flirting 😏 That's just my friendly Gemini disposition.

Ok, fine lol. You didn't answer the other question. Whats your moon? Also venus/ mars? Big Grin

I don't know much about fire moons. If they yell and get mad, I get hurt and will ignore them. They get over it quickly and expect a quick comeback but I need more time. This only will happen if I care about a person though, not with strangers.

What's interesting about my placements, in your opinion?
We just met. Its too soon to reveal so much information. In due time...

What I think is interesting is your fire sun with what is suppose to be a very, very sensitive moon. I know Saggs and they are usually VERY reactionary. No offense, but to me they tend to over react and be a bit brash. A delicate Cancer moon just doesn't seem to go with a "Part man-Part animal" sun.
I throw fits, like things my way, and then want freedom to do my own thing too. I can be very harsh but this is where my Cancer moon helps out lol Cancers aren't as sensitive as people think, they pretend to be sensitive. I get hurt and will go hide out, while I'm thinking "Fucc you!" So my moon sits well with me. lol I don't mind it, you know how Sag don't really give a fucc lol

You're a Gemini, you're not supposed to be so mysterious!

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I don't mind a little fire, but a little too much and I get overwhelmed. You know the Gems like to keep it light and carefree. Yea, I feel you about hiding out. I hide out sometimes too, but I don't usually throw fits. Did your ex have a lot of fire?

My ex was a Gemini with a Virgo moon. My chart is 50% water. Lol. Im light hearted in friendship, not really in love. I ease up as I get to know you.

My moon doesn’t have depression issues either. I guess that’s something that happens with water moons. I get distracted easily so I don’t dwell too long. It comes and goes pretty easily for me.

I’m not too fiery. Just steamy. 😈

I think you have a Scorpio moon 🧐🤔
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lol. You do seem friendly and light-hearted. You're lucky you don't have the depression issues. Yup, makes sense. Water + fire = steam.
Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

I have aries Moon and so does my bff and cap so i also atttact fire moons
So...I guess like signs stick together. lol

Lol it’s weird because their sun sign is different but we feel the same a lot
Makes sense since moon is feeling. You ever feel like you have too much fire?

Well i am double fire leo and aries but the rest of my chart is in cancer and Virgo. When i was younger i used to be very reckless but I’ve learned the hard way. Now I’m more family focus. Ironic as i used to hate being with my family.

My aries friend she’s awesome! She’s the only one that gets me. She knows i have to watch what i say and i have to practice more patience than most and vice versa. You just have to master your fire and as you get older it will start to calm down.
As far as elements you seem balanced except for air. Its cool you have someone that really gets you. That ain't easy to find today. I think we all have to learn to balance our placements and elements. Yup, I've aged and calmed down a lot too.

Do you have a lot of fire in your chart? Or why do you ask the topic?
I have a little fire. I made the thread because I'm kinda new to astrology and have been doing some online research. I like talking to people about it more than the research. Why not talk to people about how they experience their chart? Plus, I have water and fire friends. I def notice the difference.
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Ohhh okay makes sense!

And yea i saw you said something about fire signs throwing fits? Lol yea that gets annoying i can say myself. Where as water moons keep their emotions to themselves but when they do decide to let you know what’s going on it’s like an explosion. Kind of scary and they’re not that easy to calm back down and don’t even think about saying sorry until later.

It was actually a Gemini who i dated a few years ago that saw me shewing our someone and he pulled me to the side and was like wtf are you doinggg? “What if that person doesn’t know they made a mistake and here you are yelling at them it’s not fair” which is soooo true! And now i ask before i go off haha jk but don’t be scared to tell your fire sign friends how it is because sometimes we need that reality loll
Posted by haunt

I like having a fire moon because I don’t dwell on things, I get angry then move on. It does have its cons though, I enjoy the company of other fire dominant people because I can be very harsh due to having a fire mercury, I struggle dealing with over sensitive people.
Nah, fire moons are cool. I have no issue with them. I think my air keeps me from taking things too personal. I gotta say though, sometimes my fire friends burn me out. My water friends can be draining and I am sure I aggravate the hell out of all of them with my non-stop talking.
Posted by FFS

Based on your personal experiences, do fire moons seem more emotional and temperamental than water moons?
Aries moon - tough but fair. Libra-like. But when sh#t really hits the fan - all their sense of fair goes out the window and they behave like little children.

Leo moon - To me it seems they try their hardest to be offended just so they can feel special. They love making things awkward when instead they should just let things simmer for a while and ask themselves, 'Is this person really trying to offend me or is it just my ego?'. They rarely apologize sincerely. It's more like ' Im sorry you don't understand me (and my ego)".

Sag moon - no experience.

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

I have aries Moon and so does my bff and cap so i also atttact fire moons
So...I guess like signs stick together. lol

Lol it’s weird because their sun sign is different but we feel the same a lot
Makes sense since moon is feeling. You ever feel like you have too much fire?

Well i am double fire leo and aries but the rest of my chart is in cancer and Virgo. When i was younger i used to be very reckless but I’ve learned the hard way. Now I’m more family focus. Ironic as i used to hate being with my family.

My aries friend she’s awesome! She’s the only one that gets me. She knows i have to watch what i say and i have to practice more patience than most and vice versa. You just have to master your fire and as you get older it will start to calm down.
As far as elements you seem balanced except for air. Its cool you have someone that really gets you. That ain't easy to find today. I think we all have to learn to balance our placements and elements. Yup, I've aged and calmed down a lot too.

Do you have a lot of fire in your chart? Or why do you ask the topic?
I have a little fire. I made the thread because I'm kinda new to astrology and have been doing some online research. I like talking to people about it more than the research. Why not talk to people about how they experience their chart? Plus, I have water and fire friends. I def notice the difference.

Ohhh okay makes sense!

And yea i saw you said something about fire signs throwing fits? Lol yea that gets annoying i can say myself. Where as water moons keep their emotions to themselves but when they do decide to let you know what’s going on it’s like an explosion. Kind of scary and they’re not that easy to calm back down and don’t even think about saying sorry until later.

It was actually a Gemini who i dated a few years ago that saw me shewing our someone and he pulled me to the side and was like wtf are you doinggg? “What if that person doesn’t know they made a mistake and here you are yelling at them it’s not fair” which is soooo true! And now i ask before i go off haha jk but don’t be scared to tell your fire sign friends how it is because sometimes we need that reality loll
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Nah. I'm not afraid to confront my friends. We accept each other (flaws and all). We wouldn't be friends otherwise, right. I was just making an observation. Yup, water signs imo can be scary when angry. My ex use to black out when angry. I never tried to calm her down. I would leave cause she said she wanted to be alone. I think they calm down better when their alone. Seems like your Gem ex was smart and logical 🙃
Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

I have aries Moon and so does my bff and cap so i also atttact fire moons
So...I guess like signs stick together. lol

Lol it’s weird because their sun sign is different but we feel the same a lot
Makes sense since moon is feeling. You ever feel like you have too much fire?

Well i am double fire leo and aries but the rest of my chart is in cancer and Virgo. When i was younger i used to be very reckless but I’ve learned the hard way. Now I’m more family focus. Ironic as i used to hate being with my family.

My aries friend she’s awesome! She’s the only one that gets me. She knows i have to watch what i say and i have to practice more patience than most and vice versa. You just have to master your fire and as you get older it will start to calm down.
As far as elements you seem balanced except for air. Its cool you have someone that really gets you. That ain't easy to find today. I think we all have to learn to balance our placements and elements. Yup, I've aged and calmed down a lot too.

Do you have a lot of fire in your chart? Or why do you ask the topic?
I have a little fire. I made the thread because I'm kinda new to astrology and have been doing some online research. I like talking to people about it more than the research. Why not talk to people about how they experience their chart? Plus, I have water and fire friends. I def notice the difference.

Ohhh okay makes sense!

And yea i saw you said something about fire signs throwing fits? Lol yea that gets annoying i can say myself. Where as water moons keep their emotions to themselves but when they do decide to let you know what’s going on it’s like an explosion. Kind of scary and they’re not that easy to calm back down and don’t even think about saying sorry until later.

It was actually a Gemini who i dated a few years ago that saw me shewing our someone and he pulled me to the side and was like wtf are you doinggg? “What if that person doesn’t know they made a mistake and here you are yelling at them it’s not fair” which is soooo true! And now i ask before i go off haha jk but don’t be scared to tell your fire sign friends how it is because sometimes we need that reality loll
Nah. I'm not afraid to confront my friends. We accept each other (flaws and all). We wouldn't be friends otherwise, right. I was just making an observation. Yup, water signs imo can be scary when angry. My ex use to black out when angry. I never tried to calm her down. I would leave cause she said she wanted to be alone. I think they calm down better when their alone. Seems like your Gem ex was smart and logical 🙃
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Oh yesss they deff Black out. Also mars in water signs have a tendency to bottle it up and then explode too. It’s just not healthy.
Posted by enfant_terrible

Posted by FFS

Based on your personal experiences, do fire moons seem more emotional and temperamental than water moons?
Aries moon - tough but fair. Libra-like. But when sh#t really hits the fan - all their sense of fair goes out the window and they behave like little children.

Leo moon - To me it seems they try their hardest to be offended just so they can feel special. They love making things awkward when instead they should just let things simmer for a while and ask themselves, 'Is this person really trying to offend me or is it just my ego?'. They rarely apologize sincerely. It's more like ' Im sorry you don't understand me (and my ego)".

Sag moon - no experience.

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Yup, you just described my Aries and Leo moon friends to a T. I also don't have much experience with Sagg moons, although there seems to be a lot of this forum. One thing I want to add to your descriptions is the Aries mooners in my life complain a lot and ALWAYS has their defenses up. They always seem to expect a confrontation.
Posted by Thrasybulus

Posted by FFS

Posted by Thrasybulus

Fire moons are emotional and feel them even intensely but they rarely cling onto them or take them seriously once they have cooled down again. Once they catch fire,be it good or bad, they are evry expressive about it.

When it comes to details I can only speak about/for the moon in Sagittarius. I think it's the most weird among the fire moons due to it's partially philosophical/airy nature. Due to that we can be very hit or miss at times. The absurdity of life definetly is a perpetual problem for Sag moons while it is no suprise that it was a Sag moon that tackled nihilism and, depending on your view on this, won. Emotionally speaking sag moons can be extremely sensitive and feeling but it operates differently than others at times. One example would be Sherman who had a mental breakdown after his first battle of the civil war where he witnessed such a pointless waste of human lifes. This encounter mostly shocked him to the core and he had rebuilt his core values while being nothing but a huge mess, but once that was done he became one of the most efficent and durable leaders of the civil war.

A personal example for this emotional nature would be the fact that I cried when I heard that ISIS was desytroing the remains of Palmyra. Other then that I usually vent emotions and am good afterwards. Even anger is never 100% serious for me and I even enjoy it to some extent.

I don't how relatable this is for other Sag moons due to the weird nature and aspects of my moon.
You have a lot more knowledge than me my friend. I knew none of that. The only basic thing I can say about the Sagg moons I know is they are def philosophical. More so than the Pisces I know.
It's mostly one of those strange coincidences of my life. I read about Nietzsche, Libra sun and Sag moon, and Sherman, Aqua sun and Sag moon, long before I started looking into Astrology. But even before I saw a lot of common themes of our lifes. Then there are some friends with a Sag moon and what they all have in common so far is that there is always this underlying mild depression or sadness under all the optimism. Something most Sag suns also have in my experience. Although they sometimes seem to be less open or aware of it.

Take all of this with a grain of salt though for my Sag moon sometimes seems to be very different from other of my kind.
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Yea, I think people just expect Jupiter people to always be happy. I do. I never think of them being depressed or sad. But like you said its probably hidden under that smile. Are you well received by people. What's your sun?
Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

Posted by FFS

Posted by MoonshineLeo

I have aries Moon and so does my bff and cap so i also atttact fire moons
So...I guess like signs stick together. lol

Lol it’s weird because their sun sign is different but we feel the same a lot
Makes sense since moon is feeling. You ever feel like you have too much fire?

Well i am double fire leo and aries but the rest of my chart is in cancer and Virgo. When i was younger i used to be very reckless but I’ve learned the hard way. Now I’m more family focus. Ironic as i used to hate being with my family.

My aries friend she’s awesome! She’s the only one that gets me. She knows i have to watch what i say and i have to practice more patience than most and vice versa. You just have to master your fire and as you get older it will start to calm down.
As far as elements you seem balanced except for air. Its cool you have someone that really gets you. That ain't easy to find today. I think we all have to learn to balance our placements and elements. Yup, I've aged and calmed down a lot too.

Do you have a lot of fire in your chart? Or why do you ask the topic?
I have a little fire. I made the thread because I'm kinda new to astrology and have been doing some online research. I like talking to people about it more than the research. Why not talk to people about how they experience their chart? Plus, I have water and fire friends. I def notice the difference.

Ohhh okay makes sense!

And yea i saw you said something about fire signs throwing fits? Lol yea that gets annoying i can say myself. Where as water moons keep their emotions to themselves but when they do decide to let you know what’s going on it’s like an explosion. Kind of scary and they’re not that easy to calm back down and don’t even think about saying sorry until later.

It was actually a Gemini who i dated a few years ago that saw me shewing our someone and he pulled me to the side and was like wtf are you doinggg? “What if that person doesn’t know they made a mistake and here you are yelling at them it’s not fair” which is soooo true! And now i ask before i go off haha jk but don’t be scared to tell your fire sign friends how it is because sometimes we need that reality loll
Nah. I'm not afraid to confront my friends. We accept each other (flaws and all). We wouldn't be friends otherwise, right. I was just making an observation. Yup, water signs imo can be scary when angry. My ex use to black out when angry. I never tried to calm her down. I would leave cause she said she wanted to be alone. I think they calm down better when their alone. Seems like your Gem ex was smart and logical 🙃

Oh yesss they deff Black out. Also mars in water signs have a tendency to bottle it up and then explode too. It’s just not healthy.
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Nah. I don't think its healthy either. But that's just it. Do you hold it in for the sake of peace or let it out in a brash manner which pushes people away.
Posted by Berzerker

Water moon cry, fire moon rages, what you think is more emotional?
I know, but rage simply means an intense emotion.