Whatever Happened to the Chick Flick

This topic was created in the Movies forum by Lady_M on Friday, July 27, 2007 and has 7 replies.
I myself am not a fan of chick flicks.
BUT I have noticed they've disappeared. To be replaced by the Average man flicks...i.e 40 yr Old Virgin/knocked Up/ countless Will Farrell and Company movies.
Or our favorite summer sequels to the numerous dorky alter ego Super Heroes.
Lets not get started on these unplotted scary movies....
eww, Yuck...theres a Bratz movie.
The Will Farrel and Company ave. man flicks are the equivalent of the chick flick for guys...not drama, car crashes/stunts, etc...but average men in average situations.
Comedy is the next best genre for men to watch.
I can tell.

The fact that they arent blatant hotties and hard bodies distinguishes them from the other man films of action and such.
Its the mans chick flick.
The term is "Dude Flick".
I like horror period. Then suspense thrillers.