Up In Smoke... You Got Ghosted....

This topic was created in the Personal Development forum by GemCurioThe1 on Thursday, September 17, 2020 and has 16 replies.
So, you got ghosted and now you’re wondering why??? Well, I’m going to give 5 reasons that should be fully understood of without words why you got ghosted on. Being a Virgo, I have ghosted many people in my life and continue to do so because some things just aren’t worth discussing... Let’s review some of the reasons right now…

#1 Too Many Red Flags-

In modern society, you can use your smartphone to study anything you want. Some people play video games and watch Instagram. Some of us study people. Anyone who has established themselves have no time to risk what they have earned on someone mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, or chemically imbalanced. In every response you give to questions, in the situation you are currently in regarding your personal life, in your emotions or lack thereof all tell a story that is you. Some women do a background check on men to see if they have a bad history. Us men will invite you to dinner or lunch and listen to you about your life, how you speak, your mannerisms, and what are the priorities on your mind. This will reveal everything we need to know about you without any deep investment on our part. Many people do not feel like building a person up just to possibly lose them to immaturity and lack of personal growth in the past. Hence, Exit stage right…

#2 Emotional Imbalance-

Fun fact. People who seem to be the most balanced have the fiercest emotional responses. When you are emotionally compromised a monster comes out who is doesn’t reason or rationalize. You carry a mask of someone who has it together but underneath the surface there’s a wilder beast that is very cruel in words and actions. Once this is visible, why would anyone stick around with an untamed animal??

#3 Poor Communication-

If you are always right, that’s a reason to get out of there in itself. For the record everyone is always right in their own mind, but that’s no reason for you to act like repeating what you are saying consistently, raising your voice, or ignoring the question being asked to you makes you right or rational in any form. Communication is so important especially in the beginning. We all possess our own beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, but that doesn’t make any particular thought or feeling right more than some other persons. The ability to exchange ideas freely, and actually respond to questions instead of avoiding them by adding questions, will get you more time with the person trying to communicate with you. The inability to do this shows not only a lack of self-expression, but also personal development and this is visible through conversations. That’s why many people will get a single date, a follow up phone call, and a Houdini Act…

#4 Lack of Maturity- Your level of maturity is visible within your life style . Your priorities are visible in the things you purchase and display which are the definitive of you. Whether you like it or not. The way you speak, the way you dress, the way your hair looks, your makeup or lack thereof, the company you keep, your demeanor, and your responses to stimuli in the world are all displays of your maturity level and what you’re all about. People often say, “Don’t judge me” or “You don’t know me” but without any conversation necessary, you are what you do. Your actions or lack thereof speak for you volumes. Your priorities, goals, and the cycles you continue in your life show paints a picture of you more accurate than anything you could ever explain, and for that reason, some of you truly shouldn’t be focusing on dating.

#5 Broken Without Remedy-

I’m calling you broken but the world will call you toxic. You allow the hurt from your past to torment the people who want a future with you. There is no future living in the past regardless of whether you are still hurting or not. Be single!!! You need to heal yourself so that you are capable of loving yourself. Then you can receive love. No relationship can define you, and no past behaviors worked for you. Those behaviors are the reasons you’re single right now. There is a timeframe necessary to heal yourself, learn to like your own company, love yourself again, and freely enjoy your own life so that you can not only give positivity but receive positivity in a nurturing way. Many people who may have loved you deeply had to walk away because you were “guarded” a.k.a. incapable of giving or receiving love. You are allowing your past to kill your future and most suitors are certain that they weren’t the first to fail at being able to touch your heart. And to be 100% honest, there are far too many single people to invest a vast amount of time and effort to build you from the ground up. Very few people are willing to give love like that freely. Especially if you just met.

Bonus Reason to be Ghosted-

#6 Not the Alpha-

Let’s be honest people. Guys may have a couple girls they are juggling but women will often have football teams. Sometimes you will not look like the best option for a person. It’s not a reflection on you at all. It’s a reflection of the mindset of that person at the time. Chinese Food is good AF. That doesn’t mean that everybody likes Chinese Food. Some people might like pizza more, or lamb or crab or steak. Either way, understand that sometimes it has nothing to do with you. Only the mindset of that person and what they are looking for at that time in their lives. Everybody is not going to like you and you’re not going to like everybody either. We’re all here trying to figure this out together. Relax…

So, understand that if you ever been ghosted in the past, there can be many factors at play as to why this happened to you. We cannot control people or things in this life, but we can control ourselves. There are many more reasons why people will ghost you, but understand some of those reasons can be worked on with some soul searching, and others have nothing to do with you at all. Seeing ourselves clearly when this occurs should be the actual objective. Not placing emphasis on the fact we got ghosted...

Comments are welcome.. Thanks people….

I have only been ghosted once and I wasn't even the one reaching out, she was!!

She was acting all lovely and blah and then the next day bam....g hosted. Why?? Sad

Those were the most brutal 8 hours of my life before I got over it when I woke up for work.

So kids, what can we learn from this? Right, nothing. smile
Posted by Dread_Pirate_Phanta

The only valid reason to ghost someone you have any sort of established dialogue with is if you've already told them directly that you don't want to talk anymore and they don't listen. All the rest is cowardice.
Sorry not sorry. Not at all. Unfortunately in modern society people react desperately when confronted with something that they do not want to accept. Many guys have been thrown in prison because they tried to communicate with a woman who didn't want to let go. Ghosting is perfectly fine especially when the behaviors above are displayed. Toxic people know that they're toxic before trying to date. That's why most began to be FWB.
Too many people are toxic traps pretending to be normal. If a woman does a background check and suddenly doesn't want to speak with a guy. That's ok in society, right?? Well men and some women protect themselves from walking toxic landfills by ghosting and there's nothing cowardly about it. Husband ghost physically and mentally abusive wives and vice versa. Why would anyone bother to communicate with a potential partner or even someone they've been dating a while when it's not that person's job to fix whatever is wrong inside that person??? Nonsense... Cut your losses and get out of there before the land mine explodes... Real Talk..
Posted by Dread_Pirate_Phanta
Posted by GemCurioThe1
Posted by Dread_Pirate_Phanta

The only valid reason to ghost someone you have any sort of established dialogue with is if you've already told them directly that you don't want to talk anymore and they don't listen. All the rest is cowardice.

Sorry not sorry. Not at all. Unfortunately in modern society people react desperately when confronted with something that they do not want to accept. Many guys have been thrown in prison because they tried to communicate with a woman who didn't want to let go. Ghosting is perfectly fine especially when the behaviors above are displayed. Toxic people know that they're toxic before trying to date. That's why most began to be FWB.

I don't understand what you mean by the bolded.

Ghosting is perfectly fine if you're okay with living in an antisocial society.
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I'm typing on my phone. I don't know what that bold lettering is.
Posted by Dread_Pirate_Phanta
Posted by GemCurioThe1
Posted by Dread_Pirate_Phanta

The only valid reason to ghost someone you have any sort of established dialogue with is if you've already told them directly that you don't want to talk anymore and they don't listen. All the rest is cowardice.

Sorry not sorry. Not at all. Unfortunately in modern society people react desperately when confronted with something that they do not want to accept. Many guys have been thrown in prison because they tried to communicate with a woman who didn't want to let go. Ghosting is perfectly fine especially when the behaviors above are displayed. Toxic people know that they're toxic before trying to date. That's why most began to be FWB.

I don't understand what you mean by the bolded.

Ghosting is perfectly fine if you're okay with living in an antisocial society.
click to expand
Oh.. allow me to describe a common scenario. A woman who doesn't outright express her emotions is told by her boyfriend that the relationship is over. She begins to hit him because she's emotional. He pushes her out of the way and run. She calls the police on him and a warrant is issued for his arrest. This is pretty common and a mild scenario in modern society. Allow me to attach a video on here displaying how bad modern dating can be with a damaged partner..
What's necessary to break up with women nowadays...

Lol.... OP stop overthinking women. If your hot your hot, women don't ghost there dream guy. It's not rocket science. Is this like 10 million threads you have started about women. I feel sorry for women dealing with losers.
who cares

sometimes you just gotta ghost people

when you're just not feeling the vibe
Posted by virgoOPPP

who cares

sometimes you just gotta ghost people

when you're just not feeling the vibe

I completely agree.
Posted by TheFalange
Posted by virgoOPPP

who cares

sometimes you just gotta ghost people

when you're just not feeling the vibe

You got G h o s t e d motherfucker!

- taurus
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i support ghosting
Posted by LibraSupreme
Posted by virgoOPPP

who cares

sometimes you just gotta ghost people

when you're just not feeling the vibe

I completely agree.
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pro-ghosters unite!
Posted by TheFalange
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by TheFalange
Posted by virgoOPPP

who cares

sometimes you just gotta ghost people

when you're just not feeling the vibe

You got G h o s t e d motherfucker!

- taurus

i support ghosting

You almost make me not feel like a ass for doing it
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you shouldn't feel forced to be with someone

so don't do it and don't feel guilty
So judgy. Much Virgo