Artist Inspiration - Help me fishies!!!!

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by GemsRaGalsBestPal on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 and has 6 replies.
Wooooo Hoooooo!!!!
I have been hit with a creative wave and once again pulled out all of my art supplies.
You can see one I shared here: From Photo to Pastel Painting
I am thinking about doing something Pisces inspired for my fish; what are some photos or pictures that you guys like? I'd like something that incorporates the astrological symbol. Please post your favorites here!
I'm looking for something that will be best portrayed through pastels or acrylic paints.
Thanks for your inspirations!!!!! I will be sure to share my finished product with you! smile
Thanks lady! That's a beautiful piece! However, it's not giving me that.... I MUST RECREATE THIS NOOOOOOOOOW feeling.
Have any more ideas?
Gabriel Rossetti likes 'em redheaded, shades of beautiful long wavy hair:

Everett Milais is a good one:

Plenty of beautiful classic art out there. Go through the website of the Louvre, Paris, or museums that feature classic art.
and with fishes:
you can find loads of japanese fish art,

those are so beautiful, it's peaceful.

Wow! Ok, now I have my juices flowing!!!! Thanks guys!
I think I am actually going to mash up a couple photos here.....
I love the idea of using swirling hair to create a background (thanks to Poisson's first photo on her post on 8/2). I might do something where the woman's face is at the bottom or top in the corner and then her hair swirls into the night sky creating the rest of the photo. Kind of like a Starry Night effect.
Then I was thinking about Pisceology and lisabethur8's images with fish in the night sky..... very intriguing.
What if I did something that incorporates my air and his water using inspiration from these photos??? I like the idea of a flying fish (thank you speranza) or even making them kissing flying fish (thanks cowpuncher and as always.... it's a pleasure to hear from you).
What if my red hair became the waves in a pretty blue-ish black transition and then I had the fish swimming around the twins in the air? Or maybe I put the two symbols together somehow?
I love the image of the boy with the string around the whale and especially what it says below.... it's such an homage to the Pisces dream world.
I am flying to Canada from Texas which is basically an ALL DAY journey.... I take a couple connecting flights getting to Buffalo and then bus across into Toronto. Anyway, this leaves me LOTS of artistic time!
I am inspired now! If anyone has any further ideas or comments I am totally open to those as well! smile

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