Cancer Female - Pisces Male

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by CuriousCancer on Monday, April 22, 2013 and has 1 replies.
Hello to the forum so be kind
Ive just started to see a Pisces male..Im a Cancer...Can anyone tell me why I am so damn attracted to him...I cant look at him sometimes, its only been 4 weeks and already I can see myself falling hook, line and sinker. The very thought of him moves me...when we are alone its so intense, I can feel the electric in the air, even when we are in company 'its' there...the way he holds me, Ive never felt safer I know its early days, but I can honestly say I feel like Ive known him forever...we get along so well, hes funny, hes cute and as I say in all my years, Ive not had anyone get under my skin like this little fish could and is doing...Ive read that Cancer and Pisces are a good match...we have spoke a little bit about feelings, like we have both agreed on how intense our feelings are for each other...he said the other night 'this is weird, how I feel about you' and he never really said anything else... he has also said he wants me, but he doesn't want to get hurt...We have both had nasty controlling I know where he is coming from, hes been hurt bad, I don't know how anyone could do that to someone as lovely as him Sad how do I re-assure him Im not like that and not all his realtionships are going to go the same way as his last one...I think I know how happy we could be and make each other, this feels right. So Im willing to buy a bigger net and catch my fish lol, however long it takes...
Ive posted this on the 'Cancer page' too
Thank you for reading this smile