Difference between Feb Pisces and March Pisces?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Sn1p3r187 on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 and has 39 replies.
I never met a Feb Pisces before. But most of the March ones I did meet were really kind to be around. I wonder if the February ones are the same or are they a bit different. What's the difference?
Eh, my brothers and sisters born early on into the Pisces season tend to be a lot more spacey than those of us born later into the zone.
But, that is just personal experience, so take it with a grain of salt please.
Don't be sharpening knives and stuff, damn.
The best way I can describe it is: Feb fish are usually naturally high, and March fish are usually naturally drunk. Tongue
Posted by ScorpioFish
Eh, my brothers and sisters born early on into the Pisces season tend to be a lot more spacey than those of us born later into the zone.
But, that is just personal experience, so take it with a grain of salt please.
Don't be sharpening knives and stuff, damn.

omg! am dying here,hahaha
i think feb pisces where they fall under first decans are pisces-pisces who are definitely the most dreamy of the other march pisces.they probably are the ones carrying lots of pisces attributes coz thats when the sun is in full force,lol
Posted by BaitedFish
i think feb pisces where they fall under first decans are pisces-pisces who are definitely the most dreamy of the other march pisces.they probably are the ones carrying lots of pisces attributes coz thats when the sun is in full force,lol

Is it a good thing if they are that dreamy? The only Feb Pisces I can name of is Jennifer Love Hewitt. Someone up top said that the Feb ones are more serious. Okay now I'm a bit confused. Though I think the Feb Pisces are influenced by Aquarius in some way. That might explain dreaminess.
My mother is a March Pisces, as sweet as can be, loving and kind. Meanwhile her sister is a Feb Pisces..the meanest B**** on the west coast. LOL
Pisces are usually enigmas. There is some in common, but with Pisces and other mutable signs, a lot depends on their others placements imo.
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by BaitedFish
i think feb pisces where they fall under first decans are pisces-pisces who are definitely the most dreamy of the other march pisces.they probably are the ones carrying lots of pisces attributes coz thats when the sun is in full force,lol

Is it a good thing if they are that dreamy? The only Feb Pisces I can name of is Jennifer Love Hewitt. Someone up top said that the Feb ones are more serious. Okay now I'm a bit confused. Though I think the Feb Pisces are influenced by Aquarius in some way. That might explain dreaminess.
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Rihanna too is a first decan though crazy. I dint know Aquarius are dreamy too. But I think the third decan are the strongest coz they are influenced by mars.
Posted by LadyOfRebirth
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by BaitedFish
i think feb pisces where they fall under first decans are pisces-pisces who are definitely the most dreamy of the other march pisces.they probably are the ones carrying lots of pisces attributes coz thats when the sun is in full force,lol

Is it a good thing if they are that dreamy? The only Feb Pisces I can name of is Jennifer Love Hewitt. Someone up top said that the Feb ones are more serious. Okay now I'm a bit confused. Though I think the Feb Pisces are influenced by Aquarius in some way. That might explain dreaminess.

Unless they have personal planets in Aquarius they are double pisces
LOL at spacey! I would prefer to say dreamy though, not all of them are necessarily spacey. Sometimes it's kind of annoying that they're so "gone" in their own world though, it's like you're trying to have a conversation with a shell lol
I have friends of every decan.. My sister & cousin are both second decans and are really cool and laid back. Most of my friends are 3rd decans though, ime it's the most fun and outgoing decan (totally not biasedTongue)
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Am a third decan, I can be outgoing but I suck at keeping friends instead they come looking for me
Looking at myself as a 1st... serious, moody, hermitic, complacent, stubborn, creative(ly stagnant), defensive, eccentric, semi-egocentric, etc.
But as N22 said... as there are common traits, there's other planetary aspects to consider. Then again, I'm no astrologist or anything remotely close.
Posted by LadyOfRebirth
Posted by BaitedFish
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by BaitedFish
i think feb pisces where they fall under first decans are pisces-pisces who are definitely the most dreamy of the other march pisces.they probably are the ones carrying lots of pisces attributes coz thats when the sun is in full force,lol

Is it a good thing if they are that dreamy? The only Feb Pisces I can name of is Jennifer Love Hewitt. Someone up top said that the Feb ones are more serious. Okay now I'm a bit confused. Though I think the Feb Pisces are influenced by Aquarius in some way. That might explain dreaminess.

Rihanna too is a first decan though crazy. I dint know Aquarius are dreamy too. But I think the third decan are the strongest coz they are influenced by mars.

Other than her sun and mercury her personal placements are all fire
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i know thats why she is a nut case but in a good way,lol
Posted by LadyOfRebirth
Posted by BaitedFish
Posted by LadyOfRebirth
Posted by BaitedFish
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by BaitedFish
i think feb pisces where they fall under first decans are pisces-pisces who are definitely the most dreamy of the other march pisces.they probably are the ones carrying lots of pisces attributes coz thats when the sun is in full force,lol

Is it a good thing if they are that dreamy? The only Feb Pisces I can name of is Jennifer Love Hewitt. Someone up top said that the Feb ones are more serious. Okay now I'm a bit confused. Though I think the Feb Pisces are influenced by Aquarius in some way. That might explain dreaminess.

Rihanna too is a first decan though crazy. I dint know Aquarius are dreamy too. But I think the third decan are the strongest coz they are influenced by mars.

Other than her sun and mercury her personal placements are all fire

i know thats why she is a nut case but in a good way,lol

Ikr.. She makes me smh at times but in general I can laugh at her antics Tongue
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lol she is just sick Winking
More serious and loners for sure, friends all over the place though. Crazy combination for sure
Posted by Nemesis
March 11th to March 20th
You are a Pisces born in the Scorpio decan, which is subruled by Pluto. (and previously Mars). This means that your personality has an influence of all the traditional scorpio traits- deeply emotional, very intense, mysterious, passionate, determined, forceful, and magnetic. Also jealous, resentful, obsessive, secretive, brooding, overly intense and unforgiving. Pluto is the planet of transformation, subconscious forces and everything below the surface. These Pisceans are enormously receptive to their environment. Love is one of their top values, and they are finely attuned to the wants and needs of others. They are empathetic listeners and able to relate to others naturally and make them feel cares for and understood. They have to be careful of being too escapist and obsessive about fantasy, especially when they are unhappy. They are comfort craving and know how to make life pleasant for themselves and others. Visionaries, they possess a practical side and are dynamic in achieving their dreams based on an internal motivation fueled by their own selves.
Keep in mind that decans are just a light influence, and your personality can be more accurately determined by examining your own personal birth chart.
Well Of Wisdom: http://pisces-world.tumblr.com/decans

Ouch!!!! Kinda hurts that I had to fall in this category lol. March 17th. Sad but this is really me coz I have all these traits mentioned. I am deeply emotional, obsessive, mysterious and secretive. I'm very resentful especially if you hurt me and I have a very hard time forgiving people
pffffffffft.... what's wrong with 3rd decan? Be proud damnit!!
Posted by cornfuzzled4ever

Unless it has something to do with Pisces third decan Scorpio influence, and Scorpio being the sign of reincarnation?

That's an interesting viewpoint. With the whole phoenix rising from the ashes thing.
I believe there is thought that the Pisces incarnation is the final one. So perhaps you don't go back to Aries, you just 'complete' and never return? Although I'm not sure you would go through every degree of a sign as you cycle through. I think you end up in the sign where it makes most sense to have the supporting positions of other planets to complete your quest for the incarnation....
and now there are two of us reading way too much into it Big Grin
and then do you take Western placements, or the more accurate Vedic ones?
Posted by deezie
pffffffffft.... what's wrong with 3rd decan? Be proud damnit!!

Nothing's wrong with being a 3rd decan deezie. Don't get me wrong coz I am proud to be a Pisces and proud of the traits that I have. Just that some of my friends and family can't stand the behaviors and traits and just makes you wonder what if.....
hahah I think everyone comes with that disclaimer though QPG
where the grass is greener on the other side... there's always a hidden piece of poo somewhere near the fence
Posted by cornfuzzled4ever
Hmm, I have something I'm wondering about...
Correct me if I'm wrong- but isn't karmic evolution about how we are reincarnated as the next sign in order for our soul to go through the entire zodiac wheel, and ultimately reach the final evolution with Pisces before starting over again at Aries? (or reaching nirvana or something?) Isn't that why Pisces are considered the "old souls"?
And if that IS the case, then why would the first decan be the most PISCEAN pisces? Wouldn't it make more sense for the third and final decan in astrology to be the final stage?
Unless it has something to do with Pisces third decan Scorpio influence, and Scorpio being the sign of reincarnation?
Or am I just reading WAY too much into all of this?

mmmmh! Astrology is just wiered
3rd decans! \m/
Posted by theie
All this decan shit is complete bullshit dont u understand people ?
Scorpio decan cancer decan...thats bullshit
unless you have something scorp or cancer in your chart

This is not the real astrology this is the self indulgence, self induction astrology !

Bin laden is a 2nd decan like me...coolest guy in the world
I also thought it was fitting that they buried him out in the sea
Posted by Nemesis
The user who posted this message has hidden it.

ahahahaha i saw that, damen. your secret is with me LOL! i??d have hidden that too.
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Lol naa i just misspelled a word..i have no regrets
Some useful info on decans posted by Mystic a few years back:

I'm a first decan, 26th February, sun in Pisces at 6 degrees. smile

I'm a February pisces. I'd say I'm pretty serious. But I'd also say I'm not creative, intuitive, or very pisces-like at all. I'm going to blame this on the fact that Capricorn is my dominant sign and not my decan. I have noticed that March pisces tend to be more outgoing and wild than the Feb pisces I've met. Also a bit more prone to that crazy manipulative-ness...or just crazy in general. But, I guess I also have to correlate that to the fact that there's two decans in march and a much slimmer chance of even being a February pisces. So, less room for me to gain that perspective on the Feb pisces.
Also, since we were talking about reincarnation with astrology earlier. Your sun sign could be seen as what level of soul maturity you're at. However, that also implies overcoming obstacles and learning things from past lives. So maybe to progress in sun sign, you have to learn to overcome the obstacles in that sign before moving on to the next? So you'd be reincarnated as the same sign until you do. Or perhaps you simply come back to it. Maybe you don't move through the signs in a linear way. Maybe you are whatever sign would be most relevant for overcoming your current/next life obstacles. And then the other placements have to be taken into consideration. Maybe you have to overcome the drawbacks to each of them before your soul stops being reincarnated. You can think of this in many ways. Maybe I could say 'My dominant sign is capricorn, maybe that means I have not yet overcome a lot of the obstacles associated with that sign and it carried with me to this incarnation'. Or my mercury is in pisces, maybe I have to learn to overcome the communication problems this placement suggests. Of course that would assume that when you end off, your other placements could be anywhere along the zodiac line, so also not a linear path. Haha, hey, look who joined the 'overthinking this' club.
Also, in that sense, couldn't an 'old soul' just be someone who has matured faster than the others? I personally don't believe in old souls because it makes more sense to me that all souls were created at once from the same energy source. Or perhaps they have lived more life times as well. The question of whether you go straight into another life time or wait....and also people die at different times, so someone who's lived only a few long lives would not have as much different experience as those who live shorter lives and have gone through more.
Posted by Scenic
I'm a February pisces. I'd say I'm pretty serious. But I'd also say I'm not creative, intuitive, or very pisces-like at all. I'm going to blame this on the fact that Capricorn is my dominant sign and not my decan. I have noticed that March pisces tend to be more outgoing and wild than the Feb pisces I've met. Also a bit more prone to that crazy manipulative-ness...or just crazy in general. But, I guess I also have to correlate that to the fact that there's two decans in march and a much slimmer chance of even being a February pisces. So, less room for me to gain that perspective on the Feb pisces.

Which is why you are always on time.
Mystery solved.

Posted by Montgomery
Posted by Scenic
I'm a February pisces. I'd say I'm pretty serious. But I'd also say I'm not creative, intuitive, or very pisces-like at all. I'm going to blame this on the fact that Capricorn is my dominant sign and not my decan. I have noticed that March pisces tend to be more outgoing and wild than the Feb pisces I've met. Also a bit more prone to that crazy manipulative-ness...or just crazy in general. But, I guess I also have to correlate that to the fact that there's two decans in march and a much slimmer chance of even being a February pisces. So, less room for me to gain that perspective on the Feb pisces.

Which is why you are always on time.
Mystery solved.

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Haha, is that it? I guess that would make sense. I think I'm just going to blame all my non-pisces-like traits on that. It would be accurate probably 70% of the time.
I've known/know 15 Pisces. 7 Febs and 8 March.
I find February Pisces more serious w/more masks. They come off shy, timid and soft spoken but catch them alone, under the influence or in a mood and you see a very different side to them. Not as openly affectionate and generally very tolerant of opposing views and perspectives. I also find them more childlike than March Pisces.
The March Pisces I know are more outgoing and opinionated, almost to the point of being dogmatic. There's a kind of sourness that surrounds them that can't be hidden, similar to July Cancers. They like what they like and think you're stupid if you don't agree. Fantastic debaters. I think March Pisces are more sensitive to negative vibrations while Febs are more open to both positive and negative.
Random story....I had a phone repair guy come to my house and right away I got a vibe about him. I asked him a question, he lied. I called him on it... he then confessed his lie and launched into stories about some of the past houses he'd visited. He made himself comfortable and stayed talking for over 2 hours, showing me pictures of his kids, expressing his admiration for his wife and dreaming about a better situation for his family, his home country etc. I asked his daughter's birthday and he said it was 2 days after his own. March 8th, lol! I knew it...
I don't know any 3rd decan Pisces, tho.
Posted by PVAF
Posted by shellshocker

The March Pisces I know are more outgoing and opinionated, almost to the point of being dogmatic. There's a kind of sourness that surrounds them that can't be hidden, similar to July Cancers. They like what they like and think you're stupid if you don't agree. Fantastic debaters. I think March Pisces are more sensitive to negative vibrations while Febs are more open to both positive and negative.

LOL. I take it you're a June Cancer. Second decan Pisces aren't your cup of tea eh? Explains some things.
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What does it explain exactly?
I like second decan Pisces very much (I take it you're one) they're a bit surly and I like that in a person. Too much optimism is unrealistic, imo. I can only take bubbly in small doses and only if it's genuine. 2 of my closes friends are second decans and they have a way of saying/seeing things that other people don't notice or want to see... and they are quite blunt about it. They see the darker side of even the most pleasant things. Nothing wrong with dark...
June Cancers tend to be less emotionally stable and more fickle in love. Does that make you feel better?
Posted by shellshocker

Random story....I had a phone repair guy come to my house and right away I got a vibe about him. I asked him a question, he lied. I called him on it... he then confessed his lie and launched into stories about some of the past houses he'd visited. He made himself comfortable and stayed talking for over 2 hours, showing me pictures of his kids, expressing his admiration for his wife and dreaming about a better situation for his family, his home country etc. I asked his daughter's birthday and he said it was 2 days after his own. March 8th, lol! I knew it...

BAHAHAHAHA omg i feel like every time i guess someone is a pisces and am correct, it is never really based off of positive traits...
i am a first decan pisces by the way. i have no idea how much of my personality is influenced by the decan over the rest of my chart. just like anyone else, i have some fabulous qualities and then some cringe worthy ones. though i know some march pisces and they all seem a lot more emotional than me. and i'm pretttty emotional so..
Hellllooooooo, 88!!! smile
Conclusion of this thread:
Emily a Scorpio? No way! I could easily recognise myself in her! Adorable, vulnerable, focused and compassionate.
My best co-worker is a Feb Pisces (older). My previous best co-worker was a Feb Pisces also (younger).
I am a 3rd decan as you know and what I can say is that I can talk with them about almost everything, we speak about work problems and we solve it together in a snap. Our team is dynamic and requested all the time.
Pisces dynamic? Tongue Real deal, I think all the forces join here.
Posted by shellshocker

I don't know any 3rd decan Pisces, tho.

((((( Clears throat LOUDLY))))))
(whistles quietly)

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