You don't believe in ESP, Brahn? I have to agree, people misread other people all the time, as far as ESP is concerned. It holds more credit when an assessment is made from ones actions.
Pisces Cool lets get started on the know what an Aqua is like, being with a Gem is the same except with alot more positions, we get bored fast. What should we name baby number 1? i like the names "Number 1" "Hey You" and "Bring me a Beer".....
Signed Up: Feb 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
ESP.. If you mean something out of my conscious and subsonscious then no. I do understand very complex things very fast though, but I mostly not able to schematise it and show it step by step how it works. It requires some practise for me to lay it on the sheet, but again, there is nothing coming out of my psyche.
haffo - I have the same problem - It is very frustrating - no one else has ever said they had that problem too before...... Humm - You do explain yourself quite well I think thou. There is ESP!!! Here is a spooky one - I have been able to touch the palms of peoples hands & tell them there past. Used to do it for (as M Ldy said) shits & giggles when I was plastered but then it got a bit freaky when I was spot on (made people cry when I dug up bad shit) so I stoped. Was wrong lots of times but that was about really personal things so I had to wonder whether I was actually right & they didn't want to fess up to it??! Nah was probably wayyyyyyyyyy off. Mr bf said I was psychic last night - But I haven't admitted to it to him - he has read my mind dozens of times - which rarely happens to me with a guy - so hey anyone can do it Also with my ex when he wasn't home I could close my eys & picture exactly what he was doing - oh yeah I did it with this one 2 - When he was asleep in the truck & I had an image of him drifting off then he called me when he woke up & said he just had a sleep in the truck
Enough of that - shudder - GEM*GEM - "Bring me a Beer"..... I like it!! can I call another one - "the other one" hehe hehe
Yeah most were strangers but some were friends. So sb - can you tell me, did your sis used to get really drained after? I am an emotional sponge & pick up everything & have to be careful who I hang around sometimes. That used to be very draining for me. Think you are right about it being more of a people picker & good observer rather than it being something out of the ord. allot of the time But I also think there are some things that can't be explained 2
Feeling dreamy? Intuitive? Positively impractical? You're not alone! On May 22, Neptune turns retrograde for five months (following a two-week 'stationary' period). Take our most fanciful, mysterious planet and throw in the introspection that comes along with any retrograde, and what do you get? A recipe for unprecedented imagination! That's not to say you should abandon the practical world, but why not try an alternative approach to daily life: Listen to your dreams, tap into undiscovered psychic abilities and let your inner child have the crayons and glitter back. New creative outlets are getting ready to surface -- and now's the time to give 'em a whirl!
Spot on sb - Its because people have felt the past emotions already & that is what you pick up on when you read there palm - they haven't felt any of the future ones yet.
They say if you have crosses in your palm you were persecuted, gave your life for someone else or killed on a cross in a prior life! I must have died allot
i had some lady read my palm...forgot what she told me because i was a little buzzzed and hitting on her....she asked me if was going to stick around when she was done doing her palm reading.....
Signed Up: Mar 14, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3234 · Topics: 17
As I said before Pisces do have ESP. She lived in this old house and she would tell me about ghosts and such things. One night she said she saw something sit on her bed. At the time she was young and thought nothing of it, but now she does.
Signed Up: Mar 14, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3234 · Topics: 17
-why not? you were growing on me Growing on you like mold on old bread? Mr. GEM*TWO would you like me to be a virtual whore. I shall not disgrace myself further. Now, do you believe that Pisces have ESP?
Don't know about the rest of you libras, but do you find quite frequently even though you are in a serious, happy relationship with someone and not actively looking, men are attracted to you like magnets!
I really don't understand this guy and I don't know what to do.
Mr. Pisces called two days ago at 1:30am. I answered the phone because I was noncoherent and he says "I just wanted to hear your voice. I won't keep you on the phone b/c I know you
Why is it that in most of the stuff we read about the V/P match, like the famous Linda Goodman, for example - the Virgo and Pisces are excellent matches, yet, the two signs find it very difficult to find harmony? Of course, every person is different, and
I?ve been thinkin? about this a lot lately?.. after readin ? Da Vinci code? and watchin? da movie a lot of people around me have been troubled with this question.. ?was Jesus Christ really married???? I don?t understand why does that bother people a lot?
when i go out i sometimes find it hard to chat women up apart from when im really pissed! i find it difficult to strike up conversation apart from asking general questions about them i.e where u work etc, is this normal for everyone or is it me?