E-how: DATIN A SCORPIO,....its funny i swear..

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by mikeandhisdreams on Thursday, October 27, 2005 and has 20 replies.
I pasted some of theses comments people left on this page i found....
some are humurous some arent...
have fun

Watch the Stinger! Buffie T.
Do not question a Scorpio woman. Do not turn your back on her either. Do not have a conversation that ends in "whatever", that word alone will drive me to STING!
Rate this tip mike: fair warning i guess....

17. Waste no time sly R.
To date a Scorpio, you need to understand that if we are still taking your phone calls after the first date, this is a good sign and shouldn't be taken lightly. We are very loyal and mysterious and always look like we are up to something. We're not into flings unless there's a payoff so if anyone thinks they can play us, check the date because you are soooo last week!
Rate this tip mike- halarioulsly Coffee talkish with a hint of "hidden valley"-girl towards the end.

18. Not vengeful...yeah right! Beth D.
I am a model Scorpio at heart and if our tails have been stepped on, we can wait years to get even. That garbage about us not being vengeful is just that - garbage. Scorpios have a LOT of pride and have little patience for pretentious people, liars, and people who live behind masks. We want a REAL relationship...real sex...real passion about life...real romance. Scorpio women will not stay with an unmotivated man, so be able to answer what you want in the relationship, what role you KNOW you should be playing as a man, and what you want to do with your life. Lethargy and sloth-like behavior from a man dating a Scorpio woman will lead to a living hell. If you can live up to this responsibility, you'll have the most loyal passionate woman around...and your friends will be jealous for it! *wink*
Rate this tip mike: pretty truthful and informative.

19. Do you have the guts? Victoria H.
We Scorpios like to know that we are granting our heart to someone who is worth it. Therefore we tend to guard our hearts until that person comes along! If you see a Scorpio woman that you like, just be brave enough to go up to her to talk! I guarantee you she won't be the one to take the fist step! So do you have the guts to face a Scorpio?
Rate this tip mike: I agree with it.

20. Dating a Scorpio blabla B.
We're really complicated and although it may seem like we've got everything under control, nothing ever goes right (or so it seems to us). Don't try and force us to open up to you. It's only going to push us away. Just be patient and it will happen. Don't overwhelm us with love and affection, but the occasional surprise gift won't hurt. (Note OCCASIONAL.) I find that sometimes, something as simple as snuggling up on a couch with movies is better than taking us out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. It's not the location that makes the date fantastic, it's you. As for gifts, it's best to give something that says you know us really well. For example, if I said to you a while ago that I'd love to go to Jamaica, then a Jamaican dinner or present would really show that you really care. Just remembering little things that we say and bringing them up a while later shows us that you really care and really impresses us because chances are, we won't forget what we've said, either.
Although I am a Scorpio, this is my personal opinion. It's best to just try and get to know your lover and going with the flow. If we've picked you, then there's gotta be something special about you that we absolutely adore.
Rate this tip mike: I love this tip just for the screename. Very informative.

21. Trusting a Scorpio Leona C.
What we need in a partner is someone who is secure enough with himself to be able to trust us without doubt. Someone who's insecure and extremely jealous will not last long. These characteristics will only make
Love you Scorpios. I have yet to meet a Scorpio with whom I can't get along.
You all think that you're going to love Scorpios.. Just wait until you meet a Cancer chick that will turn your world upside down Tongue. Trust me on that!!
Overmoody Cancer chick? No. I have hard time keeping my moods in control already. I don't need someone whose moods also need to be "tolerated".
my sister is a cancer and i kno0w 2 cancer girls.......i dont like them at all.....
funny you say that lol
i already talked about my cancer issues,
before somwhere else on some other thread....
Maybe in a post b4 I joined the boards?
I guarantee a cancer girl will change your mind one day. there's just so much attraction between the two signs.
it was probably before you joined or somthing.

But i have cancer rising, I dont know if that makes it a same sign dislike, Or somthing else,
But* i can honestly say im not attracted to cancers in anyway besides the fact there motherly,
other than that every aspect of cancers i completely dislike, And i have a thing about Fixed signs,
for some reason i dont know, ive never liked cardinal signs...for some reasons besides a select few capricorns,
and one aries.
Im a pretty angry pisces,
and as mutch as astrology sites say cancer likes a bossy,
strong personality as a mate, i just dont always get along with them. barely actually.
And the ones i know are all airheads.
and none of them are blonde.
not that that makes you stupid but just in case you were wondering.
And your thinking "So why the hell do you like scorpio's than"?
Well im a different person with them, like im all of the sudden Mother Taresa,
And i start feeling that feeling like in your chest, like a wierd knot,
well call it the love knot.
And in an earlier post i talked about,
How i have this wierd thing that probably makes me a bad person.
I dont mind that label, anyways i always get cold feet, and go home and dont call a date back and ,
feel paranoid when i go home, and than a end up hateing the person i went on a date with,
and i sulk and brood, until it just fades away, and ive been doing that all my life so far,
and the scorpio girl was the only* one who didnt do that to me at all,
i ended up making her the one who was turned away because of how mutch i called her and pursued her....
its wierd i know...
its best just not to think about it.
Anyways who else has read these and thought it was kinda funny,....
Cardinal signs are bluffers.
i can t agrre but there are difficlut as with fixed.
Ive had nothing but positive with cancer, and scorps. Im seeing a cancer right now and I am very connected and I don't think Cancer is moody they can be but not to their partner.
Personally, I'm thinking that by us being "human" - moods are part of our nature. Like the weather, it has moods - one day the sun is out, the next it could rain, hail, bring on a hurricane or tornado, snow, sleet, rising or lowering of temps. Why would we not experience the same? Moods are not that big of deal unless we choose for them to be. Everyone has the right to be "moody" if they choose - let them and the best thing for you may be to go and do something fun. Humans are just plain ole funny creatures trying to find out who they are! Winking