Fellow Pisces, what transits make you feel like?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by ThePiscesPrincess on Sunday, May 26, 2013 and has 24 replies.
You can't stand other people? Like everywhere you are.
These days people are the source of my problems, st school, at home, everywhere!
Looks like I have two threads to troll when I get back.
She knows what she's doing and she's doing it for attention. Why is it not ok to do this to her but its ok to do it to sewer? Because this girl has a picture up? I thought we decided the troll was a teenager? I don't see the difference. Both people make topics for attention and know how others feel about it. Sorry if you think that's crossing a line but I'm not going to change. At 16 she has the ability to rationalize and make adult choices. Age is hardly relevant.
Since age seems to be so important then you all would dismiss my behavior because of my age. Saying 'she's just acting her age. It's normal'. I never said I was mature or old, have I? No. And as far as I'm concerned, this girl can very well be the same person as sewer. There's a good amount of similarities. It is because I'm young that I can remember being 16. People do not change much in that time frame and this I know she is very well able to control her emotions and problems without bleeding them elsewhere. If someone annoys me, I will show it. If you all don't like that or me, that's acceptable. I don't care. But let me do as I will. I don't need a lecture.
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Posted by Scenic
Since age seems to be so important then you all would dismiss my behavior because of my age. Saying 'she's just acting her age. It's normal'. I never said I was mature or old, have I? No. And as far as I'm concerned, this girl can very well be the same person as sewer. There's a good amount of similarities. It is because I'm young that I can remember being 16. People do not change much in that time frame and this I know she is very well able to control her emotions and problems without bleeding them elsewhere. If someone annoys me, I will show it. If you all don't like that or me, that's acceptable. I don't care. But let me do as I will. I don't need a lecture.

My intent was not to lecture you. I was speaking to you woman to woman. But you're right, I have no idea how old you are, or what your maturity level may be, my mistake. If you feel you must troll this thread to make a statement then by all means, do as you must. I won't mind you as you continue to troll this thread, if you won't mind me as I continue this discussion with this child. I have nieces her age, and I would prefer to offer her support and guidance.
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Thanks. at least someone cares. smile???
Do what you want. I don't care. As I've said before.
You should find people in your life that care. Not randoms on the Internet. It would make your life so much easier. That's actual advice right there.
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Posted by ThePiscesPrincess
You can't stand other people? Like everywhere you are.
These days people are the source of my problems, st school, at home, everywhere!

You are going through a phase right now. It's time to work on you and stop worrying about the people around you.
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Thanks. I mean Neptune's on my Sun right now and that's really hard for me to take when Neptune foggs up my sun, I mean i been failing classes, just my focus is scattered these days...
Posted by Scenic
You should find people in your life that care. Not randoms on the Internet. It would make your life so much easier. That's actual advice right there.

I basically have no one to talk to, my parents are doing work , my mom wants to rest or talk to on the phone or facebook all the time, my stepdad's working on his computer, my aunt's working online as well.
The help lines are only by phone here,and i dont have access to home phone my mom always possesses them in her room...
You can't go out with your friends? Have them over? Spend a little more time with them after school? Sometimes you have to defy your parents because even if they're adults, doesn't mean they're right
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Posted by ThePiscesPrincess
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Posted by ThePiscesPrincess
You can't stand other people? Like everywhere you are.
These days people are the source of my problems, st school, at home, everywhere!

You are going through a phase right now. It's time to work on you and stop worrying about the people around you.

Thanks. I mean Neptune's on my Sun right now and that's really hard for me to take when Neptune foggs up my sun, I mean i been failing classes, just my focus is scattered these days...

I don't know much about transits. You are probably more astrology savvy than me. WinkingSeems like you have a lot going on in your life right now. Scenic is right that people online are probably not as much support as people in your real life. We can try to offer you the wisdom of our past experiences, but you are approaching womanhood. It's time for you to start making decision about the direction you want your life to go. Are you able to get tutoring in school? What exactly is it that's got you so distracted. I hope its not those silly boys in your class, or your friends.
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LOL i couldnt give less of a fluck about those dudes, especially the Sag dude(asshole, i hate his guts now).
Idk but i just feel like doing nothing, and i dont get along with anyone at home... i mean everyone goes on their laptops i go on my pc... i have Moon opposite Uranus, not your usual tight-nit family... and yeah i should if it's not over yet, i finish in 3 weeks then it's exams.
Posted by Scenic
You can't go out with your friends? Have them over? Spend a little more time with them after school? Sometimes you have to defy your parents because even if they're adults, doesn't mean they're right

Argh they all have jobs and activities and shit. My friends who i talk to went to smoke a joint[i used to do that but i stopped 6 months ago], other one went to T-Dot for cheerleading, or make fun or Somali kids on Instagram, which i talked to the Aries chick about, agreed not to join in when they do that on Instagram, cuz i dont agree with discrimination at all.
Find a job. You'll meet new people you can see all the time.
Recently applied to a few places i'm just waiting so that someone can email me
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Posted by ThePiscesPrincess
Recently applied to a few places i'm just waiting so that someone can email me

Good luck. So how much further do you have to go in high school? I'm not sure what the length of high school is in Canada.
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i'm in grade 10, i have to do 2 more years[11th & 12th grade] them i'm gonna go to college.
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Woo. Lot's of time to grow into who you will be. You said you are looking into colleges in Quebec, which schools. Parlez vous francais? (Please respond in English if you do, that's the extent of my French. LOL) And why Quebec?

Oui, je regarde au Quebec , car Ottawa est nul, Toronto(T-dot) est trop dangereux.
Je sais pas, une ecole en beaute & style [sorry i dont have the accents..] but i have a Canadian accent though.
Le francais est ma premiere langue! smile
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Eh oui. haha. I only had one semester of intro french. Five years of spanish which I barely remember. Combined with my english I believed you said:
You think Toronto may be dangerous. French is your first language. And the schools are beautiful and stylish. Haha...hope I was some what right. Go for it. Being some what bias myself, I'm just curious if you have considered coming to the United States for school. It's close to home, and its a diverse experience. It may even make you appreciate Canada better.

really? i mean ive been thinking about going to Atlanta, but my family dont want me going to USA, low economy there and they says it's real hard for an immigrant to make it there... my aunt in Utah after her divorce got no $ $ and she's living in a small ass apartment.

Watch out we got a badass over here!
Posted by Poisson
Because she is a child....
I thought the reason that you retaliate on sewer was because it talks about you in other thread or did I misunderstood this? This girl has done nothing other than start threads. She doesn't PM users to hurt or misguide them ...and from what I gather she's never done anything to you personally. She's just acting liker a typical teenager. Surely you can't be that "old" or "evolved" to not remember what it's like to find your place in this world as a kid...

I agree with you whole heartedley, we all need to find our place in this world and quit judging others. I feel sorry for the girl, I've been her and more recently than I care to mention.
Posted by jessejames
Posted by Poisson
Because she is a child....
I thought the reason that you retaliate on sewer was because it talks about you in other thread or did I misunderstood this? This girl has done nothing other than start threads. She doesn't PM users to hurt or misguide them ...and from what I gather she's never done anything to you personally. She's just acting liker a typical teenager. Surely you can't be that "old" or "evolved" to not remember what it's like to find your place in this world as a kid...

I agree with you whole heartedley, we all need to find our place in this world and quit judging others. I feel sorry for the girl, I've been her and more recently than I care to mention.
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Thanks jess.
These days, I wonder if the entire planet is totally doomed.
People aged 16-24, as disrespectful and stupid as they are, are the most troublesome.
They are the most ignorant, lazy, irresponsible, destructive, stupid, arrogant, rude, sexually diseased, mentally ill, perverse, unoriginal, dishonest, immoral and lame pieces of shit I have ever seen. Yes, there are a few rare exceptions, but the standard is mind-numbing.
I thought my generation was bad, but you worthless fuckers are a whole other planet.
I agree they are going to be screwed coming into an empty job market. With no work ethic and no attention span. I fired two 21 year olds at work today after 4 warnings of no cellphone texting or face booking at work. I dont mind if they get a txt from the boyfriend or girlfriend but spending 2 hours head down on facebook chat on their phone is nuts.
Posted by thefish
I agree they are going to be screwed coming into an empty job market. With no work ethic and no attention span. I fired two 21 year olds at work today after 4 warnings of no cellphone texting or face booking at work. I dont mind if they get a txt from the boyfriend or girlfriend but spending 2 hours head down on facebook chat on their phone is nuts.

Preach on, brother.
At least you were civil and decent to warn them before firing them.
Often times in life, our kindness is mistaken for weakness.