is rascisim dead>?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by mikeandhisdreams on Thursday, October 27, 2005 and has 20 replies.
Or alive?
if so or of not esplain...
hardly it still exists. who told you it didnt?
just a topic ,......just a topic....
especially in this day and age
its different everywhere,
some people say yea , here in california rascism is honestly 99/9% non exsistant,
the only ones still rascist are old and will die soon anyways.
the black people here hang with white dudes,
as long as they dont try to act black they dont give a toss.
it goes both ways.
As long as there are differences in human societies, there will be racism.
This is including white racism, black racism, cultural racism, class racism, religious racism, educational racism? etc?
Some may call it discriminations?. But discriminations also come from differences?eg? racism?!
Nobody can fight against? but it can be controlled under civilised manner..!
No disrespect, but I doubt people in California are 99.9% non-racist. There are notions of modern racism and subtle racism in which people really believe in their hearts that they aren't racist but when push comes to shove they fall prey to stereotyping and are unconsciously racist to some extent. Thankfully though, they aren't malicious about it because their intentions are good.
Racism is like any intolerance. It's not special.
As long as there are people on this earth, there will be tribalism and prejudices. The human condition is plagued with the need to be part of group- and a desire to be better than everyone else- be it economically, intellectually, financially or genetically.
That's why democracy should be dumped for meritocracy ASAP.
rac?ism Pronunciation Key (rszm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

I don't have a problem with stereotypes, they are usually true, and i am a bit of a racist. I treat all members of a color the same way until proven they are better. Like some say, i hate equally. Brahn, i "kinda" agree with you there even though your writing style deeply annoys me. Racism is not bad if you take half of the first definition, but the rest is also relevant. There should be two words, i guess.
Also, Taurusgoddess didn't post in this thread.
Branh and Mr.Crabby- I think the situations you're both speaking about can be better described as tribalism... not because the word "racism" has it's bad rap- but because I agree with branh only from the aspect that race is a poor means for categorization.
Tribalism implies that a person is more-so loyal to a culture, rather than a race.... it just so happens that skin pigmentation tends to be consistent factor within any given "tribe" or "group". In addition- certain prejudices are adobted by the individual- as a result of tribalism and the need to be "better than..".
Whether or not racism (or tribalism) is "good" or "bad" is entirely subjective- however I will say that racism is a BUZZ word often used to launch a political agenda.
Essentially, racism exists to sway the masses... and as long as it as powerful tool, it will always exist.
we need to start sleeping with eachother.
I'm really confused Brahn... are you saying that assimilation would be a good thing because it would destroy discrimination? That kind of contradicts your statement that humans have a "need" to discriminate (implying that we will always be that way). And assimilate how? Culturally?
Also you say you don't like multiculturalism but I was kind of confused why, so would you mind elaborating?
Okay Branh, which culture should we all assimilate into?
you guys lost me.
what the F***
one of my distant aunts married a white guy. and i agree with OFA that they have way better marrige. and it wasnt for stupid reasons either. to quote my mom " oh, she married a white guy.....lucky bitch."
Culture is a lot more complicated than the political system one prescribes to. Yes, obviously in America we have an "American Culture," which although isn't easy to define, certainly involves democracy, capitalism, consumerism, etc... However, there are many, many different levels of culture that involve people's religious beliefs, verbal and nonverbal communication style s, music, food, traditions, history, clothes, etc... Are you saying they should give that up too?!