Most sexually compatible sign for pisces..?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by sv23 on Wednesday, July 9, 2014 and has 34 replies.
Pisces folks..Which sign do you find yourself most compatible with in the sheets..i.e. the ones that complement best the lovemaking style you fantasize in the bedroom.!!
p.s. I hope its not
1. Cancer
2. Scorpio
3. Taurus
In that order?
In that order?
I'm a cancer. I have never been with Pisces sexually and wouldn't know what to expect. Forceful, lazy, what?
As for a pisces girl,I think a cancer male would be too gentle and mushy gushy emotional even In the bedroom..Pisces being itself so emotional and tender would crave a strong manly partner who could compliment her feminity by his masculinity..and this bonding is possibily reflected in the bedroom as well by a pisces female..
May be that is why Pisces are said to be most compatible with Scorpions and Caps especially the scorps..Evsn being a water sign they are the sex gods of the zodiac..Identified by their Rough Manly love making..even s&m is not too bold for them..nd pisces their most compatible explajns their craving for physical attraction..
Posted by sv23
As for a pisces girl,I think a cancer male would be too gentle and mushy gushy emotional even In the bedroom..Pisces being itself so emotional and tender would crave a strong manly partner who could compliment her feminity by his masculinity..and this bonding is possibily reflected in the bedroom as well by a pisces female..

Have you been with a Cancer male sexually?
the top two easiest to have sex with in my experience have been scorps & sags
cancers are pretty easy too thou..but they tend to linger
you can fuck a scorp & sag once or twice and never have to deal with them again..and they'll be fine with it too
Cancers are usually very passionate in the bedroom. As long as I trust you(which I probably do since we got that far), I'm down for anything in the bedroom. I'm all about exploring my partner's sexual desires.
Posted by ScorpioFish
1. Cancer
2. Scorpio
3. Taurus

Taurus? You're joking, right?
Why do I think you deliberately sampled all 12 signs for proof?
you know its a capricorn. Tongue
Posted by CaptainPimp
Posted by KittenLaRouge
you know its a capricorn. Tongue

You're adorably silly/naive, tis what i think xD.
I got no ideea Straight Face.
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you know its true! Tongue i'm gonna marry one of ya'all!
Posted by CaptainPimp
And we are supposed to be the dreamers in this here joint, not you caps.
Gluck with that xD.

Lol. We'll see what God and the universe has in store for me! But that pisces drove me wild with desire mmmm and I did the same for him smile
Posted by ScorpioFish

Did you just have an orgasm? Tongue
Gemini with a Scorpio moon and a Venus in Cancer... lol
For me, is whichever sign my latest lover has.
Gemini with Aries moon and Gemini Venus, at least till Friday.
What about the fire signs like Aries..??
Water and Fire together should be steamy...may be it won't work from a relationship point of view but for physical should be hot
You guys should really check out this thread..Its about pisces females by a pisces female...and the comments are from pisces girls as well..
I think it best describes their sexual cravings..
Posted by sv23
You guys should really check out this thread..Its about pisces females by a pisces female...and the comments are from pisces girls as well..
I think it best describes their sexual cravings..

Ohh we do. Well I do. I won't speak for all the fishes. Although I do appreciate cuddling, caresses, and all that lovey dovey stuff that comes with a more sensual pace; the first time I was completely man handled...well *sweats* I'm talking too much...back to the question.
Give me an Aries man! I don't care what any site will tell you, THAT is the man for this fish.
Posted by coolidge
In that order?
I'm a cancer. I have never been with Pisces sexually and wouldn't know what to expect. Forceful, lazy, what?

We're pretty mutable, so we tend to go along with whatever your style is in bed. If our lover is more sensual and into soft lingering kisses, we're down for that. If our lover is aggressive and into a little BDSM, then we can get with that.
I will say though a staple does seem to be role playing. So you could probably expect your fish to want to try a bit of role playing/fantasy games in bed.
Posted by malloryor
Give me an Aries man! I don't care what any site will tell you, THAT is the man for this fish.

The Aries men are uber-Alpha males. If you're talking about pure masculinity, it has to be Aries smile
However..when the physical stuff comes,the most gentle and sweetest of the zodiac are turned on by their opposites..the tall muscular guy dominating or sort of taking over the sweet demure pisces by his physical power and the pisces secretly so badly loves it.. I know this is so true for us..
After all this is what the biology says as well..!!
The thing that most guys dint understand is we are not some delicate creatures that will break if you manhandle us a bit in the sack..We are the most feminine of the zodiac..and Feminine likes masculine..So be a man..and do your manly stuff..that's what turns on..A manly man..Coz When you are already a female,why would you need another women for..neither physically nor emotionally..
This side of us is however reserved only for a few special ones who gets into a true relationship with us.. and that relationship needs to have feelings,trust and mutual respect for each other..
Mind you..outside of bedroom we are these ladies that you wont imagine would have this side sexually..
Posted by sv23

p.s. I hope its not

Why not cancer?
they want no responsibility.
"I want a manly man but who does not control me"
translation : "I want to be the lazy one inthe relationship"
Posted by BeoWulf
Posted by malloryor
Give me an Aries man! I don't care what any site will tell you, THAT is the man for this fish.

The Aries men are uber-Alpha males. If you're talking about pure masculinity, it has to be Aries smile

Posted by dolphinjoy
There's one catch though - if there's no love mixed in there somewhere, and if I don't feel affection in the midst of it, I'm swimming.

Posted by sv23
However..when the physical stuff comes,the most gentle and sweetest of the zodiac are turned on by their opposites..the tall muscular guy dominating or sort of taking over the sweet demure pisces by his physical power and the pisces secretly so badly loves it.. I know this is so true for us..
After all this is what the biology says as well..!!
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I think it definitely has a lot to do with the saying "opposites attract," I'm all for a masculine man because I myself am quite feminine. But like Dolphinjoy said I still need to feel affection in our relationship, it can't just be plow plow *grunt* "I'm a man," because my response will be "...And I'm a woman." I think there needs to be a good balance but its nice to have someone who takes a bit of the lead but can still take notice that you're a woman and pays attention to that aspect of yourself.
I suppose what I really like about the dynamic of an Aries man and Pisces woman pairing is that you're playing up to the "natural" biological way of being for each sex so it can be quite the complementary pairing.
Posted by Gobshite
Dude, women are full of contradictions. You'll soon find out the hard way - all men eventually do. Winking

Posted by hydorah
they want no responsibility.
"I want a manly man but who does not control me"
translation : "I want to be the lazy one inthe relationship"

^^ You really don't understand woman at all do you?
Women aren't the one dimensional beings you make us out to be.
Posted by basari
They want a dominant man but who does not try to control them? I can't tell the difference, can somebody explain?
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A dominant man doesn't necessarily mean the man has to be a complete dictator. In fact, my perception of a controlling man is that he's really an insecure man, that is so weak that he feels the need to control and manipulate everyone around him for his sanity. A truly confident man--and person for this matter--is comfortable in allowing others to just be. They have the power to trust because inwardly, he is at peace with himself and who he has chosen to be with, but he also has the power to know when something is not working, and rather than try to control and manipulate things into his favor he knows how to speak openly about the issue and if need be, leave.
To me being a man is having absolute security within oneself and not needing to find it through the control of someone else. So when I and I suspect when other women say they want a man that is dominant it has nothing to do with wanting someone that controls them (although if you're into BDSM--that can be of interest). It's about finding a man that has complete assurance of who he is. I think a dominant man at best is someone who knows what he wants, has no qualms in telling you what they want, and has no problem finding it--whether the woman chooses to give it to him or not--is not his problem because he's sure he can find it somewhere else without having to manipulate a situation to bring it about.
I honestly cannot explain it better than that, but if you aren't a dominant male I suppose you won't get it. But to me I can spot a dominant man just as fast as I can an effeminate one and to me its really as simple as that, it's really more of an aura than anything I suppose.
A dominant male...He doesn't controls..He the bedroom..outside the bedroom..Controlling is intolerable for me..However in the bedroom..well I crave it..I like a muscular guy to win my Submissiveness by his masculinity and then take me like a man in the bedroom..Dominance is a big turn for most of the ladies..let alone pisces..Pick me up..Throw me around..Slam me against a wall..pull my hair..oh gosh..I cant say more
Pisces girls fantasize about being treated like a little girl in the sack by a big strong guy..
Controlling in bedroom...well the S@M stuff.. its just an advanced form of dominance..
And pisces can go to almost any level if you are a man enough to take them to that level with sufficient love and trust in between..!!
almost any level of being thrown around like a bag?
Aries, Taurus!!!
They are not emotionally compatible..but physically they can rock the Pisces lady..
Posted by sv23
A dominant male...He doesn't controls..He the bedroom..outside the bedroom..Controlling is intolerable for me..However in the bedroom..well I crave it..I like a muscular guy to win my Submissiveness by his masculinity and then take me like a man in the bedroom..Dominance is a big turn for most of the ladies..let alone pisces..Pick me up..Throw me around..Slam me against a wall..pull my hair..oh gosh..I cant say more
Pisces girls fantasize about being treated like a little girl in the sack by a big strong guy..
Controlling in bedroom...well the S@M stuff.. its just an advanced form of dominance..
And pisces can go to almost any level if you are a man enough to take them to that level with sufficient love and trust in between..!!

The problem here is you want a fantasy. Dominant men are controlling men. That might not be a problem if you are good with defending yourself. Like you, I prefer a man's man who goes after what he wants and isn't shy about showing his interest. That said, they come at a price and never stepping on our toes isn't on likely to happen if you're involved with an alpha male. It's more like you get this and don't get that. Nobody gets it all.