
This topic was created in the Pisces forum by venusianbull on Thursday, March 21, 2013 and has 18 replies.
My beautiful new nephew was born March 19th around 5:30 p.m.
Perfect and amazing Fire Fish. smile

Ta gentlemen. smile

Another Fire Fish to help to turn this world upside down!
Fire fish are AWESOME Big Grin
Congrats Auntie!
Congratulations VB!!!
Thank you ladies!
And thank YOU Nights, you da best. Ever.

Lookit that punim. I am so in love.

So beautiful! ^.^ Congratulations!
Congratulations! If memory serves, you had announced this baby was due to be a Pisces. Just squeaked in and we definitely welcome this new little fish. You'll be that loving Taurus who grounds him and enables his dreams take logical flight.
Pisces is about smiles smile keep it happy with his dreams and he will smile forever at you Winking
Thanks! smile well summarized by him.
I am always saying that I need my sleep. As a grown up it got worse, a sort of dyslexia (I forget words and cant say sentences right) and lost of confidence appear without having my sleep.
And I have gemini ascendant, I am always thinking in new things, specially dreaming awake. We pisces can disconnect, being awake but we are not there Winking as you know smile
And back to the video, we need also some direction from grounded people. My life turned 360 degrees when I met the love of my life (Capricorn). I was shy and now I loosed alot of that, I had no confidence and now I have plenty. Still lost tought, still naive, still a child, still everything as he says in video.
So summing it up, this aunt is very important to this child smile
Lovely. Thank you everyone. smile He is a miracle. Just looking at him makes me well up. So happy for my sister who is a mother at last. Her hearts wish. To be blessed with such a one, it's tremendous. I will always be there for him as I am for my other nieces and nephews. You can let your hair down and be yourself at Aunt VBs. Food ain't bad either.
One loved little man there. smile

lol! I drinked coffee too at that age! but because milk made me vomit, even nowadays I can only drink semi-skimmed milk.
A weaker coffee where I always mixtured something, like bread or even cheese.
My family was all about fire, mother sun Aries and more 4 planets with it and Leo Asc. Brother almost the same thing, sag asc and leo mars. Father was taurus but alot of planets in leo including ascendant and mars. For me all of them were a challenge, and at a certain time I quited. I have alot of aries too (Venus Mercury and Moon) but pisces and gemini made a greater role. I had no opinion in that home. On Topic, that counts also to the little fish. Just listen, Nurture the little fish and he will grow to be beyond all your expectatations.
Such a cutie! Congrats and all that good stuff smile

Posted by Nights22
VB couldnt get this to post but here is her nephew

Awwww.. Congrats VB! smile
smile Thank you. smile I peeped at his chart. Was off just a speck with his time. Sun, Mercury and Venus in Pisces. Moon in Gemini. This boy is going to be a hand full.
Bless. smile I know. Haha. Little man will be like a frustrated hummingbird wanting to express himself and everyone standing round him like eh??
He's going to be fantastic.
I was so excited posting I clean forgot they give Momma and Poppa an hour with baby before we rushed in. I ran his proper chart and just whispered 'hello!'
Sun aside that makes the third with Venus also in Pisces in the family. smile