OMG Don't you hate when...

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Aqua_Boy on Thursday, November 22, 2007 and has 13 replies.
Nobody listens to you, and thinks your wrong all the time, when you know your right? And then when you say "I told you so" they STILL act like your wrong...omg i hate that!!! I also hate when everyone never expects me to know anything!...I guess thats what happens when your a Pisces eh? Sad Is it true that we all come off as "dumb" or "brainless"? I know we go off in our own little worlds sometimes, but come on! lol.
Aqua_boy ... it's because we are wrong to them most of the time.
Meaning .. we aren't fixed, like them. They have a certain conclusion or expectation that's already formed in their mind, so when we express an avenue in which their fixed mind can't see .. they think we're wrong, so they won't look to us to give them input.
DC described it pretty accurately. Personally, I don't hate it at all. On The Contrary .. I like it that I can see possibilities that others can't. I like being on the outside of the box. If someone pretends as though you were wrong, when they know you were right, then that isn't any discredit to you, rather, to them because even after the event unfolded the way you saw it .. their still stuck within their fixed perception.
"I don't think Pisceans in general are strong debaters. Facts, figures, black and white, semantics, number-crunching, right and wrong - all too 'clinical' for a fish. We have 'fly-vision' .. like we see each thing instantly with a hundred perspectives and possibilities:"
Maybe true, in a very general sense. But for me, i really like both. Maybe my strong aqua influence + Taurus rising; giving both stamina and I can surely see the forest for the trees, i think that's a special piscean gift to treasure. However, i also really like to get in there and debate a topic that really interests me. It's 'ALOT' of fun, and not always about being right or wrong. It's a real open and free feeling. Plus you can learn alot from both ends, and sometimes even make a difference or learn something along the way. I find passionate, yet respectful debate quite entertaining and can bring you closer to people with familiar likes, concerns and interests. ..Debating is like an art, not a war, imo. It's being respectful and recognizing when someone else makes a good call, as well. (You can't debate with someone who is totally close-minded and only wants to be right, no matter what..)
I guess thats what happens when your a Pisces eh? Is it true that we all come off as "dumb" or "brainless"?

-, not really. Most of the ones I know are actually quite knowledgeable. There's no doubt about it.
"That is why there is a lot of comfort in coming to a place like dxp and swimming with other fish - who you don't actually need to explain anything to."

I basically get paid to tell people they are wrong.
It's not something I enjoy, except of course when the person in question is a pompous arsehole who always thinks they are right, because I always get the final say in the matter, whether they like it or not.
Yes I hate that as well.
lol me 2
Pisceans are not dumb, they just see and think in a completely different way...
and yes, pisceans aren't strong debaters anyways...most of it doesn't matter to us that much...unless one of us feels like being a smartass one day and feels like a good cause that too, wont matter soon enough either...
I agree. The pisceans I know in family, work, etc.. they all get the same thing, people treat them like they don't know anything.
"and yes, pisceans aren't strong debaters anyways..."
LOL* ..not sure about that, at least i hope i am; i love to debate and have had lots of FUN with it! In a let's learn, share, brain-storm and discover even more kind of way. Debating for me isn't arguing if there's mature like-minded adults who respect each others opinions, yet still follow their own with passion. Too much light small talk can get boring for me. So usually an interesting topic, subject or some important 'current event' that's happening around the world; anything from science/philosophy, to the metaphysical, to the distant future and beyond. etc etc .. *it's all so interesting..
*Again, i think pisceans can debate as well as anyone. So why not? I guess maybe it's just one's desire or interest, not lack of ability. And looking past the sun, many fish have mercury in Aries or Aquarius, as i do maybe one has to look closer at this planet, since it usually reflects what kind of communicators and thinkers we are, and what we like to talk about. Even more-so than the sun-sign.
"they all get the same thing, people treat them like they don't know anything."
All the pisceans i've known, have always been respected and looked up to + sought often for help or advice; be it in the emotional/academic or creative sense..
auhhhhh hey sure you can DC, but only to borrow ..*throws U my aqua planets! Hey, very interesting observations btw; makes