How do you Pisceans (especially women) feel about open relationships?
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Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
No self respecting woman wants an open relationship, especially a Pisces who wants an emotional connection with her man and does not want to share. Pisces are kinky freaks who will do anything to please their partner, but only their partner. Love drives their wild sexcapades. If you want a swinger, look elsewhere. That's my opinion though. I'm a Cancer.
Signed Up:
Apr 07, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1325 · Topics: 0
I'd rather pluck my eyeballs out then share my man with anyone...
I already established early on to him that he is mine and I don't share
So no and I would be extremely offended and grossed out if fact I would dump on the spot no questions would be gone pronto ! Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
Sounds so amazing that such things can be between two people! What more would anyone want or need?! All I'd be doing in the bedroom is looking into his eyes and granting his every desire, not saying, "Hey, Candy it's your turn". If his desire is to be with someone else whether I'm watching or not, he can take a walk. A spiritual/ physical/ emotional connection with just one man is exactly what I want, one where we fit perfectly together like two puzzle pieces on cloud nine.
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Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Posted by TowardAscension
How do you Pisceans (especially women) feel about open relationships?
I wouldn't be opposed to that, providing the relationship was set up that way.
If I were in love with a person and had an exclusive relationship with a person to whom an emotional connection was the foundation, then to have an open relationship would certainly tear us apart. But, you aren't talking about that kind of relationship ... you are talking about an open one, where feelings of that kind can be present.
Yeah, I could do that .. in fact, I think all Pisces people could under those conditions. We are experiencers, afterall, and absolutely enjoy new experiences.
The problem that happens with most people, as you can see, is that they are subjectively biased about their own present situation, so when this kind of topic comes up, they imagine thier partner.
you aren't talking about the person they are in love with ... you are talking about a relationship with a person to whom they do NOT love.
An open relatinship is not being in love and having an emotional bond.
An exclusive relationship is having an emotional connection, and not enjoying pleasures outside of the relatinship.
People have to get that in order to look at this question objectively.
I guess for Pisces people the question should be worded differently .... it should be asked of us if we could have sex with people we don't love, because even if the being open wasn't in the equation, is it possible to be in an exclusive relationship without loving that person?
I could have sex with a person without loving them, and I could be in a relationship where both of us went outside of the relationship to have sex with others ... however, this relationship would never be considered a bond, a unity.Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"where feelings of that kind can be present."
* cannot
Signed Up:
Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
Posted by TowardAscension
How do you Pisceans (especially women) feel about open relationships?
OH!! How did I miss this thread??

I think they're fine.
We have religion to thank for monogamy really, they got it into our head this is how it's supposed to be, especially for women. It's man's way of *controlling* and *owning/purchasing* their women. But love has nothing to do with possession, that's a terrible thing created by men to brainwash us. It was also their idea to put a shelf life on women. In a modern world we'll be able to love without owning anyone in order to feed our fat egos.

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Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
I don't think open relationships have anything to do with love. If a couple is using each other for sex and has no deeper attachment to each other, then I say whatever gets their juices flowing is their business.
Signed Up:
Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
No self respecting woman wants an open relationship...
Please explain your somewhat narrow-minded take on women and self-respect? Why wouldn't a woman want an open relationship? How does that conflict with the definition of "self-respect"?
Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
When you become a woman, then you can tell me about my narrow mind. Until then, my mind is about love and mutual respect, which does not involve sharing my man's penis nor my vagina with third parties. How would you know anything about respect while you call me narrow minded. A good woman wants a committed relationship. A pole dancer wants an orgy. You get what you look for.
Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
And did you bother to read my other post? To each their own, but I highly doubt a man wants to share his life with a woman who wants to take it in both her holes simultainiously by two different guys. Rent a hooker for that.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
No self respecting woman wants an open relationship ...
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
... my mind is about love and mutual respect, which does not involve sharing my man's penis nor my vagina with third parties.
A good woman wants a committed relationship.
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Spoken by a person who lives with her husband while having an emotional affair with another man. And lives with this husband she does, because by her own admission she cannot leave him because he pays for her to live.
whores sleep with men to "pay" for them to live
for all of those who read this ... know that ^^^^ ... she spews at the mouth about respectable women, yet, she is the very epitome of a disrespecting cuntSigned Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
All spoken by a wrinkly dried out man woman who lives with a man who prefers penis to her. I believe I told you, you idiotic, nagging paracite that though we have been separated for well over two years, he and I agreed I'd live here and take care of the house, the meals and our young kids until they are both in school full time. I sleep in my own bed in a separate level of the house. I am saving him money by staying here, you freaking moron, so he doesn't have to pay extra maintenance and for a second house. I pay for my own things. He knows all about the guy I talk to and everything else I've ever done. He's also dated himself. And for me to be a whore, I'd have to be sleeping with him, which I do not. I haven't had sex in nearly three years, but I don't have to tell you what that feels like now do I?
Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
All spoken by a wrinkly dried out man woman who lives with a man who prefers penis to her. I believe I told you, you idiotic, nagging paracite that though we have been separated for well over two years, he and I agreed I'd live here and take care of the house, the meals and our young kids until they are both in school full time. I sleep in my own bed in a separate level of the house. I am saving him money by staying here, you freaking moron, so he doesn't have to pay extra maintenance and for a second house. I pay for my own things. He knows all about the guy I talk to and everything else I've ever done. He's also dated himself. And for me to be a whore, I'd have to be sleeping with him, which I do not. I haven't had sex in nearly three years, but I don't have to tell you what that feels like now do I?
Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
So this posted twice but I'm not about to make you think I'm cowaring to you by hiding something so they can both stay.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
^^^^ you defend a disrepecting woman who is emotionally cheating on her husband.
So, are you so moronic that if a person asks a particular question, that it means they didn't read the whole thing?
You and her should run off together ... you have about the same amount of brain cells.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Posted by enfant_terrible
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
No self respecting woman wants an open relationship...
Please explain your somewhat narrow-minded take on women and self-respect? Why wouldn't a woman want an open relationship? How does that conflict with the definition of "self-respect"?
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He's right, of course.
A woman can indeed enjoy the pleasures of sex without a commited relationship, and still posses self respect.
Whatever narrow-minded words the Cancer said afterwards (or before) wasn't justification in making the accusation that a woman who enjoys sexual pleasure lacks respect.
Of course, this is all being based on all parties consenting to the open relationship.Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
No self respecting woman wants an open relationship, especially a Pisces who wants an emotional connection with her man and does not want to share. Pisces are kinky freaks who will do anything to please their partner, but only their partner. Love drives their wild sexcapades. If you want a swinger, look elsewhere. That's my opinion though. I'm a Cancer.
@ enfant_terrible This was her full comment and what she said here is Right ! You edit her comment and only take first two lines, by editing her comment you show that how stupid narrow-minded you are ! Most Important: It's her own opinion her own view Then enfant Who The Hell Are You ? To Tell Her To Explain It ? Dude Use Your Brain !
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When in fact, what the Cancer wrote is not accurate.
1. not every relationship is going to be emotionally connected, and Pisces often participate in situations where they aren't emotionally invested.
2. Pisces love to share. To make the claim that it's her man is false, since we are talking about an open relationship which means she doesn't have a man. In this instance, if the Pisces realizes that this man isn't hers, then she would have no qualm in sharing.
3. Being kinky freaks to please a partner isn't apart of this scenario .. we aren't talking about a partner, we are talking about an open relationship. So, of course, that's her talking out of her ass again, and trying to make it sound like she knows what she says.
4. Love doesn't drive the Pisces ... there is only one thing that drives the Pisces, both genders, and it isn't love. Yet, you claim to be a Pisces guru and don't even know our basics.
so, in reality .... Star .. this Cancer isn't capable of speaking for the Fish. And it looks like a Lion has noticed.Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
I never said a woman who is casually involved with someone can't enjoy a threesome. I'm sure though I've never had one, it would be rather exciting and enjoyable. I said no woman in a committed relationship would want to share. And I was right, though women can spread her legs to whom ever she chooses, she is not then considered marriage material. Who's the closed minded one here? Who chooses to commit herself to someone who obviously doesn't want her. You have to share him with other men, so no wonder you make excuses for open relationships. You are a hipocrite... you condone open relationships which is infadelity, but I'm a whore because I'm separated and speaking to someone else dispite my living arrangements. See, the difference between me and you is (too bad I deleted it) I am still young and vibrant enough to find a loving, committed relationship. I am also able to make my own lubrication without having to shop the patrolium Jelly isle at CVS, unlike you. Clearly you are envious of all the young people in here because healthy, passionate, wild and kinky, commited or otherwise sex is not too late for us.
Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
Love and searching for a soul mate IS what drive a pisces. You wouldn't understand that because you are incapable of love. It's no wonder you are unwanted.
Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
He asked about open relationships, in which I assume he means swinging, not dating other people, so if two people are swingers then they are in fact in a relationship with each other. She is not self respecting in that way. When a third party is involved with a couple, it leaves open the possibility of jealously. And I guarantee two out of the three are going to sneak off alone and enjoy each other, creating distrust. I assume this because it is my right to assume and also my right to give my two cents, just like it is your right to be a bitch.
Signed Up:
Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
For what its worth, there's no such thing as an emotional affair. We have no control over our emotions or who we fall in love with. JUST thought I'd throw that out there xD
Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
Lions, I know all about Lions too, I dug some fine trenches in the back of a Lion and he cooed like a baby stuck to a D-cup. Now, P-Demon, isn't it time for you to go re-apply your wrinkle cream and put your teeth back in?
Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
Posted by iceredrobot
For what its worth, there's no such thing as an emotional affair. We have no control over our emotions or who we fall in love with. JUST thought I'd throw that out there xD
The heart wants what the heart wants. But you can't tell that to someone who is heartless.Signed Up:
Apr 07, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1325 · Topics: 0
Posted by iceredrobot
For what its worth, there's no such thing as an emotional affair. We have no control over our emotions or who we fall in love with. JUST thought I'd throw that out there xD
wrong ! lamest excuse that people use !! People can control their *own* emotions...and there is such thing as emotional affair...and one of the most damaging affairs out thereI might add !!...some people can forgive a just sex cheater but someone who shares their soul [emotions] to another when claiming only has it for one is an emotional cheater...
Yes you can control your feelings which equate your emotions...*because* it doesn't bombard you in one takes time to build that strong emotions...and we can feel it to say there is no emotional affair and we can't control is a cop out...
But you are a young years when you have a man you truly love and I mean truly...and he shares his soul with someone else other then yourself...behind your back you will understand...Signed Up:
Apr 07, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1325 · Topics: 0
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
Posted by iceredrobot
For what its worth, there's no such thing as an emotional affair. We have no control over our emotions or who we fall in love with. JUST thought I'd throw that out there xD
The heart wants what the heart wants. But you can't tell that to someone who is heartless.
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to be honest you are no better...and the old comment is getting...well old...52 is not 80 is...
And another one is too old to find love kinky or what have a lot to learn dear...
You even said your husband wants to work things out...and also you even said that he must know it's over when his wife is sleeping in another this in itself is saying you haven't had the talk do contradict yourself...
Also P may have a husband that is gay [which I don't know but comments fly around] however ever heard of a Pisces who will be there through good and bad with their partner ??? yeh looks like thats a true Pisces commitment right there...
Whether you and all the other followers don't like her comments under the rough is truth..
And it looks like you are still holding out hope for your Pisces a tiger in wait wanting to pounce on him once he is emotionally free...quite selfish and unfortunately by now he would have wanted something won't listen to the other Pisces here that tell you this...but when he finds someone *right* for him you will be left on the way side I can guarantee that...unfortunately it is one of the pisces negative know traits...Signed Up:
Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
Posted by piranhaparadiise
Posted by iceredrobot
For what its worth, there's no such thing as an emotional affair. We have no control over our emotions or who we fall in love with. JUST thought I'd throw that out there xD
wrong ! lamest excuse that people use !! People can control their *own* emotions...and there is such thing as emotional affair...and one of the most damaging affairs out thereI might add !!...some people can forgive a just sex cheater but someone who shares their soul [emotions] to another when claiming only has it for one is an emotional cheater...
Yes you can control your feelings which equate your emotions...*because* it doesn't bombard you in one takes time to build that strong emotions...and we can feel it to say there is no emotional affair and we can't control is a cop out...
But you are a young years when you have a man you truly love and I mean truly...and he shares his soul with someone else other then yourself...behind your back you will understand...
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Omg Piranha!!! We can control our emotions?? I've been doing it wrong all these years!!
I would be more upset with my guy for having actual sex with someone, cause that he has the power to control.Signed Up:
Apr 07, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1325 · Topics: 0
Posted by iceredrobot
I would be more upset with my guy for having actual sex with someone, cause that he has the power to control.
think about it...he has sex with someone he has feelings with or someone such as a one night stand or see what I am saying...the context changes when there are feelings/emotions involved...
you don't want a man/woman to have feelings for another...
of course we can control our emotions if we really want to...the key is if we want to...we can control it when it is still in the making...maybe harder of course full fledge but if it is to do with cheating the conscience can override the emotions because normal people will start to feel guilty and that there stops what they deem wrong...only the weak continue to follow through with an affair of the mind...
The mind is the most powerful of all...more powerful then say a dick or vage...the mind controls also your sexual feelings...will yourself to orgasm so to speak if you will...
You can put a stop on the emotions...a Pisces is good at this... remember we can cut off even when our emotions were on a high ?!?Signed Up:
Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
Posted by piranhaparadiise
think about it...he has sex with someone he has feelings with or someone such as a one night stand or see what I am saying...the context changes when there are feelings/emotions involved...
you don't want a man/woman to have feelings for another...
BF has sex with someone he loves *mind thinks* -> he fell in love, it's nothing personal. Hurts my ego, but I'll get over it.
BF has sex with someone he has no emotions for *mind thinks* -> he doesn't care for her so why's he not having sex with me? He hates me? I'm terrible in bed? He thinks I'm ugly? He thinks I'm FAT? He thinks I'm boring? He can't stand to be near me? He can't stand looking at my flaws? OMG he despises me!!! I don't deserve to be loved.
Posted by piranhaparadiise
of course we can control our emotions if we really want to...the key is if we want to...we can control it when it is still in the making...maybe harder of course full fledge but if it is to do with cheating the conscience can override the emotions because normal people will start to feel guilty and that there stops what they deem wrong...only the weak continue to follow through with an affair of the mind...
The mind is the most powerful of all...more powerful then say a dick or vage...the mind controls also your sexual feelings...will yourself to orgasm so to speak if you will...
You can put a stop on the emotions...a Pisces is good at this... remember we can cut off even when our emotions were on a high ?!?
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I guess the selfish question is, why would you want to stop the feeling of love?Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
Frankly Piranha, I couldn't care less if you are tired of my comments. And clearly we have had "the talk", despite what you think. We both have already spoken to lawyers. He doesn't want to work things out, he just doesn't like that he no longer has me under his thumb. He was never interested in being a good husband to me, he's a cancer himself so all he sees is keeping his fake, happy facade, it has nothing to do with making me happy. My Pisces friend is my Pisces friend whether he will ever want me in return or not, and even if I do have hope....if he finds someone besides me who can revive him when he's lost everything, then I truly hope that's the case. All I care about is that he finds happiness and fills his void, even if it's not with me, so...I'm selfish how? What is old is you bragging about how your Pisces is at your feet and how he needs your constant reassurance, oh how he needs to talk to you all day and you can't walk straight. Perhaps it's you, you are trying to convince of that. If staying through good and bad means he gets to go off and bend over and take it like a man and she is to stay at home waiting to smell some other man's cologne when he climbs in to bed beside her, then that is not commitment, that is stupidity. As for your comment to Icerobot, I'm not claiming my heart belongs to one man and then I emotionally cheat with another. Emotionally cheating is nothing more than fantasizing, no one can condemn anyone for having their own thoughts.
Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
Him being a cancer I meant to say, he wants his control, he wants to keep his family together above all else, which in itself is not a bad thing to want to keep your family together but, it is not because he wants to give me what I need from him, it's because he doesn't want to loose.
Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
And even if he wants to work things out, he made his bed and it's too late. Just because he wants to work things out doesn't mean he deserves it. Doesn't mean I should be obligated to do so. I have every right to have happiness and he failed miserably at providing that. He had ten years to be what I needed him to be, so feel sorry for him if you want. He lost me.
Signed Up:
Dec 07, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 384 · Topics: 17
Hmmm, one of my good friends is a Pisces (gay man) and has only ever had open relationships. He says he can't be monogomous. I don't think he's actually ever tried; if so it was a long, long time ago. At this point he has it in his mind that monogamy is not possible for him and so every boyfriend he has, serious or not, has got to be ok with knowing he is gonna be out there playing.
One of my friends (Sagittarius) was in a 7-year marriage with a Pisces. She told me that all during their marriage they were swingers, doing couple swaps and threesomes and they were equally into it. She is married to someone else now and (so she says) totally monogamous with this guy, but she is in touch with her Pisces ex and says he and his girlfriend are into the swinging life style .
Signed Up:
Apr 07, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1325 · Topics: 0
poor you...sorry I can't help it if my Pisces is into me and what I state is the truth I don't need to brag...I don't need convincing...I don't control how my man feels about me...all that I say about him is the truth...I have hundreds of his texts to show for it...I have pictures he draws of me...yes it's nice to have a Pisces love you and adore you...he does need reassurance ...he does need constant's not my fault or control he does what he wants...obviously I am doing something right...I am a fish afterall...and until you have been with a Pisces you will then understand what I say about mine...
Sorry you haven't been able to feel the love of a Pisces ...maybe you will be able to feel what it is truly like to be adored by one...
Until then carry on...
Signed Up:
Jan 06, 2012Comments: 71 · Posts: 603 · Topics: 6
No way, I don't share!
Signed Up:
Oct 21, 2011Comments: 91 · Posts: 2252 · Topics: 23
Posted by TowardAscension
How do you Pisceans (especially women) feel about open relationships?
Hmm I'm not for them...cause in my opinion what's the point of being in a relationship? Wouldn't you just call it fwb? To me if your in an open relationship it means it's more serious than a fwb relationship. Your like bf/gf but you're allowed to sleep with other people outside of your relationship being alone or together as in threesomes.
I like to stake claim if you will on my man. Maybe it's the Taurus in me, but if the guy is sleeping with someone else I would have to call it quits.Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
Posted by piranhaparadiise
poor you...sorry I can't help it if my Pisces is into me and what I state is the truth I don't need to brag...I don't need convincing...I don't control how my man feels about me...all that I say about him is the truth...I have hundreds of his texts to show for it...I have pictures he draws of me...yes it's nice to have a Pisces love you and adore you...he does need reassurance ...he does need constant's not my fault or control he does what he wants...obviously I am doing something right...I am a fish afterall...and until you have been with a Pisces you will then understand what I say about mine...
Sorry you haven't been able to feel the love of a Pisces ...maybe you will be able to feel what it is truly like to be adored by one...
Until then carry on...
Poor me! Hardly. I'm more than contented with who I am. I love who I am. I've seen me, and I've seen you,you look like you're constipated. I have nothing to be jealous of. I know I would not want to be you and I know I would not want your man. Pisces or no Pisces, I have no trouble getting what I want and I will be with who I'm meant to be with, when I'm meant to be with him. I know that I am the only one this Pisces talks to online and I know that he isn't ready to be emotionally involved with anyone, not just me. I talk to his friend practically every day. He still has nightmares because of what he has gone through. I am quite understanding and patient about that. He cares about me, he shares his music and his paintings with me, he tells me things he doesn't tell other people, those were his words, not mine. We talked just an hour ago about going sky diving together and I believe his exact words were...since he's already made some jumps, I would be strapped to him. We are what we are and I'm not you, thank goodness for that.Signed Up:
Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
No self respecting woman wants an open relationship, especially a Pisces who wants an emotional connection with her man and does not want to share. Pisces are kinky freaks who will do anything to please their partner, but only their partner. Love drives their wild sexcapades. If you want a swinger, look elsewhere. That's my opinion though. I'm a Cancer.
@ enfant_terrible This was her full comment and what she said here is Right ! You edit her comment and only take first two lines, by editing her comment you show that how stupid narrow-minded you are ! Most Important: It's her own opinion her own view Then enfant Who The Hell Are You ? To Tell Her To Explain It ? Dude Use Your Brain !
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WTF are you on? My point still stands with or without the whole quote. I didn't include the whole quote because I only reacted to NO SELF-RESPECTING WOMAN WANTS AN OPEN RELATIONSHIP.... She still said that shit didn't she, and so my point still stands. I don't see how my input would make any difference had I included the whole quote?
@MeMyselfAndIntrigues: So why? Why couldn't a woman have an open relationship? What does being a woman have to do with being monogamous? Self-respect means making your own choices and being able to stand for them. And don't come her with shit like "when you become a woman, then you can tell me about my narrow mind".... what does that even mean??? What does your prefrence in this matter have to do with your sex or gender?
@STARPISCESWAR: Yes, she can have her own opinion, I didn't say she couldn't. Why must my objecting her opinion mean she must change hers? But when a taliban says a woman has to cover her face because it's her fault his dick gets hard, I will correct him because I happen to diagree with his take on women and self-respect too. So there you have it.Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
"And don't come her with shit like "when you become a woman, then you can tell me about my narrow mind".... what does that even mean??? What does your prefrence in this matter have to do with your sex or gender?" Umm I did come in here with it and I would again. A self respecting woman has morals and values and doesn't sleep around with multiple partners. She certainly isn't into orgies just because it's tuesday. If you have to bring another person into your bedroom to spice things up then someone isn't doing it right.
Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
sex or gender...dude...they are both the same!
Signed Up:
Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
And did you bother to read my other post? To each their own, but I highly doubt a man wants to share his life with a woman who wants to take it in both her holes simultainiously by two different guys. Rent a hooker for that.
What other post? As I said, I reacted to a statement you made, not your whole life-story. And believe me honey, there are all kinds of men and women out there. I know a couple who live in an open relationship, they are happy and well. Plenty of respect and self-respect to go around.
Personally it's not my cup of tea either, I would never share my partner with anyone... but it doesen't mean I can't be objective about it. I'm in love with the 1950's... "honey i'm home" and shit like that. I just love the period and I love the gender stereotypes! Politically incorrect? You bet. But that doesen't mean I have my head up my ass. I still know the difference between my "preference" and the objective state of things.
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
A self respecting woman has morals and values and doesn't sleep around with multiple partners. She certainly isn't into orgies just because it's tuesday. If you have to bring another person into your bedroom to spice things up then someone isn't doing it right.
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Personally I'd marry you. Objectively I don't agree with your philosophy. We all have morals and values. What makes you think your morals and values are universal? Is it written in the skies maybe? And they ARE doing it right if that's something they've both decided and agreed to. Who are you to say they are doing it wrong, lol?Signed Up:
Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
sex or gender...dude...they are both the same!
They're not...DUDESS.
Sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women. Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.
Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
Posted by winterwrought
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
Sounds so amazing that such things can be between two people! What more would anyone want or need?! All I'd be doing in the bedroom is looking into his eyes and granting his every desire, not saying, "Hey, Candy it's your turn". If his desire is to be with someone else whether I'm watching or not, he can take a walk. A spiritual/ physical/ emotional connection with just one man is exactly what I want, one where we fit perfectly together like two puzzle pieces on cloud nine.
Doesn't it? 
And yes: a complete connection. Not just a physical/sexual one. Where one supports the other, complements the other, loves, trusts and respects the other. That would pertain to an exclusive relationship. Open ones are just experiments... sexual exhibition/exploration.
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Yes it does. I couldn't be at my best physically unless I am invested emotionally. Yes, all those things!! Where your souls speak to one another, you can look into each other's eyes and know what the other is thinking and feeling without saying a word. Just taking comfort in each other in the silence while the only sound you hear is your synchronized breathing.Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
Posted by MeMyselfAndIntrigued
I don't think open relationships have anything to do with love. If a couple is using each other for sex and has no deeper attachment to each other, then I say whatever gets their juices flowing is their business.
I can count on less than one hand the number of partners I've had, I find it very hard to want to sleep with people I do not love. I'm all about passion and I can't be full of passion unless I am in love with the person. I would love to experience spontanious sex with some adorable guy I just met off the street, I'd have no problem jerking him by his collar and taking him into a restroom and having my way with him. Of course I have too much self respect to take a risk like that. I have my highly vivid fantasies instead.Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
I lost my virginity to a Leo, I had my way with him nice and good like too. He never got over me either. It was mostly due to my morals and values, he never met a girl so together and head strong when it came to them. He currupted me, oh yes he did, but sure enough, he would not have fallen for me like he did if I had let him bring someone else into it.
Signed Up:
Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
I have old-fashioned ideals about these things too, but it doesen't mean I believe I'm better than those who don't.. 
Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
I don't judge people who do. I wish I was so care free. I have parents who are past their 40th and still greet each other at the door with a kiss, a hug and honey how way your day. I can't picture them coming to me and telling me, sweetie, your mom and I are swapping with the Thompsons on Friday night then we will have tea. Really, I may bark up some trees then I feel I've been chased up one too, but I have love for all mankind, no matter, their color, their status or their sexual preference. no matter what or who they bring into their bedroom. I want some freaking amazing, hang from the chandeliers sex, but I want to see the look on his face when I do it, I don't want some other woman sitting on it.
Signed Up:
Apr 07, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1325 · Topics: 0
Yet again you have nothing to go on but base your thoughts on my looks...and the fact that you mentioned my looks *again*...catty much ?! you're a *typical* catty childish woman...thankfully I don't own shallow thoughts of peoples looks...either way I like how I look thank you very much... 
And I didn't say you were jealous of me...however you brought it up...why ?! hmm ? your venom on the Pisces boards shows what a bitter married woman you are...
May you find peace child ! Signed Up:
Dec 27, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 5
Posted by piranhaparadiise
poor you...sorry I can't help it if my Pisces is into me and what I state is the truth I don't need to brag...I don't need convincing...I don't control how my man feels about me...all that I say about him is the truth...I have hundreds of his texts to show for it...I have pictures he draws of me...yes it's nice to have a Pisces love you and adore you...he does need reassurance ...he does need constant's not my fault or control he does what he wants...obviously I am doing something right...I am a fish afterall...and until you have been with a Pisces you will then understand what I say about mine...
Sorry you haven't been able to feel the love of a Pisces ...maybe you will be able to feel what it is truly like to be adored by one...
Until then carry on...
This all implies that you think I'm jealous. Think again. I have nothing to be jealous of so you can boast all you want, it does you no good. It's not just that you look like you've just sucked on a sour lemon, it's your personality that sucks. So it appears that you have the whole package, one I'm shocked anyone would want to unwrap. I only spit my venom at the deserving few of you that start your crap with me. Look around, you've never, nor will you ever see me instigate anything with another person, but if you wanna start in with me, my gloves come off. Yes, I married a douche, but he doesn't have me now does he? So no, I'm not a bitter married woman. I've been bless with a good life many people would want. I grew up in a warm, loving home where my parents were both a part of it everyday and they taught me what love and comfort truly meant and feels like by showing it to me, my siblings and to each other. That is why I will never settle for a husband that failed to make me feel important. Now he's paying the price, not me.