Open Relationships

Love and searching for a soul mate IS what drive a pisces. You wouldn't understand that because you are incapable of love. It's no wonder you are unwanted.

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Last time I touched a dead person I caught an Aqua man. That's one disease you can't shake off!
Ya know, the few times I've been accused of cheating on someone, I never had a feeling that we were exclusive to begin with. Like one guy, hit on every girl in sight, anytime I mention on wanting to be exclusive he would change the subject, but yet..when I went out with someone else, I had cheated on him. Another guy was my ex, we hadn't dated in over two years, but due to circumstance, I start living with him as a roommate, we would talk about shit, he'd go out on dates with other girls and talk about them, and in no way were we in a relationship UNTIL I started dating someone, then all of a sudden, I was leading him on and cheated on him. .
One guy took umbrance to the fact he found out that I went out with more than one person, but if I had met them both at the same time and they both asked, and I didn't know either one. Is it bad to date both, considering I wasn't in a relationship with either one? Is dating really that serious?
so yah, you sure that the libras that cheated on you knew you guys were exclusive? Or did you assume exclusivity?
I need to PEE. I think it's my body's way of telling me to get off the internet. brb
Take it easy have a Cadburys Caramel.
Posted by aquaj
You'd have to be observant though, because I'm pretty good at putting on the appearance of confidence. Always have been. Maybe it's my moon-ascendant conflict. How I am feel inside is completely opposite of what I actively project. It's almost like selling a rotten bill of goods. I know my boyfriend must feel gypped, lol. He thought he was getting this brash, confident woman, and what he finds out after two years is that he's living with a woman who actually thinks all other women around her have more to offer (in terms of looks, personality, talent), and is just completely crippled with self-doubt.

I do feel wierd about certain things as well. Ill do kareoke but I hate dancing in public, i try to avoid clubs. But I hate it, I want to have fun and dance and be free like everyone else,I hope by 30 things will get better. I wasnt like this in HS tho, I feel like the awkwardness many people feel in their teens Im going through it now, so im optimistic it will get better.
Stump eh???.....
Who's The Girl With One Leg Shorter Than The Other?
Posted by ellessque
When M and I were in Paris

I prayed and meditated a bit and relieved the sadness and fear. Meditation is absolutely amazing. Even just a few minutes, to quiet the mind.
Posted by ninh
My intuition is pretty good. Also really good at reading people. Better offline than online. Just as you, it is particularly strong on ones that I'm connected to the most. With my sister it's spooky. When we are together, we pretty much can look at each other and know what the other is feeling/ thinking. Been that way since children.

I can read my Scorp Besties mind too , we always finish each other sentences, im about to do her chart, to see what her moon is.
I mean the French let Polanski in sooo... Obviously standards isn't part of their vocabulary jkTongue