Pisces, have you cheated before?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Sn1p3r187 on Monday, January 20, 2014 and has 82 replies.
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Someone stated something about the Pisces guys here. And I wanted to know from both genders. Was it just a little fling with someone? Was it emotional wise? And did you ever regret it once you were done? I'm stating this because the dude or whoever accused Pisces of cheating, I'm using it just to hear personal experience on a bias subject.
No. Cheating is for the weak. I don't care how much some dumb mother fuckers on this site preach human nature or monogamy isnt natural blah blah blah shit. smile
yeh I just can't get my head around those that can easily cheat like eating a sandwich...I can't get my head in their mindset ...to be able to kiss touch have sex with another knowing full well the partner is at home/work and unaware...I think of them as twisted and need a whack or just stay single ...losers
they want comfort and fun at the same time...go get someone that enjoys an open relationship...leave the ones that want to share with only one person alone...
No Pisces who cheats will post in here. At least not after those two threads past week.
What you'll have is ppl who go "oh my I'd never".
You should have waited maybe a month or two to put some distance between my thread and yours, just to get some truth
Posted by Reconstructing_a_Leo
No Pisces who cheats will post in here. At least not after those two threads past week.
What you'll have is ppl who go "oh my I'd never".
You should have waited maybe a month or two to put some distance between my thread and yours, just to get some truth

Sorry, you're not that special. See how many people were responding to the topic at hand? That's more than the number of people who took your thread seriously and in a lot less pages. But, you have your head shoved so far up your ass you wouldn't be able to even see something as simple as that.
I'd answer more but I don't want to derail this thread, just giving my 2 cents. I'm in fact very curious to find out more, minding the gap from reality and what's projected about ourselves
MLK,JFK,Clinton,MJ,Tiger,etc ,all great guys,not weak, not pisces,and all of'em cheated..
This gotta be the most played out topic on this board
Posted by Reconstructing_a_Leo
I'd answer more but I don't want to derail this thread, just giving my 2 cents. I'm in fact very curious to find out more, minding the gap from reality and what's projected about ourselves

You're not going to find it on this board, so if you actually want answers, you better try somewhere else. Not sure why you stick around the pisces board except for negative attention. If you can't discern your own reality you can't honestly expect to discern the reality of others. You'd just take the information into your mind and twist it back around to mean something that makes sense to your own reality. But, sure, you can just blame your neptune influences for that. Why not have a scapegoat?
I think it's because people can't talk about it elsewhere.
Scenic, I stick around because I'm curious about the Fish. I'll leave when I'm not longer curious. Sorry to rain on your parade, but unless you put a board up with "reserved for Pisces", I'll (mostly read) and reply where I see fit. Sorry your bullying tactics don't fly here
Well have fun getting no answers and having people respond to your posts negatively! I'm not the only one that will do that. You've shown you don't deserve respect.
Posted by Reconstructing_a_Leo
I think it's because people can't talk about it elsewhere.
Scenic, I stick around because I'm curious about the Fish. I'll leave when I'm not longer curious. Sorry to rain on your parade, but unless you put a board up with "reserved for Pisces", I'll (mostly read) and reply where I see fit. Sorry your bullying tactics don't fly here

Is it possible you are just not getting the answer you want to read?
What is it you are looking for exactly?
I have a lot of experience with Pisces.
I should think it's more productive during observation to do just that. Observe. But I digress.
I can most definitely answer for my Gran. My Father, my Aunt and even my Mothers cuspy bits though she loves being Aqua. No. They hold no place in the realm of cheating. For my Da it is the greatest and most grievous sin one person can commit to the other in a relationship. Unforgiving and implacable has always been his stance on that score. If he were here he would say the same.
Posted by ElusiveSoul
VB, long time no see, milady! Nice to have you back amongst us once again. ???
*waves a APC*... Just wanted to say Hi. Hi beautiful! Big Grin

HI Lulu, what's cooking good looking??
We will be older soon??_ sigh.
Time flies kid.
I love that every time there is a thread asking something about pisces in the pisces board, you have all these non-pisces people rushing to respond and grace us with their pisces-related wisdom.
What are they doing on the pisces board all day anyway?
Posted by hydorah
I love that every time there is a thread asking something about pisces in the pisces board, you have all these non-pisces people rushing to respond and grace us with their pisces-related wisdom.
What are they doing on the pisces board all day anyway?

uhm, maybe they have some insight on Pisces? I know I do.
Same on every board hydorah. Everyone pipes up. I respond because my most dearly loved humans are Pisces. LOL That read like you had a gaggle of mutants sniffing around the fish bowl.
Elusive fin FLEX. Haha.
Ohhh fair to middling on my end. Paddling around and dealing with the deep joy that is life. Dreaming of spring so I can be on two wheels again and open this winter crypt up to soft breezes. Keeping my eyes peeled for deals so I can finish a quilt for a friend. Thems the breaks. Love ya, ya gets a blankie.
Omg some people here are so mean, mean and mean smile
I'll stop posting then, because 1) I'm in love and it ruins my days reading the insults and 2) it's better to leave you stagnate than become miserable like that smile
Posted by Reconstructing_a_Leo
Omg some people here are so mean, mean and mean smile
I'll stop posting then, because 1) I'm in love and it ruins my days reading the insults and 2) it's better to leave you stagnate than become miserable like that smile

Thank the lords!
But no, see you again soon because really, people who love negative attention will always come back for it.
Posted by ElusiveSoul
Posted by aquapiscescusp

HI Lulu, what's cooking good looking??
We will be older soon??_ sigh.
Time flies kid.

Pshhh.... I k n o w! Funny, I still feel 27. The good thing though is, judging by some responses aka I still get asked for my ID every so often, my appearance reinforces my "wishful thinking"
Ah well, getting older is inevitable fact of life. Acting one's age is an option. Tongue
I'm doing rather well myself, dear. Thank you for asking! Hope same applies to you as well. smile
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Definitely not acting my age!! It does confuse others.
Have a great day...
Posted by cornfuzzled4ever
Posted by DAMEN VI
MLK,JFK,Clinton,MJ,Tiger,etc ,all great guys,not weak, not pisces,and all of'em cheated..

While I agree that this topic is too played out, and I agree with the sentiment that obviously not all cheaters are Pisces, I just want to interject that a person can accomplish great things but it doesn't make them a great person. Just because a person is amazingly gifted at sports, or music, doesn't mean that their lives ought be emulated or lauded outside of their specific field of excellence.
And in my opinion, the reason that cheating makes a person weak is because cheating implies a person can't win by playing within the rules. And that's why I can't understand the mentality of a cheater. Hugh Hefner has had sex with over 1000 women and he never cheated. Because he DIDN'T HAVE TO. He was able to get more sex with higher quality (by physical standards) women than 99% of men in human history have, and he didn't have to "cheat" to "win".
If you don't want to commit to one person, then why the fuck WOULD YOU commit? And if you suddenly realize that the person you're with isn't enough to fulfill you, why stay with them? Because you're not ready to leave your own comfort zone? Because you're not ready to give up what you're used to, in search of something more? Because you need to lie to another individual in order to feel powerful and in control? Weak. If you have to cheat to win, that means your game is lacking.
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Hugh Hefner got it going on! To alot of men out there, he's doing something right. Even at his age, don't matter.
Aw, he's such a sweetie though. I saw him in some films he played as aside... for example, "House Bunny" ...
Posted by cancerkid
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
No. Cheating is for the weak. I don't care how much some dumb mother fuckers on this site preach human nature or monogamy isnt natural blah blah blah shit. smile

At least you acknowledge that monogamy is a result of social conditioning and cultural opinion structures. Highly intertwined with out-dated religious/biblical literature and governmental control. Explain how that realization makes someone dumb? Seems like ignorance.
In no way am I promoting dishonesty and deception. But lets not adamantly deny our true nature. That only makes people confused and feel like shit when they are a part of the majority of the population unhappy with their monogamous commitment.
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True nature thissss. I have no control over my actions thatttt.
So theyre unhappy with the relationship? Heres a good idea. LEAVE. GTFO. But nooo gotta try and have ones cake and eat it too.
The FACT is that to cheat is a conscious choice and effort. The mind could and should have self control and know right from wrong. So Yes, it is weak minded. To consciously hurt others because one cannot control themselves and or know how to make better decisions.
Yep, exactly what I think too. It's not like you don't realize you're cheating nor does it happen on accident. The only case I could consider invalid is if you're drunk since in the eyes of the law you can't consent to sex if you've been drinking alcohol.
Yeah. Its just that if someone makes a CHOICE to be in a relationship. Not an open one or anything. Nd then makes a CHOICE to cheat rather than leave. The only human nature that is, is the nature of making idiotic choices. Case closedddd.
And there. It. Is.
I have never cheated, but I will say I have been in some unhappy relationships. And I will start flirting and looking before I offically leave the relationship.
Posted by Reconstructing_a_Leo
Omg some people here are so mean, mean and mean smile
I'll stop posting then, because 1) I'm in love and it ruins my days reading the insults and 2) it's better to leave you stagnate than become miserable like that smile

You're not in love..you're delusional and a home wrecker.
When you feel that sharp pain in your ass it's Karma nesting
My friend's dad cheated on her mom (his now ex-wife), but I'm sorry to say it was warranted. She grew cold towards him, didn't appreciate him, and did not respect that his job was demanding and dangerous. It was neglect at its finest.
All the mermaids that I know in real life r super duper loyal to their partners.
It's a different story if they r abused and left to fend for themselves. Any woman will surely seek solace elsewhere.
Dudes in here sounding like women,smh..shits disgusting
if somebody told you that you had to eat steak for the rest of your life, im sure after awhile,no matter how fukking great that steak is,your gonna want some fish or chickenhead..its natural..and sometimes the steak isnt always good either..which would definitely make the situation worse..
some dudes in here talking that politically correct bullshit need to actually be in a long relationship (over 7 yrs) 1st to understand what im saying
Posted by DAMEN VI
Dudes in here sounding like women,smh..shits disgusting
if somebody told you that you had to eat steak for the rest of your life, im sure after awhile,no matter how fukking great that steak is,your gonna want some fish or chickenhead..its natural..and sometimes the steak isnt always good either..which would definitely make the situation worse..
some dudes in here talking that politically correct bullshit need to actually be in a long relationship (over 7 yrs) 1st to understand what im saying

everyone can't handle nor appreciate the truth.
come on over to the sag board...we do Winking
Posted by Erica1
My friend's dad cheated on her mom (his now ex-wife), but I'm sorry to say it was warranted. She grew cold towards him, didn't appreciate him, and did not respect that his job was demanding and dangerous. It was neglect at its finest.

Who the fuck taught you cheating is "warranted"? smh
Posted by Erica1
My friend's dad cheated on her mom (his now ex-wife), but I'm sorry to say it was warranted. She grew cold towards him, didn't appreciate him, and did not respect that his job was demanding and dangerous. It was neglect at its finest.

Shit happens. Why didn't he tell her he wanted out of the relationship instead of cheating? I guess he was too comfortable for that.
Posted by LetltB
Posted by Erica1
My friend's dad cheated on her mom (his now ex-wife), but I'm sorry to say it was warranted. She grew cold towards him, didn't appreciate him, and did not respect that his job was demanding and dangerous. It was neglect at its finest.

Who the fuck taught you cheating is "warranted"? smh
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I feel bad saying it, but in that case it was. He used to treat her like a princess and she did not appreciate what she had. After about 15 years of marriage, she was a witch to him.
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Erica1
My friend's dad cheated on her mom (his now ex-wife), but I'm sorry to say it was warranted. She grew cold towards him, didn't appreciate him, and did not respect that his job was demanding and dangerous. It was neglect at its finest.

Shit happens. Why didn't he tell her he wanted out of the relationship instead of cheating? I guess he was too comfortable for that.
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I believe he would have just left her, but this is going to sound backwards but I think in a way he was trying to do her a favor by staying married to her at the time. Even when their marriage got bad, she still wanted to project the image of a perfect family to others. So in a sense he was giving her what she wanted. I know it sounds weird.
Posted by Erica1
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Erica1
My friend's dad cheated on her mom (his now ex-wife), but I'm sorry to say it was warranted. She grew cold towards him, didn't appreciate him, and did not respect that his job was demanding and dangerous. It was neglect at its finest.

Shit happens. Why didn't he tell her he wanted out of the relationship instead of cheating? I guess he was too comfortable for that.

I believe he would have just left her, but this is going to sound backwards but I think in a way he was trying to do her a favor by staying married to her at the time. Even when their marriage got bad, she still wanted to project the image of a perfect family to others. So in a sense he was giving her what she wanted. I know it sounds weird.
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What the.. No. Just no.
Posted by Erica1
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Erica1
My friend's dad cheated on her mom (his now ex-wife), but I'm sorry to say it was warranted. She grew cold towards him, didn't appreciate him, and did not respect that his job was demanding and dangerous. It was neglect at its finest.

Shit happens. Why didn't he tell her he wanted out of the relationship instead of cheating? I guess he was too comfortable for that.

I believe he would have just left her, but this is going to sound backwards but I think in a way he was trying to do her a favor by staying married to her at the time. Even when their marriage got bad, she still wanted to project the image of a perfect family to others. So in a sense he was giving her what she wanted. I know it sounds weird.
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Erica, he was giving her what she wanted? I bet she wanted a faithful man, no? I think you hate this woman for whatever reasons and are not seeing the big picture here.
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Erica1
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Erica1
My friend's dad cheated on her mom (his now ex-wife), but I'm sorry to say it was warranted. She grew cold towards him, didn't appreciate him, and did not respect that his job was demanding and dangerous. It was neglect at its finest.

Shit happens. Why didn't he tell her he wanted out of the relationship instead of cheating? I guess he was too comfortable for that.

I believe he would have just left her, but this is going to sound backwards but I think in a way he was trying to do her a favor by staying married to her at the time. Even when their marriage got bad, she still wanted to project the image of a perfect family to others. So in a sense he was giving her what she wanted. I know it sounds weird.

Erica, he was giving her what she wanted? I bet she wanted a faithful man, no? I think you hate this woman for whatever reasons and are not seeing the big picture here.
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I want to FULLY like my friend's mom (who's a Virgo and I normally love them), but I can't. She's nice but she's snotty. He was faithful until she became a b-with-an-itch to him and turned cold. My friend says her dad was so much in love with her, affectionate, romantic, would cook beautiful meals for her, did beautiful carpentry work for her, and fixed everything around the house. If all that and more goes unappreciated as it did, a man is going to get tired of it. She also pretty much made a joke out of the dangerous police work he did. Any man is going to get sick and tired of that and there's a strong possibility that he'll stray.
a weak fish is a cheating fish.I have never cheated if you want someone else grow a pair and break up.
Someone shouldn't commit to steak in the first place. Idk who commits to food anyway :/ but using that example it would go a little something like this:
If someone were to want steak and then want chicken separately they would break up with the steak.
But in a cheating scenario they would be eating chicken and steak at the same time so the example doesn't really work. It actually proves my whole point.
That's the way the example applies to the cheating scenerio logically.
Tho I'm sure most water sign males cant think logically.
Regardless, if applying relationships to dinner, one should just be fucking then, not COMMITTING to something in the first place. food, work, people, etc.
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Someone shouldn't commit to steak in the first place. Idk who commits to food anyway :/ but using that example it would go a little something like this:
If someone were to want steak and then want chicken separately they would break up with the steak.
But in a cheating scenario they would be eating chicken and steak at the same time so the example doesn't really work. It actually proves my whole point.
That's the way the example applies to the cheating scenerio logically.
Tho I'm sure most water sign males cant think logically.
Regardless, if applying relationships to dinner, one should just be fucking then, not COMMITTING to something in the first place. food, work, people, etc.

i can tell you're young and haven't even been in a long term relationship, so you really have no experience nor any real insight on the matter,you're just blabbering off common opinions that everybody already knows, but i'll break it down for you anyway:
relationships has its problems from time to time, but ending them instantly because you go thru a rough period isn't necessarily the answer in life either..i don't condone cheating, but any real man thats been in a relationship as long as me will tell you that these situations can or will occur for various reasons..
in a perfect world,no man will cheat, nobody would be homeless or starve, and we would shit 24k gold nuggets & piss cristal,but thats just not logical nor will it ever happen..you're the one thinking illogical & living in fantasy land, young lad..im reality

Posted by DAMEN VI
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Someone shouldn't commit to steak in the first place. Idk who commits to food anyway :/ but using that example it would go a little something like this:
If someone were to want steak and then want chicken separately they would break up with the steak.
But in a cheating scenario they would be eating chicken and steak at the same time so the example doesn't really work. It actually proves my whole point.
That's the way the example applies to the cheating scenerio logically.
Tho I'm sure most water sign males cant think logically.
Regardless, if applying relationships to dinner, one should just be fucking then, not COMMITTING to something in the first place. food, work, people, etc.

i can tell you're young and haven't even been in a long term relationship, so you really have no experience nor any real insight on the matter,you're just blabbering off common opinions that everybody already knows, but i'll break it down for you anyway:
relationships has its problems from time to time, but ending them instantly because you go thru a rough period isn't necessarily the answer in life either..i don't condone cheating, but any real man thats been in a relationship as long as me will tell you that these situations can or will occur for various reasons..
in a perfect world,no man will cheat, nobody would be homeless or starve, and we would shit 24k gold nuggets & piss cristal,but thats just not logical nor will it ever happen..you're the one thinking illogical & living in fantasy land, young lad..im reality

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in a perfect world monogamy wouldn't be considered the standard relationship procedure anyway
Posted by DAMEN VI
relationships has its problems from time to time, but ending them instantly because you go thru a rough period isn't necessarily the answer in life either..i don't condone cheating, but any real man thats been in a relationship as long as me will tell you that these situations can or will occur for various reasons..

No shit, sherlock.
And my original statements were that the choice of cheating rather than leaving or working it out is idiotic. I know you cheated on your cancer so you want to justify your behavior and I am sure you are both miserable in your relationship, but it all comes down to those idiotic choices.
So once again, cheating is weak and idiotic and 9 times out of ten will just cause more problems than there were to begin with. I know you DXPers are into your jerry springer type shit, but nobody in their right mind can dispute that.
You can call me young all you want but you're the one wanting to be Peter Pan. Tryin to compare dinner to relationships. lolol.
Posted by Erica1
I feel bad saying it, but in that case it was. He used to treat her like a princess and she did not appreciate what she had. After about 15 years of marriage, she was a witch to him.

...and you walked in her shoes, lived there the 15 years to know how bad things were eh?
Posted by Erica1
I believe he would have just left her, but this is going to sound backwards but I think in a way he was trying to do her a favor by staying married to her at the time. Even when their marriage got bad, she still wanted to project the image of a perfect family to others. So in a sense he was giving her what she wanted. I know it sounds weird.

I get the sense you were the one he cheated with. Why is that?
Posted by aquapiscescusp I think you hate this woman for whatever reasons and are not seeing the big picture here.

...100 bucks she's fucking him.
Posted by LetltB
Posted by Erica1
I believe he would have just left her, but this is going to sound backwards but I think in a way he was trying to do her a favor by staying married to her at the time. Even when their marriage got bad, she still wanted to project the image of a perfect family to others. So in a sense he was giving her what she wanted. I know it sounds weird.

I get the sense you were the one he cheated with. Why is that?

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Not possible because I was in fourth grade back in 1986 - '87!
; )