Pisces Man came Back....

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by BadGalVirgo on Monday, January 13, 2014 and has 38 replies.
Ok, Fishes... _??_... So some of you may recall my Pisces male who disappeared after he was (apparently) severely injured in July of 2013... We texted a little during his recovery but from September 2013 I heard NADA... In Sept. He explained he was still recovering and thought of me everyday and would reach out when he was healed...
Welp, yesterday he contacts me!! Telling me he has healed to the point where he would like to see me... He instantly asked...."What's up? What have you been up to? Are you single or you have someone"? He instantly asked this... It was his 3rd text to me. He still hasn't told me what happened... He told me whenever I'm free he would like to see me... I'm guessing he wants to discuss it in person or not at all... So I didn't pry... Anyway... I told him to make sure he's eating and drinking properly to make sure he's having his proper weight back...
My questions are: he came back after his illness... Good sign obviously.. But, is he seriously interested or looking for a hookup? Remember I said he was a player?
Also, I explained to him I was still single and looking for a certain something... _??_... Was that too honest?
Also, I told because of school and whatnot I couldn't see him until this weekend... Was that bad? Does that make it seem like I'm not excited to see him...? Which I made very clear... I just kinda played it cool... I didn't want to give it away..my excitement!!!!!!
So you ignored all the Pisces Men who advised you to call him or go see him. That would've settled the "Was this guy seriously ill" point once and for all.
Stating you're single and looking for something substantial means nothing to someone who doesn't give a fuck.
Posted by Damnata
So you ignored all the Pisces Men who advised you to call him or go see him. That would've settled the "Was this guy seriously ill" point once and for all.

I would have ignored this advise too. No better way of scaring a pisces away than to run after him. He said he would contact her, nice she respected that and waited!!!
Posted by scalpisces
Posted by Damnata
So you ignored all the Pisces Men who advised you to call him or go see him. That would've settled the "Was this guy seriously ill" point once and for all.

I would have ignored this advise too. No better way of scaring a pisces away than to run after him. He said he would contact her, nice she respected that and waited!!!
click to expand

I was one of the posters who told her to wait. However there was a lot of talk about his illness, if it was true or fake so the only way to know that would've been to ask.
In my experience with Pisces friends...the cellphone is a foreign object to most of them. They go to great lengths to avoid it.
And then one month passes by and they call me back.
*phone rings*
Virgo : "Hello?"
Pisces : "What's up dude, you haven't been in contact in a while"
Virgo: "I have"
Pisces : "Umm, you have?"
Virgo: "I called you a month ago"
Pisces: "Oh you did?"
Virgo: "Yes, I was beginning to worry, what are you up to? How's everything going?"
Pisces (completely dismissing my questions) : "Let's have dinner!"
Virgo : "Is 8 o'clock, Thursday good for you?"
Pisces: "Thursday?"
Virgo : "Yes, Thursday is tomorrow"
Pisces: "Riiight"
Virgo: "So?"
Pisces : "So what?"
Virgo: "So you're in?"
Pisces : "Yeah. Sorry gotta go do some stuff"
Thursday rolls by, I call him a few hours prior to that, just to make sure he hadn't forgotten. He forgot all about it ofc.
Posted by CluelessCancer
While he was going through this did you ever check up on him to see how he was doing? Just curious...
Good luck. All i can say is good communication skills is being open. So don't hold yourself back too much.

I checked on him twice in which he told me he would contact me when he got better and we would pick up where we left off.. Which made me feel that he wanted things to be right between him and i
Posted by soultalk
not sure how serious his injury was but just to make it seem casual you should ask him back
"What's up? What have you been up to? Are you single or you have someone"?
this is just to show that he ignored you for months and that is not cool. but ya, do u think he was so injured that he must not have been playing other girls? even then asking if you are with someone now means he was willing to take the risk of losing you to someone else.

I asked him the same... He said "I'm still single lil cutie, ain't nothing change".... "I want to see you when your free"....
Those are his words verbatim!!! I have to play it cool with him because I know he is a tricky one. I'm up for the day at the lake tho _??__??....
He was very ill... He had a collostamy bag attached to stomach and a tube attached to his bladder for urinal... I forgot the name. I offered to come see him during that time and he kindly declined by not responding ... But sent me photos of him in the hospital... I respected his space and understood his absence as he was not able nor ready to purse anything with me... I liked him. But I had to respect his space... Ya know _??
Posted by Damnata
*phone rings*
Virgo : "Hello?"
Pisces : "What's up dude, you haven't been in contact in a while"
Virgo: "I have"
Pisces : "Umm, you have?"
Virgo: "I called you a month ago"
Pisces: "Oh you did?"
Virgo: "Yes, I was beginning to worry, what are you up to? How's everything going?"
Pisces (completely dismissing my questions) : "Let's have dinner!"
Virgo : "Is 8 o'clock, Thursday good for you?"
Pisces: "Thursday?"
Virgo : "Yes, Thursday is tomorrow"
Pisces: "Riiight"
Virgo: "So?"
Pisces : "So what?"
Virgo: "So you're in?"
Pisces : "Yeah. Sorry gotta go do some stuff"
Thursday rolls by, I call him a few hours prior to that, just to make sure he hadn't forgotten. He forgot all about it ofc.

LOL!!!! yep, could have been me Winking
Man they are such odd creatures :p
Posted by BadGalVirgo
But, is he seriously interested or looking for a hookup? Remember I said he was a player?

You asked and answered your own question there^^^
For clarification to yourself, ask yourself this:
Do you want to be a slab of meat as a hookup with a player?
Do you want to be in a relationship with a decent man?
We can't answer for you.
It's hilarious for me Nem.
Makes me think of Lost in translation.
Ok Nem now I just have to tell you this story. The Pisces I'm talking about is working at a law firm. One day he's asked to do some research and answer a question as precisely as possible. He read a lot of shit and it took him 8 hours and still couln't articulate his findings. So he sends his boss an e-mail with the most vague response possible.
Chick calls him and says "So Pisces, what do you think the poet was trying to convey in this sentence?"
I had tears in my eyes.
He's blending with the walls. No one notices he's there but they still pay him.
Ok, so pisces guy still wants to take me out... But get this... He doesn't call... And texts very little... He's seeking a hookup it seems... Should I bust him and be honest that I'm not interested in that... Or just ignore his texts and hope he gets the picture.... I mean, if he was serious he would call... Right? He was the one who was ill and told me to give him space... Now that he's well enough to purse... Why isn't he doing so?

Because he knows you're stupid enough to be lead like a dog ... and sure enough ....

..... this thread exists as evidence.
Posted by BadGalVirgo
Ok, so pisces guy still wants to take me out... But get this... He doesn't call... And texts very little... He's seeking a hookup it seems... Should I bust him and be honest that I'm not interested in that... Or just ignore his texts and hope he gets the picture.... I mean, if he was serious he would call... Right? He was the one who was ill and told me to give him space... Now that he's well enough to purse... Why isn't he doing so?

Dudeeee dont you see we suck with phones sometimes. Just meet him half way.
Honestly, I think they're the worst. They are self-absorbed and have no consideration for other people's feelings. Just drop the situation already.
he's not into you in the way that you're into him...who the hell contacts out of the blue then all of a suddenly the contact dwindles again...?? and who doesnt keep in contact ?? sick or not I would want someone I really like in the picture...
sorry to say but pisces do not act strange around calls *if* it is with someone they like very much...if you are an annoying person/talk too much or not of interest the phone continues to ring...that's it... that's the end of the story...

I told him flat out that I wasn't looking for a "hook-up" and if he thought that was acceptable he may have a misconception of the type of woman I am... I also told he seemed and still seems like a player... And, if he was single and wished to live his life as a player to just own it. Lol... I also told him interest shows no matter the time or distance and sorry to be so blunt... But I felt that we needed to connect more on a mental level prior to continuing a physical relationship... Which we had one before his "injury"... We continued a little convo but that was Thursday and I haven't heard from him since.... Point is... I told him where to go!! And, being the virgo I am I am very pleased to have burst his player bubble... I'm a good catch and if doesn't see it... Oh well.. I'm anticipating not hearing from him again... And, if so... No response will be given... Pisces men appear to play too many games... My directness and honesty appears to scare them away... Which is ok by me _??_
That won't protect you badgalvirgo. If he wants some tang bad enough he could EASILY lead you on to believe he is interested in more.. And then mysteriously lose his phone in a plane crash that he was so lucky to survive! Of course he couldn't get back to you in time because he had to fight off a few packs of wolves and survive in the wilderness alone. But of course he still loves you and wants to see you soon! Rinse repeat. These kinds of things are not limited to pisces men... But pisces has neptune as a tool to use if he chooses to play the specific game. Lets just say you are playing monopoly with bill gates, and I know that seems like a pat on my own back being as that I am a pisces, but I'm just being honest. Most people are so easily misled its kind of disgusting... Not saying you are disgusting or anything. I just think you are being fooled to be completely frank.
Pisces are so sneaky and sorry to say... But the mean come off as very feminine to me... Which is ok for some ppl... But, as a virgo... I need DIRECT ppl around me... I need HONESTY whether it is positive or negative... I need good moral and characteristics... Quite Frankly, the pisces men I have dated seem to lack all of these qualities and seem so aloof and unknowing which is kind if a turn off and not my ideal of a real man. I know all pisces men are not like this... But, I've read that some pisces have to mature... I love games and a virgo woman is not someone you want to play mind games with... We win and it will be very apparent what you've lost and how you've lost. Still waters that run very deep. We are. ?????_??_
Posted by BadGalVirgo
Pisces are so sneaky and sorry to say... But the mean come off as very feminine to me... Which is ok for some ppl... But, as a virgo... I need DIRECT ppl around me... I need HONESTY whether it is positive or negative... I need good moral and characteristics... Quite Frankly, the pisces men I have dated seem to lack all of these qualities and seem so aloof and unknowing which is kind if a turn off and not my ideal of a real man. I know all pisces men are not like this... But, I've read that some pisces have to mature... I love games and a virgo woman is not someone you want to play mind games with... We win and it will be very apparent what you've lost and how you've lost. Still waters that run very deep. We are. ?????_??_

You are right, I'm sure he is posting online about you acting like a nervous wreck. You are the clear mind game winner I mean look at how much control you have in the situation! >.>I bet he will be so heart broken when he realizes that you finally realize he was stringing you along...
And please explain the logic behind virgos being still water that runs deep if you don't mind... I'd LOVE to hear this lol. Earth sign=still waters=virgologiclolol
Why do virgos always have to convince themselves that they are the winner in the end? Lol... and they will do so with the most backwards logic known to man. Here I am stereotyping a large population of people again... I better stop before I sound like badgalvirgo.
Posted by lysergicaciddiethylamide
And please explain the logic behind virgos being still water that runs deep if you don't mind... I'd LOVE to hear this lol. Earth sign=still waters=virgologiclolol

i want to feel offended but i'm too vapid and virgo-ey.
We declare ourselves the winner because we look at situations as learning experiences to move with in life. So regardless as to wether we got the outcome we had hoped for... We where still able to remain true to ourselves during the situation.... Being authentic is what counts, so if we really like or love someone we are going to do our best to let our actions reflect that. I've won because what I had to offer was genuine and he may not know now... But he missed out on that. His loss not mine... I liked him a lot. Yes. I wanted to get to know him. Yes. I was confused and little hurt. Yes. I sought advice online. Yes. I cared that much. Yes. Lol.
Virgo's are the Virgin. Pure of mind and heart. I don't lie about what I think or feel. There is no shame in how I felt. All my ex's come back.. All of them. I'm not being cocky or big headed... And, it may just be a Virgo thing. But, every man who has ever wronged me came back and wanted to try again, swearing to do me right and what a mistake we made. I'm not always right but I always try to do the right thing.
We are "still waters that run deep" which is a quote to say that most ppl have this misconception that virgo's are "boring" and "aloof"... "Prude"... But we are actually lively... Funny... Sometimes wild ppl. It takes REAL.. In flakey ppl to allow us to show ourselves. So I know we are EARTH. We are the Virgo. We win in our hearts as long as we know we did good and where honest and true. This may be why pisces is our opposite. You don't get it.
Nothing wrong with thinking you are a winner. Self-esteem should be high, and in order to win in life you must think that you are worthy of winning and also know that in order to become a winner. You will lose some. I guess this one I've lost. For now. _???
Oh see, you seem all astrology brain washed and ignorant and then you make all those good points with really good self improvement methods and positive outlooks and now... I feel bad. Look what you've done...
One problem, if you win in your heart but in reality you got mauled by a lion, you still lost. You can win in a sense all the time using your logic, but the reality is you probably actually lost a lot of times you think you win. And it could be argued that needing to feel like the winner all the time to maintain a high self esteem is extremely egotistical and unhealthy.
lose* not lost. And technically since you are so prompt to use astrology as an argument, I've already lived as a virgo and have you in my arsenal of 12 personalities. Check mate guuurl!
And that is a bold claim, saying that you look at it as a learning experience and THATS why you won... Because I'm pretty sure earlier you said you win MIND games all the time. How is that a learning experience? That is competing for the sake of being on top mentally. To me, it seems to stem from inside... You want to be the sly, mentally agile virgo girl who is always one step ahead. Hence, "I'm not your average virgo woman". Typical virgo banter... You think you are special and ahead of the pack when in reality you are equal, just like the rest of us. Special, yes... But of course that is common sense. But ahead? No. Clearly no in this situation.
The reason I say pisces are good at playing games of manipulation? Our fricken ruling planet is NEPTUNE. Enough said.
It's pertaining to both. I've won because I've learned he was full of shit... So, when he comes back. Which is what pisces specialize in... He will be rejected. Not because of some manipulation crap but because his manipulative games ultimately show his lack of character... I do happen to think I am special and I advise that everyone view themselves the same. But, I win because I see the opportunity to self improve and he loses because ultimately he will continue on this track of manipulation which isn't morally right or does not allow for genuine relationships... Now wether he knows that or not... Idk... I just feel like when you see an opportunity for change for whatever reason... Ultimately the person who takes the lesson will be at a different level than the person who never acknowledged or saw any wrong in their actions... So, when he comes back around or we see each other again I will know he's full of shit and that he is not worthy of my time or respect.
Virgo's do not like to play games... We do however, finish things... If you wrong us... We will let you wrong us with a smirk on our face. And, we will also have the same smirk when you come back for forgiveness or another chance... Because we saw this coming. When I speak of winning I mean in the sense of moral and mental and personal advancement while also knowing the individual has too late realized I was the catch I presented myself to be and because he viewed me as a thing to be manipulated he ultimately loss me and what's worst hasn't learned a damn thing.
BadGalVirgo and lysergicaciddiethylamide should get together.
Both have delusions of grandeur, both think they are somehow above reality.
It's my world. You all are just living in it.... Just as it's your world Damata. I'm just living in it. _??_
Posted by Damnata
BadGalVirgo and lysergicaciddiethylamide should get together.
Both have delusions of grandeur, both think they are somehow above reality.

How exactly did I show that I am I above reality? Please explain...
Usually anybody who leaves randomly and decides to talk again seeking a relationship usually has bad intentions. However, there are immature people for instance when girls leave their guy and date another man to test if they really have feelings for their main man. From my perspective, unless he was seriously unable too, he would of stayed in contact.
P.S: Its not uncommon for pisces men to contact woman randomly years later. Sometimes we like to see how everything is going.