Pisces men and piercing eyes o_o?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Emmaisintopisces on Thursday, September 15, 2011 and has 43 replies.
There is this pisces guy I have a crush on, sometimes he would look at me with these intense piercing eyes. Do pisces men usually look at people like that?
Yes those Pisces men have amazing eyes
Posted by PiscesPosterBoy
Yes we do. Seems to peer into your soul no? smile

Yes!!!! Omg it's so intense, I want to look away but I just can't Tongue
to be honest pisces guys aren't on my radar really, so i haven't noticed. but anyway i thought your moon sign influences what your eyes look like?
or am i way off, lol
whoops! didn't mean to interrupt an e-flirt there, soz
Posted by Nights22
haha nah wasnt flirting. But when ladycorp wins over the pisces she should give him some smacks...and some spanks! lolz

smacks and spanks, yeah? i know being submissive gets a pisces' motor running. let's face it, we do like to bend over backwards for people sometimes...like, literally haha Winking
Posted by LadyScorpP
Posted by nimbue
Posted by Nights22
haha nah wasnt flirting. But when ladycorp wins over the pisces she should give him some smacks...and some spanks! lolz

smacks and spanks, yeah? i know being submissive gets a pisces' motor running. let's face it, we do like to bend over backwards for people sometimes...like, literally haha Winking

Considering Nimbue that you are the Astro Twin of my Pisces, I guess it would be wild ride if we ever make it to that area Winking (eg. the bedroom, a far far off idea)
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if you get there with him, you may not make it out alive
i joke, i joke you're a scorp, you can handle it.
in fact, i swear scorps are the only starsign that can actually intimidate me...hmm.
pb, tell me about it! i can be a bit of a brat, but i never pull any of that shit with my scorp friend. he'd just have to raise one eyebrow and i'd just check myself and snap out of it, lol
Posted by LadyScorpP
Well it is not like you guys know very little either!

Actually *Nimbue* I don't think either one of us will even make it out of the room itself Winking (I'd think we would not want to leave) As for Scorpios being intimidating, not exactly, especially not when we are in love and exposed as you have seen already smile

awww! being exposed is scary stuff isn't it. that's why i like scorps so much. you guys are tough, but with deep emotions. that's hot
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Everyone has their moments I think, I wouldn't narrow it down to one sign.

yeah but, i'm saying for me personally! i don't listen to any other sign the way i listen to scorps. that's why i could never be with one, i'd have to battle to get my own way all the time. no thanks
lol! my parents should of got a scorp babysitter, that would have sorted me out.
scorp: sit down.
me: nah, i don't want to.
scorp: this is not a request. sit down.
me: *sits sharply*
Posted by LadyScorpP
Posted by nimbue
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Everyone has their moments I think, I wouldn't narrow it down to one sign.

yeah but, i'm saying for me personally! i don't listen to any other sign the way i listen to scorps. that's why i could never be with one, i'd have to battle to get my own way all the time. no thanks

Haha, my Pisces always liked listening to me (rather a little strange, he really seems to enjoy it). I am well and glad I am not one of those Scorpios who have to battle all the time, cause sometimes it is nice to relax and say whatever and let things flow! :p
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lmao, yeah he probably does enjoy it! it's probably a bit more spicy coming from a woman
ah, you sound like a more mellow scorp smile. the one i was talking about does taekwondo and karate, and is a male dominatrix so he's got a bit of a way to go before he sheds pluto's hold lol
Posted by LadyScorpP
Posted by nimbue
Posted by LadyScorpP
Posted by nimbue
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Everyone has their moments I think, I wouldn't narrow it down to one sign.

yeah but, i'm saying for me personally! i don't listen to any other sign the way i listen to scorps. that's why i could never be with one, i'd have to battle to get my own way all the time. no thanks

Haha, my Pisces always liked listening to me (rather a little strange, he really seems to enjoy it). I am well and glad I am not one of those Scorpios who have to battle all the time, cause sometimes it is nice to relax and say whatever and let things flow! :p

lmao, yeah he probably does enjoy it! it's probably a bit more spicy coming from a woman
ah, you sound like a more mellow scorp smile. the one i was talking about does taekwondo and karate, and is a male dominatrix so he's got a bit of a way to go before he sheds pluto's hold lol

In regards to the dominatrix, well.....we do hide a bit of our wild side, in case we scare everyone off to oblivion Big Grin (I have Pluto in Scorpio)
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lol i know what you mean! it's a bit too real for them...like, my scorp friend's ex got revenge on him when they broke up by exposing his dominatrix activities to his workplace.
anyway, like he gave a shit. he said to them, 'yes i am indeed a dom. unless you'd like a service, it's none of your concern.' lmao
Posted by WasteOfTime
Posted by Emmaisintopisces
There is this pisces guy I have a crush on, sometimes he would look at me with these intense piercing eyes. Do pisces men usually look at people like that?

I suggest confronting him about your crush.
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I don't know how to, I'm really shy Tongue
To make matters worse he confuses me a lot. Where one day he'll be happy to see me, the next he just ignores me :\
lol i had to go to the begining of this thread.. i kinda forgot what it was about lol.
but in response to the post, im not sure if ive ever experienced that "piercing"look from a pisces chick before.. ha maybe i should have asked those girls ive came across n never spoke to but had moments;whats ur sign, just for references ha.
as a pisces male myself i can say that through my experiences and who i am, i think i radiate sensuality with i look at people, lol ive been told by few about the way they feel when i do it, lol idk if it happends all the time but i can feel it when i see someone i find attractive, lol its kinda like sending a beam which consists of: water, warmth, innocence, caresses,msytery, passion,and sadness. if that makes sense.
Yes it does make sense smile
Oh and i'm a Cancer.
Beautiful eyes.. Winking
Posted by Emmaisintopisces
There is this pisces guy I have a crush on, sometimes he would look at me with these intense piercing eyes. Do pisces men usually look at people like that?

Yes this is a pisces trait. I've had people tell me they can't look into my eyes because it's too intense even when I'm being friendly. It's funny because I always look people in the eye, I can't help it. I can read people better that way. It's really cute when a guy gets really shy and looks away and starts smiling and talks and doesn't look back up at me. I just want to give them a hug I find that endearing.
But yeah our eyes are intense, piercing and dreamy and normally big. Mine are pretty freaking big and a very dark brown color almost black. You can't even see my pupils because my eye color is really dark. A lot of people say I'm looking into their soul when I do that, but in a way we kind of do that.
Thanks tbird smile Lol you pisces and your eyes...drive me crazy Tongue
You know I tried to look away, it doesn't work. It's like im hypnotized :X
I rather like my eyes, and I've only Venus to claim. fwiw Nights, that is untrue...the suck part I mean.
None of us know what your eyes look like winter, you're hiding behind the tree in the snow.
smile Chocolate syrup, honey dipped. Like two laser beams in the night. That is what Pisces eyes are to me, everything laid bare. Nothing to hide. The question is always..what do you seek..what do you need, and have you found it?
Well then observe away Fish, but don't be surprised if the trees look back at YOU. LOL
Posted by winterwrought
Posted by venusianbull
smile Chocolate syrup, honey dipped. Like two laser beams in the night. That is what Pisces eyes are to me, everything laid bare. Nothing to hide. The question is always..what do you seek..what do you need, and have you found it?

Chocolate and honey-dipped laser beams... in the night?
The eyes may ask another those things, but to whom those eyes belong to.. those questions are asked and unanswered daily.
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Yes, when Pisces looks at me it goes beyond my brain, my heart. It seems to pull everything I am out of every cell in me. It's rather like being a bug under a very intense microscope. I usually have varying reactions to this. I look back calmly and frankly. I look back amused with a half smirk on my face. Or I toss my head up, eyes wide and challenging. "Look, look deep and all you like, I am not afraid."
Posted by winterwrought
Posted by venusianbull
Well then observe away Fish, but don't be surprised if the trees look back at YOU. LOL

That's one staring-contest I wouldn't win. These Piscean eyes will long dry up and shatter long before the bark on those trees do.
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LOL No drying up and shattering of orbs if you please. It put me in mind of that quote.."When you look into the Abyss, the Abyss also gazes into you..."
Emma: Your welcome hun
Sexiful: you are so correct! We can hold our gaze for ages
winter: lol. Oh you mean THAT tree... got it.
V: as I said before on numerous posts... I freaking love you
Posted by LadyScorpP
Posted by venusianbull
Posted by winterwrought
Posted by venusianbull
Well then observe away Fish, but don't be surprised if the trees look back at YOU. LOL

That's one staring-contest I wouldn't win. These Piscean eyes will long dry up and shatter long before the bark on those trees do.

LOL No drying up and shattering of orbs if you please. It put me in mind of that quote.."When you look into the Abyss, the Abyss also gazes into you..."

A reflection, a mirror.
"It is those glances, the silences, all those unspoken things which fill the connection between two people. Like the saying goes, the eyes are the window into a person??s soul and I believe that, only those who can see, will see or else it is like a shuttered window, an unknown abyss."

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It's beautiful. smile
Posted by Nights22
Posted by venusianbull
fwiw Nights, that is untrue...the suck part I mean.

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Meh! yourself Mister Man, don't make me poke you. Tongue
Posted by tbird
Emma: Your welcome hun
Sexiful: you are so correct! We can hold our gaze for ages
winter: lol. Oh you mean THAT tree... got it.
V: as I said before on numerous posts... I freaking love you

Right! That's it, I'm holding you down and tickling you until you cry Uncle and admit you have very nice eyes! Hmph! *mumbling to self* Man has gorgeous eyes, thinks he doesn't..dunno how many times I have to say this..till I'm blue I guess..and furthermore...Tongue
Yes. Your eyes. Tongue LOLOL Sheeeeesh Mon.
You two are adorable.
I will have to align myself with V...I've never ever seen a fish with bad eyes.
HA! You've seen my eyes Nights, you going to tell me that since I've never stood in front of you..you can't make a decision whether they're appealing in any way? Whut whut. Pfffft, I got this. Tongue
gigglesnort Nights
Well let's say the pisces eyes I have seen have always been quiet lovely. Except when we been drinking...that's when we lose our light.
*grin* Betcha he doesn't answer that...LOL
My eyes aren't cooler, yours are. Mine are all greeny brown tangled up, yours are truly brown. I was not drunk. Tongue I can turn that on you ya know. Clearly you were a little soused when you saw mine. Hahahaha.
lol dropping the browns in the superbowl.
mine are almost black so I see what you mean about the color being blah I've always wanted lighter color eyes.
I could wax all poetic and make you squirm, but I will not. What I will say is that they do not resemble anything you've flushed down the toilet. You do not always look angry, you look intelligent and warm. They are anything BUT stupid, because they're yours. Now. *slipping you a 5'er* ..that is for saying mine glow and are all light.
Bwahahaha, that made my freaking day.
*tossing you a scarf* Don't freeze! Cheese and rice..better make some hot chocolate. Tongue LOL "Nights22 has spoken" ..My yes, and so has VB.
lmfao...as a browns fan I will admit...this is the truth. damn
Posted by winterwrought
And, not to sound vain (which I do anyways), but I've looked at my eyes and realized that they aren't all that bad. Watery, greyish-blue orbs in bloodshot white.. almost stormy. Could be uglier.

Sounds...mysterious. Pisces eyes are lovely.
BTW that didn't sound vain hun, just self aware.
Posted by winterwrought
Posted by tbird
Posted by winterwrought
And, not to sound vain (which I do anyways), but I've looked at my eyes and realized that they aren't all that bad. Watery, greyish-blue orbs in bloodshot white.. almost stormy. Could be uglier.

Sounds...mysterious. Pisces eyes are lovely.
BTW that didn't sound vain hun, just self aware.

Haha. Maybe..
And good. Was worried that vanity and self-awareness were two in the same meaning.
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Ah, no my dear. I used to think that too but being self-aware is one piece of the puzzle that composites a person's self-esteem/self-worth. Vanity is more connected to being self-absorbed/conceited.
It can be a fine line to walk with some people but not for most. Your golden. Big Grin