
This topic was created in the Pisces forum by BaitedFish on Thursday, July 11, 2013 and has 14 replies.
"??Many Pisces seem almost allergic to things like shopping lists, maps, directions, and instructions, and for some brave souls, even watches -- they prefer to feel their way through life than to follow some plan"
Was reading about pisces n came across this, I find this to be so true.I HATE rules n anything that can restrict me to something.Wonder if its just me, does anyone else find themselves like that? Lol
No. Just everything about this is the complete opposite of me. I live for order, it seems. I don't really view it as restrictions, though. I just view it as things to help me through life so I don't wander off and get lost.
i hate fixed rules..
Thanks all for ur responses, I feel the same way too exect @Scenic who seem to come from a totally different pond, lolol
If someone tries to give me insructions, immediately my mind starts wondering away, then later do it the way I feel I should do it,in my own sad, lol
Thanks all for ur responses, I feel the same way too exect @Scenic who seem to come from a totally different pond, lolol
If someone tries to give me insructions, immediately my mind starts wondering away, then later do it the way I feel I should do it,in my own sad, lol
my own rules and cheklists=YES
other people's plans and schedules=NO WAY
Sometimes, I can't live without having a checklist, I'm borderline OCD, but sometimes, I just throw all the plans out the window and jump on a train
I find it sad that so many pisces seem to like to comform themselves to the sleazy image of pisces conveyed in popular astrology
Mmm I was really disorganized and floaty and pretty insolent to any authority until I began to do things that I really loved doing. I'm now about 70% more structured because I see that small forms of discipline allow me to be creative and implement my dreams. I never follow my original plans, but I am pretty good at keeping my current plans updated. Sometimes I'll go off drinking or debauching and I'll be floaty for a few days, but I come back to what works.
I dislike it though when people have assumptions that are fixed. I still cause a relative amount of mayhem in this area.
Lol, @88pisces same here.dare u disarrange stuff in my house or use it n not put it back where u found it.U won't be invited back again. When cleaning stuff I don't even trust pple, especially dishes I better clean them myself. Nowonder I like staying by myself in my own apt.
@PVAF so true.....No offense but, that's why sometimes I sympatize with pple in jail.all they do is spend most of their lifes in jail with a lot of restriction given to them, sad.I can't handle it
Lol @88pisces, that could be the reason why they say that pisces pple never throw away there stuff especially the ones with sentimental values.One of my Exs broke up with me in a text, I still have that text till today, lmao
Awww, 88 I hope he doesn't come back to haunt u.u know how they are.....mine haunted me enough before the break up, so I dint mind him breaking away with me, coz deep down my heart I had broken with him before he pulled the trigger. Btw he was a scorp, but doubt if he'll ever get any revenge.
Lol, Grey be a nice boy n accept the fact that mutables rule, lmao
88 u did good.Time to move on
Have fun 88 too.Happy birthday to them.Too much water in ur family, lol
Oh man! Poor u....I feel for u