Things Pisces Men Say

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by chrissydance on Saturday, September 21, 2013 and has 22 replies.
wow. lol - what is your sign?
the 'Smiley Face Quotient' makes me feel like you are copacetic with this, yes?
haha very cute smile
and you just tossed all preconceived notions about aqua detachedness out the window. lol
Thanks Chrissy.....but would you care to explain this? He didn't call much hut texts were not a problem. This was all in the first THREE to FOUR dates only: these are some of his texts.
You left your necklace here. You'll just have to come over to see me again to get it back smile Xx
I keep thinking about you. Xx
Can you text me a picture of you? I want to see your face love your beautiful eyes. smile Xx
Good idea. We will need to learn all the things that make you enjoy for future use smile x
Well we can do it on Tuesday. Can't wait to see you. Winking xx
Im free Friday. What are you up to? Fancy coming for dinner? Love to see you x
Interview went well. I have a second one with them next week. Take time off to spend lots of time together? X
How much leave do you have? Next week you could come over and I can take you for a walk in the park, later I can cook you dinner. Then watch a movie before bed? Love to see you Xx
Interview is Tuesday at 3. So should know by the end of the wk. Will be nice to get career and life back on track and then concentrate on spending time with you smile xx
Earlier ones: After our FIRST date:
I was just thinking about you. It was great to meet you. I would love to see you again. Can I see you again sometime? Xx
So can I see you later in the wk if you're not busyr? X
Ok will keep the whole week free for you. So when you have a quiet day we can meet up smile x
Yes and yes smile what time is good for you? What makes your perfect evening? I'll be there at 6pm on the dot. smile look forward to seeing you Xx
Hopefully we can get to know each other more smile off to bed now. X
Then after he started that job.....look at the texts I got.

It been stressful and rubbish. Not sure about this job. Going to stick it out for a bit. But its not great. Xx
I'm so tired. I need a good sleep this week. 630am start tomorrow. Xx
It is a bad Monday smile I can't be bothered this week!! Xx
Had a bad couple of days. role on the weekend. X
Now someone has called in sick so I'm even more busy. Xx
Before our last date:
Can I see you this week, love to see you! Very much up for it. Will make it a night to remember. Xx
Then finally when he went awol after that fabulous date:
Work has been really bad so I haven't been in the mood to contact anyone recently. Not in the right frame of mind for dating

Does this change your mind Chrissy or anyone?
After 5-6 dates I would not expect him to profess undying love. But he was clearly interested and he went funny with that new job. He wasn't the same anymore. Sad

I don't think that was me being delusional. it would be hard not to assume he liked me a lot after all that.
He went funny after he started that job and I tried to perk him up but he was so miserable it was all he talked about.
Sometimes we get mentally bogged down by details at work. The fact that je still stays in contact is good. I just think he's adjusting to expectations of what the job would be and what it is. That bothers me a lot too. He will make adjustments and will come back around m you are his Beacon of light. ??????
Posted by shortii
Sometimes we get mentally bogged down by details at work. The fact that je still stays in contact is good. I just think he's adjusting to expectations of what the job would be and what it is. That bothers me a lot too. He will make adjustments and will come back around m you are his Beacon of light. ??????

He hasn't stayed in contact. he's gone. He's in his third job in the last 12 months and it's gone wrong again. so he told me he was in a bad place didn't want to date and he's gone. after all that.
Well I was good and kind to him is all I can say. hope he remembers.
TaurusAngel -
"Work has been really bad so I haven't been in the mood to contact anyone recently. Not in the right frame of mind for dating "
That's the only one you need to pay attention to. The rest are sweet, and certainly point to an affinity for you, but they are fantasy compared to the reality of the one above. He spoke it loud and clear. The reasons why don't matter. Does it mean he doesn't like you? Absolutely not, but he's being clear about his capabilities right now. Liking someone, and being ready to commit are two very different things. One does not imply the other.
Would you rather he jumped head first in to the ocean, and then while he was drowning he expected you to figure out that he doesn't know how to swim, and his feet are made of concrete blocks?
Don't stress yourself over the "what could have been, if only"s - because that's also fantasy. As shortii said - once he has himself figured out, he will be better able to evaluate his dating life.
So I just leave him alone completely as I have been?
Chrissy I didn't got that far....I only said a couple of times in texts that all we did wad talk about work and go to bed. hence how can he tell what we have in common and I feel like he hasn't given it a chance. after that I said sorry about it all and then left it alone. I haven't tried to contact him.
I keep hearing that pisces men swim away when they need solitude under stress and can swim back.
I haven't been harassing him. I said my bit in one or two texts aon the day he said it and then left it.
I know. I've not been well for a few weeks and I'm just sad.
I got my heard broken horribly a few months ago and everyone said get out there and meet someone else and its just made it worse.
You can't pin your happiness on someone else's shoulders.
Every single guy will run from that shit.
Do yourself some favours:
a) don't listen to those people who told you to "go out and meet someone else" to quell your heartache. They were giving you a "quick-fix-not-interested-in-hearing-more-woe-is-me" point of advice. They shovelled you off, whether or not they knew it, or intended it.
b) work on being happy on your own, with no relationship
You have to start feeling for yourself, and not pity or negative things. You have to take ownership of your own happiness. As an adult, it is your, and only your responsibility.
I do have a full life. I have a well paid career, I'm attractive, I'm funny and kind and gentle. I can forgive pretty much anything.
When in a relationship I have lots to offer and I am not a leech in the man. when I say I can't see them in a.few days a week I'm not lying. I have plans every Monday and Thursday for.sports and I see ffriends about 1-2 times a week.
I don't rely on anyone and guys must see that. My job also has a lot of social and networking events and so I am.always out at.drinks.parties.meeting people.
I certainly don't sit at home.waiting to be taken out, when my last two guys asked me out I literally had to.check.which days I was free. just sad that I really liked this one, he had a sense of humour like mine and I think we for on well. We made.each otgernlaugh. obviously he didst like me as much but there is nothing I can do.about that. its just a.shame.
typical taurus, making it all about tangible things. Look a little deeper into yourself.
I didn't say be "busy". I said be happy. I'm going to join chrissy now, because you don't need any answers, quite clearly. You just want to moan about it. Notice I'm not suggesting that you go find someone else though.
Best of luck to you.
Posted by TaurusAngel
Posted by shortii
Sometimes we get mentally bogged down by details at work. The fact that je still stays in contact is good. I just think he's adjusting to expectations of what the job would be and what it is. That bothers me a lot too. He will make adjustments and will come back around m you are his Beacon of light. ??????

He hasn't stayed in contact. he's gone. He's in his third job in the last 12 months and it's gone wrong again. so he told me he was in a bad place didn't want to date and he's gone. after all that.
Well I was good and kind to him is all I can say. hope he remembers.
click to expand

unfortunately words mean nothing with a pisces need the actions to go with it...if you don't know it already Pisces can make you fel special and the only one with just words alone...if their actions are showing otherwise...than it is all talk...
also My Pisces had a crappy job too...but I'm still with him after more than 2 years...
6 dates is plenty enough to know if someone is for you for the long term or not...I know after the first ! But I use my other abilities to sense it...
Posted by piranhaparadiise
Posted by TaurusAngel
Posted by shortii
Sometimes we get mentally bogged down by details at work. The fact that je still stays in contact is good. I just think he's adjusting to expectations of what the job would be and what it is. That bothers me a lot too. He will make adjustments and will come back around m you are his Beacon of light. ??????

He hasn't stayed in contact. he's gone. He's in his third job in the last 12 months and it's gone wrong again. so he told me he was in a bad place didn't want to date and he's gone. after all that.
Well I was good and kind to him is all I can say. hope he remembers.

unfortunately words mean nothing with a pisces need the actions to go with it...if you don't know it already Pisces can make you fel special and the only one with just words alone...if their actions are showing otherwise...than it is all talk...
also My Pisces had a crappy job too...but I'm still with him after more than 2 years...
6 dates is plenty enough to know if someone is for you for the long term or not...I know after the first ! But I use my other abilities to sense it...
click to expand

6 dates isn't always enough in every case. He didn't give it a chance. they were really short dates as he went to bed so early and it was all about his work etc. We should have gone out to do things and learn more about each other. I tried to suggest things but he didn't want to. he likes being at home with his whiskey.
With my last bf, within 4 dates I was seeing him as the guy I wanted to spend my life with, so right and my feelings erred so strong. The more I got to know him though, several things came out that were potential deal breakers for me and I was very very worried. I had invested a lot of time in the relationship andnt seen that side of him before. did I know that or feel that way at 6 dates....hell no. it took 6 months for it to come out.
But then I'm patient and give people chances to a fault obviously.
Hadn't seen that side of him before sorry......took months for things I couldn't live with to come out.
There is also a reason why people don't move in together for a long time. it takes ages to be sure.
The only thing really is that I am mad at myself for allowing this to happen again.
My last bf had job problems, health problems, & I end uo supporting him.
I didn't recognise pisces guy was probably on the rebound and was a problem case like my ex.
Furious with myself for being so stupid and allowing myself to like someone again.
I get you. Being mad at yourself is okay, being even more so emotional after a break up I think the majority of us will agree we've done some irrational things afterwards like hoping straight into another one and being fueled with the passions of the past.
Perhaps what Deezie and Chrissy is saying is they acknowledge this part, getting it all out of the system is great and all but using it as means of justification may not be a healthy thing.
Maybe take it as just another hurdle. Jump over it don't stumble.
Posted by djbuck1
For being "mutable communicators," a lot of Pisces don't seem to communicate very well.

Yeah...what's up with that? I feel like my boyfriend is speaking in puzzle. He is rarely clear, often muttering a few relevant words leaving the listener to fill in the blanks.
It has taken me two plus years to understand him and he still (at times) leaves me confused.