What grounds you?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Damnata on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 and has 65 replies.
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Curious Virgo is curious smile.

Something heavy on our shoulders. Oh wait a sec...We don't have shoulders!
The mistakes I have made and the mistakes that I will make.
A green wire? Tongue

oh this was not a trick riddle question?


My virgo in my chart grounds me, THANK god or i would be galloping free into the air!


Loving them, saving them, protecting them, caring for them is my driving force.

... and not particularly fond of humans.
Posted by Palerio
Something heavy on our shoulders. Oh wait a sec...We don't have shoulders!

What a Virgo answer. Meh.
Posted by P-Angel
... and not particularly fond of humans.

I notice this in any Piscean I know. The world at large..meh. Just a couple of individuals they are fond of.
Posted by justagirl
oh this was not a trick riddle question?

No, I'm actually curious.

I would imagine with earth signs and Virgos especially..it's a system. But I feel we're "grounded" by our very essence, which is why we go so unhinged in rage.

I wonder how my opposite sign does it......I look at my Pisces friends and can only guess what their anchor is, so to speak.

Anyway, yeah I am curious about the replies in this topic.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by P-Angel
... and not particularly fond of humans.

I notice this in any Piscean I know. The world at large..meh. Just a couple of individuals they are fond of.
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It's not just "meh". I think a lot of pisces secretly harbour genocidal fantasies.

"meh" is a virgo thing
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Damnata
Posted by P-Angel
... and not particularly fond of humans.

I notice this in any Piscean I know. The world at large..meh. Just a couple of individuals they are fond of.

It's not just "meh". I think a lot of pisces secretly harbour genocidal fantasies.

"meh" is a virgo thing
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Once again you express my unwritten thoughts. But even for the genocidal fantasies, you have to care a bit to imagine them in detail.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Palerio
Something heavy on our shoulders. Oh wait a sec...We don't have shoulders!

What a Virgo answer. Meh.
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That was my intent.

Just like Virgos, we're selectly fond of people/things.

We're only grounded when driven, problem is that very few things really drive us.

Posted by Damnata
Curious Virgo is curious smile.

Being grounded is for naughty children.
Posted by SensitiveBlues
Tongueisces don't get unhinged they just do drugs or commit suicide.

I know a few doing drugs.
what grounds me .......mmmh Morals
Posted by MlleFisk
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Damnata
Posted by P-Angel
... and not particularly fond of humans.

I notice this in any Piscean I know. The world at large..meh. Just a couple of individuals they are fond of.

It's not just "meh". I think a lot of pisces secretly harbour genocidal fantasies.

"meh" is a virgo thing

Sometimes i dream about stealing a tank from a military facility and running everyone over.
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I just confirmed this psychotic Pisces aunt of mine has a Scorpio moon. I'm 100% sure she'd be in on something like this. Please let me join.
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by MlleFisk
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Damnata
Posted by P-Angel
... and not particularly fond of humans.

I notice this in any Piscean I know. The world at large..meh. Just a couple of individuals they are fond of.

It's not just "meh". I think a lot of pisces secretly harbour genocidal fantasies.

"meh" is a virgo thing

Sometimes i dream about stealing a tank from a military facility and running everyone over.

I just confirmed this psychotic Pisces aunt of mine has a Scorpio moon. I'm 100% sure she'd be in on something like this. Please let me join.
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Psycho in a good way or a bad way?
Posted by BlondeAmbition
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by MlleFisk
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Damnata
Posted by P-Angel
... and not particularly fond of humans.

I notice this in any Piscean I know. The world at large..meh. Just a couple of individuals they are fond of.

It's not just "meh". I think a lot of pisces secretly harbour genocidal fantasies.

"meh" is a virgo thing

Sometimes i dream about stealing a tank from a military facility and running everyone over.

I just confirmed this psychotic Pisces aunt of mine has a Scorpio moon. I'm 100% sure she'd be in on something like this. Please let me join.

Psycho in a good way or a bad way?
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Bad way.

She's like 9 years older than me. She's actually my mom's cousin but I refer to her as an aunt out of respect. She used to be that quiet, shy nerdy type when she was younger. And then when she got to college she became this really crazy bitch who treated her parents like shit and would get insanely verbally abusive towards them. She just suddenly became super disrespectful to everyone and egoistic. She treats her husband like a slave. I wonder how it happens.
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by BlondeAmbition
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by MlleFisk
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Damnata
Posted by P-Angel
... and not particularly fond of humans.

I notice this in any Piscean I know. The world at large..meh. Just a couple of individuals they are fond of.

It's not just "meh". I think a lot of pisces secretly harbour genocidal fantasies.

"meh" is a virgo thing

Sometimes i dream about stealing a tank from a military facility and running everyone over.

I just confirmed this psychotic Pisces aunt of mine has a Scorpio moon. I'm 100% sure she'd be in on something like this. Please let me join.

Psycho in a good way or a bad way?

Bad way.

She's like 9 years older than me. She's actually my mom's cousin but I refer to her as an aunt out of respect. She used to be that quiet, shy nerdy type when she was younger. And then when she got to college she became this really crazy bitch who treated her parents like shit and would get insanely verbally abusive towards them. She just suddenly became super disrespectful to everyone and egoistic. She treats her husband like a slave. I wonder how it happens.
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She was always that way.
Posted by BlondeAmbition
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by BlondeAmbition
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by MlleFisk
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Damnata
Posted by P-Angel
... and not particularly fond of humans.

I notice this in any Piscean I know. The world at large..meh. Just a couple of individuals they are fond of.

It's not just "meh". I think a lot of pisces secretly harbour genocidal fantasies.

"meh" is a virgo thing

Sometimes i dream about stealing a tank from a military facility and running everyone over.

I just confirmed this psychotic Pisces aunt of mine has a Scorpio moon. I'm 100% sure she'd be in on something like this. Please let me join.

Psycho in a good way or a bad way?

Bad way.

She's like 9 years older than me. She's actually my mom's cousin but I refer to her as an aunt out of respect. She used to be that quiet, shy nerdy type when she was younger. And then when she got to college she became this really crazy bitch who treated her parents like shit and would get insanely verbally abusive towards them. She just suddenly became super disrespectful to everyone and egoistic. She treats her husband like a slave. I wonder how it happens.

She was always that way.
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You're probably right.

I'm so amused I guessed her Scorpio moon right. It's at 0 degrees. She would always tell me all these haunting stories when I was younger. I think she almost choked me when she mummy wrapped me once. Wouldn't be surprised if it was on purpose tbh. She would be super private about her internet footprint hahah. She also went gothic and dark. But I have some fond memories too. I wonder if she'll be a scary mom who'll be aggressive with her baby. I don't think she should have kids ;-; My real aunt who's a Scorpio sun once threw her baby out of anger lol.

Just sayin' for a feminine sign Scorpio placement women are scary af.
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by BlondeAmbition
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by MlleFisk
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Damnata
Posted by P-Angel
... and not particularly fond of humans.

I notice this in any Piscean I know. The world at large..meh. Just a couple of individuals they are fond of.

It's not just "meh". I think a lot of pisces secretly harbour genocidal fantasies.

"meh" is a virgo thing

Sometimes i dream about stealing a tank from a military facility and running everyone over.

I just confirmed this psychotic Pisces aunt of mine has a Scorpio moon. I'm 100% sure she'd be in on something like this. Please let me join.

Psycho in a good way or a bad way?

Bad way.

She's like 9 years older than me. She's actually my mom's cousin but I refer to her as an aunt out of respect. She used to be that quiet, shy nerdy type when she was younger. And then when she got to college she became this really crazy bitch who treated her parents like shit and would get insanely verbally abusive towards them. She just suddenly became super disrespectful to everyone and egoistic. She treats her husband like a slave. I wonder how it happens.
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treats her husband like a slave? lol well is it abusive? or just a harmoniouis thing? I had watched this, cheapskate episode and this guy follows whatever she says. lol but they love eachother.

Posted by Damnata
Posted by P-Angel
... and not particularly fond of humans.

I notice this in any Piscean I know. The world at large..meh. Just a couple of individuals they are fond of.
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Humans are the earth's parasites ..... in galactic terms, earth was probably the dumping ground, a place to get rid of the ridiculous creatures.

In reality, there are many things that ground me.

I'm extremely frugal, and being so helps me stay on course. I pinch and recycle everything possible. I micromanage even the use of toilet paper in my house. Plastic bags only get thrown away when they have a hole in them. And then when stuff actually gets tossed, I make sure to separate it all into the proper bins for recycling.

Being fanatical about conservation really helps me to stay on course through life. What can I reuse is a constant on my mind. Even now, as I type, I have a paper towel under my glass to catch moisture and I'm thinking about putting in the bag to use in my art studio, for paint clean up.

Being conservative really helps me maintain, I feel like I help the earth and that really settles me a lot.
Posted by MarchPisc3s
Posted by P-Angel
... and not particularly fond of humans.

By seeing how you talk others on dxpnet it shows.
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Of course it does ... because I'm the real McCoy.

I literally cannot stand pretentious people.
Posted by Palerio
We're only grounded when driven, problem is that very few things really drive us.

..this is what I am trying to get at here, how rooted is it exactly, is it practical, a life event, a person, cause? some of these seem..shaky grounds to me and not what I perceive as grounded.
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
The mistakes I have made and the mistakes that I will make.

Posted by MlleFisk
The bumps, bruises, conflicts and disappointments that i experience, and will continue to experience, as i chug along through life.

Posted by Aquastic
what grounds me .......mmmh Morals
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I'm not sure I get the full picture here, especially with morals which to me makes no sense. If there's ever a shakier ground than morals...

Mistakes are also pretty shaky to me because they tie into perception, I cannot get a sense of the tangible in them. I'm not sure it jolts you.

The way I envision it with pisceans and that stereotype of dreaming a life away and going with the flow...what exactly jolts you into this reality. Which is the anchor, if there is one tangible.
Posted by P-Angel
I pinch and recycle everything possible. I micromanage even the use of toilet paper in my house.

I do the same, over the last year started combining them for DYI projects around the house and its environment. I still struggle to generate some uses for some or to see how they can be better combined.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
The mistakes I have made and the mistakes that I will make.

Posted by MlleFisk
The bumps, bruises, conflicts and disappointments that i experience, and will continue to experience, as i chug along through life.

Posted by Aquastic
what grounds me .......mmmh Morals

I'm not sure I get the full picture here, especially with morals which to me makes no sense. If there's ever a shakier ground than morals...

Mistakes are also pretty shaky to me because they tie into perception, I cannot get a sense of the tangible in them. I'm not sure it jolts you.

The way I envision it with pisceans and that stereotype of dreaming a life away and going with the flow...what exactly jolts you into this reality. Which is the anchor, if there is one tangible.
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There's only one pisces in the 3 people you quoted
Posted by Fratziwear
A thread fishing for Pisces opinions gets rushed from all sides from people who can't be assed to read.

Self-absorbed motherfuckers.

I think people see the thread name on the DXP frontpage and want to answer
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Damnata
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
The mistakes I have made and the mistakes that I will make.

Posted by MlleFisk
The bumps, bruises, conflicts and disappointments that i experience, and will continue to experience, as i chug along through life.

Posted by Aquastic
what grounds me .......mmmh Morals

I'm not sure I get the full picture here, especially with morals which to me makes no sense. If there's ever a shakier ground than morals...

Mistakes are also pretty shaky to me because they tie into perception, I cannot get a sense of the tangible in them. I'm not sure it jolts you.

The way I envision it with pisceans and that stereotype of dreaming a life away and going with the flow...what exactly jolts you into this reality. Which is the anchor, if there is one tangible.

There's only one pisces in the 3 people you quoted
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I know, I quoted the 3 of them because they replied in the same spirit, which is something I cannot see as tangible.

The latter part of my comment about pisceans is addressed to pisceans.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Palerio
We're only grounded when driven, problem is that very few things really drive us.

..this is what a life event, a person, cause?
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It's the three of them combined, none of them taken singularly would be enough to ground us. Given our nature you also need to consider that our ground is water, so we'll never be grounded in a traditional way, our foundation will always be shaky and slippery in a way, from an earthy perspective at least.

I can't speak for every Pisces in here but I personally get going when I have a muse/person/cause in my life, someone who inspires me. The difference in terms of drive, in my case, is immense, not that it's a good thing if extremized.

Usually, when a Pisces is trying to prove himself to your eyes or wants to be a better person, because of you, that's his way of being grounded, his way of showing you he values you.

It takes courage, as you said the ground is very shaky, to ever fully trust a Pisces for something that goes beyond simple pieces of advice. You need to trust him to be the breadwinner for you and possibly your family. Show him your support and tease him when he's putting his head under water, hurt his pride if necessary, but never doubt his skills, never question his love because you'll lose him forever.

Thus if a Pisces wants to be grounded around you, consider yourself lucky, it's a special treatment very few will receive from us.
Hi Big Grin

Hanging out near a source of water, for me
Posted by Finbuff
Nothing in particular "grounds" me per se, I think having the responsibility of a complicated job does that on a daily basis. Pretty much into reality anyway, unless I have a couple to many JD's and tonic or martini's.

You're not a Pisces.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Damnata
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
The mistakes I have made and the mistakes that I will make.

Posted by MlleFisk
The bumps, bruises, conflicts and disappointments that i experience, and will continue to experience, as i chug along through life.

Posted by Aquastic
what grounds me .......mmmh Morals

I'm not sure I get the full picture here, especially with morals which to me makes no sense. If there's ever a shakier ground than morals...

Mistakes are also pretty shaky to me because they tie into perception, I cannot get a sense of the tangible in them. I'm not sure it jolts you.

The way I envision it with pisceans and that stereotype of dreaming a life away and going with the flow...what exactly jolts you into this reality. Which is the anchor, if there is one tangible.

There's only one pisces in the 3 people you quoted

I know, I quoted the 3 of them because they replied in the same spirit, which is something I cannot see as tangible.

The latter part of my comment about pisceans is addressed to pisceans.
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Do you think any pisces would have chosen "morals" as something that is of importance to them ? mmmh?
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Fratziwear
A thread fishing for Pisces opinions gets rushed from all sides from people who can't be assed to read.

Self-absorbed motherfuckers.

I think people see the thread name on the DXP frontpage and want to answer
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That is how I got here :p
Pisces Moon should count for something...

You don't quite understand Pisces ... that's why you don't understand the answers.

Posted by Lifepath8Pisces
Posted by Damnata
Curious Virgo is curious smile.

My OCD and of course my control issues have a lot to do with it. lol

I will never feel lost because my OCD for having my life organized and my home organized and clean, will catch up to me if I ever let it go for more than a day or two.
I do take my breaks from time to time to just float like mist in the air and tune out everyone and everything..

I hope that made sense. It does to me. smile

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I was going to say this is about my friends.
Posted by SensitiveBlues
Posted by P-Angel
In reality, there are many things that ground me.

I'm extremely frugal, and being so helps me stay on course. I pinch and recycle everything possible. I micromanage even the use of toilet paper in my house. Plastic bags only get thrown away when they have a hole in them. And then when stuff actually gets tossed, I make sure to separate it all into the proper bins for recycling.

Being fanatical about conservation really helps me to stay on course through life. What can I reuse is a constant on my mind. Even now, as I type, I have a paper towel under my glass to catch moisture and I'm thinking about putting in the bag to use in my art studio, for paint clean up.

Being conservative really helps me maintain, I feel like I help the earth and that really settles me a lot.

every frugal pisces loves one item they spend a lot on whether its shoes or bras
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I've noticed most all of my Pisces friends are very frugal.
Posted by Palerio
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Palerio
Something heavy on our shoulders. Oh wait a sec...We don't have shoulders!

What a Virgo answer. Meh.

That was my intent.

Just like Virgos, we're selectly fond of people/things.

We're only grounded when driven, problem is that very few things really drive us.

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i identify with what you said so much. without a muse, life loses its meaning.
Lol aquas don't even need drugs, they naturally high
mmm possibly , good behaviour , respect and aprecciation when is needed and deserved it.

Other than that , lately i am ungrounded as ever. i even almost fought with my school principal and a teacher.

I will surely fight them next time , if they keep making me mad.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
The mistakes I have made and the mistakes that I will make.

Posted by MlleFisk
The bumps, bruises, conflicts and disappointments that i experience, and will continue to experience, as i chug along through life.

Posted by Aquastic
what grounds me .......mmmh Morals

I'm not sure I get the full picture here, especially with morals which to me makes no sense. If there's ever a shakier ground than morals...

Mistakes are also pretty shaky to me because they tie into perception, I cannot get a sense of the tangible in them. I'm not sure it jolts you.

The way I envision it with pisceans and that stereotype of dreaming a life away and going with the flow...what exactly jolts you into this reality. Which is the anchor, if there is one tangible.
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Mistakes are very tangible, because there is often a cost and consequences.

By making the wrong choice, I had to lose things along the way. I could have paid for my mistakes financially, emotionally, mentally, socially, etc. When you had to suffer these negative blows be it small or large, you remember them.

It jolts you back into reality rather quickly, because it reminds you that life is never a smooth going ride. Just when you think you are on top of the world, nothing could ever go wrong. It could easily blow up in your face, when you live through that, with the constant reminder of what you had lost. Everyday, in everything you do, you remember and it humbles you instantly.

You never walk away unscathed and those scars, be it physical or otherwise carries as a daily reminder.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Palerio
We're only grounded when driven, problem is that very few things really drive us.

..this is what I am trying to get at here, how rooted is it exactly, is it practical, a life event, a person, cause? some of these seem..shaky grounds to me and not what I perceive as grounded.
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I suppose to you need to be more specific then.

Define grounded, and maybe you might get the answers you're looking for.
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Palerio
We're only grounded when driven, problem is that very few things really drive us.

..this is what I am trying to get at here, how rooted is it exactly, is it practical, a life event, a person, cause? some of these seem..shaky grounds to me and not what I perceive as grounded.

I suppose to you need to be more specific then.

Define grounded, and maybe you might get the answers you're looking for.
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this whole thread rests on astrological cliches and fuzzy vocabulary
Posted by Palerio

Just like Virgos, we're selectly fond of people/things

That sentence is very interesting to ponder.

So, why aren't all people like this? ALL people actually SHOULD be selective on who they give to, who they like.

Just a couple days ago, that trial was starting for that woman who got her fetus cut out of her by a woman she met on craigslist .... and I remember reading that just before the woman sliced her open, the pregnant woman tells her, "I love you".


If everybody is regarded all the same .... then nobody is special.

My dog and a Virgo daughter.

Gravity. smile

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