Signed Up: May 31, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Alright this wonderful forum topic was inspired by a little heated discussion I saw transpire between virgo101,haffo (hilarious character) and Kris The results will be brilliant Rules are...there are no rules, purely for entertaining, and venting purposes Each sign, 1st state what sign you are, if your log in name doesn't make it sun in the sky obvious, and then list which sign you don't like and why...use details to specify Then allow (if you want), which ever sign, finds flaw in your statement, to go at it, and defend themselves It being my idea, I'll start off the events to give you an idea of how this party will go down Let the good times roll
Signed Up: May 31, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Virgos - my most compatible sign, but god damn do I hate their criticing ways,on the most MINUTE of things too Libras - fun and loving and all that jazz, but my goodness,the indecisiveness, fragile egos and need for CONSTANT reassurance, is bound to make any sign stray
Capricorns - damn gold digging motha fuckaz !!! lol ( sorry but there is no nicer way to put it, no capricorn should even try to defend that one, you know ya'll attracted to money don't even try to debate lol) leos - love them, but there constant need to be the center of attention and have their egos stroke goodness, wtf....I love confidence, but it must really suck, to depend on such a source that isn't easily found Other than that I think every other sign is perfect and we can all live in harmony lolol The following is a sample, of how this good, clean heated discussion shall follow...thank you for your time
Signed Up: May 31, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Alright ....seeing as how, hate is such a powerful word, for those lighter at heart , such as elly What traits do you find undesirable, in certain signs ?
Im a capricorn female Leo: Ego and very vain, obsessive and glued to a mirror! i live with one and shes literally in the bathroom for hours staring at herself. Sagittarius: Over the top and self centered, dont remember your name unless they want a favor. Virgo: Aloof game players and users, never giving but always happy to take without regard. Capricorn: Yes my own sign, i find other cap woman very snobbish and judgemental, im very open and talkative to everyone regardless, the cap men i get along with fine. Taurus: Jelouse and bitchy, very cunning in how they deliver an insult, right timing and setting so it doesent look bad for them. Cancer: Cancer men i have found to be clingy, always playing the victim who no one understands.
Signed Up: Jun 24, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 227 · Topics: 18
I am Scorpio The Sign I hate- Gemini.They are a complete tease. Will lead on to turn on (they will dress to kille and give all indications of being "ready")and then drop the unsuspecting victim like a HOT Potato. Then spread rumours that how so and so date went over the top over them and how they had a narrow escape with sex maniacs. Eeeeshhh. Did I sting one real bad? And How LOL. LOved every moment of it.
Signed Up: Mar 14, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3234 · Topics: 17
I not going to hate a sign because I have found a few disagreeable people within it. Until I meet everyone within a certain sign and see how many of them I do not like, THEN I will say which sign I think is repulsive.
Signed Up: Mar 25, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 79 · Topics: 1
The sign I find most undesirable... Scorpio- I've met quite a few scorpios and all of them come off as narcissist. Aries- These people always seem to use you when their bored. My friend (she's a cancer too) and I have both dealt with aries friends and they always call up last minute and ask if we want to hang out as if we're the last resort. They need to get their own lives. I'm not saying all the signs are like this, just the "friends" of mine who happen to share the same signs.
Signed Up: Jun 01, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 790 · Topics: 20
Hate is a strong word, how about a list of annoyances? Cancers - not much experience with them relationship-wise, but the friends I've had were very moody and unpredictable. Their honesty balances out, but too focused on within. Aquarians - excellent imaginations, I enjoy their creativity. But they usually have no tact, will be you best friend for a couple of weeks and then fall off the face of the earth. Sagitarians - probably the most entertaining sign, always up for adventure. Extremely unreliable. Virgos - judgemental, traditional, stodgy, and usually the biggest hypocrites. Born to be television evangelists. Leos (my sign) - blowhards, egotistical, expect everyone to like them. But they are usually very friendly and don't put on airs (sic?). Honest and generous to a fault, very easy to take advantage of, especially if you know how to flatter the ego. Scorpios - Usually try to break others down mentally to exert their imagined superiority. Always up for a lively discussion or argument, they are not quite as complex as they think (and they know it). Taurus (my mother) - extremely stubborn and extremely reliable. Materialistic, but willing to work very hard to get ahead, they don't expect handouts. Not especially creative, always want to keep up with the Joneses. Pisces (my moon) - Very creative, usually have zero self-confidence. Even though they are usually very honest, they live in a dream world so the truth in their world may not translate to reality. Can be found en masse at Renaissance Faires and Star Trek conventions. Gemini - my fatal attractions, they are the most talkative and interesting of the Zodiac. Like talking to Siamese twins, they usally can't remember what they said 5 minutes previous and are completely contradictory. Very easy to listen into bed (who needs to talk, you can't get a word in edgewise anyway). Don't ever take them seriously, because they sure don't. Libra - so beautiful, so vain. Want to be worshipped, can be talked into anything with a few tasteful flatteries. When the going gets tough, they get going. Why does the caged bird sing? Aries - mercurial and forceful, the meatheads of the zodiac. Have lofty ambitions but not the brainpower to do it themselves. Would be happiest running a plantation of slaves. Capricorn - the second-most materialistic sign, they are willing to work hard for the good life. But are willing to marry for it instead (hello golddiggers). Not v
Signed Up: May 25, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 220 · Topics: 33
Don't like Aries (men only)Why? Cause I know all about them. They are: arrogant, immature, aggresive, stupid, impatient, insensitive, wife-beating type, can't get a job, no skills, can't hold a thought for more than one minute, drug addicts, extremists, don't know when to stop, vengeful, will never account to anything, always gets fired because of their attitude, thinks they are smart, insecure, always tries to prove something, hateful, always divorced at least twice, a bunch of kids and can't pay child support, jailbirds, crackheads, depend on mommy and daddy, a burden for everyone, did I mention stupid. Everyone else is normal...Oh yeah, leos are a little too full of themselves, but not as bad as Aries.
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
hey so aquas are in Branh's good bookz???? YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ....( thatz juz to provoke ya Branh so u fill a page or 2 tellin us why u HATE these self-centered A HOLE aquaz )
Signed Up: Mar 18, 2006 Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
"Capricorn - Small minded, inflexible, and completely narrow. Always one to sit back and point fingers" OMG, no no no no no no no no! That's not what we cappies do. We will take the blame WAY before pointing fingers! I still say that you have met the wrong cappies ... geee weezzz ...
Signed Up: Mar 18, 2006 Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Every sign is cool, but there are a few signs that seem not to like me very much: Libras and libra/scorpio cusp (the females) -- I won't treat them special, they don't get special treatment from me ... for some reason this upsets them Aries and aries/ taurus cusp (the men and women) -- too bossy and overbearing, the same that applies to libras and the cusp also applies here -- I refuse to treat them like royalty. capricorn (the men) -- I have a tendency NOT to listen to men who believe they are above me ... this creates conflict cancers (the women) -- this I just don't understand, it's a mystery to me. What is that I do and say ???? leo (the women) -- I'm just not shallow, but feel that I need to be ...for some odd reason
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
'..leo (the women) -- I'm just not shallow, but feel that I need to be ...for some odd reason...' cappysweetie i used to get irritated by leo women too.. they never seem to like me and feel like im competin' wid them and gettin' all the attention from boyz which they DESERVE ...LOL.... but jeeeeezz lately i got friendz wid this AWESOME leo gal and we click... she isnt all egoistic and prideful... shes awesome... so i've changed my opinion on Leo galz... sum of them are really sweet.. had u asked me this question a month a go my answer wud have been EXACTLY as urz
Signed Up: Feb 16, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Aries - competitive, aggressive due to their own insecurity and just plain stupid Libras - Too airy fairy for my liking, exaggerate everything, can't make a decision to save their lives Virgo - slightly boring, always analysing Pisces - Needy, dependent, suffocating Cancer - they just get on my fkn tits! Leo - too much in love with themselves but are warm hearted The sign I hate the most..and yes I love the word hate..Is Geminis..I could easily kill one of them..
Signed Up: May 31, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
What I've DEFINTELY noticed boys and you can't base someone's ENTIRE persoanlity off of their sun sign alone....your Moon sign is what ULTIMATELY determines the character of a person after the sun sign is presented. btw, where is Haffo !?!?! , I defintely want to hear what he has to say on this topic lol...Cause yow, branh hit the nail on the HEAD ! imagine the Hafster lmao
Pdragon: We have the same chart for some reason. woah! your right!!!! but my moon seems to be on the cusp of gemini and taurus, each time i check it changes but otherwise WOW!!!!
Signed Up: Feb 09, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 847 · Topics: 15
I don't like Pisceans and Cancers, sometimes Aquarians are too off for me. Brief explanations: Pisceans: Self-absorbed. Emotionally draining and suck the life out of their friends when they have a problem in their lives. Cancers: Emotionally volatile. Too extreme from one emotion to another. Almost as draining as Pisceans but are actually fun to hang out with sometimes. Aquarians: I have great friends that are Aquarians but they are never around. It's like watching a balloon in the distance and is not attached to anything. Almost seem emotionally void. Whoever said that Caps don't ever assume the blame is wrong. Caps ALWAYS take the blame, sometimes when they weren't at all to blame in the first place.
Signed Up: May 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
Virgo - Cannot stand them for long. They go missing when I go shopping or travelling with them. Always talks in absolutes. Repeats whatever I say. All together p!ss me off. Cappy - Good but cannot stand their weird humour sometimes. Judgemental and negative. I keep saying these cappy women they are pretty no matter how they look so that they will get flattered and wont open their mouth to piss me off... lol... Leo men. Oversensitive. esp when it comes to family & friends matters. Dunno how to discuss something without being emotional. But I dont hate them. I just avoid them most times for peace of mind. I feel this world is more beautiful and sweet without meeting these people. I love to be with Gemini and Aries. Helps me with my decision making troubles and stimulates my brain and keep my childishness alive. Then Libran girls - makes me feel this world is a heaven and we are the only two living beings in that. Then Aqua. Too friendly to resist...
I dont like some aquas and arians/leo men. Thats it. athletic Aries/leo men never fail to make me enraged and on the defensive. to mutch testosterone from working out.
Signed Up: May 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
Message posted by: Aprilbaby on 6/4/2006 3:43:28 PM ip: Man, everyone seems to think Aries people are stupid...I've yet to meet a stupid Aries. I agree with you here. Every Aries I know is damn intelligent and smart but naive and innocent. Its quite easy for someone to trick them any number of times since they dont judge people like others. Like how babies get repeatedly burned by playing with fire. But when it comes to problem solving, they are so good. The best work ethics are seen in Aries and I have been trying to copy that for long. Aries drives like maniacs cutting cross lanes but 95% comes back without even a single accident. I always freaks out when an aries is the driver. Natural instincts are stronger in that group.
Signed Up: Oct 17, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 425 · Topics: 9
ya know wat...i dont usually hav a problem wit ppl... but im just gona vent bout this taurus man that i know... coz he is lyk a friggin rock i could beat him cry dance naked eat watever n he wont do n e thing if he doesnt want to... daym u u bastard!!! hahahaha sorry i mean cum on that is not normal lyk iv heard that they can be lyk that but that is some sheer will power hahaha i duno just adding my 5cent piece!!! weirdo hahaha
I'm an Aqua Virgo - (Mom & Best Friend) On the extreme Virgo's seem so have a stick shoved so far up their .... They are Anal and way to detail oriented. They love to tell you how to run your life and then get all bent out of shape if you don't agree 100% with them. Aries - (Dad) Way too soft. They are so friendly and not wanting to make too many waves they let people walk all over them. Scorpio - (Boyfriend) Too Sensitive for their own good. Really need to lighten up and enjoy life. Taurus - (My daughter)Stubborn stubborn stubborn, and a temper like I have never seen in my life Aquarius - (me) So uncomfortable with our own emotions we tend to show nothing rather than what we are feeling. Also the dissapearing act thing, totally true. I have had friends nick name me the hermit because I will dissapear for weeks to months on end and then just show back up like nothing happened. Terrible habit to have!!!
Forgot to add Sag's - (x-husband) They tell you what you want to hear, but don't trust them as far as you can throw them. They have wandering eyes and great cover stories!!! Not to mention LAZY!
Aries, I know more than you, My opinoin is better than yours, Im right and your wrong, Me myself and I, Bridge burning, Better you than me attitude, Im so confident in my own confidence that its disgusting.
THATS what i f****** hate. other than that great charismatic people. My mom , best freinds girlfreind, dad, stepdad, and some male freinds of mine in this sign. So i could write a book on arians. Still prefer-Capricorns especially the women above all/Gemini with water influence,/and scorpios as close freinds though.
Wow, I see that alot of people have been busy on this topic. Alright, here are the signs that I don't agree with: * Virgos- They are negative and self destructive. Always quick to take, but won't give back sh*t. You cannot believe a thing that they say because they will change their mind in a heartbeat. Some of them would play sensitive when really they are finding ways to analyze you just to use your weak points against you. * Libras- They're stylish and charming, but it does nothing for me. Where's the substance? *Geminis- Are two-faced, superficial, un-trustworthy, emotionally unstable, and don't own an ounce of charm because all they arouse out of you is anger. *Capricorn Men- Are rigid, small and narrow minded. I swear, I couldn't have a conversation with one without it being turned into a competition of whose more dominant. (WTF?) *Sagitarius- Whatever. *Leos- Too Selfish. *Pisceans- This is my native sign, but man even my own native sign members can make the waves in my hair go flat in frustration. *Aquarius/Capricorn Cusp- Need I say more?
Signed Up: May 27, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 16 · Topics: 1
scorpio here. and i love how my sign has appeared on damn near every ones "hate list" and this would bother me except for the fact that i got a little piece of every ones personal thoughts now tied to there sign and a scorpion never forgets. But just remeber dont hate the plyers hate the games you cant play pieces peps lol.
Signed Up: May 31, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Yeah I noticed that as well bittenbyscorpions...I think its only water signs that truly understand Scorpios, because, I have nothing but pleasant experiences with them
Signed Up: Jun 01, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 790 · Topics: 20
Capgirlinlustwithleo They speak before thinking quite often and then get grumpy or perplexed when people get offended. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very true, I've learned to filter myself when meeting new people. Everyone thinks I'm extremely shy when they first meet me, but I'm sizing them up to make sure that they can handle some good-natured ribbing. But I expect it back in return, I think of it as an ego-control program. On another note, Caps and Libras are both gold-diggers, it's just that Libras are content to use a pan while Caps prefer to strip-mine the whole f*cking mountain.
Signed Up: Jun 01, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 790 · Topics: 20
Capgirlinlustwithleo I reckon leos would quite happily live off someone else's wealth. I've met a few stingy leos and that includes a girlfriend I have. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some leos may be like that, but I would prefer to earn my own. I have dated a couple of women whose families were very wealthy, but it just wasn't there. Leos are usually only stingy when going through a rough-patch financially. Of course, it's usually women who put us there
Signed Up: Jun 01, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 790 · Topics: 20
Yes, Leos tend to have expensive tastes, as do Caps. Sounds like you ran into the predator version of Leo males. I prefer good conversation to lure in the prey, although chloroform can work in a tight spot
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VIRGO IN LOVE Goodness know why word has it that Virgos are the staunch realists of the zodiac - the sign that is to romance what chalk is to cheese - but ignorance breeds many falsehoods. In truth Ms Virgo yearns to be swept away by love and passion