What sign do you hate & Why

Alright this wonderful forum topic was inspired by a little heated discussion I saw transpire between virgo101,haffo (hilarious character) and Kris

The results will be brilliant

Rules are...there are no rules, purely for entertaining, an...

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Evo Fish on Saturday, June 3, 2006 and has 65 replies.
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I do not have a trace of hate for anyone in my mind, body, nor soul but DISLIKE of WAYS! DAMN SKIPPY! LOL!
I'm a Sag male and I don't get along with:
Aries(male): I can't really get along with them b.c me being a Sag I think we are kinda alike in some ways and it's 2 much of a conflict of words and the who's the head hancho in charge kinda thing.
Tarus (male): They always seem 2 come at me like their trying too bully and challenge me and overpower me and look down on me for some reason.
Gemini (male): About the same as the Taurus male I've noticed.
Cancer (male/female): At times 2 bytchy and emotionally unstable for me. Go call a shrink! lol.
Virgo (male/female): Stop dictating and anylyzing the hell outta me and looking at me like I'm the biggest piece of doo doo in your toilet please...
Scorpio (female): I don't do no secretive, get into your mind, side tracking headgames I'm a Sag come at me correct and upfront or back up! lol
Sagittarius (male): Like the Aries male 2 much alike and 2 much of a conflict of power.
Capricorn (male/female): Why must you dictate like your Virgo cousin and make ppl feel like the smallest piece of nothing on the face of this earth?
Pisces (male/female): Your moods and drama stories and always playing the victim crap bring my normal happy/optimistic demeanor down. Go call a shrink! lol
(Whom I mostly and personally get along with as me being a Sag and me just being me would be Aries females, Tarus females, Gemini females, Leo male and females *even tho they can get kinda clingy lol*, Libra males and females, Scorpio males, Sag females, and Aquarius male and females.)
But honestly sometimes it depends on the individual at the end of it all but these are examples of what I've noticed with some of the signs that have stuck out in ppl that I am around daily with work, family, school and they drive me nutts!, as I'm sure some of my ditsy/wanderland Sag Ways can strike a nerve! lol
Virgo - Repeats whatever I say.
Yes, they have a tendency to co-op your words and phrases. CF36
I calculated the MEAN score for each sign (highest to lowest rank) and total no. of number top hated. First number is the average, second total hate hits.
Most hated to least hated.
Most Hated No. of hate hits
ARIES 2.3 6
VIRGO 2.7 5
AQUA 3 3
Let's try that again,
I calculated the MEAN score for each sign. Lowest number is MOST Hated, followed by number NO.1 hate hits.
ARIES 2.3 - 6
VIRGO 2.7 - 5
AQUA 3 - 3
CANCER 3 - 2
TAURUS 3.5 - 1
LIBRA 3.7 - 1
SAGG 3.9 - 1
LEO 4.1 - 1
GEM 4.5 - 1
SCORP 4.6 - 1
PISC 5.3 - 1
CAP 6.2 - 0
There you have it.
All hail Capricorn, the new King of the Zodiac!!!

All I can say is you may want to read some of those posts before you boast.
Cancer- I had a bad expiriance with a male cancer and he was a HUGE liar and jerk!
Sagittarius- I knew a female sag. and she really rude to me!
Typical Virgo. You've got the members of the Virgo board all creaming themselves over what a great guy you are; so instead of enjoying your popularity, you take the posts that were meant to bring some levity into the unhappy romantic lives of Aries Love Virgo and GSLove so personally.
You must not like be liked which stands to reason since it is so typical to hate your own kind - an insecure pussy like yourself. A real man doesn't need to put his foot down because no one in there right mind would try to walk over him. Obvioulsy you must need to put your foot down since you can't have your way.
Things are fine between myself and VGuy. Thanks for asking. I'll tell him you said "hello". CF36
You are taking this WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY TOO PERSONALLY!!! Take a field trip or go download some porn or something.
Ignore it!
Hmmmm, it not good to hate ... nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope smile
Cancer- I had a bad expiriance with a male cancer and he was a HUGE liar and jerk!
I had the same experience with a Cancer male too. His lying was pathological! Chronically late, good in bed but needed to be take make up for what was lacking anatomically. Verbally abusive too. Nasty piece of business.
cappysweetie, you are a sweetie. your *repeating* words in your post remind of the cutey little blue fish "Dorrie" in the movie "Finding Nemo". smile
Hate? Nobody !!
Many other emotions, such as: irritation, frustration, anger, disappointment - not hate.