When does it end?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Insomnicide on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 and has 17 replies.
It doesn't matter where I am, I always going through these random spurts of indecision. My depressive nature always seems to find a way to close in on me. Is this a Pisces trait?
For awhile, it was easier. It was simple. Sad, that's all it is. I'm not so sure anymore. It doesn't seem to matter where I am anymore, my emotions are never my own.
How is that my emotions could be so in-tune with others, but never with my own? I notice that when these dreary feelings approach me, I can sit for days and question myself, my feelings. Desperately seeking an answer, trying to figure out why I feel the way that I do.
And something always comes up. I'll notice myself speaking with a member of my family, only to learn that they have been seriously struggling with something stressful or saddening in life.
This seems to be the case every single time. It's always somebody else. It leads to my downfall, my ending. This indecision, this doubt, this insecurity. Constantly trying to seek answers as to why I feel this way. I probe myself, my situation, my issues at the current time. Because I find reason.
If it's always somebody elses emotions I am feeling, how do I ever truly understand the way that I feel? Am I really just a chameleon?
Is this the way of the Pisces?
It doesn't ever end ... you simply will learn to live with it.
Nobody, except a Pisces could possibly understand what it's like to live a life of feelings that aren't your own ..... a vicarious existence.
You're not alone, don't think you are ..... we all live this everyday.
starfish, for ONCE i want you to say something i DON'T agree with..
just to make it interesting, though!
you are right, starfish, i WOULDN'T eat you alive because i think i like you too much!
i would feel like i am eating myself in a way as strange as that sounds!

but my b'day is march 15...beware of the ides of march as they say...

i think its probably the air moons that we have that makes up tend to want to swim upstream and not go with the flow so much like most pisces, only if because "going with the flow" can get so boring!
i absolutely CANNOT STAND being bored and i am guessing its a pretty safe bet to say the same for you as well!
swimming upstream may be a hard, arduous, monumental and life-defining task, but it definitely keeps things interesting and keeps me from getting bored!

I agree Hizaki ... one just has to learn how to live with it, how to not let it overtake, to influence.
Depends on where moon is, I think, as to how easily this is done by Pisceans. Seems like Piscean mooners have a harder time at disconnecting from outside emotions, and not letting other peoples feelings direct.
good luck with your 3rd decan pisces son!
3rd decan pisces (regardless of our moons) have a way of specifically choosing the ULTRA patient and loving parents so we don't get immediately shipped off to the orphanage when we are toddlers!
usually by the time we are like 2 or so our parents start questioning whether they really have what it takes to put up with us, no matter how loving they know they are!
i don't think a 3rd decan pisces' parents ever feel satisfied that they are doing all they can for us..something just always seem to be missing!
what every parent of a 3rd decan pisces should know is that a 3rd decan pisces is BEYOND human assitance!
i am sure your march 15 born friend has taught you this lesson all too well!

i dunno..
good luck..

i dunno...you have your hands full with that one...most definitely!


good night and good luck..
please stop..i feel like i am reading an autobiography of myself, except its not written by me!
and btw starfish, i don't know if your boy is the same way, but i realized that i loved girls by the time i was surrounded by them in kindergarten for the first time!
and being the hopeless kindergarten flirt that i was i got into a lot of trouble in school for what would be called "sexual harassment" nowadays!
but of course, back then for me, it was just and innocent and uncontrollable childhood curiosity with girls, as young as i was! ( i am just as curious about girls IF NOT more up to now though..oh well..such is life...)

that's why a pisces with an afflicted mercury and venus in ARIES of all places can be DRAINING on people close to them to say the least...
we say the wrong things at all the wrong times and do the things we aren't supposed to do when we should be doing something else!
with time, he will learn to withdraw into himself more and find other outlets that ARE NOT the people close to him in order to expend his infinite stores of energy, because he will be mature enough to realize that he is taking a serious emotional toll on you and you just plain old NEED A BREAK GODDAMNIT!

and by "good night and good luck" i meant that i don't envy you in the least bit!
you have your work cut out for you with that one!
good lord...
people like us just have no time and no place...
sounds like you are doing all of the right things..
you will see, he won't disappoint you and your gargantuan motherly efforts concerning him are not in vain...
that boy is going to make you a VERY proud mother one day!
It's interesting to read the rest of your thoughts. And to Starfish, I'm a double Pisces. xD Both sun and moon.

Listen to this song insomni. I have seen more than my share of bad things in my life, Im not trying to compare of downgrade how you may feel. I think the lesson I have learned, life is short man, gotta enjoy it while you can make the most of it. Everthing bad you could possibly see, there is also something grand just around the corner. When you are feeling down, just remember its up to you to bring yourself back, the world isnt going to stop becuase you had a rough day, as cliche as it sounds, you just gotta 'buck up'. Always extend a helping hand to the battered and the bruised when you can, but you have your own road to walk.
not to be all about me but im a 3rd decan pisces sun, moon, and mercury.. and sometimes i feel like i should be the piscean rep.
no but really Insomnicide i can totally feel where youre coming from and all i hope is that this struggle will pay off (of course it will) but hopefully in the UP fish direction..
it can be a pretty terrifying existance. i question just about everything that happens to me. i have terrible nightmares.. i have overwhelming feelings of energy that come in waves over my body when my sensitivity is being disturbed.
shit is intense.
"It's interesting to read the rest of your thoughts. And to Starfish, I'm a double Pisces. xD Both sun and moon."
I am so sorry....LOL.
Generally, i find my aquarian side (aqua stellium) + venus/cap can help give distance and clarity about emotional situations. i like passion and i'm a patient listener, however, as much as i can, i stay clear of constant pessimism and negativity, from the get-go. If there's something concrete i can help with, i don't mind, but we all know there are some who are born to find the glass lil less than half-empty, and can be real debbie-downers. And my piscean radar usually knows when and where, in which our piscean intuition is very priceless! In the end, it's your choice who you want to converse with, spend time with in life or for how long for the most part. Be with those who have a happy, positive energy and are looking in the same kind of direction, and you're half-way there.
--especially important for watery moons or charts.
lol, "butter is intense" forgot about the no-swearing..
id like to meet a quad pisces.. probably would have to take a stop by the mental institution to find one..
just kidding..
but i might have to send myself there one of these days

just kidding again, sortof.