yo boy birthday

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Roy here??? on Friday, July 21, 2006 and has 27 replies.
Yo got my finger asshole!
The only thing you'll get from me is antrax in your house. Stupid bitch!
Why should I fukkin care? Who am I to you? Who do you think you are? What do you want from us with this?
To donate a car? = Lick my balls
To give you a money? = Get out asshole
Home? = Get to live in whorehouse
Wtf do you want?
Do you even realise how idiotic this is?
Message posted by: Roy here??? on 7/21/2006 3:18:38 PM ip:
dude itold you the other day imma nicca not ya sister.
What does this mean, Roy? imma nicca? Please clarify.
If what you were meaning, was . . . I'm a Nigger . . . then . . .
Branh was absolutely right, then, wasn't he? My apologies to you Branh. When I'm wrong, I will say I'm wrong. And, I was wrong !!!!
In your post about interracial dating and how the black man is low because he has taken that position and allowed the world to view him that way.
Damn you Roy, for saying that. It's because of people who would say that, is what makes it so. We are trying to progress here, to a better society, you know.
Message posted by: branh0913 on 6/6/2006 12:56:25 PM
I go to the mall and see little barbie doll black girls dating these black guys with gold teeth and who talk as if they have never learned first grade grammar. Also fat white women with a low self esteem, they normally date black men. They know that they are undesirable, so they go and date lower tier men as everyone else has standards, unlike black men.

Don't do this, Roy. It's disgusting and degrading. Speak normal and stop trying to look as a "lower tier" man, have some standards to live by other than considering yourself a Nigger because it's very offensive to the wonderful black people in this world.
uh-oh...you REALLY shouldn't put your address online in public...
i'll advise you and your pathetic pals to stay the hell away from, you negative bitch.
It's you who come to this board with your pathetic topics. And then you call us negative bitch and call us to stay away from you? Ah bitch? Go fuck yourself and never come to Pisces board.
Tactless asshole.
You are not welcome here. Get out!
Hmmm....lets not talk about "our" money,cars and keys to new homes okay!What do you got?WinkingTongue
False . . . another identity.
If you want to be a Nigger, then be my guest. And if you want people to call you that be my guest.
And when the time comes in your life that you feel that you are being mistreated d someone is discriminating against you, be my guest to come back here, for here you can find redemption in not caring whether you are respected.
And, that, my friend, is the reason why you will be discriminated against. NOT because your black !!!! Rather, because you want to be disrespected, dishonored - careful what you wish for.
you are one crude bitch. i never call myself a nigger, i said nicca meaning negro, and negor meaning a person with dark skin, from africa or ancestors are from there. by reading your post, it seem like you're one old racist hoe, and you're trying to prove a lie that you're for the blacks negro's. let tell you something old cripple ass bitch, you know nothin of me, and you can keep putting your wrinkle lips in my business if you like, but when it all boils down, i'm still a nicca, and you're still a angry old hag that wants my attention.
HAHAHA!!!!! p angel IS an angry old hag!~!!!! get a face lift p angel and stop being angry at the world...and while you're at it, get a freakin sense of humor too.
you need it
haha jennat, face lift? now will that really help? i don't think so.
"but when it all boils down, i'm still a nicca"
Yes, I see that. It's unfortunate for the people who are trying to progress.
yeah, with that old, assbackwards, racist attitude, she really is beyond hope, ain't she now?
if i were you piss angel, i would quit now while i still got chance..you are just digging a deeper hole
jennat look like she already dug herself out the grave.
piss angel, why are you downing black folks like that. speaking as if we aren't progressing as your kind. do you realize what you're saying, you fucking idiot!
well spoken alv! lol, naw i don't think a nicca will be saying "fo sho" at age 80. but yeah, i'm not changing until i'm ready, & only, when i'm ready. unintelligent people roll off me like water from the shower, honesty it cleanse me, haha. so keep up the negativity, because i'm so fucking fresh biaattch.
appreciate the condolence alv. i know you look out for your man.
for me?
*tilts head to the side, so that the lovely alv can kiss my neck.Winking*
Actually I don't think its P-angel in the corner much,who cares if someone is black in the first place!Speak proper english,its annoying!No body cares about sex,bling and all that other superficial,industry only level rap crap,listen to real rappers who have been on the streets and its a completely different tone.Hint:that comment was about robbing you instead of handing over cash,cars,etc...like what happens in real ghettosWinkingAnd this stuff is far from original,being yourself and all that other crap about individuality,your mocking false identity idiots that the "majority" thinks is "cool".The people that are actually from the streets are negative towards this stuff also because it keeps a stereotype on us alive.
And my mother was a stripper,relatives are druggies,uncle got murdered over drugs cause hes a twin to one of the druggy relatives,people being shot,etc.living in ghettoland detroit.So what if you mother was a ho,she ein't the first and she ein't the last what does that have to do with talking stupid?Only an idiot whos clueless about the streets proudly displays BS about living "street" when its alot more than the way you "talk" or "dress".Don't know too many peeps in the ghetto wearing brand name clothes to "look" gangsta,wearing a flag when your not in that gang can get you killed yanno,it is fake!Besides I see that your crab++++ on the screennames anywaysWinking
Then maybe he should back off of 47 year olds who aren't familiar with "lingo" when they ask a question about it.How does one go from Are you refering to nigger?To that person being a racist?You don't come to message boards while expecting not to be questioned by people and not everybodies going to react to you nicely either(haffos case)Winking
Roy is just on a hiatus from producing license plates and is takin the pisch. Fo real yo??
This is wild.. last I checked this was a MESSAGE BOARD.. Hence.. ENTERTAINMENT. There are way too many people on here that use short hand, slang... for various reasons.. and because Roy used some hood slang.. people got issues?? What is that? This is entertainment on here.. what's the big deal.. you don't like how he posts.. don't read it.. if you don't mind it.. read it.. But to judge a person by how they post on here is ridiculous. Get to know someone.. then cast a judgement.. lawd..
if i would have said that person was ridiculous then i would be judging them.. but what they said being ridiculous was an opinion.
I could care less about the slang in all honesty,its ok for people to pick his side in this so-called "rightiousness" cry im picking p-angels cause I know what shes refering to,old topic,therefore only asked the question and said her thoughts about playing follow the leader and he brought that on himself for acting like an ass.If you all knew her well and knew the topic shes talking about rather than judging her it will be a different storyWinking
Yeah yeah Roy.. You Aiight.. LMAO
howabout we say fck'em & let's flee the scene.