Conspiracy theorists vs. non- conspiracy theorists

This topic was created in the Politics forum by firesignsunite on Thursday, April 25, 2013 and has 18 replies.
Who wins in most arguments?
However both believe that they've won.
This argument is completely useless and hopeless of ever coming to an end or a conclusion. Number one reason why the argument is pointless is because non-conspiracy theorists ask the conspiracy theorists for concrete, reliable sources for their information. The thing is, sources which more mainstream media leaning types consider to be reliable never discuss or talk about conspiracy theories. "Reliable sources" which tend to be news, or government websites lean the exact opposite way of conspiracy theories- in fact they try to prove them wrong most of the time.
So how do conspiracy theorists prove anything?
Through the word of the common citizen on youtube, blogs, or perhaps even places like If they were to state these places as the basis of their theories- they'd be called bias or inaccurate. Contrary to popular belief- many conspiracy theories do make a lot of sense, more sense than the truth that is advertized at times.
People often times grapple with the truth. They attempt to find the truth in so many different places that they forget about their own opinion. The news, media, and government tells you what they want you to believe is the truth. Conspiracy theorists, bloggers, politicians, everyone who puts out information is telling you what they -want- you to believe. The only way to ever have clarity is if you step out of your comfort box, look at a sequence of events, figure out what happened in reality and from that deduct -YOUR OWN- truth.
That is the only truth that matters.
Arguments about politics will constantly ensue, and pointlessly so, because everyone tries to convince each other that they're correct and their view points are truthful and most reality based. When both sides of the argument have valid and strong reasons for believing what they believe- neither will change their opinion...ever.
Conspiracy theorist vs. Non- conspiracy theorist is the epitome of a pointless battle.
I am very curious to hear what the imbeciles who voted for the worthless Kenyan asshole have to say on the following issues:
1.) Obama's horrific decision to abandon Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans fighting for their lives against terrorists in Benghazi, Libya.
2.) Obama's illegal use of the IRS to target, block, intimidate and otherwise harass Americans who defend the Constitution.
3.) Obama's illegal use of the DOJ to wiretap and monitor the telephone calls and conversations for news personnel at the Associated Press.
4.) Obama's illegal use of the EPA to basically destroy, inhibit and otherwise block ANYTHING related to the Coal Mining and Petroleum Exploration Industries, and the hundreds of thousands of jobs therein related. You faggots need to defend his blocking of the Keystone Pipeline while you are at it.
5.) Obama's recent treatment of US Marines as nothing more than umbrella holding butlers.
6.) Obama's piss poor effort to create a "school shooting" at Sandy Hook in an insidious plot to destroy the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. Lying faggots like Robbie Parker, Gene Rosen and Sally Cox being the banner waving LIARS and bullshitters in that horseshit LIE of a scandal.
7.) Obama's shitty use of the BATF to stage a "weapons problem" at the border with Mexico (Operation Fast and Furious), when it was his damn agents who were financing and placing machine guns and anti-aircraft weapons into the hands of the Cartels. The plan was to blame lawful gun owners for the machine guns going to drug dealers, but the scandal backfired when Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican civilians were murdered in the following months. Lower ranked BATF agents acknowledged that the entire "operation" was a fucking Reichstag Fire.
I would love to hear you worthless dreck explain yourselves for this horrendous horseshit. Hell, your election choice makes Nixon look like an Eagle Scout by comparison.
Posted by ScorpioFish
I am very curious to hear what the imbeciles who voted for the worthless Kenyan asshole have to say on the following issues:
1.) Obama's horrific decision to abandon Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans fighting for their lives against terrorists in Benghazi, Libya.
2.) Obama's illegal use of the IRS to target, block, intimidate and otherwise harass Americans who defend the Constitution.
3.) Obama's illegal use of the DOJ to wiretap and monitor the telephone calls and conversations for news personnel at the Associated Press.
4.) Obama's illegal use of the EPA to basically destroy, inhibit and otherwise block ANYTHING related to the Coal Mining and Petroleum Exploration Industries, and the hundreds of thousands of jobs therein related. You faggots need to defend his blocking of the Keystone Pipeline while you are at it.
5.) Obama's recent treatment of US Marines as nothing more than umbrella holding butlers.
6.) Obama's piss poor effort to create a "school shooting" at Sandy Hook in an insidious plot to destroy the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. Lying faggots like Robbie Parker, Gene Rosen and Sally Cox being the banner waving LIARS and bullshitters in that horseshit LIE of a scandal.
7.) Obama's shitty use of the BATF to stage a "weapons problem" at the border with Mexico (Operation Fast and Furious), when it was his damn agents who were financing and placing machine guns and anti-aircraft weapons into the hands of the Cartels. The plan was to blame lawful gun owners for the machine guns going to drug dealers, but the scandal backfired when Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican civilians were murdered in the following months. Lower ranked BATF agents acknowledged that the entire "operation" was a fucking Reichstag Fire.
I would love to hear you worthless dreck explain yourselves for this horrendous horseshit. Hell, your election choice makes Nixon look like an Eagle Scout by comparison.

Obama is a megalomaniacal asshat.
Also, conspiracies cannot be proven.
If they could, they would cease to be conspiracy; they would be FACT.
Just saying. Winking
Posted by xMoonMan
Posted by ScorpioFish

I haven't followed much on coal, though
click to expand

An ignorant liberal?
An ignorant liberal who doesn't fault Obama for ANYTHING disastrous these days?
There's a shock.
I was referencing Keystone XL, BTW, which is stalled thanks to your queerbait Kenyan buddy refusing to sign the paperwork authorizing it for construction.
The construction and energy jobs created by XL would be beneficial to the US economy (and it would enhance energy trade with our friends in Canada), but since queerbait is antithetical to ANYTHING that helps the US job market, I suppose that XL is doomed to be DOA.
I've got a thousand dollars that says you would have voted for Obama over Romney in the 2008 and 2012 election given the chance.
Now go fuck yourself with your obfuscations, jabbering and cherry-picking.
You clearly can't discuss the numerous other facts I pointed out.
The EPA, BTW, is being used to systematically destroy the US Coal Industry.
Read up, you lazy, ignorant faggot:

These articles come from several websites that are to the center, right and left of politics.
If even the left-wing homos at US News and World Report are discussing the democrats' war against the coal industry, then surely even a simpleton like you can figure it out.
s/f one must come to the conclusion that moonbeam is just there asking question after question because he is a shut in or she which ever it are and others on dxp are his whole life he always takes the other side or ask for more exsplainatiomn of fact.
Posted by ScorpioFish
I was referencing Keystone XL, BTW, which is stalled thanks to your queerbait Kenyan buddy refusing to sign the paperwork authorizing it for construction.
The construction and energy jobs created by XL would be beneficial to the US economy (and it would enhance energy trade with our friends in Canada), but since queerbait is antithetical to ANYTHING that helps the US job market, I suppose that XL is doomed to be DOA.


Interesting article on that, that I read today, if you're interested:

Protesters greet Obama on S.F.??s Billionaires?? Row

" This explains how people who voted for Obama can be out in the street seemingly to protest ???against?? him.
Turns out this whole protest was nothing more play-acting for the cameras, a group of faux protesters colluding with Obama to create a Potemkin ???movement?? which he can then cite as justification for making an unpopular decision he already wanted to make anyway.
???I had no choice ??? there??s a mass movement against this pipeline! I must bow to the will of the people.??

I'm intrigued by conspiracy theories because I've learned not to trust the mainstream media. Nothing hit building number 7 and it went down demolition style . Now, I'm not saying 9/11 WAS an inside job. I'm AM saying, a building can't free fall from a simple fire and that the 9/11 commission told us nothing. Those buildings were designed to withstand that & a plane crashing into it. And look at all the rights we've lost since that fateful day. Very very suspicious. I'll probably never know the truth but I don't believe the ones in authority spinning.
Posted by Montgomery

Also, conspiracies cannot be proven.
If they could, they would cease to be conspiracy; they would be FACT.
Just saying. Winking

Ummm, you're confusing "conspiracy" with "theory".
In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime. 28crime% 29
Conspiracies can and have been proven to have existed!
CIA Sponsored Regime Change (coups d'?tat) 27% C3% A9tat
According to the USA Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, a Covert operation (also as CoveOps or covert ops) is "an operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal the identity of or permit plausible denial by the sponsor." It is intended to create a political effect which can have implications in the military, intelligence or law enforcement arenas. Covert operations aim to fulfill their mission objectives without any parties knowing who sponsored or carried out the operation.

At various times, under its own authority or in accordance with directives from the President of the United States or the National Security Council staff, the Central Intelligence Agency has attempted to influence domestic and international public opinion, and sometimes law enforcement.

White Propaganda
#White_Propaganda" data-url="" target="_blank">
click to expand
The 9/11 Commission Report, it is fair to say, was/is the US' Official Conspiracy Theory.

Here, you will find the Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists.

It's all a matter of what makes the most sense to you.
Should you believe the official report? Or question it, and research further.
The sad fact is, "Conspiracy Theory" has been labeled as non-sense and "Conspiracy Theorists"
everything from "stupid" to "traitors worthy of death".

Posted by Este8
I'm intrigued by conspiracy theories because I've learned not to trust the mainstream media. Nothing hit building number 7 and it went down demolition style . Now, I'm not saying 9/11 WAS an inside job. I'm AM saying, a building can't free fall from a simple fire and that the 9/11 commission told us nothing. Those buildings were designed to withstand that & a plane crashing into it. And look at all the rights we've lost since that fateful day. Very very suspicious. I'll probably never know the truth but I don't believe the ones in authority spinning.

No offense, but if you think that was "a simple fire", I would encourage you to do more research.
Posted by MrFirebird
Ummm, you're confusing "conspiracy" with "theory".
In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime. 28crime% 29
Conspiracies can and have been proven to have existed!
CIA Sponsored Regime Change (coups d'?tat) 27% C3% A9tat
According to the USA Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, a Covert operation (also as CoveOps or covert ops) is "an operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal the identity of or permit plausible denial by the sponsor." It is intended to create a political effect which can have implications in the military, intelligence or law enforcement arenas. Covert operations aim to fulfill their mission objectives without any parties knowing who sponsored or carried out the operation. ...

No, I'm really not confusing a thing-- it was mostly tongue-in-cheek, although I probably could have worded it better-- that, I'll concede.

"Conspiracy Theory" is implied, and should be taken as a whole, since that is the topic of the thread.
In that light... let's revisit what I said:

"Also, conspiracies [theories] cannot be proven.
If they could, they would cease to be conspiracy [theories]; they would be FACT."

Semantics-- that's what you're arguing, and it's something for which I have very little patience.

Psy Ops, on the other hand-- worthy of its own thread.
Will look for it, Mr. F.