One of the Major organizers for the "women's march" is a big supporter of Sharia Law ?

This topic was created in the Politics forum by Moonbutter on Thursday, February 2, 2017 and has 209 replies.
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I said this about 10 days ago

"Sharia Law, It's not unreasonable once you learn the details.. according to Linda Sarsours."

She's a nutcase... the Muslim women in some countries get stoned for being raped! In this day and age!!

"1 woman = 1/2 a man"

It's not okay over there, not okay for women any fucking where!!!

Hello?? Where are the people advocating for justice for Muslim women under Sharia Law?

Quiet huh...

Christians used to do some of this Sharia Law beliefs.. but GD... move on with the times man.. like every other religion has were not in the freaking dark ages.. and places like Iran should know better since it seems they've changed drastically after the Muslim conversion

Don't sell your daughters like property

Don't cut off womens clit

No sewing up vaginas

No death penalty for rape Victims

Let women vote

Let women drive

Let women walk alone

1 woman = 1 man damnit.

The hijab and all that that's cool I have no issue with that but...

Let woman have equal rights.


But neo feminists tumblrinas who make real feminist look bad, please be smart enough to now who you are working with..

Classic wolf in sheep's clothing.


Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
I said this about 10 days ago

"Sharia Law, It's not unreasonable once you learn the details.. according to Linda Sarsours."

She's a nutcase... the Muslim women in some countries get stoned for being raped! In this day and age!!

"1 woman = 1/2 a man"

It's not okay over there, not okay for women any fucking where!!!

Hello?? Where are the people advocating for justice for Muslim women under Sharia Law?

Quiet huh...

Christians used to do some of this Sharia Law beliefs.. but GD... move on with the times man.. like every other religion has were not in the freaking dark ages.. and places like Iran should know better since it seems they've changed drastically after the Muslim conversion

Don't sell your daughters like property

Don't cut off womens clit

No sewing up vaginas

No death penalty for rape Victims

Let women vote

Let women drive

Let women walk alone

1 woman = 1 man damnit.

The hijab and all that that's cool I have no issue with that but...

Let woman have equal rights.


But neo feminists tumblrinas who make real feminist look bad, please be smart enough to now who you are working with..

Classic wolf in sheep's clothing.


Exactly! I experienced this Sharia law first hand as my BF was Muslim and he progressively tried to control what I wore, ate, watched , read... he would get mad if I played basketball at my community court and there was another man there. Toward the end he said many times he wanted me in a burka and started physically abusing like holding my hand he would squeeze hard if I said something he didn't like....that's when I ran.
Oh. What a shocker. Who saw that coming?


Did you see the comparisons of the women's march vs the march for life?

The latter actually accomplished what the former claimed to do but was nothing but a fucking farce that people stupidly fell for. You didn't hear much about it, either. Funny how that works.
User Submitted Image


All you need to know about ALL these pathetic protests from progressive/communists is this. They are ALL funded by the Globalist/Communist George Soros. He's the loser who started/funded/promotes BLM. The Fake media wanted the public to buy into the nation that BLM was an organic movement. It wasn't, nor are any of these fake protests.

This man is evil. He handed over his family to the Nazi's in Hungary when he was a teen ager. He is wanted by many countries including Hungary and Russia. He purposely tries to destroy nation's economies by stock manipulation. He has done so successfully in a few.

I keep praying this scum finally dies. He's in his mid 80's and looks like death warmed over. He has two sons, but they won't have the power he does.

Trump needs to round up Soros and have him deported; preferably to Putin who has a 1M reward out for Soros dead or alive. We get rid of Soros, we get rid of the majority of all these Pseudo Protests.

BTW, you know all this feigned anger at the enforcement of enforcing US immigration vetting practices going on now? These 7 countries on this vetting policy were actually ones Obama's administration had already named as threats due to terrorism. Trump is simply being proactive by enforcing the law to vet and protecting this nation from potential terrorists threats. Of all those who were questioned at airports ect. when this Executive Order went into effect, all but a couple were released. They system worked.

What this country is seeing is simple. On on side, the leftist/progressive/commie side, you are witnessing years of liberal indoctrination in our public educational system. Instead of raising young Americans who love this country and want to help protect and build it, they have been taught to hate this country and for the good things it stands for. For all the liberties we as American citizens have and the opportunities it provides to those who want to work hard for it. Generations prior wanted those things and to give their kids/grandkids even better. Many of today's Millenials want to destroy this country. They are completely ignorant of how great this country is and haven't been taught the actual truths of communism. How stupid can you be when you embrace a communist nation that actually removes people's freedoms, enslaves them to be total subjects of the elites and puts them in jail or kills them for their personal religions beliefs etc.?

These idiots protesting have no clue how good they have it. Many of these protestors didn't even vote.

Their signs that read: "Love Trumps Hate" is the biggest joke. Liberals are the least tolerant, least compassionate people on the planet. Did you know this women's march ONLY included PRO ABORTION women? Pro life women wanted to be part of the march but were told to "F OFF!' Did you listen to the language of Madonna and Ashly Judd? If I had a daughter, they would be the last women I'd want my daughter to emulate.

Again, all these protests are a joke. When Obama was elected both times, did you see Pro Life, Conservatives, Republicans or Libertarians marching and burning private property? Did you see any of them threaten POTUS's life? Of course not. WE don't act like petulant children who can't stand that they lost. In the worlds of Obama when he won, "Elections of Consequences." Unfortunately, Liberals don't practice what they preach. They are total hypocrites. But then again, Dr. Savage was correct when he stated years ago: "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder."

When you see protests that are anti Trump, anti American, anti Pro Life, anti 2nd Amendment etc., just follow the $ $ $ . It ALWAYS leads back to the FUGLY George Soros.

I'm loving the fact that for the first time since the early 80's, we finally have a POTUS who loves this country, is going to do everything in his power to protect this nation and our citizens first and foremost and is and will continue to do what he promised. Meanwhile, the pitiful Dems will try to delay his cabinet appointments. Good luck with that Dems. You'll be thrown out just as your other loser progressives were. It's just a matter of time. The forgotten man and woman of this great nation have had enough of your BS!
I'm not against Muslims, but I'm sure theres people who are privileged enough to live outside of the middle east and be a more modern relaxed Muslim, that see how outdated the religion is and how women are reduced to almost nothing..

Why can't they move forward!!! They didn't all used to be this way
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
I'm not against Muslims, but I'm sure theres people who are privileged enough to live outside of the middle east and be a more modern relaxed Muslim, that see how outdated the religion is and how women are reduced to almost nothing..

Why can't they move forward!!! They didn't all used to be this way
It's a sect of Islam. Just like how Christianity has various sects, some more strict than others.

I had to do a project on Islam in my religion class and tbh, it actually had mad respect for women. None of this insane extremism that you see. But I was also reading it as is and not twisting interpretation either. My partner was also surprised too. "Wow, they really aren't as horrible as everyone makes them out to be.."

Leave it to the extreme asshats to do this shit. They're basically the equivalent of the Westboro Baptist nuts.
Posted by gemini64

All you need to know about ALL these pathetic protests from progressive/communists is this. They are ALL funded by the Globalist/Communist George Soros. He's the loser who started/funded/promotes BLM. The Fake media wanted the public to buy into the nation that BLM was an organic movement. It wasn't, nor are any of these fake protests.

This man is evil. He handed over his family to the Nazi's in Hungary when he was a teen ager. He is wanted by many countries including Hungary and Russia. He purposely tries to destroy nation's economies by stock manipulation. He has done so successfully in a few.

I keep praying this scum finally dies. He's in his mid 80's and looks like death warmed over. He has two sons, but they won't have the power he does.

Trump needs to round up Soros and have him deported; preferably to Putin who has a 1M reward out for Soros dead or alive. We get rid of Soros, we get rid of the majority of all these Pseudo Protests.

BTW, you know all this feigned anger at the enforcement of enforcing US immigration vetting practices going on now? These 7 countries on this vetting policy were actually ones Obama's administration had already named as threats due to terrorism. Trump is simply being proactive by enforcing the law to vet and protecting this nation from potential terrorists threats. Of all those who were questioned at airports ect. when this Executive Order went into effect, all but a couple were released. They system worked.

What this country is seeing is simple. On on side, the leftist/progressive/commie side, you are witnessing years of liberal indoctrination in our public educational system. Instead of raising young Americans who love this country and want to help protect and build it, they have been taught to hate this country and for the good things it stands for. For all the liberties we as American citizens have and the opportunities it provides to those who want to work hard for it. Generations prior wanted those things and to give their kids/grandkids even better. Many of today's Millenials want to destroy this country. They are completely ignorant of how great this country is and haven't been taught the actual truths of communism. How stupid can you be when you embrace a communist nation that actually removes people's freedoms, enslaves them to be total subjects of the elites and puts them in jail or kills them for their personal religions beliefs etc.?

These idiots protesting have no clue how good they have it. Many of these protestors didn't even vote.

Their signs that read: "Love Trumps Hate" is the biggest joke. Liberals are the least tolerant, least compassionate people on the planet. Did you know this women's march ONLY included PRO ABORTION women? Pro life women wanted to be part of the march but were told to "F OFF!' Did you listen to the language of Madonna and Ashly Judd? If I had a daughter, they would be the last women I'd want my daughter to emulate.

Again, all these protests are a joke. When Obama was elected both times, did you see Pro Life, Conservatives, Republicans or Libertarians marching and burning private property? Did you see any of them threaten POTUS's life? Of course not. WE don't act like petulant children who can't stand that they lost. In the worlds of Obama when he won, "Elections of Consequences." Unfortunately, Liberals don't practice what they preach. They are total hypocrites. But then again, Dr. Savage was correct when he stated years ago: "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder."

When you see protests that are anti Trump, anti American, anti Pro Life, anti 2nd Amendment etc., just follow the $ $ $ . It ALWAYS leads back to the FUGLY George Soros.

I'm loving the fact that for the first time since the early 80's, we finally have a POTUS who loves this country, is going to do everything in his power to protect this nation and our citizens first and foremost and is and will continue to do what he promised. Meanwhile, the pitiful Dems will try to delay his cabinet appointments. Good luck with that Dems. You'll be thrown out just as your other loser progressives were. It's just a matter of time. The forgotten man and woman of this great nation have had enough of your BS!
You are so right... I lived around DC for 12 years ( thank God I moved away 9 months ago!) and I always felt out of place, like it was just evil and hatred... mostly the privileged Dems & College kids who as you say were taught all this anti- american crap and just created brainwashed liberals. Sad... it's mind boggling how they can't think for themselves?
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
I'm not against Muslims, but I'm sure theres people who are privileged enough to live outside of the middle east and be a more modern relaxed Muslim, that see how outdated the religion is and how women are reduced to almost nothing..

Why can't they move forward!!! They didn't all used to be this way
It's a sect of Islam. Just like how Christianity has various sects, some more strict than others.

I had to do a project on Islam in my religion class and tbh, it actually had mad respect for women. None of this insane extremism that you see. But I was also reading it as is and not twisting interpretation either. My partner was also surprised too. "Wow, they really aren't as horrible as everyone makes them out to be.."

Leave it to the extreme asshats to do this shit. They're basically the equivalent of the Westboro Baptist nuts.
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True... there are reasons for certain laws to protect women but then it can go too far and become extreme. I understand the basis of it and the whys, however I also know the other side that takes advantage.
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Oh shit the ignorance in this thread is mind boggling.

Like 95% of the women who protested even know who Linda whatever her name is.

Most of those marches were expected to have less then 10k, they broke the record in every city.

Ppl are furious
The point is stupid women were matching for something they had no idea about. The irony is they were being led by a woman who is against their beliefs.
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Big foot exists!
We appreciate your admittance?
I posted this to my FB a week or so ago. What Egyptians in Egypt were saying and thinking while watching the Women's March and the days after the inauguration.:

Edited to correct the country
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
I'm not against Muslims, but I'm sure theres people who are privileged enough to live outside of the middle east and be a more modern relaxed Muslim, that see how outdated the religion is and how women are reduced to almost nothing..

Why can't they move forward!!! They didn't all used to be this way
It's a sect of Islam. Just like how Christianity has various sects, some more strict than others.

I had to do a project on Islam in my religion class and tbh, it actually had mad respect for women. None of this insane extremism that you see. But I was also reading it as is and not twisting interpretation either. My partner was also surprised too. "Wow, they really aren't as horrible as everyone makes them out to be.."

Leave it to the extreme asshats to do this shit. They're basically the equivalent of the Westboro Baptist nuts.
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It all depends on what you study, what sect you're looking at, and what materials were available to you.

Same goes for those in the religion.

The more material that's available, and the more orthodox you get, the more twisted it gets.

Posted by sultrykitty
I posted this to my FB a week or so ago. What Iranians in Iran were saying and thinking while watching the Women's March and the days after the inauguration.:

Wow! Thank you I just shared that to my FB... and I wonder with the "Muslim Ban" as they like to put it if that's also adding fuel to the fire to show even more support for Islam. Sheesh... we do not want Sharia Law here... people should look at what's going on in Europe. What's scary is we are following in their footsteps.., people holding up "Refugees Welcomed" signs at the Dulles Airport in VA just like the Germans did and look what has happened? Thank God we have A president who won't listen to his critics and just keep in the straight and narrow path.
Posted by HeartofTopaz
Posted by gemini64

All you need to know about ALL these pathetic protests from progressive/communists is this. They are ALL funded by the Globalist/Communist George Soros. He's the loser who started/funded/promotes BLM. The Fake media wanted the public to buy into the nation that BLM was an organic movement. It wasn't, nor are any of these fake protests.

This man is evil. He handed over his family to the Nazi's in Hungary when he was a teen ager. He is wanted by many countries including Hungary and Russia. He purposely tries to destroy nation's economies by stock manipulation. He has done so successfully in a few.

I keep praying this scum finally dies. He's in his mid 80's and looks like death warmed over. He has two sons, but they won't have the power he does.

Trump needs to round up Soros and have him deported; preferably to Putin who has a 1M reward out for Soros dead or alive. We get rid of Soros, we get rid of the majority of all these Pseudo Protests.

BTW, you know all this feigned anger at the enforcement of enforcing US immigration vetting practices going on now? These 7 countries on this vetting policy were actually ones Obama's administration had already named as threats due to terrorism. Trump is simply being proactive by enforcing the law to vet and protecting this nation from potential terrorists threats. Of all those who were questioned at airports ect. when this Executive Order went into effect, all but a couple were released. They system worked.

What this country is seeing is simple. On on side, the leftist/progressive/commie side, you are witnessing years of liberal indoctrination in our public educational system. Instead of raising young Americans who love this country and want to help protect and build it, they have been taught to hate this country and for the good things it stands for. For all the liberties we as American citizens have and the opportunities it provides to those who want to work hard for it. Generations prior wanted those things and to give their kids/grandkids even better. Many of today's Millenials want to destroy this country. They are completely ignorant of how great this country is and haven't been taught the actual truths of communism. How stupid can you be when you embrace a communist nation that actually removes people's freedoms, enslaves them to be total subjects of the elites and puts them in jail or kills them for their personal religions beliefs etc.?

These idiots protesting have no clue how good they have it. Many of these protestors didn't even vote.

Their signs that read: "Love Trumps Hate" is the biggest joke. Liberals are the least tolerant, least compassionate people on the planet. Did you know this women's march ONLY included PRO ABORTION women? Pro life women wanted to be part of the march but were told to "F OFF!' Did you listen to the language of Madonna and Ashly Judd? If I had a daughter, they would be the last women I'd want my daughter to emulate.

Again, all these protests are a joke. When Obama was elected both times, did you see Pro Life, Conservatives, Republicans or Libertarians marching and burning private property? Did you see any of them threaten POTUS's life? Of course not. WE don't act like petulant children who can't stand that they lost. In the worlds of Obama when he won, "Elections of Consequences." Unfortunately, Liberals don't practice what they preach. They are total hypocrites. But then again, Dr. Savage was correct when he stated years ago: "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder."

When you see protests that are anti Trump, anti American, anti Pro Life, anti 2nd Amendment etc., just follow the $ $ $ . It ALWAYS leads back to the FUGLY George Soros.

I'm loving the fact that for the first time since the early 80's, we finally have a POTUS who loves this country, is going to do everything in his power to protect this nation and our citizens first and foremost and is and will continue to do what he promised. Meanwhile, the pitiful Dems will try to delay his cabinet appointments. Good luck with that Dems. You'll be thrown out just as your other loser progressives were. It's just a matter of time. The forgotten man and woman of this great nation have had enough of your BS!

I read that Trump has already filed for reelection in 2020. This will definitely change things up a bit for "Sore-os" lol
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Well by then all the snowflakes will either be in mental hospitals or jail ?
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
I said this about 10 days ago

"Sharia Law, It's not unreasonable once you learn the details.. according to Linda Sarsours."

She's a nutcase... the Muslim women in some countries get stoned for being raped! In this day and age!!

"1 woman = 1/2 a man"

It's not okay over there, not okay for women any fucking where!!!

Hello?? Where are the people advocating for justice for Muslim women under Sharia Law?

Quiet huh...

Christians used to do some of this Sharia Law beliefs.. but GD... move on with the times man.. like every other religion has were not in the freaking dark ages.. and places like Iran should know better since it seems they've changed drastically after the Muslim conversion

Don't sell your daughters like property

Don't cut off womens clit

No sewing up vaginas

No death penalty for rape Victims

Let women vote

Let women drive

Let women walk alone

1 woman = 1 man damnit.

The hijab and all that that's cool I have no issue with that but...

Let woman have equal rights.


But neo feminists tumblrinas who make real feminist look bad, please be smart enough to now who you are working with..

Classic wolf in sheep's clothing.


Exactly! I experienced this Sharia law first hand as my BF was Muslim and he progressively tried to control what I wore, ate, watched , read... he would get mad if I played basketball at my community court and there was another man there. Toward the end he said many times he wanted me in a burka and started physically abusing like holding my hand he would squeeze hard if I said something he didn't like....that's when I ran.
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That's scary

Posted by gemini64

All you need to know about ALL these pathetic protests from progressive/communists is this. They are ALL funded by the Globalist/Communist George Soros. He's the loser who started/funded/promotes BLM. The Fake media wanted the public to buy into the nation that BLM was an organic movement. It wasn't, nor are any of these fake protests.

This man is evil. He handed over his family to the Nazi's in Hungary when he was a teen ager. He is wanted by many countries including Hungary and Russia. He purposely tries to destroy nation's economies by stock manipulation. He has done so successfully in a few.

I keep praying this scum finally dies. He's in his mid 80's and looks like death warmed over. He has two sons, but they won't have the power he does.

Trump needs to round up Soros and have him deported; preferably to Putin who has a 1M reward out for Soros dead or alive. We get rid of Soros, we get rid of the majority of all these Pseudo Protests.

BTW, you know all this feigned anger at the enforcement of enforcing US immigration vetting practices going on now? These 7 countries on this vetting policy were actually ones Obama's administration had already named as threats due to terrorism. Trump is simply being proactive by enforcing the law to vet and protecting this nation from potential terrorists threats. Of all those who were questioned at airports ect. when this Executive Order went into effect, all but a couple were released. They system worked.

What this country is seeing is simple. On on side, the leftist/progressive/commie side, you are witnessing years of liberal indoctrination in our public educational system. Instead of raising young Americans who love this country and want to help protect and build it, they have been taught to hate this country and for the good things it stands for. For all the liberties we as American citizens have and the opportunities it provides to those who want to work hard for it. Generations prior wanted those things and to give their kids/grandkids even better. Many of today's Millenials want to destroy this country. They are completely ignorant of how great this country is and haven't been taught the actual truths of communism. How stupid can you be when you embrace a communist nation that actually removes people's freedoms, enslaves them to be total subjects of the elites and puts them in jail or kills them for their personal religions beliefs etc.?

These idiots protesting have no clue how good they have it. Many of these protestors didn't even vote.

Their signs that read: "Love Trumps Hate" is the biggest joke. Liberals are the least tolerant, least compassionate people on the planet. Did you know this women's march ONLY included PRO ABORTION women? Pro life women wanted to be part of the march but were told to "F OFF!' Did you listen to the language of Madonna and Ashly Judd? If I had a daughter, they would be the last women I'd want my daughter to emulate.

Again, all these protests are a joke. When Obama was elected both times, did you see Pro Life, Conservatives, Republicans or Libertarians marching and burning private property? Did you see any of them threaten POTUS's life? Of course not. WE don't act like petulant children who can't stand that they lost. In the worlds of Obama when he won, "Elections of Consequences." Unfortunately, Liberals don't practice what they preach. They are total hypocrites. But then again, Dr. Savage was correct when he stated years ago: "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder."

When you see protests that are anti Trump, anti American, anti Pro Life, anti 2nd Amendment etc., just follow the $ $ $ . It ALWAYS leads back to the FUGLY George Soros.

I'm loving the fact that for the first time since the early 80's, we finally have a POTUS who loves this country, is going to do everything in his power to protect this nation and our citizens first and foremost and is and will continue to do what he promised. Meanwhile, the pitiful Dems will try to delay his cabinet appointments. Good luck with that Dems. You'll be thrown out just as your other loser progressives were. It's just a matter of time. The forgotten man and woman of this great nation have had enough of your BS!
I learned a few things... it would make sense communist a holes would be behind this.

Stir up chaos and find ways to divide the US even more than it already is


Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
I said this about 10 days ago

"Sharia Law, It's not unreasonable once you learn the details.. according to Linda Sarsours."

She's a nutcase... the Muslim women in some countries get stoned for being raped! In this day and age!!

"1 woman = 1/2 a man"

It's not okay over there, not okay for women any fucking where!!!

Hello?? Where are the people advocating for justice for Muslim women under Sharia Law?

Quiet huh...

Christians used to do some of this Sharia Law beliefs.. but GD... move on with the times man.. like every other religion has were not in the freaking dark ages.. and places like Iran should know better since it seems they've changed drastically after the Muslim conversion

Don't sell your daughters like property

Don't cut off womens clit

No sewing up vaginas

No death penalty for rape Victims

Let women vote

Let women drive

Let women walk alone

1 woman = 1 man damnit.

The hijab and all that that's cool I have no issue with that but...

Let woman have equal rights.


But neo feminists tumblrinas who make real feminist look bad, please be smart enough to now who you are working with..

Classic wolf in sheep's clothing.


Exactly! I experienced this Sharia law first hand as my BF was Muslim and he progressively tried to control what I wore, ate, watched , read... he would get mad if I played basketball at my community court and there was another man there. Toward the end he said many times he wanted me in a burka and started physically abusing like holding my hand he would squeeze hard if I said something he didn't like....that's when I ran.
That's scary

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Unfortunate most Muslim men who practice Sharia Law believe in this. Most women in these places can't drive, they can't leave their house without a shaperone and they can't divorce. I believe the law is if a woman is raped there needs to be 4 male winesses otherwise she will be at fault. There is more, and having dated a Sunni Muslim i know they are absolutely bent on spreading Islam and Sharia Law as world domination. After all, it would be so much easier for them to practice their 5 daily prayers if the call to prayer was on an announcer in every neighborhood and women covered themselves head to toe so the men wouldn't lust after them.
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
Posted by gemini64

All you need to know about ALL these pathetic protests from progressive/communists is this. They are ALL funded by the Globalist/Communist George Soros. He's the loser who started/funded/promotes BLM. The Fake media wanted the public to buy into the nation that BLM was an organic movement. It wasn't, nor are any of these fake protests.

This man is evil. He handed over his family to the Nazi's in Hungary when he was a teen ager. He is wanted by many countries including Hungary and Russia. He purposely tries to destroy nation's economies by stock manipulation. He has done so successfully in a few.

I keep praying this scum finally dies. He's in his mid 80's and looks like death warmed over. He has two sons, but they won't have the power he does.

Trump needs to round up Soros and have him deported; preferably to Putin who has a 1M reward out for Soros dead or alive. We get rid of Soros, we get rid of the majority of all these Pseudo Protests.

BTW, you know all this feigned anger at the enforcement of enforcing US immigration vetting practices going on now? These 7 countries on this vetting policy were actually ones Obama's administration had already named as threats due to terrorism. Trump is simply being proactive by enforcing the law to vet and protecting this nation from potential terrorists threats. Of all those who were questioned at airports ect. when this Executive Order went into effect, all but a couple were released. They system worked.

What this country is seeing is simple. On on side, the leftist/progressive/commie side, you are witnessing years of liberal indoctrination in our public educational system. Instead of raising young Americans who love this country and want to help protect and build it, they have been taught to hate this country and for the good things it stands for. For all the liberties we as American citizens have and the opportunities it provides to those who want to work hard for it. Generations prior wanted those things and to give their kids/grandkids even better. Many of today's Millenials want to destroy this country. They are completely ignorant of how great this country is and haven't been taught the actual truths of communism. How stupid can you be when you embrace a communist nation that actually removes people's freedoms, enslaves them to be total subjects of the elites and puts them in jail or kills them for their personal religions beliefs etc.?

These idiots protesting have no clue how good they have it. Many of these protestors didn't even vote.

Their signs that read: "Love Trumps Hate" is the biggest joke. Liberals are the least tolerant, least compassionate people on the planet. Did you know this women's march ONLY included PRO ABORTION women? Pro life women wanted to be part of the march but were told to "F OFF!' Did you listen to the language of Madonna and Ashly Judd? If I had a daughter, they would be the last women I'd want my daughter to emulate.

Again, all these protests are a joke. When Obama was elected both times, did you see Pro Life, Conservatives, Republicans or Libertarians marching and burning private property? Did you see any of them threaten POTUS's life? Of course not. WE don't act like petulant children who can't stand that they lost. In the worlds of Obama when he won, "Elections of Consequences." Unfortunately, Liberals don't practice what they preach. They are total hypocrites. But then again, Dr. Savage was correct when he stated years ago: "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder."

When you see protests that are anti Trump, anti American, anti Pro Life, anti 2nd Amendment etc., just follow the $ $ $ . It ALWAYS leads back to the FUGLY George Soros.

I'm loving the fact that for the first time since the early 80's, we finally have a POTUS who loves this country, is going to do everything in his power to protect this nation and our citizens first and foremost and is and will continue to do what he promised. Meanwhile, the pitiful Dems will try to delay his cabinet appointments. Good luck with that Dems. You'll be thrown out just as your other loser progressives were. It's just a matter of time. The forgotten man and woman of this great nation have had enough of your BS!
I learned a few things... it would make sense communist a holes would be behind this.

Stir up chaos and find ways to divide the US even more than it already is


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Very true... the weird thing is all the rioting going on and throwing ?, bottles, etc at the cops is exactly what was going on in Germany with the mass influx of Refugees. First it was the racial divide, then the political divide, not it's a religious divide like all trump supporters are white Christians.
Posted by leowww
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
"Sharia Law, It's not unreasonable once you learn the details.. according to Linda Sarsours."

What details is she speaking of? Cause the ones you mentioned sound down right horrific.

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Not unreasonable... meaning as long as you follow the Hadith and Shara law. Be a good Muslim woman and keep your head and body covered. Depending upon region, some laws are more enforced or strict then others. Basics are you pray 5 times a day, stay covered, no alcohol, obey your husband and never look at another man.
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
I'm not against Muslims, but I'm sure theres people who are privileged enough to live outside of the middle east and be a more modern relaxed Muslim, that see how outdated the religion is and how women are reduced to almost nothing..

Why can't they move forward!!! They didn't all used to be this way
It's a sect of Islam. Just like how Christianity has various sects, some more strict than others.

I had to do a project on Islam in my religion class and tbh, it actually had mad respect for women. None of this insane extremism that you see. But I was also reading it as is and not twisting interpretation either. My partner was also surprised too. "Wow, they really aren't as horrible as everyone makes them out to be.."

Leave it to the extreme asshats to do this shit. They're basically the equivalent of the Westboro Baptist nuts.
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I was thinking more like the Polygamist Mormons lol..

Yeah I know it's the extremist... of course it's not everyone, I never thought they were horrible... only that the men were assholes.. I've always thought that even as a child..

What kind of man would force his to do this or not to do this..

As I got older I didn't question it much.. I just think some countries are extremely backwards and having religion and politics/laws mix just makes everything worse.

Posted by leowww
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
"Sharia Law, It's not unreasonable once you learn the details.. according to Linda Sarsours."

What details is she speaking of? Cause the ones you mentioned sound down right horrific.

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Happy reading. It kind of makes your head spin.

This is Shi'a Sharia law, what is practiced in Iran and other Shi'a communities. But the Sharia has the same foundations in both Sunni and Shi'a jurisprudence (Quran and Sunnah).

Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
I'm not against Muslims, but I'm sure theres people who are privileged enough to live outside of the middle east and be a more modern relaxed Muslim, that see how outdated the religion is and how women are reduced to almost nothing..

Why can't they move forward!!! They didn't all used to be this way
It's a sect of Islam. Just like how Christianity has various sects, some more strict than others.

I had to do a project on Islam in my religion class and tbh, it actually had mad respect for women. None of this insane extremism that you see. But I was also reading it as is and not twisting interpretation either. My partner was also surprised too. "Wow, they really aren't as horrible as everyone makes them out to be.."

Leave it to the extreme asshats to do this shit. They're basically the equivalent of the Westboro Baptist nuts.
I was thinking more like the Polygamist Mormons lol..

Yeah I know it's the extremist... of course it's not everyone, I never thought they were horrible... only that the men were assholes.. I've always thought that even as a child..

What kind of man would force his to do this or not to do this..

As I got older I didn't question it much.. I just think some countries are extremely backwards and having religion and politics/laws mix just makes everything worse.

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I lived in probably one of the most practiced Muslim communities in the USA...right outside D.C. And I kid you not, my ex Muslim bf had married his best friend sister(arranged) and wanted me as his second wife lol. Yes, This ideology is right around the corner from each Mosque you see.
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by leowww
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
"Sharia Law, It's not unreasonable once you learn the details.. according to Linda Sarsours."

What details is she speaking of? Cause the ones you mentioned sound down right horrific.

Happy reading. It kind of makes your head spin.

This is Shi'a Sharia law, what is practiced in Iran and other Shi'a communities. But the Sharia has the same foundations in both Sunni and ShI'a jurisprudence (Quran and Sunnah).

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True... my knowledge is mostly on the Sunni
Tweets from yours truly, woman's March organizer and pro Sharia Law, Linda Sarsours.

Notice how she tries to manipulate the mentally retarded. Straight Evil!

Prime example!!!!

User Submitted Image

User Submitted Image

How about interest free loans? In exchange for your woman rights? Win win. But Cmon... its interst free loans..

User Submitted Image

She has an issue with anti Sharia lady and a woman who got her clit chopped off and now opposes sharia law.

User Submitted Image
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by leowww
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
"Sharia Law, It's not unreasonable once you learn the details.. according to Linda Sarsours."

What details is she speaking of? Cause the ones you mentioned sound down right horrific.

Happy reading. It kind of makes your head spin.

This is Shi'a Sharia law, what is practiced in Iran and other Shi'a communities. But the Sharia has the same foundations in both Sunni and ShI'a jurisprudence (Quran and Sunnah).

True... my knowledge is mostly on the Sunni
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There isn't much online as far as Shia authorized

ahadith. Not sure if it's because Shi'a is more insular than Sunni or because they aren't as large a population. I could never debate with a Shi'a because I had no access to their books and they reject all the authorized Sunni works.

Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
I'm not against Muslims, but I'm sure theres people who are privileged enough to live outside of the middle east and be a more modern relaxed Muslim, that see how outdated the religion is and how women are reduced to almost nothing..

Why can't they move forward!!! They didn't all used to be this way
It's a sect of Islam. Just like how Christianity has various sects, some more strict than others.

I had to do a project on Islam in my religion class and tbh, it actually had mad respect for women. None of this insane extremism that you see. But I was also reading it as is and not twisting interpretation either. My partner was also surprised too. "Wow, they really aren't as horrible as everyone makes them out to be.."

Leave it to the extreme asshats to do this shit. They're basically the equivalent of the Westboro Baptist nuts.
I was thinking more like the Polygamist Mormons lol..

Yeah I know it's the extremist... of course it's not everyone, I never thought they were horrible... only that the men were assholes.. I've always thought that even as a child..

What kind of man would force his to do this or not to do this..

As I got older I didn't question it much.. I just think some countries are extremely backwards and having religion and politics/laws mix just makes everything worse.

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Islam is scarry because its life altering... I believe they already have this Dearborn MI but anyway... they want to implement Sharia Law and put up loud speakers so they can have the call to prayer 5 times a day... imagine being woken 4am or 5am in the morning every day for that... and then they will insist all women cover themselves because if you don't the men can't resist and you may get raped. That's just some of the ideology... there's more...also, because then men can't be trusted not to assault women you will not be able to leave your house without a male shaperone.., you see how this is all woven together? If you are raised in this belief you think, ok well I have to do this so I won't get raped... so I will be protected.
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
Tweets from yours truly, woman's March organizer and pro Sharia Law, Linda Sarsours.

Notice how she tries to manipulate the mentally retarded. Straight Evil!

Prime example!!!!

User Submitted Image

User Submitted Image

How about interest free loans? In exchange for your woman rights? Win win. But Cmon... its interst free loans..

User Submitted Image

She has an issue with anti Sharia lady and a woman who got her clit chopped off and now opposes sharia law.

User Submitted Image
She looks evil
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Oh shit the ignorance in this thread is mind boggling.

Like 95% of the women who protested even know who Linda whatever her name is.

Most of those marches were expected to have less then 10k, they broke the record in every city.

Ppl are furious
This is the upsetting part.

But they should, she was there and spoke during it. All her twitter followers are everyday neo feminists

You're marching for your rights, yet ironically theres a chick in charge trying to advocate rights away from other women.

Do you agree with Linda?

Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
Tweets from yours truly, woman's March organizer and pro Sharia Law, Linda Sarsours.

Notice how she tries to manipulate the mentally retarded. Straight Evil!


How about interest free loans? In exchange for your woman rights? Win win. But Cmon... its interst free loans..

She has an issue with anti Sharia lady and a woman who got her clit chopped off and now opposes sharia law.

The ONLY reason they can afford to pay 10 wks of maternity leave is the oil. And because the oil prices have dropped so low, the government is starting to pull back entitlements. Most of the Saudis actually get paid by the government from oil sales, and they don't have to work. They use slave labor from 3rd world to do all that.

As far as usery is concerned, Sharia compliant loans are a joke from what I've heard. Not to mention completely unsustainable on a large scale without subsidies.

Posted by sultrykitty
I posted this to my FB a week or so ago. What Egyptians in Egypt were saying and thinking while watching the Women's March and the days after the inauguration.:

Edited to correct the country
Oh my god...
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Lol ya we're going to have sharia law in America.

Nope, that plan got Trumped ?
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Oh shit the ignorance in this thread is mind boggling.

Like 95% of the women who protested even know who Linda whatever her name is.

Most of those marches were expected to have less then 10k, they broke the record in every city.

Ppl are furious
This is the upsetting part.

But they should, she was there and spoke during it. All her twitter followers are everyday neo feminists

You're marching for your rights, yet ironically theres a chick in charge trying to advocate rights away from other women.

Do you agree with Linda?

Dude who cares what 1 woman thinks. There were at least 500,000 women.

I'm sure not everyone thinks alike or should

If what you write is true which I know it isn't because conservative media likes fear mongering

I don't care for sharia law or Islam. But I respect how they live just don't bother me with the bs

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It's about the motive and representation of the March... like lambs to the slaughter house. Fortunately for everyone we have a leader who doesn't care if he has haters to do what needs to be done.
Posted by leowww
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by leowww
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
"Sharia Law, It's not unreasonable once you learn the details.. according to Linda Sarsours."

What details is she speaking of? Cause the ones you mentioned sound down right horrific.

Not unreasonable... meaning as long as you follow the Hadith and Shara law. Be a good Muslim woman and keep your head and body covered. Depending upon region, some laws are more enforced or strict then others. Basics are you pray 5 times a day, stay covered, no alcohol, obey your husband and never look at another man.
5 times a day..... Damn.

No alcohol...Straight Face... OBEY your husband ??? ???

So a different branch of horrific... Nice.

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Well this is just the moderate... there are levels lol ?
Posted by DivaCanLeo
I thought white men were stupid but their other half are just as dumb.

I'm out
You clearly can't handle the truth ??
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Lol ya we're going to have sharia law in America.

Nope, that plan got Trumped ?
Jfc you believe that unicorns exist too
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Have fun eating sand
Posted by Vageenka
I'm just going to leave this here.

Beautiful girl exposing the women's march.

The women's March was ridiculous. Idiot women wearing stupid hats for what?
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by DivaCanLeo
I thought white men were stupid but their other half are just as dumb.

I'm out
You clearly can't handle the truth ??
What truth. This is all bs. You're making something out of nothing getting played by conservative media.

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If it's really nothing then why are major power players so invested in this? Why even bother coordinating a March? No, I'm tired of being silent people need to hear the truth.
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Lol ya we're going to have sharia law in America.

Nope, that plan got Trumped ?
Jfc you believe that unicorns exist too
Have fun eating sand
Okay that's racist.

Wtf is wrong with you?

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Haha I figured you might take it that way but I meant you have your head in the sand.
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by HarleyTwinFlame
Tweets from yours truly, woman's March organizer and pro Sharia Law, Linda Sarsours.

Notice how she tries to manipulate the mentally retarded. Straight Evil!


How about interest free loans? In exchange for your woman rights? Win win. But Cmon... its interst free loans..

She has an issue with anti Sharia lady and a woman who got her clit chopped off and now opposes sharia law.

The ONLY reason they can afford to pay 10 wks of maternity leave is the oil. And because the oil prices have dropped so low, the government is starting to pull back entitlements. Most of the Saudis actually get paid by the government from oil sales, and they don't have to work. They use slave labor from 3rd world to do all that.

As far as usery is concerned, Sharia compliant loans are a joke from what I've heard. Not to mention completely unsustainable on a large scale without subsidies.

You're joking right. We can as Americans afford 10 wks of maternal care if we wanted too. We're trillions dollar economy.


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And 20 Trillions in debt already.

But. Donald Trump does want to make paid maternity leave mandatory, and to extend that to fathers as well.

Also a program to make possible workplace childcare, and tax deductions for elder care.

Posted by DivaCanLeo
Im really shocked so this is the real moonbutter.

Damn. Smh. Lost in the sauce.

Not lost. But yes I will fight for my beliefs if it means the betterment for everyone else.
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by Vageenka
I'm just going to leave this here.

Beautiful girl exposing the women's march.

The women's March was ridiculous. Idiot women wearing stupid hats for what?

It just goes to show you the impact that social media has...

No one bothered to educate themselves on the women's march but just went along with it because of what they heard or because they wanted to riot.

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Unfortunately why the Millennials are such easy targets... using our advancement in technology for evil purposes and agendas.
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by DivaCanLeo
I thought white men were stupid but their other half are just as dumb.

I'm out
You clearly can't handle the truth ??
What truth. This is all bs. You're making something out of nothing getting played by conservative media.

If it's really nothing then why are major power players so invested in this? Why even bother coordinating a March? No, I'm tired of being silent people need to hear the truth.
Does it matter who the big players are. In the end women marched cause they hate trump.

They weren't convinced to go. Lol

Most people sent last minute like fuk this sheet

They don't care about the politics behind it.

This was a Fuk you die trump march lol

And you're going to see a lot more

So keep on crying snowflake

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One, I'm not crying, two I'm not a snowflake, three, I thought you were leaving this convo?
Posted by cvurko
I gotta point out that the ideology of 1-10 people leading a march or some kind of organized manifestation does not mean that the ideology of the majority is the same. People gathered with the idea to defend women's rights, thats all.
I don't think anyone's denying that, but a) it wasn't organic, and b) do they like being used as pawns?

Posted by cvurko
I gotta point out that the ideology of 1-10 people leading a march or some kind of organized manifestation does not mean that the ideology of the majority is the same. People gathered with the idea to defend women's rights, thats all.
True, but it's the message and impact sent all over the world watching this. What does it say when 1,000s of women all over follow a well- known supporter of Sharia Law? What do you think the real oppressed women of Sharia Law are thinking?
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by cvurko
I gotta point out that the ideology of 1-10 people leading a march or some kind of organized manifestation does not mean that the ideology of the majority is the same. People gathered with the idea to defend women's rights, thats all.
And because they hate Trump and president bannon
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Well you know what? Most teens hate their parents too but sometimes adults have to do what's best for you whether you like it or not.
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by cvurko
I gotta point out that the ideology of 1-10 people leading a march or some kind of organized manifestation does not mean that the ideology of the majority is the same. People gathered with the idea to defend women's rights, thats all.
I don't think anyone's denying that, but a) it wasn't organic, and b) do they like being used as pawns?

Oh yes they're pawns. For going and demanding something different. They should just stay home and knit like any old good woman

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Demanding something different like what?
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by cvurko
I gotta point out that the ideology of 1-10 people leading a march or some kind of organized manifestation does not mean that the ideology of the majority is the same. People gathered with the idea to defend women's rights, thats all.
I don't think anyone's denying that, but a) it wasn't organic, and b) do they like being used as pawns?

Oh yes they're pawns. For going and demanding something different. They should just stay home and knit like any old good woman

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Well, you got different. Not saying you're gonna like it tho. Big Grin

Posted by cvurko
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by cvurko
I gotta point out that the ideology of 1-10 people leading a march or some kind of organized manifestation does not mean that the ideology of the majority is the same. People gathered with the idea to defend women's rights, thats all.
I don't think anyone's denying that, but a) it wasn't organic, and b) do they like being used as pawns?

Didnt read the whole thread, sorry.

The masses will always be used as pawns. There will always be someone organizing them and its natural that people dont know the full information. Nothing strange or pitty about that. Just what it is. What's important is that people are active and gathering. There are countries in which the population is angry but so demotivated and repressed that nobody is ready to go out and express his views. Appreciate that.
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Just like Beyonce's song Formation...
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by cvurko
I gotta point out that the ideology of 1-10 people leading a march or some kind of organized manifestation does not mean that the ideology of the majority is the same. People gathered with the idea to defend women's rights, thats all.
I don't think anyone's denying that, but a) it wasn't organic, and b) do they like being used as pawns?

Oh yes they're pawns. For going and demanding something different. They should just stay home and knit like any old good woman

Well, you got different. Not saying you're gonna like it tho. Big Grin

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Right? I think they wanted more of the same so they could run rampant with no consequences