Posted by Gabzor
Tauruses are lazy... maybe he doesn't know what to send you? ldr's are tough though
Posted by NevermorePosted by Gabzor
Tauruses are lazy... maybe he doesn't know what to send you? ldr's are tough though
Even though he doesn't know what to send you, there's a way to find out about her.
Taurus are detectives when it comes to find the way of their interest to give a gift to someone they loved or cared about.
This kind of behavior is not that they are lazy, he just don't have an interest with OP nor even plans to spend out on her.
Unless he's getting spoiled from her that she's constantly giving him a gifts (Aka getting advantages of her) and I have no freaking idea how long they have been to expand
Posted by NevermorePosted by Double_trouble_29Posted by NevermorePosted by Gabzor
Tauruses are lazy... maybe he doesn't know what to send you? ldr's are tough though
Even though he doesn't know what to send you, there's a way to find out about her.
Taurus are detectives when it comes to find the way of their interest to give a gift to someone they loved or cared about.
This kind of behavior is not that they are lazy, he just don't have an interest with OP nor even plans to spend out on her.
Unless he's getting spoiled from her that she's constantly giving him a gifts (Aka getting advantages of her) and I have no freaking idea how long they have been together.
It has been almost 11 months.
Yes, whenever he pulls the:
"I am too lazy for all the mushy stuff" and
"I have *said" I love you" and
"I am new to ldr and dont know how to make you feel special" and
"I am just not a conventional boyfriend and am not a mushy person"
cards , I always tell him that if I can be creative in making our relationship work then he can too.
His closest colleague is also in an ldr and he actually pampers his girfriend like anything, professing his love to the whole world, putting mushy statuses on facebook, putting her picture as his cover picture and all that.
11 months and like this? Even though he claims he's "new" to LDR and "Not a mushy person"?
It's clearly shown that he does not have interest with relationship at all. No matter of how much all your hard work with him, but none a return?
If he puts some effort too with you, it shown that he has a interest and time to have for his gf. I mean, even he should've be effort to seeing you too irl.
So something of him that he's not ready for having some relationship with.
His closest colleague shown his true love with his own LDR. I even bet he gives her a gift to expand
Posted by Impulsv
Then why waste time of he's not interested?
Are they just followers n are there because it's there ?
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I'm a Taurus sun with a cancer mars........... I will make an effort, I mean a huge effort, if I think you are worth it. While this could be the 2 of you not speaking the same love language, trying to be positive, it reads more like he's just not that into you and keeping you on a string. Fall back and see if he actually even notices.
Posted by Double_trouble_29Posted by TaurusinTexas
I'm a Taurus sun with a cancer mars........... I will make an effort, I mean a huge effort, if I think you are worth it. While this could be the 2 of you not speaking the same love language, trying to be positive, it reads more like he's just not that into you and keeping you on a string. Fall back and see if he actually even notices.
When I fall back, he bombards with texts (never calls).
And we fight/breakup every week over this issue (me being unhappy because he doesnt make efforts)
And he comes up with excuse for not making efforts that "I do not make efforts because you breakup every week so I cannot trust you".
He has said clearly, many times , that he will love me as long as I love him.
click to expand
Posted by TaurusinTexasPosted by Double_trouble_29Posted by TaurusinTexas
I'm a Taurus sun with a cancer mars........... I will make an effort, I mean a huge effort, if I think you are worth it. While this could be the 2 of you not speaking the same love language, trying to be positive, it reads more like he's just not that into you and keeping you on a string. Fall back and see if he actually even notices.
When I fall back, he bombards with texts (never calls).
And we fight/breakup every week over this issue (me being unhappy because he doesnt make efforts)
And he comes up with excuse for not making efforts that "I do not make efforts because you breakup every week so I cannot trust you".
He has said clearly, many times , that he will love me as long as I love him.
Any relationship that involves fighting every week and this rollercoaster of break up, back together stuff - no way, I wouldn't want that drama in my life. For me this is a legit excuse:
"And he comes up with excuse for not making efforts that "I do not make efforts because you breakup every week so I cannot trust you".
I have a really hard time trusting someone once they've done this just once, you do it all the time and I would be checked out too.
You might have said this earlier, but what is your sun/mars/moon sign? And what is his moon?click to expand
Posted by TaurusinTexas
It got cut off:
Well I'm a Scorpio moon and if he is too - STOP breaking up with him all the time, I'm amazed he's hung on this long. That kind of emotional turmoil would tear me apart, I would have retreated so far by this point, (cancer mars retreats, Scorpio moons love deeply, we have to protect ourselves and won't share until we are sure of you) my Taurus stubbornness/pride would have kicked in as a protection mechanism and we would be done. Also, when I was younger, I might have emotionally withdrawn but kept you on the string, for ego and to maybe make you pay a bit for hurting me - not saying he's doing this, just sharing my own character weakness that I had to work on.
Honestly what are you hoping to get from the roller coaster of break ups/make ups? It clearly hasn't worked thus far, so why keep putting you both thru it? If you want this to work, you need to build trust and show yourself as someone that will hang in there when the going gets tough - because it gets tough in relationships, right now you're showing yourself as someone that when she doesn't get her way, leaves, but doesn't really leave, just threatens to leave, even worse, you're wishy washy.
You need to decide, if this man can't love you in the way that makes you feel loved, can you live with that? Life is too short to be unhappy.
Posted by ElleDuMonde
Are you sure you want this? Because it's likely he is the same in person and when you do end up meeting.
Posted by Double_trouble_29Posted by TaurusinTexas
It got cut off:
Well I'm a Scorpio moon and if he is too - STOP breaking up with him all the time, I'm amazed he's hung on this long. That kind of emotional turmoil would tear me apart, I would have retreated so far by this point, (cancer mars retreats, Scorpio moons love deeply, we have to protect ourselves and won't share until we are sure of you) my Taurus stubbornness/pride would have kicked in as a protection mechanism and we would be done. Also, when I was younger, I might have emotionally withdrawn but kept you on the string, for ego and to maybe make you pay a bit for hurting me - not saying he's doing this, just sharing my own character weakness that I had to work on.
Honestly what are you hoping to get from the roller coaster of break ups/make ups? It clearly hasn't worked thus far, so why keep putting you both thru it? If you want this to work, you need to build trust and show yourself as someone that will hang in there when the going gets tough - because it gets tough in relationships, right now you're showing yourself as someone that when she doesn't get her way, leaves, but doesn't really leave, just threatens to leave, even worse, you're wishy washy.
You need to decide, if this man can't love you in the way that makes you feel loved, can you live with that? Life is too short to be unhappy.
Well, after one such breakup he told me once that he is really enraged at me.
And my surprise too is that everytime I try to back off and break up, he gets all whiny and clingy. I even threatened to go out with another guy (who asked me out) because I really wasnt being valued.
He still somehow gets me back by promising security and love.
It gives me hope that somehow we will make this work out. But with every break up the possibility seems dim.
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Posted by ElleDuMondePosted by Double_trouble_29Posted by ElleDuMonde
Are you sure you want this? Because it's likely he is the same in person and when you do end up meeting.
I am willing to put in the efforts. But when I do put those efforts (by not complaining and exiting) , even then he doesnt respond. And that is when my patience gives up.
I wasn't implying that you weren't. I was asking what you want....and what happens if this is just his nature and doesn't align with those to expand
Posted by ElleDuMonde
You are comparing your relationship with are forcing him to say stuff he doesn't mean just to appease you....
When bottom line don't even know what you want to begin with.
Posted by ElleDuMonde
What if he is?
Then what?
Posted by ElleDuMonde
Have you guys met in person?
Posted by Double_trouble_29Posted by ElleDuMonde
What if he is?
Then what?
Then he should just stop reeling me back in everytime i try to distance myself.
He shouldnt say the constant "I love you" s and "we will get married and have children one day" to expand
Posted by ElleDuMonde
Why did you put it in quotes?
Posted by brandyp
In my experience, when a Taurus male wants a woman or is in love he goes after that person. If he is not making an effort that is not a good sign. My Taurus brother is in a ldr with a Taurus girl and he is always flying to see he and taking her out and giving her so much support. I think the lazy thing is just a cop out. You cant be too lazy to maintain your relationship with your s/o. You should stop the on and off thing and just break it off, and unless he makes the effort to keep you in his life you should keep it off. That's what I would do.
Posted by lnana04Posted by Double_trouble_29Posted by ElleDuMonde
What if he is?
Then what?
Then he should just stop reeling me back in everytime i try to distance myself.
He shouldnt say the constant "I love you" s and "we will get married and have children one day" crap.
He may possibly never stopped reeling you back in. You may have to be the one to cut it off. He is comfortable here...approached by you, getting gifts, constant reassurance.
You are the uncomfortable one. Why wouldn't he want to keep you where you are? It's all benifitting to expand