Fish and Sea Goat... Your take on a relationship?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Brandonium on Friday, February 21, 2014 and has 11 replies.
So like the title says.. Pisces (M) and Capricorn (F). What's make or break between the two? Are there real life experiences between these two signs on this forum?
My sisters Cap friend is engaged to a Pisces. I have yet to meet him, but they've been going pretty strong. She was at her wits end at one point, just from being tired of supporting him for so long. It took a while(nearly 4yrs) for him to find employment. Just from hearing the stories, I felt that once he found work he would leave...just from not having that type of responsibilty for so long, but he's been carrying his weight and things are good, from what I hear. I think they've been together for like 5yrs now. My mom met him for the first time a few weeks ago and said they are an extremely cute couple and was cuddled up the whole time. They work as a team, and are the couple that ALL of their friends depend on. She's a petite little thing, but is very very very protective of him.
Never been with a Pisces, but I could see how or why a Cap would like one. I worked with one, and his confidence and just how genuine and sweet he was was very attractive. Id even laugh at all the white lies he'd tell, although I'm sure I couldn't take it if we dated. I tend to scare guys off, but he didn't pay my energy any mind, and I liked that. Very comfortable in his own skin, and smart. I notice most Pisces are smart. He'd stare deep into my eyes, looking for something...Idk what, but he was just refreshing to be around.
Wish I had more to share, but I don't.
When you say lack of contribution to your family do you mind being a little more specific? I am just curious. Are we speaking about kids or more along the lines of household work, finances, pets, etc? Or are we speaking to him not putting forth the effort to spend time with your family, etc?
I'm typically present in relationships but the partner has to understand a few things. One of them being that I'm introverted so I need my own time. If I am not provided my own down time for recharge things start turning ugly as I am less able to cope with things. My typical patience turns to short fuse!
Posted by Infinite8
Posted by cheekyfaerie
We were great at play time together, but I began to resent him for his lack of contribution to our family. The longer it went on, the more that resentment built. It made me not a very nice person to be around so that wedge became mutual. We're friendly now, but he's just as unambitious as he ever was.
My advice is to be mindful to contribute... to be present. It's never gonna be 50/50, but 80/20 doesn't fly for very long.

^^^^This is so true! Especially the part where you say it's a 80/20 contribution distribution.
Pisces (m) with Capricorn (f) is actually a very frequent connection. I know 4 couples that are P(M) & C(F)... and the only thing that is consistent is that 80/20 of contribution. Caps(f) did 80% of the work and started resenting.
Out of 4 couples:
3 Caps cheated
2 Pisces were addicted to going to strip clubs every work day. (Those two also cheated)
1 Divorced (they're the ones where both cheated)
Last couple is about to get married... but I can see her getting the itch to cheat too (similar behavior from other three Caps(f). She does everything for him.
None of these couples had volatile relationships. When they are together, they actually look very civilized and affectionate. But Cap(f) do have an energy of resentment and exhaustion and the Pisces look either spoiled or unsatisfied.
That's just from the couples I know. There might be some other couples with this combo that have more positive outcomes....

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Well dang smh. We all have similar stories of it being 80/20.
Caps, unfortunately, can be huge enablers I'm starting to realize.
Well, I have been single all of my life and everything that I have I have worked hard for. Definitely do not see myself as a stay-at-home dad, or someone to ride on the wave of success from others. I'm well aware that I can be dreamy at times and whereas a Cappy can focus on one singular project I tend to float between projects. Is either one wrong?
I've never been a fan of being made to feel inadequate due to being a Pisces male but many try...and fail.
I work hard to seek out common interests and I do love to contribute if I am into the person. If I am though watch out because as long as that person isn't overly critical of my signs attributes I contribute quite a bit. I think some of this comes from being independent so long. I can see a Pisces who might have been raised differently falling into a lazy, spoiled and sloppy life style . I think some of that boils down to poor character.
I'm into modern architecture, film photography, classic cars, vinyl albums, travel, pets... Never had used drugs and have been to a strip club once. Some might say I am too straight laced?
The Cap that I am dating is somewhat expressive at times with her emotions but not on the level that I am.. I can be overly expressive! Also, she is ok with not communicating for a bit as she is focused on work..something I am working on training my Piscean nature not to freak out over. When she is with me in person she is funny, gives me shit constantly which is her way of showing affection. but I can return it!
She is slow to break down the walls but as I understand it Cappys are that way..and worth it.
I keep thinking back on this 80/20 rule because I'd hope that someone would call me out on it before just chalking it up as another undateable Pisces. smile
Worst sign I have ever dates was Aries. I have to say never but, I really hope I never come across another one relationship wise, ever!
I'm quite fond of my growing relationship with my current girl!
Also, I think some of this can fall under awareness.. I like to know where I go wrong so I can correct. I am big on communication as long as it isn't demeaning or aggressive.
Posted by Infinite8
Posted by cheekyfaerie
We were great at play time together, but I began to resent him for his lack of contribution to our family. The longer it went on, the more that resentment built. It made me not a very nice person to be around so that wedge became mutual. We're friendly now, but he's just as unambitious as he ever was.
My advice is to be mindful to contribute... to be present. It's never gonna be 50/50, but 80/20 doesn't fly for very long.

^^^^This is so true! Especially the part where you say it's a 80/20 contribution distribution.
Pisces (m) with Capricorn (f) is actually a very frequent connection. I know 4 couples that are P(M) & C(F)... and the only thing that is consistent is that 80/20 of contribution. Caps(f) did 80% of the work and started resenting.
Out of 4 couples:
3 Caps cheated
2 Pisces were addicted to going to strip clubs every work day. (Those two also cheated)
1 Divorced (they're the ones where both cheated)
Last couple is about to get married... but I can see her getting the itch to cheat too (similar behavior from other three Caps(f). She does everything for him.
None of these couples had volatile relationships. When they are together, they actually look very civilized and affectionate. But Cap(f) do have an energy of resentment and exhaustion and the Pisces look either spoiled or unsatisfied.
That's just from the couples I know. There might be some other couples with this combo that have more positive outcomes....

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Basically it's all about "equality" for you all? Weighing it all in, like scales where if they don't do much for me, what's the point?
So just so I am clear, the Cap wouldn't communicate the frustration being experienced, take over the task then resent the Pisces? I can't see that working with any sign. If there are problems and it isn't communicated or discussed but assumed, well we're both made the ass. Winking
I believe the CAP also has the responsibility of understanding the sign she is paired with because it's a two way street.
I'm working hard to understand the CAP because this is my first relationship with one.
I am a cappy woman and whenever a man approaches me I learn sooner or later that he is a pisces. But I have never had a log term relationship with one (had a long family life with a Sag) and will probably never have children with one (that part is done). I think they gravitate towards grounded and strong women. All the pisces I have been attracted to have had Aries venus, and I have much Scorpio in my chart. So I think there must be some element balance in this couple, otherwise a Pisces with other planets in Pisces and a Cap with no water at all - it could end exactly like some of the above posters described... cheating and resentment. Pisces men are very sweet and provide emotional nourishment and safety a Cap woman needs, while she grounds them quietly. Give me a pisces any time Tongue
Posted by CluelessCancer
You couldn't pay me to be with a Pisces man.

im 100% sure you'd be with ANYBODY if they gave you what you so desperately need...which is attention
I'm beginning to think I do best with Earth signs. It's not that I cannot be with other signs, it's just harder for both of us. Earth signs tend to give me a comfort, a push and the uniqueness that I crave. I can remember many discussions where when someone found out I was a Pisces is was like saying I had emotional leprosy.. Before I knew who I was, and was comfortable being in my on skin I used to take this to heart. I think we are misunderstood or often times people don't have the patience or willingness to figure us out. I agree, we all have our quirks..
Look at earth signs.. SLOW movers. I'm astounded as the slowness of relationships with them. I thought I was slow but I feel like the hare when dating one. smile
Posted by DAMEN VI
Posted by CluelessCancer
You couldn't pay me to be with a Pisces man.

im 100% sure you'd be with ANYBODY if they gave you what you so desperately need...which is attention
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