Leo female, Gemini male?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by leoliss on Thursday, December 7, 2006 and has 33 replies.
I'm a Leo girl, I recently met a Gemini guy who I felt an instant spark with... and of course, sexual attraction. Does anyone have any experience with a leo/gemini relationship?
I have found Leo's and Gemini's to be a very good match. Course like all couples, you will have your issues and you have to keep in mind, Gemini's are incorrigible flirts. It's just part of their nature. They tease women, children.. members of there own sex even sometimes. It's fun and harmless to them. However I have noticed once they are completely taken with someone (and ready to settle down.. they are like the Sagi in this sense) they are completely 100% loyal to there partner. They will still flirt like before but they run like a marathon running if the person actually takes them up on their teasing.
It's actually a fabulous match. One of the better ones, go for if anything I will promise you will have a lot of fun. Just remember, just as you.. Gemini's need space and independence. So do not get offended if you are not included in every aspect of his life.
One of my best friends is married to a Leo woman.. I love how he dots and is with her in general. They have a very strong and loving relationship. He did however take 8 yr to propose to her!
my leo very dear friend is dating a gemini male....the number one issue...TRUST....although they are very compatible in terms of intellect and just being friends and lovers and mixing it all up in their leo and gemini combination....they have a hard time sometimes communicating and trusting each other but overall i think its a great match...although i love fire and air together!!!!!!
*It sucks he will completly deceive you and you will be left fazed
Kinda have to agree with that one......was totally in love with my gemini for 6 years and OMG could he lie and deceive.....at the end I don't even think he knew when he was lying anymore. Otherwise though, we had a great attraction to one another....its just the 2 people in 1 I couldn't take anymore...one would be saying one thing, the other would be acting out a different thing.
I'm a Leo woman dating (if you can call it that) a Gemini man... The sexual chemistry is AMAZING but I don't know about the rest of it. I'm so trusting and he's got me going a million different ways at once.. Never know what he's really thinking. He jumps from place to place and I don't know where I stand or if I stand anywhere at all. He's totally got my heart; I can't stop thinking about him and I care so much but I don't know where it's going if anywhere...We hardly ever see each other and just when I'm about to give up on it, he'll swoop in and carry me right back to him. It's kind of cute; he gets jealous if I talk to other guys but he doesn't have time for me. Do Gemini guys usually lie? Can they be honest and committed? What does his behavior show me? I don't know whether to give up or trust in him and hope for the best.
WOW I was thinking of trying a Gemini Man, but I am scared because from what I heard they have no emotions which sometimes we can be soft and pink and need that...I could not stomach to think I am uncared for or ignored altogether. I am not clingy but I can be when I feel I am losing my position with someone I really care for and geminis are airy so i dunno....but like geminifox I hear its a very good match....
Straight up now tell me, do you really wanna love me forever? Or am I caught in a hit and run?
I really appreciate all the viewpoints on this page. I am a gemini man, 36 and exhausted from being a gemini. I am dating a 25 year old leo princess. There is one thing I can confirm, I love being affectionate to her, and I find I give her sincere compliments and declarations of love. We do have our issues as most relationships do, but I find that once I get to my heart of hearts, we are able to find each other spectacularly. I have been seeing my queen for 5 and a half months now, and really want and need a powerful partner to ground me. I have dated more airy signs before and fire signs and not found the depth of heart and mutual understanding I have with my girlfriend. We still have a lot to build together and I know she has a certain fixed idea of how to do it. I am still gently softening her to accepting viewpoints as a means to making future plans. My biggest concern is stability in employment. I am asking other leo woman out there with long term commitment from their gemini men what they would suggest. I am weary of losing her because of my inconsistency. She has come to mean that much to me. Please stay positive though in your advise, I believe in this woman like you would not understand. I will move heaven and earth to keep my lioness happy.
Kind Regards to all
PL! Exceptionally well put! Can someone tell this to my GEM-MALE40/LEO-ME38? I adore him! When he's on he's right on! But when he's off, damn he's in another country!
It's funny because I just sent him a txt last week about being HOT/COLD & Jekyl/Hyde. He didn't like it and said it can't be all about me ALL THE TIME! I simply responded, yes it is ask my Dad? I don't like that side of him, but he's worth it; I just don't know if I could get use to that!!! I Roar-well maybe meow, he apologizes and we move on...
Just listen to her when she says when she's feeling you're not being your charming self.
Gemini - Leo makes a 3-11 vibration. 3-11 vibrations are supposed to be about karmic debt. It is a fated union that is often difficult to resist due to the past life connection between them. It is a relationship that may require great sacrifice or difficulty to achieve a great reward.
I'm a Gemini female who just started a friendship/possible romance with a Leo Male. I've been crazy attracted to him for 2 years now. He is a co-worker. I didn't act on my feelings towards the Leo for so long due to already being in a relationship. Once I decided my relationship was hopeless, I decided to go for it with the Leo.
I met the Leo earlier this week and told him my feelings for him. He asked about my b/f and I told him that it was over. He said he would be willing to hang out and see what would happen. We talked about getting together later in the week. He hugged me goodbye and I told him that made me want to kiss him, and so we did Winking Then I saw him at work and we set up definitive plans for last night. I invited the Leo along to go to my friend's campsite and watch the fireworks with myself and my daughter.
The now ex b/f, who is a Pisces male, is not accepting our break-up well. Apparently the Pisces decided to go and have a little talk w/ the Leo. He said he was concerned about this guy hanging around our child. I didn't realize the b/f had done this until I was at the campground w/ the Leo.
Now the Leo tells me that he wants to be friends, thinks I'm an amazing person, but has doubts that we could ever work out. Then I found out about the Pisces' "talk" with the Leo. I understood then why he was backing away and I couldn't really blame him. The Leo says he would really like to hang out with me though. He even offered to come and look at a rental that I'm going to look at, and offered help in moving and anything else he can help me with.
Last night during convo with the Leo, it came to me that a b/f in the past (my first love) may have been a Leo. This b/f and I dated on and off for 3 years. I've always regretted letting him go. He was the best man for me that I've ever had, but I was young and stupid. Next month will be 8 years that this b/f has been deceased. I couldn't remember this b/f's b-day. I found his death certificate and his b-day was August 14th, a Leo sure enough. The current Leo's b-day is August 13th.
I whole heartedly believe in the past life connection between me and these Leos. I realize I need to settle into a new living situation before I can really pursue this Leo. I need to figure out how to proceed with the Leo. He's too special for me to mess this one up. Any suggestions?
*Do Gemini guys usually lie?*
YES they are fabulous liars....I know too many deceptive male geminis to not say my peace...my father, my brother, my ex of 7 years, my boss, my ex boss and I have a few male gemini friends....they are/were all womanizers and OMG the lies??
Problem is Geminis aren't good at it because a good liar remembers what they said and lied about LOL.
They'll lie to get out of a lie if it means they dont get caught but little do they know how transparent they really are.
Other than that? a load of fun, gotta love their thirst for knowledge and they're definitely not couch potatoes....they love the social life which fits in very well with the fun loving Leo.
Leos are so very loyal but Geminis dont seem to be able to show the same
I was married to a Gemini and we were together for five years in total. He had a lot of Gemini - Sun, moon, venus, mars and I'm Leo Sun, moon venus, mars. There was an instant attraction and we fell in love very quickly. We were married within 10 months. Too fast in fact because I was so in love I failed to see what was there all along. He was self-centred beyong belief. He was horribly selfish with money - spent all of mine whilst shovelling his away in a secret bank account with his widowed old mother. Even told me once that I should only flush the loo after several No. 1's or after a No. 2 because I waste water!!!!! He was compulsively organised - I could write a book on his wardrobe, car, cupboards etc. - he even had mental checklists when locking the car...window, handbrake, window, lights....
And then the obsession with me - I couldn't even go to the hairdresser on my own!!! This obsession eventually earned him a court restraint once the divorce went through! He would take the Bible out of his wardrobe on a weekly basis and make me swear on it that I'm faithful - when that got too much I told him to do the same thing - he couldn't. Turned out he'd had two brief flings.
But none of this came close to the MIND-GAMES. A master of mind-games. Mind-games that have you in tears every morning of every day.
So yes I hear Geminis and Leos are a good match but personally I beg to differ. There were many similarities in my relationship before him - also a Gemini.
I could never mutilate my soul like that again - I completely side-step Gemini men now. Gemini females - BBF!! Love them!
OMG yes the mind games and the flings yet expecting complete and utter faithfulness? argghhh they were awful times.....7 years I did it.....never again, never ever again.
I had a demented Gemini, mixed with a fruit loop of a mother who finally committed suicide after threatening it almost every freaking day.....man they were awful people...so glad I finally got out smile
Having said that though, not all Geminis are screwed up....not everything has to do with stars and astrology, etc....if you find a good one, you're lucky coz they can indeed be the most thoughtful, generous and loving people around....I just got a bad egg
I had a demented Gemini, mixed with a fruit loop of a mother who finally committed suicide after threatening it almost every freaking day.....man they were awful people...so glad I finally got out
Ha - we have more in common than you thought. The mother was nuttier than the son!!! They had this sick symbiotic relationship and the mind games between the two were enough to make you vomit!! They loved each other more than anything or anyone and really were more of a married couple than mother and son, but yet they manipulated each other and used each other to the point of me eventually divorcing him. My reason's in the end for divorcing him were not him but his mother.
to leoliss
i had a relationship with a gemini an for me they just make better friends..at first thier really nice an u think u gotta match made in heaven but as you get closser to them and get to know them they seem like they sort of become distant or unnatached..even sort of shady in a way..thier always playing mind games with you..they dont like to hear the truth about themselves...an as a leo i jis felt like i could never get what i really wanted or needed from a gemini which was security and loyalty...but again that was just me...it could be different for you!!!
The mind games make you wake up every morning and vomit eventually.
I don't think most Leos take too well to this!!
I've made an attempt at dating a GEM, but I gave up after 9 months...Just for the mind games and somewhat controlling reasons. And I didn't fall for all the lines and crap he was feeding me, like he was probably used to. I took all the txt messages and comments lightly especially when they were sent just when he knew that I was going out for the evening WITH FRIENDS. I'm a very loyal person and I guess after a while I just started getting offensive.
I think everyone has some trust issues, but his was so obvious. I tried to ignore it...But it started getting on my nerve!!! I didn't think GEMs had trust issues, this may just be in my situation.
He's a nice guy, just not for me. Anyways, He and I have agreed that friendship is the best for both of us!
sounds EXACTLY like my ex...he couldnt stand it if I ever went out, and OMG without him??? no way, he'd sulk, he'd call, text and before going out, picking a fight. He of course could go out whenever...blah!!!
I wouldnt go there again
okay, im a Leo woman and i went out with a Gemini man for about 2yrs and it was the absolute worst relationship (if u can call it that) i have ever experienced. he manipulated me, and studied me for almost a whole yr be4 i finally gave in and he seduced me. he had an incredible act for waiting patiently and getting into my head. all he wanted was to steal my spirit. he sucked me dry and literally almost killed me emotionally, and just when i had enough he would turn into the perfect boyfriend reassuring me that he loved me. once i was back where he wanted me - it was back to mind games, manipulation, lies - which is enough to drain any spirit. it was abuse. this went on, and on - on a weekly basis for almost the whole relationship. y did i let it go on for so long? i was definitely under his spell. this was out of character for me. even though he was abusive - when i was ready to let go he could always turn back into this incredibly loving boyfriend and lure me back in. he manipulated my emotions and used sex to control me. Geminis have split personality's and love to feed and suck the energy right out of any vibrant personality like a Leo. however, the chemistry was intense and the love passionate, almost like an ecstasy. it was like a dream that quickly turned into a nightmare. even though the love or sex was passionate it was not worth the abuse. wat can i say to this day i cant believe what this one person did to me. it was a lesson learned. not saying all Geminis but they are definitely good manipulators and pretty deceitful people in general, and i know this cuz i know quite a few Geminis.
omg yes! that's typical of a Gemini too! he can do it, but u cant! they are such hypocrites
funny that this thread should resurface just as a gemini got done screwing me over! (no pun intended.)
i can relate to everything that the ladies on this thread have said actually. mind games galore and hypocritical as hell...so jealous i couldn't even talk to him about male friends. at first it's funny, but then it gets oldddd.
i doubt i'll ever find someone who is as good a match sexually for me as he was, but that's not a good enough reason to deal with all of the shee-ot. i've decided to get myself out before i get too far in.
i haven't talked to him in about a week and i'm not going to, except maybe a "happy birthday" text when it rolls around. the sad part is that it's obvious he really likes me, but is too fcked in the head to man up and make things right. such a shame.
gemini males are yucky!!
Wow. I do not fit these bad categories. Maybe its my matriarchal upbringing. My family would kick my ass if I wasn't chivalrous. Ho Hum.
hm. maybe it's my virgo moon, but i'm a leo and am not particularly attracted to geminis. we usually have nice sexual chemistry but it always subsides and i realize i only wanna be platonic friends with them. they tend to be a little too scatter-brained for my taste. don't get me wrong, we hit it off great but they seem to bring out my more reserved and introverted side rather than the socialite leo. plus, for some reason, all the geminis (other than my mom) i know are really promiscuous and that's a huge turn-off. no joke!
See, what you think as scatter-brained is actually genius. It seems that way to person always needing the spotlight. But, while the leo is looking for the attention. We are studying the surroundings. I'm a leo rising so I don't have anything bad to say about leos. Unless needing to be the center of the crowd is bad. Leos tend to not be deserving of the light they seek. And Gems see through that fallacy is all.
^^^ rofl
oh boy. i know what u mean. i felt that spark and sexual attraction with a gem before. just stau platonic friends. over time u'll notice that u could never trust him. every gem i know is oversexed. in fact, every one i know openly admits they are cheaters.
then again, what do i know? that's just my personal experience. go for it! have fun!
I'm a leo guy aged 15 completley head over heals for a gemini aged seventeen, he's fourteen months older (I think) I'm gay he's bi we went to the same school and were skiingin Boston. I've never EVER felt so strongly for anyone, I told him I liked him and he told me he didn't like me but rather than admit defeat I still tried to get him... He tells me one day I'm annoying, pushy, arrogant, and a tw@t! The guy broke my heart for months I can't stop thinking about him! He's amazing to be with and funny and we have so much in common. I think of him all day every day and obsess and worry over him, and every now and then he flirts with me, he says I'm cute and hot,and says he wants to see me n@ked etc! And breaks my heart further! I'm sick of his mind games, but I think he's worth it! Is he using me? Is he just being a flirty Gemini? I'm so in love with him I turn to our horoscope compatibilty to see if there is a small ray of hope he'll love me back! Our conversations are dry and yet he insisted we go out to the cinema and stuff together! He's confused me, i'm infatuated with him! I've never loved anyone until I met him! I just don't have a fcking clue what to do!! I feel like if we try talk he is annoyed Sad mmm I feel like I'm asking for advice on here but I guess I'm venting and hoping somebody will tell me what to do?!
Email johnmills258@ymail.com
What about how they get bored?! I haven't even went out with him? Let's say hypothetically we meet in person and he feels the sprak I feel... And then he gets bored and breaks up with me, maybe I'm being a dramatic leo here but, I hate to see the person I'll become, already my friends are worried about the mood swings I'm getting from him and how depressing I can be... Am I over thinking? I think the gemini leo relationship should work fantastically well short term, I'd imagine we'd be on and off :s
LOL...you should at LEAST have changed the writing style s a little. Thrown in a couple of misspelt words or something. Have fun, though.
heartbrokenleo - first off font ever give up! don't listen to friends when it's a matter of the heart. I'm an older Gemini man living with a younger Leo man. it's so hard at the start because we have trouble communicating. he's says on thing then does the other. my friends are worried about me but only here what I tell them. he does make me crazy and I'm sure I put him through it too! lol. I'm depressed after reading all these posts about how bad we Gemini are lol. but your post really enlightened me. you should message me do we can talk. I might be able to give you insight to the way I think. catch me at the right time cause both of my personalities keep me crazy lol jk. I consider myself a good person with a huge heart but my insecurities and my over-thinking really harms the situation. I believe people say and do things for a reason or that there is a thought process behind it but try not to read into too much early on and don't play games with him just be honest and upfront. re-assure him that you will never: 1. lie to him 2. cheat on him or 3. tease him. those are my big things in life and if you can convince him you are genuine and you gain his trust the rest is magical. I have looked and waited for years and it wasn't until I met this Leo that I have started "feeling" and "living" again. I have never loved anyone like I love this guy and I'm sure at some point ill loose my mind over him. we have so much energy and fun together that its scary. we spend about all out time together and have fun doing absolutely nothing. he's you and scared and I'm ALOT to deal with but when he's ready and has totally figured me out, I think we will be happy together. don't move in with him no matter what happens until you know where you stand lol just sayin. the unconditional love you can have for each other will superceed everything else, once you get there.